Travis-ci doesn't quit after running bash script over ssh to start activator - linux

We are trying to have travis continually deploy to our own server when our build is successful.
- ACTIVATOR_BIN=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/activator-${ACTIVATOR_VERSION}-minimal/activator
- "DEPLOY_PASSWORD=########"
- "DEPLOY_HOST=########"
language: java
- oraclejdk8
- ########
- sshpass
- sshpass -p $DEPLOY_PASSWORD ssh $DEPLOY_USERNAME#$DEPLOY_HOST -o stricthostkeychecking=no 'bash'
After our travis finishes without errors it runs an ssh script on our server to pull from our git, stop our running activator and start a new one.
The script:
#Get the path of the local repository directory
set -o verbose
#echo "Go into directory " ${DIR}
cd ${DIR}
PID="`cat target/universal/stage/RUNNING_PID`"
#echo "Get the code from " ${TARGET}
git fetch --all
#echo "force checkout"
git checkout --force "${TARGET}"
#echo "Compiling activator"
activator clean stage
#echo "Running activator"
kill -15 ${PID}
target/universal/stage/bin/eaglescience -Dapplication.secret=############### &
#echo "Running..."
sleep ${SLEEP}
exit 0
The problem here is that Travis-ci does not exit the bash script after it runs (even with the exit 0). This means that Travis-CI will keep waiting for a response until it times out and erros our build
The response we got after a while is the following:
[success] Total time: 33 s, completed Mar 9, 2016 11:19:20 AM
#echo "Running activator"
kill -15 ${PID}
target/universal/stage/bin/eaglescience -Dapplication.secret=########### &
#echo "Running..."
sleep ${SLEEP}
[warn] - application - system properties: application.secret is deprecated, use play.crypto.secret instead
[info] - play.api.Play - Application started (Prod)
[info] - play.core.server.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000
exit 0
No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.
The build has been terminated
We have tried a lot of different things, we have tried to run the ssh bash command silent. But then travis-ci terminates the connection almost instantly and the command wil not run. We also tried to add && exit 0 but then the server still keeps waiting on response.

Try using nohup the shell file with output to /dev/null 2>&1 & eg : nohup > /dev/null 2>&1 &


How to execute a local bash script on remote server via ssh with nohup

I can run a local script on a remote server using the -s option, like so:
# run a local script without nohup...
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "bash -s" <;
And I can run a remote script using nohup, like so:
# run a script on server with nohup...
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "nohup bash > results.out 2>&1 &"
But can I run my local script with nohup on the remote server? I expect the script to take many hours to complete so I need something like nohup. I know I can copy the script to the server and execute it but then I have to make sure I delete it once the script is complete, would rather not have to do that if possible.
I've tried the following but it's not working:
# run a local script without nohup...
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "nohup bash -s > results.out 2>&1 &" <;
You shouldn't have to do anything special - Once you kick off a script on another machine, it should finish running even if you terminate the connection:
For example
ssh $SSH_USER#$SSH_HOST "bash -s > results.out 2>&1" < &
# Please wait a few seconds for the connection to be established
kill $! # Optional: Kill the last process
If you want to test it, try a simple script like this
echo 'File created - sleeping'
sleep 30
echo 'Finally done!'
The results.out file should immediately be created on the other machine with "File created - sleeping" in it. You can actually kill the local ssh process with kill <your_pid>, and it will still keep running on the other machine, and after 30 seconds, print "Finally done!" into the file, and exit.

