Thrift maximum possible of threads - multithreading

I'm using a TThreadPoolServer with a ThreadManager along with the PosixThreadFactory.
I set the number of workers to 100 which allows 100 simultaneous connections if my understanding is good.
I was wondering how far can I set the number of threads. So I tried to progressively increment the number and the max I could reach before my stress tests crash was 160.
My question is this: what are the parameters to take into account to correctly set the number of threads?
Second question: is there a solution to handle more than this number (kind of clustering maybe?)

What are the parameters to take into account to correctly set the number of threads?
The maximum number of threads is not so much depending on a particular libary or product, it is more depending on how the threads are used. Just a few points to consider, without even attempting to provide an exhaustive list:
Each thread eats some resources by the pure fact of its existence. What the per-thread impact is in concrete, depends highly on the underlying OS and whether we talk about real OS threads, or things like goroutines.
Unless a thread is waiting for some event, it uses the CPU, RAM and I/O bandwith. What the impact is exactly, depends on the workload these threads are actually supposed to handle. Is the system as a whole primarily CPU bound, I/O bound or maybe bound to another shared resource?
Sharing resources across threads may lead to effects like lock contention, which have the potential to slow down the whole system the more concurrent accesses they have to handle. Again this depends on the nature of work and the architecture of the system.
Second question: is there a solution to handle more than this number (kind of clustering maybe?
Now that's a reeeeaaaalllly broad question on its own.


relationship between computer logical cores and nodejs threadpool

I have read lots of articles on stackoverflow, but failed to find any references about relationship between computer`s logical cores and nodejs threadpool. I believe this is not the duplicated question.
I am using 2017 macbook pro which has 2physical core with 4threads(4 logical cores)
and I believe that nodejs uses threadpool size of 4 (reference with libuv) when doing heavy stuffs such as pbkdf2(function inside of crypto module), i/o operations.
my question is that, what is the relationship between computer's thread size and nodejs's threadpool size?
actually I have never thought about the computer's thread.
it may sound crazy but so far I believed computer only has physical core, and if application such as nodejs instance supports thread pool(in this case thread pool size of 4 by default), then computer can utilize multi-threading.
so what exactly is the relationship between those two?
do I have to change THREADPOOL_SIZE to number of computer's logical core to maximize the performance..?
node.js does not dynamically adjust the threadpool size based on the CPUs or logical CPUs that are present. It has a preset value (4) unless you customize it.
Because the threadpool is often used for blocking operations such as disk I/O, it's not necessarily true that an optimal value for the thread pool size is the number of logical CPUs you have (unlike the typical recommendation for clustering).
Instead, it would likely depend upon which specific types of operations you most want to optimize for and exactly how you're using those operations. For example, it probably doesn't really help you a lot to make more and more parallel disk operations that are all trying to access the same physical disk because there's only one position the read/write head can move at a time so having lots of parallel operations all contending for the same read/write head may not speed things up (could even make things slower).
If you have a specific operation you're trying to optimize for, then your best bet is to create a reproducible benchmark test and then time it with several different sizes for the thread pool.
As was pointed out in a comment, you can study some of the relevant thread pool code here.

