Partial lift for Monads? - haskell

Is there something like a partial lift for monads?
I need the type signature to be this:
Monad m => (a1 -> r) -> a1 -> m r
Instead of this:
Monad m => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r
For use with >=> and other reasons. I'm looking for the canonical way of doing the above.

That's just (return .): all you need to do is inject the return value of your function into m, which return accomplishes. Usually, this is just written inline, as return . f or return $ f x, where f :: a -> r; I've never seen it defined.
(Also, these days, that could be (pure .) instead, which has the more general type Applicative f => (a -> r) -> a -> f r.)

Anoher way of building this function is using a Kleisli arrow:
ghci> import Control.Arrow
ghci> :t runKleisli . arr
runKleisli . arr :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> a -> m b


How can I avoid explicit recursion in this case?

I wound up with this skeleton:
f :: (Monad m) => b -> m ()
f x = traverse_ (f . g x) =<< h x -- how avoid explicit recursion?
g :: b -> a -> b
-- h :: (Foldable t) => b -> m (t a) -- why "Could not deduce (Foldable t0) arising from a use of ‘traverse_’"
h :: b -> m [a]
How can I avoid the explicit recursion in f?
Bonus: When I try to generalize h from [] to Foldable, f does not type check (Could not deduce (Foldable t0) arising from a use of ‘traverse_’) -- what am I doing wrong?
Here's the real code. The Right side is for recursing down directories of security camera footage whose names are integers. Left is the base case to process leaves whose names are not integers.
a <|||> b = left a . right b
doDir (Right d) = traverse_ (doDir . doInt) =<< listDirectory d
where doInt s = ((<|||>) <$> (,) <*> const) (d </> s) $ (TR.readEither :: String -> Either String Int) s
f = doDir and g ~ doInt but got refactored a little. h = listDirectory. to answer the bonus, i was just being silly and wasn't seeing that i had to combine all the definitions to bind the types together:
f :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => (b -> a -> b) -> (b -> m (t a)) -> b -> m ()
f g h x = traverse_ (f g h . g x) =<< h x
If you don't mind leaking a bit of memory building a Tree and then throwing it away, you can use unfoldTreeM:
f = unfoldTreeM (\b -> (\as -> ((), g b <$> as)) <$> h b)
I do not believe there is a corresponding unfoldTreeM_, but you could write one (using explicit recursion). To generalize beyond the Tree/[] connection, you might also like refoldM; you can find several similar functions if you search for "hylomorphism" on Hackage.

(<*>) without having to wrap the second argument

Haskell newbie here.
So (<$>) is defined as
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
And (<*>) is defined as
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
But I feel like Applicative is two concepts in one:
One would be that of a functor
And one would be this:
(&lt#&gt) :: MyConcept m => m (a -> b) -> a -> b
So e.g. thinking in terms of Maybe:
I have an let i = 4 and I have a let foo = Nothing :: Num a => Maybe (a -> a).
Basically I have a function that may or may not be there, that takes an Int and returns an Int, and an actual Int.
Of course I could just wrap i by saying:
foo <*> Just i
But that requires me to know the what Applicative foo is wrapped in.
Is there something equivalent to what I described here? How would I go about implementing that function <#> myself?
It would be something like this:
let (<#>) func i = func <*> ??? i
You can use pure:
pure :: Applicative f => a -> f a
foo <*> pure i
although you could just use fmap:
fmap (\f -> f i) foo
fmap ($ i) foo
(<#>) :: MyConcept m => m (a -> b) -> a -> b
To see if this is like an Applicative try deriving <#> from <*> and pure. You will find that it is impossible.
Where you can find <#> in a more general form is extract :: (Counit w) => w a -> a for comonads.
Can you implement extract for Maybe? What do you do when the value is Nothing?

Defining Monad Operators

In Haskell's Monads, I can easily define the operator (>=>) as :
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g
I also know that (>>=) can be expressed using (>=>): Let's call (>>=) as (..):
(..) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
m .. k = m >=> \_ -> k
However something is not right ... could someone point what?
The idea of using a constant function (that is, \_ -> -- etc.) to make a function out of the argument which isn't a function so that you can pass it to (>=>) is sound. There are just two issues. Firstly, you are doing it to the wrong argument, as the one which isn't a function is m:
GHCi> :t \m k -> (\_ -> m) >=> k
\m k -> (\_ -> m) >=> k :: Monad m => m b -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
Secondly, (>=>) gives you a function (of type a -> m c in the demo just above). You have to apply it to something to get a result type that matches the one of (>>=). As that argument is irrelevant (you are ultimately feeding it to a constant function) you can just use ():
GHCi> :t \m k -> ((\_ -> m) >=> k) ()
\m k -> ((\_ -> m) >=> k) () :: Monad m => m b -> (b -> m c) -> m c
And that's it. I find it slightly prettier to use the const function rather than writing \_ ->, and so I would write it as:
(>>..) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
m >>.. k = (const m >=> k) ()
The solution is the following:
(..) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
m .. k =
(const m >=> k) undefined
Using const we're lifting an operation of type m a to whatever -> m a. This lifted version does not give a damn, what we pass to it so it might as well be the undefined.

