Running function once inside node stream pipe chain - node.js

I'm using vinyl-fs to write a simple pipeline that loads markdown files, converts them to HTML, and saves them to disk. This is all working.
However, in the middle of my pipe() chain, I want to perform an asynchronous task that should just be done once for all my files. My current problem relates to loading a file (and it's important that file is loaded in the middle of the chain), but it's a problem I find myself stumbling upon all the time.
To solve this problem, I have started to do this:
vfs.src(*.md).pipe(function() {
var loaded = false;
return through2.obj(function(file, enc, cb) {
if(!loaded) {
fs.readFile('myfile', function(err, data) {
// use data for something
loaded = true;
cb(null, file);
} else {
// passthrough
cb(null, file);
This feels a bit silly. Am I approaching this all wrong, or is this actually an okay thing to do?

After reading a ton of articles about Node streams, it seems that the best implementation for this is to listen to the streams finish event, and then create a new stream based on the files from the former stream. This allows me to do exactly what I want: stream files through the pipeline until a point where I need to access the array of files for some task, and then continue the pipeline stream afterwards.
Here's what that looks like:
var vfs = require('vinyl-fs');
var through = require('through2');
// array for storing file objects
var files = [];
// start the stream
var firstStream = vfs.src("*.jpg")
// pipe it through a function that saves each file to the array
.pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) {
console.log('1: ', path.basename(file.path));
cb(null, file);
// when this stream is done
.on('finish', function() {
// files will now be full of all files from stream
// and you can do whatever you want with them.
// create a new stream
var secondStream = through.obj();
// write the files to the new stream
files.each(function(file) {
// end the stream to make sure the finish
// event triggers
// now continue piping
secondStream.pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) {
console.log('2: ', path.basename(file.path));
cb(null, file)
In this scenario, I have 5 JPG images next to my scripts, and the console.log will say
1: IMG_1.JPG
1: IMG_2.JPG
1: IMG_3.JPG
1: IMG_4.JPG
1: IMG_5.JPG
2: IMG_1.JPG
2: IMG_2.JPG
2: IMG_3.JPG
2: IMG_4.JPG
2: IMG_5.JPG


Node Read Streams - How can I limit the number of open files?

I'm running into AggregateError: EMFILE: too many open files while streaming multiple files.
Machine Details:
MacOS Monterey,
MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021),
Chip Apple M1 Pro,
Memory 16GB,
Node v16.13.0
I've tried increasing the limits with no luck.
Ideally I would like to be able to set the limit of the number of files open at one time or resolve by closing files as soon as they have been used.
Code below. I've tried to remove the unrelated code and replace it with '//...'.
const MultiStream = require('multistream');
const fs = require('fs-extra'); // Also tried graceful-fs and the standard fs
const { fdir } = require("fdir");
// Also have a require for the bz2 and split2 functions but editing from phone right now
let files = [];
(async() => {
const crawler = await new fdir()
.filter((path, isDirectory) => path.endsWith(".bz2"))
.crawl("Dir/Sub Dir")
for(const file of crawler){
files = [...files, fs.createReadStream(file)]
multi = await new MultiStream(files)
// Unzip
// Create chunks from lines
.on('data', function (obj) {
// Code to filter data and extract what I need
.on("error", function(error) {
// Handling parsing errors
.on('end', function(error) {
// Output results
To prevent pre-opening a filehandle for every single file in your array, you want to only open the files upon demand when it's that particular file's turn to be streamed. And, you can do that with multi-stream.
Per the multi-stream doc, you can lazily create the readStreams by changing this:
for(const file of crawler){
files = [...files, fs.createReadStream(file)]
to this:
let files = => {
return function() {
return fs.createReadStream(f);
After reading over the npm page for multistream I think I have found something that will help. I have also edited where you are adding the stream to the files array as I don't see a need to instantiate a new array and spread existing elements like you are doing.
To lazily create the streams, wrap them in a function:
var streams = [
fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/numbers/1.txt'),
function () { // will be executed when the stream is active
return fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/numbers/2.txt')
function () { // same
return fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/numbers/3.txt')
new MultiStream(streams).pipe(process.stdout) // => 123 ```
With that we can update your logic to include this functionality by simply wrapping the readStreams in functions, this way the streams will not be created until they are needed. This will prevent you from having too many open at once. We can do this by simply updating your file loop:
for(const file of crawler){
files.push(function() {
return fs.createReadStream(file)

