Worker Role vs Azure Batch - azure

We have a scenario for on prem to upload a bunch of pdf/tiffs then service on the cloud to process them. In the same time a queue is populated with metadata on processing instructions.
We are trying to decide if whether the worker role or the Azure Batch is the right choice for this. Our primary goal are,
need to scalable base on queue size
scale ramp up time need to be quick
of course cost is another factor

You should not use PaaS cloud services for new workloads. There are various options depending on the complexity of the processing you need to do. The following are likely better choices than Azure Batch: Azure Web Jobs, Virtual Machine Scale Sets. The first is easier to use, and is based on the Web Apps technology, while the second is the (preview) way to provide scale-out VMs.

PaaS cloud services are classic now, you can use webjobs with appservices. Another interesting option is AZURE STACK which is really good for hybrid cloud. refer this link AZURE STACK is really good for hybrid cloud, As if now it is in Technical preview.


Is it possible to see when my Azure Resources are idling?

I want to see when my resources are idling (e.g. certain resources might only be used during business hours and not used for any other background process). I'd like to do that preferably through an API call.
It would all depends on the type of resource and what you are wanting to do. You could use the Azure Monitor API or Azure Data Explorer API with Kusto to query out specific metrics for your different services. Depending on the type of data, this would require you to have more analytics enabled.
Here are some examples based on types of services.
Azure App Service - You could query for CPU, Memory, HTTP Requests, etc. This would give you an idea of activity. These same metrics tie into the auto-scaling.
Azure VMs - CPU, Memory, Disk IO, etc. You could determine your baseline then you would know when it is idle or not.
Azure Storage - Transactions, Ingress, Egress, Requests, etc. You could use that to determine if there is activity in your storage account.
As you can see it all depends on what you want to define as idling. If the goal is to reduce costs, then that will be difficult with many of these services. You could scale up and down your App Services with some scripts or scale in/out based on metrics. Same can be done with your Azure VMs, or using stopping and starting. Storage will not be able to be adjusted, but you are only charged for storage and egress so that is dictated by activity.
Hope this helps.
no, this is not possible. how do you define "idling"? how would azure know if your service does anything or not? besides, most of the PaaS resources cannot be stopped, so whats the use of that.
You can use Azure Advisor to get cost optimization advice, or Azure Monitor directly to gather performance data and then analyze it, but its not going to be trivial.

Azure function vs ASP.NET Core Worker Service?

How does a Azure function differ from a ASP.NET Core Worker Service?
Does both of these cover the same use cases?
How do I decide which one to use?
Azure function is designed for azure. So when you use azure, or other azure services which are integrated with azure function, you should consider azure function, which could simplify your code and logic by the built-in features of azure function. But it will also have charges for azure function. And yes, if you don't use azure, just use core worker services.
Azure function are totally different from ASP.NET Core Worker Service.
The benefit of Azure function is that it supports a lot of triggers like azure blob trigger / azure event hub trigger, and is integrated with other azure services.
With these built-in features, it's easy to create a proper azure function to complete a proper task. For example, if you upload an image to azure blob storage, and then want to resize the image, you can easily create a blob trigger azure function with less code.
Worker services are the perfect use case for any background processing. And if you want to operation some azure services like azure blob / azure event hub etc. you may achieve this but need to do a lot of work.
At last, it depends on your use case to choose which one should be used, and select the simple / efficient one.
I think the answer Fred was looking for is, why would someone use Azure functions over Core hosted service? And the answer isn't only because you have Azure account so everything is easy and integrated. It depends. I.e Traffic, cost, expertise, etc.
Actually, there are guidelines set by Microsoft when to use an Azure Functions versus let's say over a IHosted service running in a linux container hosted in AKS for example. and I'll post the link, but it's basically if your workload is mission critical or not. If you want the best performance, lowest cost, reliability a hosted dotnet core service running in Linux container would be an excellent alternative.
Here is the mission critical guidelines from Microsoft, hope this helps!
Design recommendations
Azure Functions:
Consider Azure Functions for simple business process scenarios which don't have the same stringent business requirements as business-critical system flows.
Low-critical scenarios can also be hosted as separate containers within AKS to drive consistency, provided affinity and anti-affinity requirements are fully considered when collocating containers on nodes.
Excerpt taken from here:

What kind of CPU power do I get with Azure App Service?

