Spark job keeps having output folder already exists exception - apache-spark

I am running a spark job, and it kept failing with output folder already exists exceptions. I indeed removed the output folder before the job. Looks like the folder is created during the job and it confused other nodes/threads. It happens randomly but not always.

This should solve the issue of file already exists.

If you are using a local filesystem path, then be aware that the folder gets created on all workers. So you probably have to delete it from all of them.


Change spark _temporary directory path

Is it possible to change the _temporary directory where spark save its temporary files before writing?
In particular, since I am writing single partitions of a table I woud like the temporary folder to be within the partition folder.
Is it possibile?
There is no way to use the default FileOutputCommitter because of its implementation, the FileOutputCommiter creates a ${mapred.output.dir}/_temporary subdirectory where the files are written and later on, after being committed, moved to ${mapred.output.dir}.
In the end, an entire temporary folder deleted. When two or more Spark jobs have the same output directory, mutual deletion of files will be inevitable.
Eventually, I've downloaded org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputCommitter and org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter (you can name it YourFileOutputCommitter) made some changes that allows _temporaly rename
in your driver, you'll have to add following code:
val conf: JobConf = new JobConf(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
// update temporary path for committer
YourFileOutputCommitter.tempPath = "_tempJob1"
note: it's better to use MultipleTextOutputFormat to rename files because two jobs that write to the same location can override each other.
I've created short post in our tech blog, it has more details

Change temporary path for individual job from spark code

I have multiple jobs that I want to execute in parallel that append daily data into the same path using dynamic partitioning.
The problem i am facing is the temporary path that get created during the job execution by spark. Multiple jobs end up sharing the same temp folder and cause conflict, which can cause one job to delete temp files, and the other job fail with an error saying an expected temp file doesn't exist.
Can we change temporary path for individual job or is there any alternate way to avoid issue
To change the temp location you can do this:
/opt/spark/bin/spark-shell --conf "spark.local.dir=/local/spark-temp"
spark.local.dir changes where all temp files are read and written to, I would advise building and opening the positions of this location via command line before the first session with this argument is run.

Spark create a temp directory structure on each node

I am working on a spark java wrapper which uses third party libraries, which will read files from a hard coded directory name say "resdata" from where job executes. I know this is twisted but will try to explain.
when I execute the job it is trying to find the required files in the path something like this below,
I am assuming it is looking for the files in the current data directory , under that looking for directory name "resdata". At this point I don't know how to configure the current directory to any path on hdfs or local.
So looking for options to create directory structure similar to what the third party libraries expecting and copying required files over there. This I need to do on each node. I am working on spark 2.2.0
Please help me in achieving this?
just now got the answer I need to put all the files under resdata directory and zip it say, pass the file using the options "--archives" . Then each node will have directory etc

Junk Spark output file on S3 with dollar signs

I have a simple spark job that reads a file from s3, takes five and writes back in s3.
What I see is that there is always additional file in s3, next to my output "directory", which is called output_$folder$.
What is it? How I can prevent spark from creating it?
Here is some code to show what I am doing...
x = spark.sparkContext.textFile("s3n://.../0000_part_00")
five = x.take(5)
five = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(five)
After the job I have s3 "directory" called output which contains results and another s3 object called output_$folder$ which I don't know what it is.
Changing S3 paths in the application from s3:// to s3a:// seems to have done the trick for me. The $folder$ files are no longer getting created since I started using s3a://.
Ok, it seems I found out what it is.
It is some kind of marker file, probably used for determining if the S3 directory object exists or not.
How I reached this conclusion?
First, I found this link that shows the source of
Then I googled other source repositories to see if I am going to find different version of the method. I didn't.
At the end, I did an experiment and rerun the same spark job after I removed the s3 output directory object but left output_$folder$ file. Job failed saying that output directory already exists.
My conclusion, this is hadoop's way to know if there is a directory in s3 with given name and I will have to live with that.
All the above happens when I run the job from my local, dev machine - i.e. laptop. If I run the same job from a aws data pipeline, output_$folder$ does not get created.
s3n:// and s3a:// doesn't generate marker directory like <output>_$folder$
If you are using hadoop with AWS EMR., I found moving from s3 to s3n is straight forward since they both use same file system implementation, whereas s3a involves AWS credential related code change.
('fs.s3.impl', '')
('fs.s3n.impl', '')
('fs.s3a.impl', 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem')

Path for persistent, managed hive tables in Spark 1.4

I am new to Spark and working on JavaSqlNetworkWordCount example to append the word count in a persistent table. I understand that I can only do it via HiveContext. HiveContext, however, keeps trying to save the table in /user/hive/warehouse/. I have tried changing the path by adding
hiveContext.setConf("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", "/home/user_name");
and by adding the property
$SPARK_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml, but nothing seems to work. If anyone else has faced this problem, please let me know if/how you resolved it. I am using Spark1.4 on my local RHEL5 machine.
I think I solved the problem. It looks like spark-submit was creating a metastore_db directory in root directory of the jar file. If metastore_db exists, then hive-stie.xml values are ignored. As soon as I removed that directory, code picked up values from hive-site.xml. I still cannot set the value of the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir property from the code, though.