Cucumber tests fail but travis build still passes

I am using Travis for CI. For some reason, the builds pass even when some tests fail. See the full log here
The way I am running the tests is via a bash script,, that is run by yarn.
Searching for this specific issue has not turned up anything that helps. It is something to do with exit codes I believe. I think I need to somehow get the build to exit with non-zero, but as you can see at bottom of the log, yarn exits with 0.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Run our API server as a background process
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then
if ! netstat -aon | grep "$SERVER_PORT" | grep "LISTENING"; then
pm2 start --no-autorestart --name test:serve "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" -- run test:serve
until netstat -aon | grep "$SERVER_PORT" | grep "LISTENING"; do
if ! ss -lnt | grep -q :$SERVER_PORT; then
yarn run test:serve &
until ss -lnt | grep -q :$SERVER_PORT; do
npx cucumber-js spec/cucumber/features --require-module #babel/register --require spec/cucumber/steps
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then
pm2 delete test:serve
language: node_js
- 'node'
- 'lts/*'
- '10'
- '10.15.3'
- elasticsearch
- curl -O
- sudo dpkg -i --force-confnew elasticsearch-6.6.1.deb
- sudo service elasticsearch restart
- sleep 10
- NODE_ENV=test
"test": "yarn run test:unit && yarn run test:integration && yarn run test:e2e"
So, how can I ensure that the cucumber exit code is the one that is returned, so that the build fails as it should when the tests don't pass?
There are a few possible ways to solve this. Here are two of my favorite.
Option 1:
Add set -e at the top of your bash script, so that it exits on first error, preserving the exit code, and subsequently, failing Travis if its a non zero.
Option 2:
Capture whatever exit code you want, and exit with it wherever it makes sense.
run whatever command here
[[ $exitcode == 0 ]] || exit $exitcode
As a side note - it seems like your bash script has too many responsibilities. I would consider separating them if possible, and then you give travis a list of commands to run, and possibly one or two before_script commands.
Something along these lines:
# .travis.yml
- ./
- npx cucumber-js spec/cucumber/features ...

Running a Bash Script Continuously Across Multiple Servers (Local, Jumpbox and Dev server)

I wrote a bash script to build a docker container (a NODE JS app) at the end so that the application runs on a DEV server. The thing is that the bash script has to be run in stages across multiple servers i.e., we need to build the docker container in local, ssh to a jump box and rsync it over there and then rsync it from the jumpbox to the dev server and then ssh to it again (if this process is done manually).
If you look at step 5 in the BASH script below, the rsync gets completed and the script runs to SSH to the jumpbox server, however, the script stops over there and I am just logged in to the jumpbox.
Could someone let me know what is wrong with this bash script and how should I fix it?
Thank you in advance.
#This script allows users to deploy the application with minimal work
echo -n "Shall we begin the deployment process? Are you ready to rule the world with QA Hero's next version? `\n` If you are, then type YES and press [ENTER]?: "
read begin
echo "Wohoooo! You did the right thing! We are now ready to roll and you can actually see your terminal scroll! Lol, what a troll!"
echo -n "Yo mate! Can you enter your enumber and press [ENTER]?: "
read enumber
docker build --build-arg NODE_ENV=staging -t course-hero-x -f Dockerfile .
echo "The file has been built! Step 1 completed"
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 2."
docker save -o course-hero.tar course-hero-x
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 3."
rsync -avzh --progress --stats course-hero.tar `echo ${enumber}`#`echo ${enumber}`
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 4."
ssh `echo ${enumber}`#
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 5."
ls -la
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 6."
if ["$enumber" == "e30157" || "$enumber" == "E30167"]; then
rsync -avzh --progress --stats course-hero.tar `echo ${enumber^^}`#`echo ${enumber^^}`
elif ["$enumber" == "e32398" || "$enumber" == "E32398"]; then
rsync -avzh --progress --stats course-hero.tar `echo ${enumber^^}`#`echo ${enumber^^}`
echo "You cannot access this system."
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 7."
ssh `echo ${enumber^^}`#
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 8."
ls -la
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 9."
sudo docker load -i course-hero.tar
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 10."
sudo docker ps
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 11."
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 12."
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 13."
sudo docker load -i course-hero.tar
termdown 3
echo "BOOM! Get ready for step 14."
sudo docker run -d -e TZ=Australia/Melbourne --net=courseHero -p course-hero-x
echo "QA Hero is up and running. Go to to checkout the latest version!"
termdown 3
echo "Step 15 completed! We are done here! See you next time homey!"
Once you've open an ssh session to the other box your local script stops because it's waiting for the ssh session to end. You're just left sitting at a command prompt on the remote box.
It looks like what you're intending to have happen is the commands following your ssh run on the remote box. To send the commands to the remote machine redirect them:
ssh ${enumber}# <<'ENDSSH'
# series of commands to
# run on remote host
Consider running your script through Shellcheck — you've got several problems with it beyond the one you asked about.