Java Threads and number of Cores

Is it recommended that the number of threads in a java application should be less than the number of cpu cores?
If so why is this the case and what are the implications of using threads greater than the number of cpu cores ?
You will probably not get any definitive answer on the question of knowing, generally speaking, how many threads an app should have, in relation to the number of core(s) the underlying computer has.
One may also argue that, at the time of PaaS software design and/or elastic clusters, the notion of a fixed number of cores for any given process might be overrated.
Still, the first part of your question :
Is it recommended that the number of threads in a java application should be less than the number of cpu cores?
This has a definitive answer, which is a "no" (once more : as a general rule). And the reason why, shortly, it that all created threads are not typically running (and maybe more importantly runable) at once, meaning there is an opportunity to optimize here.
As a support to this discussion, I'll oppose two ways of creating apps, you could call it "classical" versus "reactive", although this is not a generally acceptable division. Yet, let's use this as a support.
Classical application design
I label as classical applications that rely mostly on "blocking" calls and/or "thread per request" pattern. Consider the traditional way I/Os are done (socket communication like HTTP or Database connection, hard drive based file reading, ...) : your app thread calls some kind of read or write method, which usually triggers an OS level call, that blocks your app thread, fills some device buffer at the OS level (say, read from a disk). Once the buffer has received enough data, the OS signals your java app and thread to resume activity, and the read method returns with the data from the buffer.
The whole time the OS is working (usually just a tiny fraction of a second, but still some large amount of time compared to your typical GHz CPU speed), your Java thread is in state BLOCKED_WAITING, waiting for the OS to signal it can resume. This happens all the time. A code profiler tool, like JProfiler, or YourKit, can help you measure this time. If you do so, you'll notice that in many apps doing I/O, this is a significant part of the so-called "wall time" or "clock time" that is spent... waiting.
So we have one thread waiting, meaning it is not using any CPU time. It can be scheduled out, and the OS is free to give CPU time to anybody else.
Suppose this is a one core CPU, then NOW would be a good time to have another thread to feed the CPU. Meaning having two or more threads could be a good design to maximize CPU usage even on a single core CPU, and get the most out of your hardware.
Most "classical" web applications are typically subject to this type of CPU underuse if you follow the rule of "one thread per CPU core", because Socket communications (or more typically : the time spent waiting for a response to your SQL queries) will incur so much blocking.
If you raise the number of threads your app has, then even if one or two long running requests remain waiting, other faster requests will have runnable threads to run them, and you'll get better CPU usage, and better performance (number of concurrent requests). That is... untill something else reaches saturation (too many heavy requests on your DB, too many simultaneous hard drive reads/writes...)
Reactive app design
Recognizing this typical behavior of apps, and using different sets of OS features, some application frameworks now use non blocking patterns (even for I/O) to mitigate the above issues. Examples in the Java ecosystem are NIO based networking stacks like Netty, or actor pattern implementations like Akka.
In a typical "reactive" app, one usually abandons the "thread per request" pattern that we have in classical apps (meaning one thread is responsible for handling everything from start to finish of a given user request, and waiting when need be for external resources to become available), in favor of a vastly more modular, and non-blocking approach.
Threads are given more technical-grained bits of work to do, and each thread will hand-off work to one another and callbacks to hear back when work they depend upon is done. This "handing of" of units of work means each thread can quickly grab new units of work it is able to handle. Meaning one of two things : you achieve higher CPU usage with far fewer threads in your app (because each can grab work more efficiently, instead of just sitting "waiting") ; or you can instantiate many many more threads because they'll mostly be waiting (not saturating the CPUs), and the dynamical hand-off will still allow for good CPU usage.
Anyway, you don't design the number of threads solely based on the number of available cores. The nature of your implementation and work dictates the number of optimal threads to create.
On a classical app-design philosophy, the two numbers are more closely related than on a reactive one, but still, we have different profiles :
a very simple server app can accomodate many more threads than CPU cores, because it will allow for better throughput (the limit being, say, the output network bandwidth).
a SQL heavy app, should be scalled to the point where your app server will saturate the SQL backend. As your app server will be mostly waiting for your SQL server, then this is the limit
a mixed application consisting of some SQL heavy work, and some lightweight work, will need precision tuning, because you don't want the stuck threads (those blocked waiting for the DB) starving the light requests that would be served more rapidly
a compute intensive program (say, a cryptography service) will probably benefit from a number of threads close to the number CPU cores (if your algorithm is implemented in a classical way), because creating more threads than you are able to run is pointless. In an actor based implementation, creating more threads could actually be a win.

How is processor speed distributed across threads?