Stop function from being invoked multiple times

I'm in the process of building a file upload component that allows you to pause/resume file uploads.
The standard way to achieve this seems to be to break the file into chunks on the client machine, then send the chunks along with book-keeping information up to the server which can store the chunks into a staging directory, then merge them together when it has received all of the chunks. So, this is what I am doing.
I am using node/express and I'm able to get the files fine, but I'm running into an issue because my merge_chunks function is being invoked multiple times.
Here's my call stack:'/api/videos',
the check_completion_status function is implemented as follows:
/* Recursively check to see if we have every chunk of a file */
var check_completion_status = function (req, res, next) {
var current_chunk = 1;
var see_if_chunks_exist = function () {
fs.exists(get_chunk_file_name(current_chunk, req.file_id), function (exists) {
if (current_chunk > req.total_chunks) {
} else if (exists) {
current_chunk ++;
} else {
The file names in the staging directory have the chunk numbers embedded in them, so the idea is to see if we have a file for every chunk number. The function should only next() one time for a given (complete) file.
However, my merge_chunks function is being invoked multiple times. (usually between 1 and 4) Logging does reveal that it's only invoked after I've received all of the chunks.
With this in mind, my assumption here is that it's the async nature of the fs.exists function that's causing the issue.
Even though the n'th invocation of check_completion_status may occur before I have all of the chunks, by the time we get to the nth call to fs.exists(), x more chunks may have arrived and been processed concurrently, so the function can keep going and in some cases get to the end and next(). However those chunks that arrived concurrently are also going to correspond to invocations of check_completion_status, which are also going to next() because we obviously have all of the files at this point.
This is causing issues because I didn't account for this when I wrote merge_chunks.
For completeness, here's the merge_chunks function:
var merge_chunks = (function () {
var pipe_chunks = function (args) {
args.chunk_number = args.chunk_number || 1;
if (args.chunk_number > args.total_chunks) {
} else {
var file_name = get_chunk_file_name(args.chunk_number, args.file_id)
var read_stream = fs.createReadStream(file_name);
read_stream.pipe(args.write_stream, {end: false});
read_stream.on('end', function () {
//once we're done with the chunk we can delete it and move on to the next one.
args.chunk_number += 1;
return function (req, res, next) {
var out = path.resolve('videos', req.video_id);
var write_stream = fs.createWriteStream(out);
write_stream: write_stream,
file_id: req.file_id,
total_chunks: req.total_chunks,
next: next
Currently, I'm receiving an error because the second invocation of the function is trying to read the chunks that have already been deleted by the first invocation.
What is the typical pattern for handling this type of situation? I'd like to avoid a stateful architecture if possible. Is it possible to cancel pending handlers right before calling next() in check_completion_status?
If you just want to make it work ASAP, I would use a lock (much like a db lock) to lock the resource so that only one of the requests processes the chunks. Simply create a unique id on the client, and send it along with the chunks. Then just store that unique id in some sort of a data structure, and look that id up prior to processing. The example below is by far not optimal (in fact this map will keep growing, which is bad), but it should demonstrate the concept
// Create a map (an array would work too) and keep track of the video ids that were processed. This map will persist through each request.
var processedVideos = {};
var check_completion_status = function (req, res, next) {
var current_chunk = 1;
var see_if_chunks_exist = function () {
fs.exists(get_chunk_file_name(current_chunk, req.file_id), function (exists) {
if (processedVideos[req.query.uniqueVideoId]){
} else if (current_chunk > req.total_chunks) {
processedVideos[req.query.uniqueVideoId] = true;
} else if (exists) {
current_chunk ++;
} else {