Composing Monadic Functions with `<=<`

I'm trying to understand the <=< function:
ghci> :t (<=<)
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
As I understand it, I give it 2 functions and an a, and then I'll get an m c.
So, why doesn't this example compile?
import Control.Monad
f :: a -> Maybe a
f = \x -> Just x
g :: a -> [a]
g = \x -> [x]
foo :: Monad m => a -> m c
foo x = f <=< g x
For foo 3, I would expect Just 3 as a result.
But I get this error:
Couldn't match expected type `a0 -> Maybe c0'
with actual type `[a]'
In the return type of a call of `g'
Probable cause: `g' is applied to too many arguments
In the second argument of `(<=<)', namely `g x'
In the expression: f <=< g x Failed, modules loaded: none.
There are two errors here.
First, (<=<) only composes monadic functions if they share the same monad. In other words, you can use it to compose two Maybe functions:
(<=<) :: (b -> Maybe c) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe c)
... or two list functions:
(<=<) :: (b -> [c]) -> (a -> [b]) -> (a -> [c])
... but you cannot compose a list function and maybe function this way. The reason for this is that when you have a type signature like this:
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c)
... the compiler will ensure that all the ms must match.
The second error is that you forgot to parenthesize your composition. What you probably intended was this:
(f <=< g) x
... if you omit the parentheses the compiler interprets it like this:
f <=< (g x)
An easy way to fix your function is just to define a helper function that converts Maybes to lists:
maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
maybeToList Nothing = []
maybeToList (Just a) = [a]
This function actually has the following two nice properties:
maybeToList . return = return
maybeToList . (f <=< g) = (maybeToList . f) <=< (maybeToList . g)
... which are functor laws if you treat (maybeToList .) as analogous to fmap and treat (<=<) as analogous to (.) and return as analogous to id.
Then the solution becomes:
(maybeToList . f <=< g) x
Note that, in
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
m is static -- You're trying to substitute both [] and Maybe for m in the definition -- that won't type check.
You can use <=< to compose functions of the form a -> m b where m is a single monad. Note that you can use different type arguments though, you don't need to be constrained to the polymorphic a.
Here's an example of using this pattern constrained to the list monad:
f :: Int -> [Int]
f x = [x, x^2]
g :: Int -> [String]
g 0 = []
g x = [show x]
λ> :t g <=< f
g <=< f :: Int -> [String]
λ> g <=< f $ 10
You can't mix monads together. When you see the signature
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
The Monad m is only a single Monad, not two different ones. If it were, the signature would be something like
(<=<) :: (Monad m1, Monad m2) => (b -> m2 c) -> (a -> m1 b) -> a -> m2 c
But this is not the case, and in fact would not really be possible in general. You can do something like
f :: Int -> Maybe Int
f 0 = Just 0
f _ = Nothing
g :: Int -> Maybe Int
g x = if even x then Just x else Nothing
h :: Int -> Maybe Int
h = f <=< g

Implementing Applicative's (<*>) for Monad

Applicative's has the (<*>) function:
(<*>) :: (Applicative f) => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Learn You a Haskell shows the following function.
ap :: (Monad m) => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
ap f m = do
g <- f -- '<-' extracts f's (a -> b) from m (a -> b)
m2 <- m -- '<-' extracts a from m a
return (g m2) -- g m2 has type `b` and return makes it a Monad
How could ap be written with bind alone, i.e. >>=?
I'm not sure how to extract the (a -> b) from m (a -> b). Perhaps once I understand how <- works in do notation, I'll understand the answer to my above question.
How could ap be written with bind alone, i.e. >>= ?
This is one sample implementation I can come up with:
ap :: (Monad m) => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
ap xs a = xs >>= (\f -> liftM f a)
Of if you don't want to even use liftM then:
ap :: (Monad m) => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
ap mf ma = mf >>= (\f -> ma >>= (\a' -> return $ f a'))
Intially these are the types:
mf :: m (a -> b)
ma :: m a
Now, when you apply bind (>>=) operator to mf: mf >>= (\f-> ..., then f has the type of:
f :: (a -> b)
In the next step, ma is also applied with >>=: ma >>= (\a'-> ..., here a' has the type of:
a' :: a
So, now when you apply f a', you get the type b from that because:
f :: (a -> b)
a' :: a
f a' :: b
And you apply return over f a' which will wrap it with the monadic layer and hence the final type you get will be:
return (f a') :: m b
And hence everything typechecks.
