Cronjob script trouble launching application - cron

I started with cronjobs a while ago, but up until yesterday I've run into a problem I can't figure/find out.
#reboot me /etc/application/
I have Raspbian Jessie (minimal) installed on a Raspberry Pi Zero. One of the users has a cronjob command #reboot. When I check "sudo /etc/init.d/cron status", I can see the cronjob is picked up after a reboot and executed. The only thing is that any output is dropped, the "No MTA installed"-message, (care?).
# My start script
echo "Starting program..." >> $logfile
echo "Program started!" >> $logfile
As you can see, it should create a log file, and it does this after a reboot when the script is called as a cronjob. This script works perfectly fine when you manualy execute it, it writes the output to the logfile AND starts the program.
The problem is: the program is not launched when the .sh script is called as a cronjob.
Why is only the application not started when the script is executed???
"sudo /etc/init.d/cron status" output
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi systemd[1]: Starting Regular background program processing daemon...
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi systemd[1]: Started Regular background program processing daemon.
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi cron[292]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi cron[292]: (CRON) INFO (Running #reboot jobs)
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi CRON[296]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user me by (uid=0)
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi CRON[318]: (me) CMD (etc/application/
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi CRON[296]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
Mar 17 22:14:45 pizza-pi pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user me

Edit the /etc/rc.local file and add the following line in /etc/init.d/cron/start be sure that it should before exit 0.
Follow this link
Hope answer is useful for you


RHEL 8 systemctl startup script fails

I have an application startup script that works correctly under RHEL 7, using both the "service" and "systemctl" commands. However when I use the same startup script and service config file on RHEL 8, the "service" command will stop and start the application, but the "systemctl" command will not start it.
The contents of the alm.service file are:
Description=Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
ExecStart=/etc/init.d/alm start
ExecStop=/etc/init.d/alm stop
The portion of the /etc/init.d/alm script that starts the application is:
# chkconfig: 35 20 80
# Description: QC Application LifeCycle Management
export LANG="en_US.utf8"
source /etc/profile
start () {
echo -n "Starting HP ALM: "
#Log as alm if account is not the good one
testfile=/opt/repository/base_install/.test_$RANDOM_`date|sed 's/ //g'`
testcmd="touch $testfile"
rmcmd="rm $testfile"
if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then
testcmd="su alm -c \"touch $testfile\""
rmcmd="su alm -c \"rm $testfile\""
eval "$testcmd" 2>/dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo $'\n'"$0 ERROR: UNABLE to access REPOSITORY (touch $testfile) on read-write mode !"
echo $'\n'"!!! ABORTING ALM restart !!!"
echo $'\n'"But this could also be caused by this `uname -n` client needing reboot due to NFS hang."
eval "$rmcmd"
cd /var/opt/HP/ALM/wrapper
ls -l HPALM
# ./HPALM start
/var/opt/HP/ALM/wrapper/HPALM start
echo "HPALM returned Status: " $?
ls -l /var/opt/HP/ALM/runtime/
The HPALM script forks the daemon process and creates the /var/opt/HP/ALM/runtime/ file when the process is started.
When I do service alm start the application starts correctly.
However, when I do systemctl start alm I get the following error in journalctl -xe
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311785]: Starting QC ALM:
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311785]: user ID uid=(alm) gid=(team_alm_L4_users)
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311785]: calling ./HPALM start
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311829]: uid=(alm) gid=(team_alm_L4_users)
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311830]: -rwxr-xr-x. 1 alm team_alm_L4_users 54983 Oct 3 21:06 HPALM
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311831]: /etc/init.d/alm: line 36: /var/opt/HP/ALM/wrapper/HPALM: Permission denied
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311785]: HPALM returned Status: 126
Oct 03 21:18:29 12ee04f4556c44c alm[1311832]: ls: cannot access '/var/opt/HP/ALM/runtime/': No such file or directory
The RHEL 8 release version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa)
These same files and scripts work correctly on RHEL 7.
Does anyone know what has changed with RHEL 8 that would cause this to fail with systemctl but allow it to work with service?

cron.hourly script is only run manually

It does not seem that file I put to /etc/cron.hourly does not seem to work
It's called cron_hourly_homepage, so it does not seem that its filename issue. Ownership seems alright as well: -rwxr-xr-x
run-parts --test /etc/cron.hourly sees this file, run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly can run it as well
Would like to get it fixed, so no crontab recommendations are necessary :D
● cron.service - Regular background program processing daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cron.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-12-27 20:20:40 GMT; 1 day 23h ago
Docs: man:cron(8)
Main PID: 401 (cron)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
CPU: 9.213s
CGroup: /system.slice/cron.service
└─401 /usr/sbin/cron -f
Dec 29 17:19:01 raspberrypi CRON[9255]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
Dec 29 17:19:01 raspberrypi CRON[9255]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
Dec 29 18:17:01 raspberrypi CRON[9427]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0)
Dec 29 18:17:01 raspberrypi CRON[9428]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
It is common to forget cron scripts are running without a shell and no environment context.
Please see this answer

Using crontab to run my script at fix time

In the Crontab -e
I have added the code:
48 17 * * 1-5 /home/user/ >/dev/null 2>&1
in the system logs I receive: /var/log/syslog
Nov 9 17:48:01 HP-Pavilion cron[963]: (user) RELOAD (crontabs/user)
Nov 9 17:48:01 HP-Pavilion CRON[18951]: (user) CMD (/home/user/ >/dev/null 2>&1)
Nov 9 17:48:02 HP-Pavilion: [34529.848963] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 2 failed to flush
Nov 9 17:48:02 HP-Pavilion kernel: [34530.360969] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 2 failed to flush
Nov 9 17:48:03 HP-Pavilion kernel: [34530.872983] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 2 failed to flush
Nov 9 17:48:04 HP-Pavilion kernel: [34532.021114] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 2 failed to flush
Nov 9 17:48:05 HP-Pavilion kernel: [34532.581126] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 2 failed to flush
my script contains a command line:
./a.out -f abc_`date+"%Y%m%d"`.txt
Now why won't the file gets created ???
When I start this program using Crontab ?
If I just run the script directly from the command line as:
then it runs fine and a file gets created but If i put it in the Crontab, the output file doesn't get created. What could be the issues.
I am beginner at crontab.
Re-direct the output to some file instead of /dev/null, check for the file once the script is executed.
you may b able to figure out what the problem is.

