Change Date Time on my server and revert it back after testing - linux

I am using date -s ".." to change my date and time.
date --s "Friday, March 11, 2016 12:00:00 PM IST"
I get the following error..I guess I am on Linux..Solaris..not sure what argument(plug) it uses internally for date..
date: illegal option -- set
usage: date [-u] mmddHHMM[[cc]yy][.SS]
date [-u] [+format]
date -a [-]sss[.fff]
I want to change it to same date next month to perform testing.
I would like to revert it back to IST post testing
What are my commands?

try :)
date mmddhhmmyy
date 012111032016

you can use
date --set="2 OCT 2006 18:00:00" or date +%Y%m%d -s "20120418"
For the time to be in IST. You can try following
cd /etc
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta localtime
For temporary change in time zone
export TZ=Asia/Calcutta


Command to validate between current day and 7 day old in bash scriptlinux

I want to validate, the date given as input is 7 day old or more from current day in bash script linux
This command provides the date 7 days previous to now, in seconds (since 1/1/1970):
minus7=$(date -d "7 days ago" "+%s")
This command provides the date in seconds of the user's input date:
tstDate=$(date -d "$yourInputDate" "+%s")
let delta=$tstDate-$minus7

Convert Zulu timestamp to seconds since epoch and compare it with current time in bash script Mac

I have below timestamp, which I need to change to seconds since epoch in a bash script, Mac OS and compare with current system time.
Current System Time is in IST format. i.e Tue Sep 21 12:20:42 IST 2021
Please suggest a better way to achieve it.
This should give you what you want:
epoch=$(date -d "${date}" +%s)

How to get start value with Year in Unix/Linux command or any other way python also fine?

i need output with Year in start field, below command i am using in Linux to get the License details but i am getting date like(start Tue 1/7 9:54) , so want to know the year for this:
lmutil lmstat -a -c user#server_name -f abcd -t
Output : start Tue 1/7 9:54
Looking for start Tue 1/7(with year) 9:54
Please help.

Manipulate the system time for a given command

I want to run command with specific date in history.
Let say today is 12.Nov.2019 and I need to run one command with date of 10th. Is there any possibility of setting date on fly ?
date -d '1 day ago' /path/to/command
doesn't work.
Use can you faketime to run a command with given time:
faketime - manipulate the system time for a given command
Because you didn't tell us what command and time you want to run,
I suppose that you want to run /path/to/command on Oct 10th, 2019.
Run /path/to/command in 2 days ago:
faketime -f -2d /path/to/command
Run /path/to/command on Oct 10th, 2019:
faketime -f '2019-11-10' /path/to/command

Get Yesterday's date in solaris

I am running SunOS.
bash-3.00$ uname -a
SunOS lvsaishdc3in0001 5.10 Generic_142901-02 i86pc i386 i86pc
I need to find Yesterday's date in linux with the proper formatting passed from command prompt. When I tried like this on my shell prompt-
bash-3.00$ date --date='yesterday' '+%Y%m%d'
date: illegal option -- date=yesterday
usage: date [-u] mmddHHMM[[cc]yy][.SS]
date [-u] [+format]
date -a [-]sss[.fff]
I always get date illegal option, why is it so?
Is there anything wrong I am doing?
bash-3.00$ date --version
date: illegal option -- version
usage: date [-u] mmddHHMM[[cc]yy][.SS]
date [-u] [+format]
date -a [-]sss[.fff]
Try this below thing. It should work
YESTERDAY=`TZ=GMT+24 date +%Y%m%d`; echo $YESTERDAY
Try this one out:
DATE_STAMP=`TZ=GMT+24 date +%Y%m%d`
where GMT is the time zone and you might need to alter the 24 according to the hours difference you have from GMT. Either that or you can change GMT to a time zone more comfortable to you e.g. CST
As larsks suggested, you can use perl:
perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y",localtime(time()- 3600*24);'
Slightly modified from
To get YYYYMMDD format use this
perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime "%Y%m%d",localtime(time()- 3600*24);'
This link explains how to format date and time with strftime
A pure bash solution
# get and split date
today=`date +%Y%m%d`
# avoid octal mismatch
if (( ${day:0:1} == 0 )); then day=${day:1:1}; fi
if (( ${month:0:1} == 0 )); then month=${month:1:1}; fi
# calc
if ((day==0)); then
if ((month==0)); then
last_day_of_month=$((((62648012>>month*2&3)+28)+(month==2 && y%4==0)))
# format result
if ((day<10)); then day="0"$day; fi
if ((month<10)); then month="0"$month; fi
echo $yesterday
TZ=$TZ+24 date +'%Y/%m/%d' in SunOS.
Playing on Solaris10 with non-GMT environment, I'm getting this:
# date
Fri Jul 26 13:09:38 CEST 2013 (OK)
# (TZ=CEST+24 date)
Thu Jul 25 11:09:38 CEST 2013 (ERR)
# (TZ=GMT+24 date)
Thu Jul 25 11:09:38 GMT 2013 (OK)
# (TZ=CEST+$((24-$((`date "+%H"`-`date -u "+%H"`)))) date)
Thu Jul 25 13:09:38 CEST 2013 (OK)
As You colud see, I have and I want to get CEST , but TZ=CEST+24 giving me wrong CEST data; GMT+24 giving me correct data, but unusable.
To get the proper result, I has to use GMT+22 (wrong command, correct result) or CEST+22 (wrong value, but finnaly correct result for correct TZ)
A pure bash solution given by #olivecoder is very reliable compared to any other solution but there is a mistake to be corrected. when the day fall on 1st of the month the script is failing with date saying "last_day_of_month" in day value. #olivecoder has missed $ in
day=last_day_of_month, that it should be
After this correction it works very good.
Using Timezone -24 is having some issue based on time when use it. in some cases it goes to day before yesterday. So I think its not reliable.
