Baseline for measuring Apache Spark jobs execution times - apache-spark

I am fairly new to Apache Spark. I have been using it for several months, but this is my first project that uses it.
I use Spark to compute dynamic reports from data, stored in a NoSQL database (Cassandra). So far I have created several reports and they are computed correctly. Inside them I use DataFrame .unionAll(), .join(), .count(), .map(), etc.
I am running a 1.4.1 Spark cluster on my local machine with the following setup:
I have also populated the database with test data which is around 10-12k records per table.
By using the driver's web UI (http://localhost:4040/), I have noticed that the jobs are taking 40s-50s to execute, so lately I have been researching ways to tune Apache Spark and the jobs.
I have configured Spark to use the KryoSerializer, I have set the to lzf, I have optimized the jobs as much as I can and as much as my knowledge allows me to.
This led to the jobs taking 20s-30s to compute (which I think is a good improvement). The problem is that because this is my first Spark project, I have no baseline to compare the jobs times, so I have no idea if the execution is slow or fast and whether there is some problem in the code or with the Spark config.
What is the best way to proceed? Is there a graph or benchmark that shows how much time an action with N data should take?

You have to use hive . On top of hive you can put spark . After doing this create temp table in hive for Cassandra table you can perform all type of aggregation and filtering . After doing this you can use hive jdbc connection to get result . It will give fast result .


Differences in Execution betwen Hive and Spark

All: I am looking for someone with more knowledge to check my understanding of Hive and Spark
I have been researching different large scale database solutions and I am trying to understand the difference in execution between Hive and Spark. I attempted to install Hadoop, Hive, and Spark to see how they perform. I was able to get Hadoop and Spark to work. I was unable to get Hive to work.
When I ran queries in Spark after they passed through the optimizer, it seems that the biggest advantage is that only the relevant table data is selected from the source at the earliest inception. So if I only needed Table1.columns(A,B,C) in the final answer, but told the system to JOIN Table1 & Table2 on (Table1.A=Table2.B) it immediately reduces the carried table to only the relevant items...I do not think Hive performs that way. I believe it will do the full join and perform the reduction later.
There are also differences in the memory storage (Hive going back the the HDFS frequently, vs Spark keeping things in RAM). This has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the data set/query.
Unfortunately because I cannot get Hive to run, my theory is based off of reading outputs of other people running things in Hive.
I Think hive and spark originally have different goals, and their execution styles are based on those goals.
Apache spark is a framework that allows you to do calculations on big datasets. stored on hdfs
Hive is an SQL interface to retriev data stored in an hdfs, and other clusterized and object store filesystems (S3 is an example) in a structured way.
Spark keeps things on ram because its more focused on making calculations with the data sets. Hive is more focused on retrieving data in a structured way, so it does not focus on speed that much (that being said, there have been improvements in hive, like llap that are meant to improve performance).
I like to use analogies with traditional software tools. On one side, you can have a relational database, and on the other side, a programming language. They both overlap in some functionality (you can write and read to disk with the programming language, and you can do some calculations with the sql engine. However, if the task at hand requires intensive and complex calculations you would probably use the programming language. If you are looking for a system that lets you store data in a structured way, you would go for the sql engine.
Hive on Tez and Spark both use Ram(memory) for operating on data . The number of partitions computed which will be treated as individual tasks would be quite different from Hive on Tez vs Spark . Hive on Tez by default tries to use combiner to merge certain splits into single partition . Hive one Tez seem to handle autoscaling of clusters in a better way than spark and does work most of the time.Spark doesn't work with autoscaling it would have lot of shuffle errors and will fail when there are multiple stages . But given a fixed size of cluster Spark seems to perform better over Hive on TEZ this could be attributed to some of the optimizations done and also how the shuffle ,serialization etc are implemented .

Spark code is taking a long time to return query. Help on speeding this up

I am currently running some Spark code and I need to query a data frame that is taking a long time (over 1 hour) per query. I need to query multiple times to check if the data frame is in fact correct.
I am relatively new to Spark and I understand that Spark uses lazy evaluation which means that the commands are executed only once I do a call for some action (in my case .show()).
Is there a way to do this process once for the whole DF and then quickly call on the data?
Currently I am saving the DF as a temporary table and then running queries in beeline (HIVE). This seems a little bit overkill as I have to save the table in a database first, which seems like a waste of time.
I have looked into the following functions .persist, .collect but I am confused on how to use them and query from them.
I would really like to learn the correct way of doing this.
Many thanks for the help in advance!!
Yes, you can keep your RDD in memory using rddName.cache() (or persists()) . More information about RDD Persistence can be found here
Using a temporary table ( registerTempTable (spark 1.6) or createOrReplaceTempView (spark2.x)) does not "save" any data. It only creates a view with the lifetime of you spark session. If you wish to save the table, you should use .saveAsTable, but I assume that this is not what you are looking for.
Using .cache is equivalent to .persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY). If your table is large and thus can't fit in memory, you should use .persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK).
Also it is possible that you simple need more nodes in you cluster. In case you are running locally, make sure you deploy with --master local[*] to use all available cores on your machine. If you are running on a stand alone cluster or with a cluster manager like Yarn or Mesos, you should make sure that all necessary/available resources are assigned to you job.