2 questions, cron job not running restart, kill not gracefully restarting

I put the following cron job in my root crontab under var/spool/cron
*/5 * * * * service php-fpm-5.5.11 restart
I see it called in the cron logs every 5 minutes, so I know it is being called, but it is not restarting php-fpm.
Question 1:
Is there a different way to restart services when calling them in cron?
What would be the correct way to call this restart?
Another question and the root of the problem is I have another call that runs every night that sometimes kills my website altogether because php-fpm is not restarting correctly:
/bin/kill -SIGUSR1 `cat /opt/pifpm/php-5.5.11/var/run/ 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true
I get:
[12-Jul-2015 00:52:29] ERROR: An another FPM instance seems to already listen on /opt/pifpm/fpmsockets/5.5.11.sock
[12-Jul-2015 00:52:29] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
Question 2
Is there a better way to call the kill statement? For instance:
[ ! -f /opt/pifpm/php-5.5.11/var/run/ ] || kill -USR2 `cat /opt/pifpm/php-5.5.11/var/run/`
This is an nginx and centos setup.
Here is a portion of the cron log:
Jul 15 12:15:01 insp CROND[7325]: (root) CMD (service php-fpm-5.5.11 restart)
Jul 15 12:15:01 insp CROND[7326]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/recoverymgmt >/dev/null 2>&1)
Jul 15 12:15:01 insp CROND[7327]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/cpanel/bin/dcpumon >/dev/null 2>&1)
Jul 15 12:15:01 insp CROND[7332]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/autorepair recoverymgmt >/dev/null 2>&1)
Jul 15 12:15:01 insp CROND[7333]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/cpanel/bin/dbindex >/dev/null 2>&1)
Jul 15 12:16:53 insp /usr/bin/crontab[7530]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
Jul 15 12:16:57 insp /usr/bin/crontab[7530]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Jul 15 12:20:01 insp CROND[7842]: (root) CMD (/usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1)
Jul 15 12:20:01 insp CROND[7845]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/cpanel/bin/dcpumon >/dev/null 2>&1)
Jul 15 12:20:01 insp CROND[7846]: (root) CMD (service php-fpm-5.5.11 restart)
Jul 15 12:20:01 insp CROND[7847]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/maldetect/maldet --mkpubpaths >> /dev/null 2>&1)
Answer to the Question number 1.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/php-fpm-5.5.11 restart is the correct path to use in cron.
The /etc/rc.d/init.d has most of the services in the directory including httpd

Command not found even crontab PATH is set

Even though I set the PATH in /etc/crontab as
commands found in /usr/lib/mailman/cron are still not found, Thus issuing a mail to root saying
/bin/sh: mailman: command not found
I've debugged the problem, setting up a cron entry
* * * * * /bin/echo "`/bin/date`: $PATH" >> /tmp/crontest.log 2>&1
using crontab -e which actually do write the PATH to /tmp/crontest.log, confirming that the path entered in /etc/crontab is not what cron think it should be.
Fri Feb 14 10:22:01 CET 2014: /usr/bin:/bin
I've also tried to solve it by re-start cron using (both) service crond restart and service crond stop;sleep 5;service crond start (which does the same, but to make absolutely certain that it has been restarted), but this doesn't change anything.
The /etc/crontab file is readable by everyone (permissions is 644 root root)
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 500 10 feb 10:36 /etc/crontab
/var/log/cron does not show anything about the problem, just what's started and when I restarted the cron
grep -v CMD /var/log/cron
Feb 14 09:45:34 p1kitlst01l crond[12214]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support)
Feb 14 09:45:34 p1kitlst01l crond[12214]: (CRON) INFO (#reboot jobs will be run at computer's startup.)
Feb 14 09:48:07 p1kitlst01l crontab[12331]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
Feb 14 09:48:45 p1kitlst01l crontab[12331]: (root) REPLACE (root)
Feb 14 09:48:45 p1kitlst01l crontab[12331]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Feb 14 09:49:01 p1kitlst01l crond[12214]: (root) RELOAD (/var/spool/cron/root)
Feb 14 10:01:01 p1kitlst01l run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[13010]: starting 0anacron
Feb 14 10:01:01 p1kitlst01l run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[13027]: finished 0anacron
Feb 14 10:01:01 p1kitlst01l run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[13010]: starting mcelog.cron
Feb 14 10:01:01 p1kitlst01l run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[13039]: finished mcelog.cron
Feb 14 10:19:16 p1kitlst01l crontab[13840]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
Feb 14 10:19:23 p1kitlst01l crontab[13840]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Feb 14 10:27:17 p1kitlst01l crond[14170]: (CRON) STARTUP (1.4.4)
Feb 14 10:27:17 p1kitlst01l crond[14170]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support)
Feb 14 10:27:17 p1kitlst01l crond[14170]: (CRON) INFO (#reboot jobs will be run at computer's startup.)
Any suggestions to what I have to look in to?
What I think is ,you have two ways to go (maybe others provide more).
1) set the absolute path for mailman in your script.
2) source the .profile, then run the script, such as:
0 1 * * * . ~/.profile; bash
