Spark SQL query execution on Hive - apache-spark

I am new to Spark SQL but aware of hive query execution framework. I would like to understand how does spark executes sql queries (technical description) ?
If I fire below command
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("select count(distinct(id)) from test.emp").collect
In Hive it will be converted into Map-Reduce job but how it gets executed in Spark?
How hive metastore will come into picture?
Thanks in advance.

To answer you question briefly: No, HiveContext will not start MR job. Your SQL query will still use the spark engine
I will quote from the spark documentation:
In addition to the basic SQLContext, you can also create a HiveContext, which provides a superset of the functionality provided by the basic SQLContext. Additional features include the ability to write queries using the more complete HiveQL parser, access to Hive UDFs, and the ability to read data from Hive tables. To use a HiveContext, you do not need to have an existing Hive setup, and all of the data sources available to a SQLContext are still available. HiveContext is only packaged separately to avoid including all of Hive’s dependencies in the default Spark build. If these dependencies are not a problem for your application then using HiveContext is recommended for the 1.3 release of Spark. Future releases will focus on bringing SQLContext up to feature parity with a HiveContext
So The HiveContext is used by spark to enhance the query parsing and accessing to existing Hive tables, and even to persist your result DataFrames / Tables. Actually, moreover, Hive could use Spark as its execution engine instead of using MR or tez.
Hive metastore is a metadata about Hive tables. And when using HiveContext spark could use this metastore service. Refer to the documentation:


Apache Spark: how can I understand and control if my query is executed on Hive engine or on Spark engine?

I am running local instance of spark 2.4.0
I want to execute an SQL query vs Hive
Before, with Spark 1.x.x., I was using HiveContext for this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
val hc = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
val hivequery = hc.sql(“show databases”)
But now I see that HiveContext is deprecated: Inside HiveContext.sql() code I see that it is now simply a wrapper over SparkSession.sql(). The recomendation is to use enableHiveSupport in SparkSession builder, but as this question clarifies this is only about metastore and list of tables, this is not changing execution engine.
So the questions are:
how can I understand if my query is running on Hive engine or on Spark engine?
how can I control this?
From my understanding there is no Hive Engine to run your query. You submit a query to Hive and Hive would execute it on an engine :
Tez(based on MapReduce)
MapReduce (commnly Hadoop)
If you use Spark, your query will be executed by Spark using SparkSQL (starting with Spark v1.5.x, if I recall correctly)
How is configured the Hive Engine depends on configuration and I remember seeing Hive on Spark configuration on Cloudera distribution.
So Hive would use Spark to execute the job matching you query (instead of MapReduce or Tez) but Hive would parse, analyze it.
Using local Spark instance, you will only use Spark engine (SparkSQL / Catalyst), but you can use it with Hive Support. It means, you would be able to read an existing Hive metastore and interact with it.
It requires a Spark installation with Hive support : Hive dependencies and hive-site.xml in your classpath

Hadoop 3 and spark.sql: working with both HiveWarehouseSession and spark.sql

Previously I could work entirely within the spark.sql api to interact with both hive tables and spark data frames. I could query views registered with spark or the hive tables with the same api.
I'd like to confirm, that is no longer possible with hadoop 3.1 and pyspark 2.3.2? To do any operation on a hive table one must use the 'HiveWarehouseSession' api and not the spark.sql api. Is there any way to continue using the spark.sql api and interact with hive or will I have to refactor all my code?
hive = HiveWarehouseSession.session(spark).build()
hive.execute("arbitrary example query here")
spark.sql("arbitrary example query here")
It's confusing because the spark documentation says
Connect to any data source the same way
and specifically gives Hive as an example, but then the Hortonworks hadoop 3 documentation says
As a Spark developer, you execute queries to Hive using the JDBC-style HiveWarehouseSession API
These two statements are in direct contradiction.
The Hadoop documentation continues "You can use the Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) API to access any type of table in the Hive catalog from Spark. When you use SparkSQL, standard Spark APIs access tables in the Spark catalog."
At least as of present, Spark.sql spark is no longer universal correct? and I can no longer seamlessly interact with hive tables using the same api?
Yep, correct. I'm using Spark 2.3.2 but I can no longer access to hive tables using Spark SQL default API.
From HDP 3.0, catalogs for Apache Hive and Apache Spark are separated, they are mutually exclusive.
As you mentioned you have to use HiveWarehouseSession from pyspark-llap library.

Does Spark SQL use Hive Metastore?