I'm interested in deploying CPU intensive web app to an Azure App Service instance. I can't find any details around CPU usage and/or limits for Azure app service. My concern is that not having insight into the CPU specs/limitations for my app will not allow me to plan on how to accurately plan the physical cloud-based infrastructure (using Azure app service).
My app will be using the OpenCV computer vision library to do heavy image processing, face detection, and face recognition with hundreds/thousands of high quality images. This is naturally a CPU-intensive process. In a traditional setting (or on-premise Virtual Machine setup), I would at least know the specs on the machine (I.E. cpu specs, etc).
In summary, my question is two-fold:
1) Why doesn't azure app service say anything about the CPUs inside of their PaaS (App Service) context? If they do, where can i learn more about CPU limitations for this?
2) In the context of my application, is my CPU-based question irrelevant? I do read online that certain Azure App Service tiers do auto-scaling (meaning load balancing across more servers for better performance). Will this be sufficient for my need where multiple end-users are processing many photos to do face detection and recognition?
Microsoft represent the performance of the a VM in terms of ACU ( There are limited number of VM's Available in Azure App Service plan.
App Service plan has both scale up and scale out option. Scale out can be done based on the different rules.
But always do remember that the application architecture will dictate how it will use the scale out option.
Note : I would suggest to use VM if it GPU or CPU intensive, as you will get more option.
As i know standard app service are running on A Series VM but based on the scenario that you explained i suggest you to go with Premium App Service Plan that runs on Dv2 VM's. Hope below article will help you out:
I Suggest you to check the app service overview link and it says what kind of VM is running on back end so you can cross check with the VM specs and you can find the CPU details there.
App Service Plan Overview
App Service Limitation
App Service Overview

Alternate to run window service in Azure cloud

We currently have a window service which send some notification emails to users after doing some processing on database(SQL database). Runs once in day.
We want to move this on azure cloud. One alternate is to put it on Azure VM as is. but I am finding some other best possible solution for that.
I study about recurring and on demand Web jobs but I am not sure is this is best solution.
Also is there any possibility to update configuration of service code in App.config without re-deploy the code of service on cloud. I means we can manage configuration from Azure portal.
Thanks in advance.
Update 11/4/2016
Since this was written, there are 2 additional features available in Azure that are both excellent choices depending on what functionality you need:
Azure Functions (which was based on the WebJobs described below): Serverless code that can be trigger/invoked in various ways, and has scaling support.
Azure Service Fabric: Microservice platform, with support for actor model, stateful and stateless services.
You've got 3 basic options:
Windows service running on VM
Cloud service
There's a lot of information out there on the tradeoffs between these choices, but here's a brief summary.
VM - Advantages: you can move your service basically as it is without having to change much or any of your code. They also have the easiest connectivity with other resources in Azure (blob storage, virtual networks, etc). The disadvantage is you're giving up all the of PaaS advantages and are still stuck managing your own VM infrastructure
WebJob - Advantages: Multiple invocation options (queues, blobs, manually, queue receive loops, continuous while-loop style, etc), scheduled (would cover your case). Easy to deploy (can go with website, as a console app, automatically through Kudu), has some built in logging in Azure portal - and yes, to answer your question, you can alter the configuration in the portal itself for connection strings and app settings.
Disadvantages - you'll need to update code, you don't have access to underlying resources (if you need that), and more of something to keep in mind than a disadvantage - it uses the same resources as the webapp it's deployed with.
Web Jobs are the newest of the options, but at the same time appear to have active development going on to increase the functionality and usefulness.
Cloud Service - like a managed VM, has some deployment options, access to underlying VM if needed. Would require some code changes from your existing service.
There's nothing you've mentioned in your use case that makes me think a Web Job shouldn't be first thing you try.
(Edit: Troy Hunt has a great and relatively recent blog post illustrating most of the points I've mentioned about Web Jobs above:

How to build a auto-scale Azure Cloud Service based on network usage?

Azure Cloud Services have auto-scale based on CPU / Queue. We have a set of machines running API for uploading and processing files. Although we moved the processing part on Worker Role that scale depending on the queue size, the servers but also take care of the upload while responding to other operations like downloading.
Right now we're using more machines for the just in case scenario, but we want to build a way to scale and to be cost-efficient while having a great upload experience for our users.
What would your approach be for creating a way to detect the network usage across all machines from the same Cloud Service and auto-scale if necessary?
I would:
1) Create metrics that calculate the amount of time it takes to download/upload a file.
2) Aggregate the metrics in some persistence layer (we have plenty in Azure)
3) Create a service that looks those metrics
4) Check the thresholds
5) Use the Management Libraries for .NET to trigger scaling on the Cloud Service(s) affected.
This approach also scales with your solution. You can eventually separate the scaling part from the checking part and have them as two different services, communicate asynchronously.
We also have an old, open source now project that does some of that for you, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. It's called WASABi. Be careful though as this is not maintained anymore but as I said, you can use it as inspiration.