Make Nodejs script run in background in gitlab CI

Our dev project start by command npm run serve Is it possible to run it on background mode? I tried to use nohup, & in end of string. It works properly in shell, but when it start by CI on Gitlab, pipeline state always is "running" cause npm output permanently shows on screen
The clean way would be to run a container whose run command is "npm run serve"
I'm not certain running a non-blocking command through your pipeline is the right way but you should try using "&"
"npm run serve" will run the command in "detached mode.
I've faced the same problem using nohup and &. It was working well in shell, but not on Gitlab CI, It looks like npm start was not detached.
What worked for me is to call npm start inside a bash script and run it on before_script hook.
stage: test
- ./
- npm test
- kill -9 $(ps aux | grep '\snode\s' | awk '{print $2}')
on the bash script
# !/bin/bash
# start the server and send the console and error logs on nodeserver.log
npm start > nodeserver.log 2>&1 &
# keep waiting until the server is started
# (in my case wait for mongodb://localhost:27017/app-test to be logged)
while ! grep -q "mongodb://localhost:27017/app-test" nodeserver.log
sleep .1
echo -e "server has started\n"
exit 0
this allowed me to detach npm start and pass to next command while keeping npm startprocess alive

Stopping a started background service (phantomjs) in gitlab-ci

I'm starting phantomjs with specific arguments as part of my job.
This is running on a custom gitlab/gitlab-ci server, I'm currently not using containers, I guess that would simplify that.
I'm starting phantomjs like this:
- "timeout 300 phantomjs --ssl-protocol=any --ignore-ssl-errors=true vendor/jcalderonzumba/gastonjs/src/Client/main.js 8510 1024 768 2>&1 >> /tmp/gastonjs.log &"
Then I'm running my behat tests, and then I'm stopping that process again:
- "pkill -f 'src/Client/main.js' || true"
The problem is when a behat test fails, then it doesn't execute the pkill and the test-run is stuck waiting on phantomjs to finish. I already added the timeout 300 but that means I'm still currently waiting 2min or so after a fail and it will eventually stop it while test are still running when they get slow enough.
I haven't found a way to run some kind of post-run/cleanup command that also runs in case of fails.
Is there a better way to do this? Can I start phantomjs in a way that gitlab-ci doesn't care that it is still running? nohup maybe?
TL;DR; - spawn the process in a new thread with & but then you have to make sure the process is killed in successfull and failure builds.
i use this (with comments):
'E2E tests':
- yarn install --force >/dev/null
# if there is already an instance running kill it - this is ok in my case - as this is not run very often
- /bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/killall -q lite-server; exit 0'
- export DOCKERHOST=$(ifconfig | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d ':' | head -n1)
- export E2E_BASE_URL="http://$DOCKERHOST:8000/#."
# start the lite-server in a new process
- lite-server -c bs-config.js >/dev/null &
# run the tests
- node_modules/.bin/protractor ./protractor.conf.js --seleniumAddress="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" --baseUrl="http://$DOCKERHOST:8000" --browser chrome
# on a successfull run - kill lite server
- killall lite-server >/dev/null
# when a test fails - try to kill it in the after_script. this looks rather complicated, but it makes sure your builds dont fail when the tests succeedes and the lite-server is already killed. to have a successfull build we ensure a non-error return code (exit 0)
- /bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/killall -q lite-server; exit 0'
stage: test
- Build
- selenium
As hinted, basically my problem wasn't that I couldn't kill the process, it's that running my test script and it failing stopped at that point, resulting in a deadlock.
I was already doing something quite similar to the example from #Rufinus, but it just didn't work for me. There could be a few different things, like different way of running tests or so or starting it in before_script, which is not an option for me.
I did find a way to make it work for me, which was to prevent my test runner from stopping the execution of further tasks. I managed to do that with a "set +e" and then storing the exit code (something I tried to do before but it didn't work).
This is the relevant part from my job:
# Set option to prevent gitlab from stopping if behat fails.
- set +e
- "phantomjs --ssl-protocol=any --ignore-ssl-errors=true vendor/jcalderonzumba/gastonjs/src/Client/main.js 8510 1024 768 2>&1 >> /dev/null &"
# Store the exit code.
- "./vendor/bin/behat -f progress --stop-on-failure; export TEST_BEHAT=${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
- "pkill -f 'src/Client/main.js' || true"
# Exit the build
- if [ $TEST_BEHAT -eq 0 ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
try -9 signal:
- "pkill -9 -f 'src/Client/main.js' || true"
You can try other signlas as well, you can find a list here