Reassembling file chunks produced in a multi-part upload

I'm using the excellent flow.js library to handle file uploads. It's a resumable HTML5 upload that produces a bunch of chunks on the server that must be reassembled. For example, might become
Uploads are working but I'm having trouble recombining the parts into a single binary. I have the following code from the Node.js server example the library authors provided on Github (
$.write = function(identifier, writableStream, options) {
options = options || {};
options.end = (typeof options['end'] == 'undefined' ? true : options['end']);
// Iterate over each chunk
var pipeChunk = function(number) {
var chunkFilename = getChunkFilename(number, identifier);
fs.exists(chunkFilename, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
// If the chunk with the current number exists,
// then create a ReadStream from the file
// and pipe it to the specified writableStream.
var sourceStream = fs.createReadStream(chunkFilename);
sourceStream.pipe(writableStream, {
end: false
sourceStream.on('end', function() {
// When the chunk is fully streamed,
// jump to the next one
pipeChunk(number + 1);
} else {
// When all the chunks have been piped, end the stream
if (options.end) writableStream.end();
if (options.onDone) options.onDone();
I'm invoking this code with the following route and am expecting it to produce a reassembled binary in the tmp directory (that's where I'm saving my chunks). However nothing is happening. What am I missing? = function(req, res, next) {
switch(req.method) {
case 'GET':
var stream = fs.createWriteStream('foobar');
flow.write(req.params.identifier, res);
Reassembling all chunks is easy, just call this:
var stream = fs.createWriteStream(filename);
r.write(identifier, stream);
And that is it!
But other question is, when this method should be called?
Maybe when all chunks are uploaded and present at tmp folder.
But there is another issue with duplicate calls of the done.
This can be solved by creating and locking the file, once all chunks exists.
Then call
r.write(identifier, stream);
Then clean all chunks, release the lock and close the file.
Same approuch is done in php server side library:

