Why it is impossible to divide Integer number in Haskell? - haskell

This code
(4 :: Integer) / 2
will lead to error:
No instance for (Fractional Integer) arising from a use of ‘/’
In the expression: (4 :: Integer) / 2
In an equation for ‘it’: it = (4 :: Integer) / 2
I need to specify
fromIntegral(4 :: Integer) / 2
to get a result. But what if I need a real number and not 2.0?

Because the Integer type has no Fractional instance.
The type for (/) is Fractional a => a -> a -> a. Consider what happens when a = Integer. You'd have Integer -> Integer -> Integer. But 1/2 is not an integer, it's 0.5. So the only way to fit the division operator would be to round the result. But there is not a single way to round, and the best choice depends on the application, hence it was decided to not provide that instance.
If you want to perform integer division use the div or quot functions (they use different rounding).
Otherwise convert to something that supports a well-defined division operation like Rational (this is what the fromIntegral is doing).

Because the division operator for integers has two results (quotient and remainder):
divMod :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
You can also use the div operator:
n `div` m
which returns only one component of the division result (the quotient), but that's not the same thing as n / m. / is for types where the division operator has only one result which combines 'quotient' and 'remainder' in one fraction.
Equationally, if (q, r) = n `divMod` m, then
n = m * q + r
whereas if q = x / y, then
x = y * q
(up to the usual caveats about floating point numbers and approximations).
Substituting div for / breaks that relationship, because it throws away some of the information you need to reproduce n.

In Haskell, the class Fractional contains all types which are capable of division. Indeed, this is how division is defined; accordingly, whenever Haskell encounters /, it looks for an instance of Fractional for the type being operated on. Because there is no instance of the class Fractional for Integer, Haskell does not have a definition for / on Integer.
Haskell has several subclasses of the Num class, and they are worth being familiar with in order to type your classes in the most appropriate way possible.


What is the correct way to use fromIntegral to convert an Integer to real-fractional types?

I am trying to use fromIntegral to convert from Integer to a real-fractional type. The idea is to have a helper method to later be used for the comparison between two instances of a Fraction (whether they are the same).
I have read some of the documentation related to:
fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
realToFrac :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
Where I am having trouble is taking the concept and make an implementation of the helper method that takes a Num data type with fractions (numerator and denominator) and returns what I think is a real-fractional type value. Here is what I have been able to do so far:
data Num = Fraction {numerator :: Integer, denominator :: Integer}
helper :: Num -> Fractional
helper (Fraction num denom) = realToFrac(num/denom)
You need to learn about the difference between types and type classes. In OO languages, both are kind of the same concept, but in Haskell they're not.
A type contains concrete values. E.g. the type Bool contains the value True.
A class contains types. E.g. the Ord class doesn't contain any values, but it does contain the types which contain values that can be compared.
In case of numbers in Haskell it's a bit confusing that you can't really tell from the name whether you're dealing with a type or a class. Fractional is a class, whereas Rational is a type (which is an instance of Fractional, but so is e.g. Float).
In your example... first let's give that type a better name
data MyRational = Fraction {numerator :: Integer, denominator :: Integer}
...you have two possibilities what helper could actually do: convert to a concrete Rational value
helper' :: MyRational -> Rational
or a generic Fractional-type one
helper'' :: Fractional r => MyRational -> r
The latter is strictly more general, because Rational is an instance of Fractional (i.e. you can in fact use helper'' as a MyRational -> Rational function, but also as a MyRational -> Double function).
In either case,
helper (Fraction num denom) = realToFrac(num/denom)
does not work because you're trying to carry out the division on integer values and only then converting the result. Instead, you need to convert the integers to something fractional and then carry out the division in that type.

Why does (-) fail to typecheck when I place a Double Matrix on the left and a Double on the right?