I am developing a Spark SQL application and I've got few questions:
I read that Spark-SQL uses Hive metastore under the cover? Is this true? I'm talking about a pure Spark-SQL application that does not explicitly connect to any Hive installation.
I am starting a Spark-SQL application, and have no need to use Hive. Is there any reason to use Hive? From what I understand Spark-SQL is much faster than Hive; so, I don't see any reason to use Hive. But am I correct?
I read that Spark-SQL uses Hive metastore under the cover? Is this true? I'm talking about a pure Spark-SQL application that does not explicitly connect to any Hive installation.
Spark SQL does not use a Hive metastore under the covers (and defaults to in-memory non-Hive catalogs unless you're in spark-shell that does the opposite).
The default external catalog implementation is controlled by spark.sql.catalogImplementation internal property and can be one of the two possible values: hive and in-memory.
Use the SparkSession to know what catalog is in use.
scala> :type spark
scala> spark.version
res0: String = 2.4.0
scala> :type spark.sharedState.externalCatalog
scala> println(spark.sharedState.externalCatalog.unwrapped)
Please note that I used spark-shell that does start a Hive-aware SparkSession and so I had to start it with --conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=in-memory to turn it off.
I am starting a Spark-SQL application, and have no need to use Hive. Is there any reason to use Hive? From what I understand Spark-SQL is much faster than Hive; so, I don't see any reason to use Hive.
That's a very interesting question and can have different answers (some even primarily opinion-based so we have to be extra careful and follow the StackOverflow rules).
Is there any reason to use Hive?
But...if you want to use the very recent feature of Spark 2.2, i.e. cost-based optimizer, you may want to consider it as ANALYZE TABLE for cost statistics can be fairly expensive and so doing it once for tables that are used over and over again across different Spark application runs could give a performance boost.
Please note that Spark SQL without Hive can do it too, but have some limitation as the local default metastore is just for a single-user access and reusing the metadata across Spark applications submitted at the same time won't work.
I don't see any reason to use Hive.
I wrote a blog post Why is Spark SQL so obsessed with Hive?! (after just a single day with Hive) where I asked a similar question and to my surprise it's only now (almost a year after I posted the blog post on Apr 9, 2016) when I think I may have understood why the concept of Hive metastore is so important, esp. in multi-user Spark notebook environments.
Hive itself is just a data warehouse on HDFS so not much use if you've got Spark SQL, but there are still some concepts Hive has done fairly well that are of much use in Spark SQL (until it fully stands on its own legs with a Hive-like metastore).
It will connect to a Hive Metastore or instantiate one if none is found when you initialize a HiveContext() object or a spark-shell.
The main reason to use Hive is if you are reading HDFS data in from Hive's managed tables or if you want the convenience of selecting from external tables.
Remember that Hive is simply a lens for reading and writing HDFS files and not an execution engine in and of itself.

Spark SQL: how does it tell hive to run query on spark?

As rightly pointed out here:
Spark SQL query execution on Hive
Spark SQL when running through HiveContext will make SQL query use the spark engine.
How does spark SQL setting hive.execution.engine=spark tell hive to do so?
Note this works automatically, we do not have to specify this in hive-site.xml in the conf directory of spark.
There are 2 independent projects here
Hive on Spark - Hive project that integrates Spark as an additional engine.
Spark SQL - Spark module that makes use of the Hive code.
HiveContext belongs to the 2nd and hive.execution.engine is a property of the 1st.

SparkSQL vs Hive on Spark - Difference and pros and cons?

SparkSQL CLI internally uses HiveQL and in case Hive on spark(HIVE-7292) , hive uses spark as backend engine. Can somebody throw some more light, how exactly these two scenarios are different and pros and cons of both approaches?
When SparkSQL uses hive
SparkSQL can use HiveMetastore to get the metadata of the data stored in HDFS. This metadata enables SparkSQL to do better optimization of the queries that it executes. Here Spark is the query processor.
When Hive uses Spark See the JIRA entry: HIVE-7292
Here the the data is accessed via spark. And Hive is the Query processor. So we have all the deign features of Spark Core to take advantage of. But this is a Major Improvement for Hive and is still "in progress" as of Feb 2 2016.
There is a third option to process data with SparkSQL
Use SparkSQL without using Hive. Here SparkSQL does not have access to the metadata from the Hive Metastore. And the queries run slower. I have done some performance tests comparing options 1 and 3. The results are here.
SparkSQL vs Spark API you can simply imagine you are in RDBMS world:
SparkSQL is pure SQL, and Spark API is language for writing stored procedure
Hive on Spark is similar to SparkSQL, it is a pure SQL interface that use spark as execution engine, SparkSQL uses Hive's syntax, so as a language, i would say they are almost the same.
but Hive on Spark has a much better support for hive features, especially hiveserver2 and security features, hive features in SparkSQL is really buggy, there is a hiveserver2 impl in SparkSQL, but in latest release version (1.6.x), hiveserver2 in SparkSQL doesn't work with hivevar and hiveconf argument anymore, and the username for login via jdbc doesn't work either...
i believe hive support in spark project is really very low priority stuff...
sadly Hive on spark integration is not that easy, there are a lot of dependency conflicts... such as
and, when i'm trying hive with spark integration, for debug purpose, i'm always starting hive cli like this:
bin/hive --hiveconf hive.root.logger=DEBUG,console
our requirement is using spark with hiveserver2 in a secure way (with authentication and authorization), currently SparkSQL alone can not provide this, we are using ranger/sentry + Hive on Spark.
hope this can help you to get a better idea which direction you should go.
here is related answer I find in the hive official site:
1.3 Comparison with Shark and Spark SQL 
There are two related projects in the Spark ecosystem that provide Hive QL support on Spark: Shark and Spark SQL. 
●The Shark project translates query plans generated by Hive into its own representation and executes them over Spark.  
●Spark SQL is a feature in Spark. It uses Hive’s parser as the frontend to provide Hive QL support. Spark application developers can easily express their data processing logic in SQL, as well as the other Spark operators, in their code. Spark SQL supports a different use case than Hive. 
Compared with Shark and Spark SQL, our approach by design supports all existing Hive features, including Hive QL (and any future extension), and Hive’s integration with authorization, monitoring, auditing, and other operational tools. 
3. Hive­-Level Design 
As noted in the introduction, this project takes a different approach from that of Shark or Spark SQL in the sense that we are not going to implement SQL semantics using Spark's primitives. On the contrary, we will implement it using MapReduce primitives. The only new thing here is that these MapReduce primitives will be executed in Spark. In fact, only a few of Spark's primitives will be used in this design. 
The approach of executing Hive’s MapReduce primitives on Spark that is different from what Shark or Spark SQL does has the following direct advantages: 
1.Spark users will automatically get the whole set of Hive’s rich features, including any new features that Hive might introduce in the future. 
2.This approach avoids or reduces the necessity of any customization work in Hive’s Spark execution engine.
3.It will also limit the scope of the project and reduce longterm maintenance by keeping Hive­-on­-Spark congruent to Hive MapReduce and Tez. 