Node js- writing data to the writable stream

In my node application im writing data to the file using write method in the createWriteStream method.Now i need to find whether the write for the particular stream is complete or not.How can i find that.
var stream = fs.createWriteStream('myFile.txt', {flags: 'a'});
var result = stream.write(data);
function writeToStream() {
var result = stream.write(data + '\n');
if (!result) {
I need to call other method for every time when write completes.How can i do this.
From the node.js WritableStream.write(...) documentation you can give the "write" method a callback that is called when the written data is flushed:
var stream = fs.createWriteStream('myFile.txt', {flags: 'a'});
var data = "Hello, World!\n";
stream.write(data, function() {
// Now the data has been written.
Note that you probably don't need to actually wait for each call to "write" to complete before queueing the next call. Even if the "write" method returns false you can still call subsequent writes and node will buffer the pending write requests into memory.
I am using maerics's answer along with error handling. The flag 'a' is used to Open file for appending. The file is created if it does not exist. There Other flags you can use.
// Create a writable stream & Write the data to stream with encoding to be utf8
var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('MockData/output.txt',{flags: 'a'})
.on('finish', function() {
console.log("Write Finish.");
.on('error', function(err){
writerStream.write(outPutData,function() {
// Now the data has been written.
console.log("Write completed.");
// Mark the end of file
writerStream.end(); fired twice when I change the watched file 'example.xml', function ( curr, prev ) {
// on file change we can read the new xml
fs.readFile( 'example.xml','utf8', function ( err, data ) {
if ( err ) throw err;
some data
Done X 1
some data
Done X 2
It is my usage fault or ..?
The api:
is unstable
has known "behaviour" with regards repeated notifications. Specifically, the windows case being a result of windows design, where a single file modification can be multiple calls to the windows API
I make allowance for this by doing the following:
var fsTimeout'file.js', function(e) {
if (!fsTimeout) {
console.log('file.js %s event', e)
fsTimeout = setTimeout(function() { fsTimeout=null }, 5000) // give 5 seconds for multiple events
I suggest to work with chokidar ( which is much better than
Commenting its
Doesn't report filenames on OS X.
Doesn't report events at all when using editors like Sublime on OS X.
Often reports events twice.
Emits most changes as rename.
Has a lot of other issues
Does not provide an easy way to recursively watch file trees.
Node.js fs.watchFile:
Almost as bad at event handling.
Also does not provide any recursive watching.
Results in high CPU utilization.
If you need to watch your file for changes then you can check out my small library on-file-change. It checks file sha1 hash between fired change events.
Explanation of why we have multiple fired events:
You may notice in certain situations that a single creation event generates multiple Created events that are handled by your component. For example, if you use a FileSystemWatcher component to monitor the creation of new files in a directory, and then test it by using Notepad to create a file, you may see two Created events generated even though only a single file was created. This is because Notepad performs multiple file system actions during the writing process. Notepad writes to the disk in batches that create the content of the file and then the file attributes. Other applications may perform in the same manner. Because FileSystemWatcher monitors the operating system activities, all events that these applications fire will be picked up.
My custom solution
I personally like using return to prevent a block of code to run when checking something, so, here is my method:
var watching = false;'./file.txt', () => {
if(watching) return;
watching = true;
// do something
// the timeout is to prevent the script to run twice with short functions
// the delay can be longer to disable the function for a set time
setTimeout(() => {
watching = false;
}, 100);
Feel free to use this example to simplify your code. It may NOT be better than using a module from others, but it works pretty well!
Similar/same problem. I needed to do some stuff with images when they were added to a directory. Here's how I dealt with the double firing:
var fs = require('fs');
var working = false;'directory', function (event, filename) {
if (filename && event == 'change' && active == false) {
active = true;
//do stuff to the new file added
active = false;
It will ignore the second firing until if finishes what it has to do with the new file.
I'm dealing with this issue for the first time, so all of the answers so far are probably better than my solution, however none of them were 100% suitable for my case so I came up with something slightly different – I used a XOR operation to flip an integer between 0 and 1, effectively keeping track of and ignoring every second event on the file:
var targetFile = "./watchThis.txt";
var flippyBit = 0;, {persistent: true}, function(event, filename) {
if (event == 'change'){
if (!flippyBit) {
var data = fs.readFile(targetFile, "utf8", function(error, data) {
} else {
console.log("Doing nothing thanks to flippybit.");
flipBit(); // call flipBit() function
// Whatever we want to do when we see a change
function gotUpdate(data) {
console.log("Got some fresh data:");
// Toggling this gives us the "every second update" functionality
function flipBit() {
flippyBit = flippyBit ^ 1;
I didn't want to use a time-related function (like jwymanm's answer) because the file I'm watching could hypothetically get legitimate updates very frequently. And I didn't want to use a list of watched files like Erik P suggests, because I'm only watching one file. Jan Święcki's solution seemed like overkill, as I'm working on extremely short and simple files in a low-power environment. Lastly, Bernado's answer made me a little nervous – it would only ignore the second update if it arrived before I'd finished processing the first, and I can't handle that kind of uncertainty. If anyone were to find themselves in this very specific scenario, there might be some merit to the approach I used? If there's anything massively wrong with it please do let me know/edit this answer, but so far it seems to work well?
NOTE: Obviously this strongly assumes that you'll get exactly 2 events per real change. I carefully tested this assumption, obviously, and learned its limitations. So far I've confirmed that:
Modifying a file in Atom editor and saving triggers 2 updates
touch triggers 2 updates
Output redirection via > (overwriting file contents) triggers 2 updates
Appending via >> sometimes triggers 1 update!*
I can think of perfectly good reasons for the differing behaviours but we don't need to know why something is happening to plan for it – I just wanted to stress that you'll want to check for yourself in your own environment and in the context of your own use cases (duh) and not trust a self-confessed idiot on the internet. That being said, with precautions taken I haven't had any weirdness so far.