Since hmatrix provides an instance of Num for Matrix types, I can express element-wise subtraction like:
m = (2><2)[1..] :: Double Matrix
m' = m - 3
That works great, as 3 is a Num, and results in a matrix created by subtracting 3 from each element of m.
Why does this not also work:
m' = m - (3::Double)
The error I'm getting is:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Matrix Double’
with actual type ‘Double’
In the second argument of ‘(-)’, namely ‘(3 :: Double)’
In the expression: m - (3 :: Double)
I expected the compiler to understand that a Double is also a Num. Why is that seemingly not the case?
What happens when you do m - 3 with m :: Matrix Double is that 3 :: Matrix Double. The fact that Matrix Double is an instance of Num means that the compilers knows how to translate the litteral 3. However when you do m - (3 :: Double), you get a type error because (-) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a, so the type of the element you subtract must be instances of Num and match. Hence you can subtract two Doubles, two Matrix Doubles but not a Matrix Double and a Double.
After all, this seems fairly logical to me, it doesn't make sense to subtract a matrix and a scalar.
This is a common misunderstanding of people new to Haskell's style of typeclass based overloading, especially those who are used to the subclass-based overloading used in popular OO languages.
The subtraction operator has type Num a => a -> a -> a; so it takes two arguments of any type that is in the type class Num. It seems like what is happening when you do m - 3 is that the subtraction operator is accepting a Matrix Double on the left and some simple numeric type on the right. But that is actually incorrect.
When a type signature like Num a => a -> a -> a uses the same type variable multiple times, you can pick any type you like (subject to the contstraints before the =>: Num a in this case) to use for a but it has to be the exact same type everywhere that a appears. Matrix Double -> Double -> ??? is not a valid instantiation of the type Num a => a -> a -> a (and if it were, how would you know what it returned?).
The reason m - 3 works is that because both arguments have to be the same type, and m is definitely of type Matrix Double, the compiler sees that 3 must also be of type Matrix Double. So instead of using the 3 appearing in the source text to build a Double (or Integer, or one of many other numeric types), it uses the source text 3 to build a Matrix Double. Effectively the type inference has changed the way the compiler reads the source code text 3.
But if you use m' = m - (3::Double) then you're not letting it just figure out what type 3 must have to make the use of the subtraction operator valid, you're telling it that this 3 is specifically a Double. There's no way both facts to be true (your :: Double assertion and the requirement that the subtraction operator gets two arguments of the same type), so you get a type error.

No instance for (Floating Integer) arising from a use of '**'?

I have the following Haskell code:
two :: Integer -> Integer
two i = toInteger(2 ** i)
Why isn't it working?
(**) requires floating point input based on the function signature:
(**) :: Floating a => a -> a -> a
toInteger on the other hand requires input that is integral in nature:
toInteger :: Integral a => a -> Integer
Therefore, you cannot reconcile the two the way you use it. That said, since you seem to be expecting integer input anyway, you might consider using (^) instead, like so:
two :: Integer -> Integer
two i = 2 ^ i
As #leftaroundabout correctly points out in the comments, (^) will fail for negative values of i. This can be resolved by checking for value and handling in an alternate manner, something like this:
two :: Integer -> Integer
two i = if i > 0 then 2 ^ i else floor (2 ** fromIntegral i)
Use ^ instead:
two i = 2 ^ i
And then there is no need for to cast the result back to an Integral type.
The reason this...
two :: Integer -> Integer
two i = toInteger(2 ** i)
...doesn't work is because you've declared i to be an integer, and if we look at the type of (**)...
Prelude> :t (**)
(**) :: Floating a => a -> a -> a
... all it's arguments are of the same type, and that type has to be an instance of the Floating type-class. Integer is not an instance of Floating. This is what "No instance of (Floating Integer)" means.
The simplest solution is to use ^ as ErikR suggests. It raises a number to an integral power.
(^) :: (Integral b, Num a) => a -> b -> a
If you want to work through using ** to learn a bit more, keep reading.
So we need to convert your integer into a type which is an instance of Floating. You can do this with fromIntegral. If we do this:
two :: Integer -> Integer
two i = toInteger(2 ** fromIntegral(i))
...we still get a load of error messages complaining that various types are ambiguous. These aren't as clear as the first message, but the issue is the use of toInteger which becomes apparent if we look at it's type.
Prelude> :t toInteger
toInteger :: Integral a => a -> Integer
As we're passing the result of ** to toInteger, and that is a Floating, not an Integral, toInteger is the wrong function. round is a better choice.
two :: Integer -> Integer
two i = round(2 ** fromIntegral(i))
This now works.