I am trying to estimate how fast my code will execute when run concurrently in multiple threads.
Question 1)
If I know exactly how fast my code runs for a single request in one thread is their any way of estimating how fast it will run amongst multiple threads?
Question 2)
What impact, if any, does the presence of other threads effect the execution speed of each other thread?
My Situation:
I traverse a graph in memory of worst case size 1 million nodes. It's simply accessing 1 million memory addresses 1 at a time. Takes Half a second on 1 thread and I was worried how this will scale with multiple users performing the same query. Every user requests is handled by a separate thread so 100 simultaneous users will require 100 simultaneous threads. Each thread is sharing the same resource but read only. No writing. Is there any chance I could get each user to see roughly the same execution time?
Note: I know it will depend upon a number of factors but surely there must be some way of identifying whether or not your code will scale if you find it takes x amount of time for a single thread given x hardware. As final note I'd like to add I have limited experience with computer hardware architecture and how multi-threading works under the hood.
These are all interesting questions, but there is, unfortunately, no straightforward answer, because the answer will depend on a lot of different factors.
Most modern machines are multi-core: in an ideal situation, a four-thread process has the ability to scale up almost linearly in a four-core machine (i.e. run four times as fast).
Most programs, though, spend most of their time waiting for things: disk or database access, the memory bus, network I/O, user input, and other resources. Faster machines don't generally make these things appreciably faster.
The way that most modern operating systems, including Windows, Unix/Linux, and MacOS, use the processor is by scheduling processor time to processes and threads in a more-or-less round-robin manner: at any given time there may be threads that are waiting for processor time (this is a bit simplistic, as they all have some notions of process prioritization, so that high-criticality processes get pushed up the queue earlier than less important ones).
When a thread is using a processor core, it gets it all for as long as its time slice lasts: indeed, only one thing at a time is actually running on a single core. When the process uses up its time slice, or requests some resource that isn't immediately available, it its turn at the processor core is ended, and the next scheduled task will begin. This tends to make pretty optimal use of the processor resources.
So what are the factors that determine how well a process will scale up?
What portion of its run time does a single process spend waiting for
I/O and user input?
Do multiple threads hit the same resources, or different ones?
How much communication has to happen between threads? Between individual threads and your processes main thread? This takes synchronization, and introduces waiting.
How "tight" are the hotspots of the active thread? Can the body of it fit into the processor's memory, or does the (much slower) bus memory have to be accessed?
As a general rule, the more independent individual threads are of one another, the more linearly your application will scale. In real-world business applications, though, that is far from the case. The best way to increase the scaling ability of your process is to understand it--and its dependencies--well, and then use a profiler to find out where the most waiting occurs, and see if you can devise technical strategies to obviate them.
If I know exactly how fast my code runs for a single request in one thread is their any way of estimating how fast it will run amongst multiple threads?
No, you should determine it empirically.
What impact, if any, does the presence of other threads effect the execution speed of each other thread?
Computation-bound tasks will likely scale very well and be mostly independent of other threads. Interestingly enough, some CPU manufacturers implement features which can increase the clock of a lone-busy CPU core to compensate for the all the idle cores. This sort of feature might confound your measurements and expectations about scaling.
Cache/Memory/disk-bound tasks will start to contend with each other except for where resource partitions exist.
I know it will depend upon a number of factors
Absolutely! So I recommend that you prototype it and measure it. And then find out why it didn't scale as well as you'd hoped and try a different algorithm. Iterate.
but surely there must be some way of identifying whether or not your code will scale
Yes, but unfortunately it requires a detailed description of the algorithm implemented by the code. Your results will be heavily dependent on the ratio of your code's activity among these general regions, and your target's capability for these:
disk I/O
network I/O
memory I/O
My Situation: My application runs in an app server that assigns one thread for every user request. If my application executes in 2 seconds for 1 user I can't assume it will be always take 2 seconds if say 100 users are simultaneously running the same operation correct?
If your app server computes pi to 100 digits for each user request, it will likely scale reasonably well until you encounter the core limit of your target.
If your app server does database queries for each user request, it will likely scale only as well as the target hardware can sustain the necessary load.
EDIT given specifics:
I traverse a graph in memory of worst case size 1 million nodes. It's simply accessing 1 million memory addresses 1 at a time.
Your problem sounds memory+cache-bound. You should study the details of your target CPU/mem deployment or if you are designing it, opt for high memory throughput.
A NUMA system ("resource partitioning" for memory) can likely maximize your overall concurrent memory throughput. Note that since your problem seems to dictate concurrent access to the same memory pages, a NUMA system would penalize the process doing remote memory accesses. In this case, consider creating multiple copies of the data at initialization time.
Depending on the pattern of traversal, TLB pressure might be a factor. Consider experimenting with huge (aka "large") pages.
Cache contention may be a factor in scaling as well.
Your specific algorithm could easily end up dominating over any of the specific system effects, depending on how far apart the best and worst cases are.
limited experience with computer hardware architecture and how multi-threading works under the hood.
Profile the query using CPU performance counters with a tool like Intel's VTune, perf, or oprofile. It can tell you where expensive operations are executing in your code. With this information you can optimize your query to perform well (individually and in aggregate).