* Full disclosure, I don't actually know why this is happening, but we're already dealing with unpredictable behaviour with the watch() function so what's a little more uncertainty? For anyone following along at home, more rapid appends to a file seem to cause it to stop double-updating but honestly, I don't really know, and I'm comfortable with the behaviour of this solution in the actual case it'll be used, which is a one-line file that will be updated (contents replaced) like twice per second at the fastest.
first is change and the second is rename
we can make a difference from the listener function
function(event, filename) {
The listener callback gets two arguments (event, filename). event is either 'rename' or 'change', and filename is the name of the file which triggered the event.
// rm sourcefile targetfile sourcefile_dir , function(event, targetfile)){
console.log( targetfile, 'is', event)
as a sourcefile is renamed as targetfile, it's will call three event as fact
null is rename // sourcefile not exist again
targetfile is rename
targetfile is change
notice that , if you want catch all these three evnet, watch the dir of sourcefile
I somtimes get multible registrations of the Watch event causing the Watch event to fire several times.
I solved it by keeping a list of watching files and avoid registering the event if the file allready is in the list:
var watchfiles = {};
function initwatch(fn, callback) {
if watchlist[fn] {
watchlist[fn] = true;'change', callback);
Like others answers says... This got a lot of troubles, but i can deal with this in this way:
var folder = "/folder/path/";
var active = true; // flag control, function (event, filename) {
if(event === 'rename' && active) { //you can remove this "check" event
active = false;
// ... its just an example
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// ... other stuffs and delete the file
try {
fs.unlinkSync(folder + filename);
} catch(err) {
active = true
Hope can i help you...
Easiest solution:
const watch = (path, opt, fn) => {
var lock = false, opt, function () {
if (!lock) {
lock = true
setTimeout(() => lock = false, 1000)
watch('/path', { interval: 500 }, function () {
// ...
I was downloading file with puppeteer and once a file saved, I was sending automatic emails. Due to problem above, I noticed, I was sending 2 emails. I solved by stopping my application using process.exit() and auto-start with pm2. Using flags in code didn't saved me.
If anyone has this problem in future, one can use this solution as well. Exit from program and restart with monitor tools automatically.
Here's my simple solution. It works well every time.
// Update obj as file updates
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./file.json', 'utf-8'));'./file.json', () => {
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./file.json', 'utf-8') || '{}');
if(Object.entries(data).length > 0) { // This checks isn't false-firing
obj = data;
console.log('File actually changed: ', obj)
I came across the same issue. If you don't want to trigger multiple times, you can use a debounce function. 'example.xml', _.debounce(function ( curr, prev ) {
// on file change we can read the new xml
fs.readFile( 'example.xml','utf8', function ( err, data ) {
if ( err ) throw err;
}, 100));
Debouncing The Observer
A solution I arrived at was that (a) there needs to be a workaround for the problem in question and, (b), there needs to be a solution to ensure multiple rapid Ctrl+s actions do not cause Race Conditions. Here's what I have...
./**/utilities.js (somewhere)
export default {
debounce(fn, delay) { // #thxRemySharp
var timer = null;
return function execute(...args) {
var context = this;
timer = setTimeout(fn.bind(context, ...args), delay);
./**/file.js (elsewhere)
import utilities from './**/utilities.js'; // somewhere
function watch(server) {
const debounced = utilities.debounce(observeFilesystem.bind(this, server), 1000 * 0.25);
const observers = new Set()
.add('./src', debounced) )
.add('./index.html', debounced) )
console.log(`watching... (${observers.size})`);
return observers;
function observeFilesystem(server, type, filename) {
if (!filename) console.warn(`Tranfer Dev Therver: filesystem observation made without filename for type ${type}`);
console.log(`Filesystem event occurred:`, type, filename);
This way, the observation-handler that we pass into is [in this case a bound bunction] which gets debounced if multiple calls are made less than 1000 * 0.25 seconds (250ms) apart from one another.
It may be worth noting that I have also devised a pipeline of Promises to help avoid other types of Race Conditions as the code also leverages other callbacks. Please also note the attribution to Remy Sharp whose debounce function has repeatedly proven very useful over the years.
watcher = 'example.xml', function ( curr, prev ) {
fs.readFile( 'example.xml','utf8', function ( err, data ) {
if ( err ) throw err;
I had similar similar problem but I was also reading the file in the callback which caused a loop.
This is where I found how to close watcher:
How to close listener for a folder
NodeJS does not fire multiple events for a single change, it is the editor you are using updating the file multiple times.
Editors use stream API for efficiency, they read and write data in chunks which causes multiple updates depending on the chunks size and the amount of content. Here is a snippet to test if fires multiple events:
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const host = 'localhost';
const port = 3000;
const file = path.join(__dirname, 'config.json');
const requestListener = function (req, res) {
const data = new Date().toString();
fs.writeFileSync(file, data, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const server = http.createServer(requestListener);
server.listen(port, host, () => {, (eventType, filename) => {
console.log({ eventType });
console.log(`Server is running on http://${host}:${port}`);
I believe a simple solution would be checking for the last modified timestamp:
let lastModified;, (eventType, filename) => {
stat(file).then(({ mtimeMs }) => {
if (lastModified !== mtimeMs) {
lastModified = mtimeMs;
console.log({ eventType, filename });
Please note that you need to use all-sync or all-async methods otherwise you will have issues:
Update the file in a editor, you will see only single event is logged:
const http = require('http');
const host = 'localhost';
const port = 3000;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const file = path.join(__dirname, 'config.json');
let lastModified;
const requestListener = function (req, res) {
const data =;
fs.writeFileSync(file, data, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
lastModified = fs.statSync(file).mtimeMs;
const server = http.createServer(requestListener);
server.listen(port, host, () => {, (eventType, filename) => {
const mtimeMs = fs.statSync(file).mtimeMs;
if (lastModified !== mtimeMs) {
lastModified = mtimeMs;
console.log({ eventType });
console.log(`Server is running on http://${host}:${port}`);
Few notes on the alternative solutions: Storing files for comparison will be memory inefficient especially if you have large files, taking file hashes will be expensive, custom flags are hard to keep track of, especially if you are going to detect changes made by other applications, and lastly unsubscribing and re-subscribing requires unnecessary juggling.
If you don't need an instant result, you can use setTimout to debounce successive events:
let timeoutId;, (eventType, filename) => {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
console.log({ eventType });
}, 100);