Haskell: Different ways to convert division of Integers to Double

Say I want to divide 5 (Integer) by 3 (Integer), and I want my answer to be a Double. What different ways are there to do this in Haskell?
The most common approaches involve converting the Integers to Doubles and then dividing them. You can do this through fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b, which takes any value of an integer-like type (e.g. Integer) and turns it into any number-like type (e.g. Double).
let five, three :: Double
five = fromIntegral (5 :: Integer)
three = fromIntegral (3 :: Integer)
in five / three
Note that fromIntegral = fromInteger . toInteger, where toInteger is part of the Integral class (toInteger turns a value of an integer-like type into the corresponding Integer value), and fromInteger is part of the Num class (fromInteger turns an Integer value into a value of any desired number-like type). In this case, because you already have an Integer value, you could use fromInteger instead of fromIntegral.
A much less common approach would be to somehow create a Rational number and converting it:
let five, three, fiveThirds :: Rational
five = toRational (5 :: Integer)
three = toRational (3 :: Integer)
fiveThirds = five / three
in fromRational fiveThirds
The other way to do create Rationals (somehow) depends on which standard you're using. If you've imported Ratio (Haskell 98) or Data.Ratio (Haskell 2010), you can also use the (%) :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> Ratio a operator:
let five, three :: Integer
fiveThirds :: Rational
five = 5
three = 3
fiveThirds = five % three
in (fromRational fiveThirds :: Double)
The type signature of / is:
(/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
This means that, if you want to get a Double from / you will need to provide doubles, not integers. Therefore, I would suggest using a function such as fromIntegral, as shown below:
fromIntegral (5 :: Integer) / fromIntegral (2 :: Integer) == 2.5

Multiplying a Complex Double with a Double in Haskell

I was a bit surprised when the following code wouldn't compile:
-- Code 1
import Complex
type Velocity = Complex Double
type Force = Complex Double
type FrictionCoeff = Double
frictionForce :: FrictionCoeff -> Velocity -> Force
frictionForce mu vel = mu * vel
The error says
Couldn't match expected type `Complex Double'
with actual type `Double'
Expected type: Force
Actual type: FrictionCoeff
In the first argument of `(*)', namely `mu'
In the expression: mu * vel
So, in short
-- Code 2
let z = 1 :+ 2
z * 3 -- Goes fine.
z * 2.5 -- Goes fine.
z * (2.5 :: Double) -- Explodes.
Complex defines (*) as
instance (RealFloat a) => Num (Complex a) where
(x:+y) * (x':+y') = (x*x'-y*y') :+ (x*y'+y*x')
Why can 3 (Num a => a) and 2.5 (Fractional a => a) be pattern-matched against (x:+y), but a Double cannot ?
First off, the type of the multiplication operator is
(*) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
which means that you can only multiply numbers of the same type, which is why multiplying a Complex Double by a Double won't work.
So why does multiplying a complex number with a decimal literal work?
It works because numeric literals are polymorphic in Haskell, so when you type an integer literal like 42, it really means fromInteger 42. Similarly, decimal literals like 2.3 becomes fromRational (23 % 10). If you examine the types of those functions,
fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a
fromRational :: Fractional a => Rational -> a
this means that integer literals can be any numeric type, while decimal literals can be any fractional type. Complex numbers are both, which is why both z * 3 and z * 2.5 work.
When you aren't dealing with literals, you have to convert. For example, your original function can be fixed by writing:
frictionForce :: FrictionCoeff -> Velocity -> Force
frictionForce mu vel = (mu :+ 0) * vel
Finding the appropriate conversion function is easy using Hoogle, since you can search for functions by type. In this case, searching for Double -> Complex Double gives (:+) as the top result.
You cannot multiply a real number with a complex number, even in "real math"; when you want to take 2 * (2 + 3i), what you actually calculate is (2 + 0i) * (2 + 3i). Similarly, in Haskell, when you say:
let z = 1 :+ 2
z * 3
... then 3 gets converted into a Complex Double as well, making the imaginary part zero. This only happens for literal numbers (2, 3.141 etc) because of Haskell's overloaded literal functionality; since literals don't have a default type (they can represent values of any number type), Haskell can say that the 3 has type Complex Double in this context, and appropriate conversion functions are called automatically.
If you want to do this conversion manually, that is, make a complex number out of a real number that is a variable or otherwise already has a different fixed type, you have to use the realToFrac function, which converts any real number into any fractional number (and a Complex counts as a fractional number in this case).
z * realToFrac (2.5 :: Double)
You can of course also manually append :+ 0 if that looks neater to you.