Cost of a thread

I understand how to create a thread in my chosen language and I understand about mutexs, and the dangers of shared data e.t.c but I'm sure about how the O/S manages threads and the cost of each thread. I have a series of questions that all relate and the clearest way to show the limit of my understanding is probably via these questions.
What is the cost of spawning a thread? Is it worth even worrying about when designing software? One of the costs to creating a thread must be its own stack pointer and process counter, then space to copy all of the working registers to as it is moved on and off of a core by the scheduler, but what else?
Is the amount of stack available for one program split equally between threads of a process or on a first come first served?
Can I somehow check the hardware on start up (of the program) for number of cores. If I am running on a machine with N cores, should I keep the number of threads to N-1?
then space to copy all of the working registeres to as it is moved on
and off of a core by the scheduler, but what else?
One less evident cost is the strain imposed on the scheduler which may start to choke if it needs to juggle thousands of threads. The memory isn't really the issue. With the right tweaking you can get a "thread" to occupy very little memory, little more than its stack. This tweaking could be difficult (i.e. using clone(2) directly under linux etc) but it can be done.
Is the amount of stack available for one program split equally between
threads of a process or on a first come first served
Each thread gets its own stack, and typically you can control its size.
If I am running on a machine with N cores, should I keep the number of
threads to N-1
Checking the number of cores is easy, but environment-specific. However, limiting the number of threads to the number of cores only makes sense if your workload consists of CPU-intensive operations, with little I/O. If I/O is involved you may want to have many more threads than cores.
You should be as thoughtful as possible in everything you design and implement.
I know that a Java thread stack takes up about 1MB each time you create a thread. , so they add up.
Threads make sense for asynchronous tasks that allow long-running activities to happen without preventing all other users/processes from making progress.
Threads are managed by the operating system. There are lots of schemes, all under the control of the operating system (e.g. round robin, first come first served, etc.)
It makes perfect sense to me to assign one thread per core for some activities (e.g. computationally intensive calculations, graphics, math, etc.), but that need not be the deciding factor. One app I develop uses roughly 100 active threads in production; it's not a 100 core machine.
To add to the other excellent posts:
'What is the cost of spawning a thread? Is it worth even worrying about when designing software?'
It is if one of your design choices is doing such a thing often. A good way of avoiding this issue is to create threads once, at app startup, by using pools and/or app-lifetime threads dedicated to operations. Inter-thread signaling is much quicker than continual thread creation/termination/destruction and also much safer/easier.
The number of posts concerning problems with thread stopping, terminating, destroying, thread count runaway, OOM failure etc. is ledgendary. If you can avoid doing it at all, great.

How many simultaneous threads in an application is a lot?

5, 100, 1000?
I guess, "it depends", but on what?
What is common in applications that run as server daemons / services?
What are hard limits?
Given that the machine can handle the overall workload, how do I determine at how many threads the overhead starts to have an impact on performance?
What are important differences between OS's?
What else should be considered?
I'm asking because I would like to employ threads in an application to organize subcomponents of my application that do not share data and are designed to do their work in parallel. As the application would also use thread pools for parallelizing some tasks, I was wondering at what point I should start to think about the number of threads that's going to run in total.
I know the n+1 rule as a guideline for determining the number of threads that simultaneously work on the same task to gain performance. However, I want to use threads like one might use processes in a larger scope, i. e. to organize independent tasks that should not interfere with each other.
In this related question, some people advise to minimise the number of threads because of the added complexity. To me it seems that threads can also help to keep things sorted more orderly and actually reduce interference. Isn't that correct?
I can't answer your question about "how much is many" but I agree that you should not use threads for every task possible.
The optimal amount of threads for performance of application is (n+1), where n is the amount of processors/cores your computer/claster has.
The more your actual thread amount differs from n+1, the less optimal it gets and gets your system resources wasted on thread calculations.
So usually you use 1 thread for the UI, 1 thread for some generic tasks, and (n+1) threads for some huge-calculation tasks.
Actually Ajmastrean is a little out of date. Quoting from his own link
The thread pool has a default size of
250 worker threads per available
processor, and 1000 I/O completion
threads. The number of threads in the
thread pool can be changed by using
the SetMaxThreads method.
But generally I think 25 is really where the law of diminishing returns (and programmers abilities to keep track of what is going on) starts coming into effect. Although Max is right, as long as all of the threads are performing non-blocking calculations n+1 is the optimal number, in the real world most of the threading tasks I perform tend to be done on stuff with some kind of IO.
Also depends on your architecture. E.g. in NVIDIA GPGPU lib CUDA you can put on an 8 thread multiprocessor 512 threads simoultanously. You may ask why assign each of the scalar processors 64 threads? The answer is easy: If the computation is not compute bound but memory IO bound, you can hide the mem latencies by executing other threads. Similar applies to normal CPUs. I can remember that a recommendation for the parallel option for make "-j" is to use approx 1.5 times the number of cores you got. Many of the compiling tasks are heavy IO burden and if a task has to wait for harddisk, mem ... whatever, CPU could work on a different thread.
Next you have to consider, how expensive a task/thread switch is. E.g. it is comes free, while CPU has to perform some work for a context switch. So in general you have to estimate if the penalty for two task switches is longer than the time the thread would block (which depends heavily on your applications).
Microsoft's ThreadPool class limits you to 25 threads per processor. The limit is based on context switching between threads and the memory consumed by each thread. So, that's a good guideline if you're on the Windows platform.