How to use Apache spark as Query Engine?

i am using Apache Spark For Big data Processing. The data is loaded to Data frames from a Flat file source or JDBC source. The Job is to search specific records from the data frame using spark sql.
So i have to Run the job again and again for new search terms. every time i have to submit the Jar files using spark submit to get the results. As the size of data is 40.5 GB it becomes tedious to reload the same data every time to data frame to get the results for different queries.
so What i need is,
a way if i can load the data in data frame once and query it multiple time with out submitting the jar multiple times ?
if we could use spark as a search engine/ query engine?
if we can load the data into data frame once and query the data frame remotely using RestAP
> The current configuration of My Spark Deployment is
5 node cluster.
runs on yarn rm.
i have tried to use spark-job server but it also runs the job every time.
You might be interested in HiveThriftServer and Spark integration.
Basically you start a Hive Thrift Server and inject your HiveContext build from SparkContext:
val sql = new HiveContext(sc)
sql.setConf("hive.server2.thrift.port", "10001")
There are several client libraries and tools to query the server:
Including CLI tool - beeline
You can also use spark+kafka streaming integration. Just that you will have to send your queries over kafka for the streaming APIs to pick up. Thats one design pattern picking up quickly in market cos if its simplicity.
Create Datasets over your lookup data.
Start a Spark streaming query over Kafka.
Get the sql from your Kafka topic
Execute the query over the already created Datasets
This should take care of your usecase.
Hope this helps!
For the spark search engine, if you require full text search capabilities and/or document level scoring - and you do not have an elasticsearch infrastructure - you can give a try to Spark Search - it brings Apache Lucene support to spark.
val restoredSearchRDD: SearchRDD[Person] = SearchRDD.load[Person](sc, "/tmp/hdfs-pathname")
restoredSearchRDD.searchList("(fistName:Mikey~0.8) OR (lastName:Wiliam~0.4) OR (lastName:jonh~0.2)",
topKByPartition = 10)
.map(doc => s"${doc.source.firstName}=${doc.score}"

Spark Storm or Flink - Big Data analysis

Can anyone recommend me which technology can be explored if I am having a large data set in Cassandra table (3 node cluster) and I need to perform a sum operation on records received on daily basis. The count so calculated needs to be updated in a MySQL table.
Steps to perform -
1. Fetch Ids from MY SQL table
2. Run Sum operation from Cassandra table
3. Insert/update the calculated sum value in MYSQL table
Currently I am using plain Java to perform these tasks using SQL and CQL queries but its very slow and in future data will be growing exponentially.
Can anyone suggest technologies that can be explored to get this task accomplish in fastest possible way and lowest development time.
There's not much to recommend, it depends only on the task you have and your own preferences.
Apache Storm is a streaming engine, it would be good if you want to process stream of entries, not a batch of data like in your case.
Both Apache Spark and Apache Flink will allow you to perform batch job once a day or make a streaming application that will calculate results from one day.
I prefer Apache Spark, as it has unified API for batch and streaming jobs (so you can easily change code from batch to streaming) and strong community support. Apache Flink supports real time streaming, however it's not necessary in your case.
However, you should look and these two frameworks on your own and choose this framework, which looks better for you. In my opinion both of them will be ok

spark datasax cassandra connector slow to read from heavy cassandra table

I am new to Spark/ Spark Cassandra Connector. We are trying spark for the first time in our team and we are using spark cassandra connector to connect to cassandra Database.
I wrote a query which is using a heavy table of the database and I saw that Spark Task didn't start until the query to the table fetched all the records.
It is taking more than 3 hours just to fetch all the records from the database.
To get the data from the DB we use.
.cassandraTable(keyspaceName, tableName);
Is there a way to tell spark to start working even if all the data didn't finish to download ?
Is there an option to tell spark-cassandra-connector to use more threads for the fetch ?
If you look at the Spark UI, how many partitions is your table scan creating? I just did something like this and I found that Spark was creating too many partitions for the scan and it was taking much longer as a result. The way I decreased the time on my job was by setting the configuration parameter spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb to a value higher than the default. In my case it took a 20 minute job down to about four minutes. There are also a couple more Cassandra read specific Spark variables that you can set found here.
These stackoverflow questions are what I referenced originally, I hope they help you out as well.
Iterate large Cassandra table in small chunks
Set number of tasks on Cassandra table scan
After doing some performance testing with regards to fiddling with some Spark configuration parameters, I found that Spark was creating far too many table partitions when I wasn't giving the Spark executors enough memory. In my case, upping the memory by a gigabyte was enough to render the input split size parameter unnecessary. If you can't give the executors more memory, you may still need to set spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mbhigher as a form of workaround.
