How can I use the output of a shell command as an argument to GDB command within GDB? - linux

I don't want to spend time searching for the PID of the process I want to attach to, so I do something like this,
gdb -p ($pidof foo)
where foo is the process name.
I want to know if I can so something like this from within GDB.
I am looking for something like the following.
(gdb) attach $(pidof foo)
Illegal process-id: $(pidof foo).
(gdb) attach `pidof foo`
Illegal process-id: `pidof foo`.
Is there anything like this in GDB?

Gdb attach command requires process id as an argument. So, you cannot achieve it directly. You can do it in two steps:
(gdb) shell pidof foo
(gdb) attach 12345
Attaching to process 12345
But gdb is quite flexible and can be extended with internal scripting (known as Canned Sequences of Commands), python, etc. Here is an example script that also handles situations when no process found or when several processes found (the first given by pidof is selected):
define attach_pidof
if $argc != 1
help attach_pidof
shell echo -e "\
set \$PID = "$(echo $(pidof $arg0) 0 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"\n\
if \$PID > 0\n\
attach "$(pidof -s $arg0)"\n\
print \"Process '"$arg0"' not found\"\n\
end" > /tmp/gdb.pidof
source /tmp/gdb.pidof
document attach_pidof
Attach to process by name.
Usage: attach_pidof PROG_NAME
Here I used trick pointed out by #dbrank0 (echo'ing to file and then running it with source). Also, I am using echo $(pidof <>) 0 to provide default value 0 when no process found.
Place this to ~/.gdbinit so on gdb start, this command will be automatically added to gdb and can be used:
(gdb) attach_pidof myprog
If your gdb supports python extensions, you can place this to some file, e.g.
import gdb
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
class AttachPidofCommand (gdb.Command):
"Attach to process by name"
def __init__ (self):
super (AttachPidofCommand, self).__init__ ("attach_pidof",
def invoke (self, arg, from_tty):
pid = check_output(["pidof", arg]).split()[0].decode("utf-8")
except CalledProcessError:
gdb.write('process \'%s\' not found\n' % (arg))
gdb.write('attach to \'%s\' (%s)\n' % (arg, pid))
gdb.execute('attach %s' % (pid), from_tty)
import and use the same way:
(gdb) source
(gdb) attach_pidof my_prog


Recover after "kill 0"

I have a script that invokes kill 0. I want to invoke that script from another script, and have the outer script continue to execute. (kill 0 sends a signal, defaulting to SIGTERM, to every process in the process group of the calling process; see man 2 kill.)
kill 0
echo AFTER
The current behavior is:
$ ./
How can I modify so it prints AFTER after invoking
Modifying is not an option. Assume that might read from stdin and write to stdout and/or stderr before invoking kill 0, and I don't want to interfere with that. I still want the kill 0 command to kill the process itself; I just don't want it to kill the caller as well.
I'm using Ubuntu 16.10 x86_64, and /bin/sh is a symlink to dash. That shouldn't matter, and I prefer answers that don't depend on that.
This is of course a simplified version of a larger set of scripts, so I'm at some risk of having an XY problem, but I think that a solution to the problem as stated here should let me solve the actual problem. (I have a wrapper script that invokes a specified command, capturing and displaying its output, with some other bells and whistles.)
One solution
You need to trap the signal in the parent, but enable it in the child. So a script like could be:
trap '' TERM
(trap 15; exec ./
echo AFTER
The first trap disables the TERM signal. The second trap in the sub-shell re-enables the signal (using the signal number instead of the name — see below) before running the script. Using exec is a minor optimization — you can omit it and it will work the same.
Digression on obscure syntactic details
Why 15 instead of TERM in the sub-shell? Because when I tested it with TERM instead of 15, I got:
$ sh -x
+ echo BEFORE
+ trap '' TERM
+ trap TERM
trap: usage: trap [-lp] [arg signal_spec ...]
+ echo AFTER
When I used 15 in place of TERM (twice), I got:
$ sh -x
+ echo BEFORE
+ trap '' 15
+ trap 15
+ exec ./
Terminated: 15
+ echo AFTER
Using TERM in place of the first 15 would also work.
Bash documentation on trap
Studying the Bash manual for trap shows:
trap [-lp] [arg] [sigspec …]
The commands in arg are to be read and executed when the shell receives signal sigspec. If arg is absent (and there is a single sigspec) or equal to ‘-’, each specified signal’s disposition is reset to the value it had when the shell was started.
A second solution
The second sentence is the key: trap - TERM should (and empirically does) work.
trap '' TERM
(trap - TERM; exec ./
echo AFTER
Running that yields:
$ sh -x
+ echo BEFORE
+ trap '' TERM
+ trap - TERM
+ exec ./
Terminated: 15
+ echo AFTER
I've just re-remembered why I use numbers and not names (but my excuse is that the shell — it wasn't Bash in those days — didn't recognize signal names when I learned it).
POSIX documentation for trap
However, in Bash's defense, the POSIX spec for trap says:
If the first operand is an unsigned decimal integer, the shell shall treat all operands as conditions, and shall reset each condition to the default value. Otherwise, if there are operands, the first is treated as an action and the remaining as conditions.
If action is '-', the shell shall reset each condition to the default value. If action is null ( "" ), the shell shall ignore each specified condition if it arises.
This is clearer than the Bash documentation, IMO. It states why trap 15 works. There's also a minor glitch in the presentation. The synopsis says (on one line):
trap n [condition...]trap [action condition...]
It should say (on two lines):
trap [action condition...]

How to get PID of perl daemon in init script?

I have the following perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Proc::Daemon;
my $continue = 1;
$SIG{TERM} = sub { $continue = 0 };
while ($continue) {
# stuff
I have the following in my init script:
start() {
PID=`$DAEMON > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!`
echo $PID > /var/run/
The problem is, this returns the wrong PID! This returns the PID of the parent process which is started when the daemon is run, but that process is immediately killed off. I need to get the PID of the child process!
The Proc::Daemon says
Proc::Daemon does the following:
9. The first child transfers the PID of the second child (daemon) to the parent. Additionally the PID of the daemon process can be written into a file if 'pid_file' is defined. Then the first child exits.
and then later, under new ( %ARGS )
Defines the path to a file (owned by the parent user) where the PID of the daemon process will be stored. Defaults to undef (= write no file).
Also look at Init() method description. This all implies that you may want to use new first.
The point is that it is the grand-child process that is the daemon. However, the childr passes the pid along and it is available to the parent. If pid_file => $file_name is set in the constructor (the daemon's) pid is written to that file.
A comment asks to not have shell script rely on a file written by another script.
I can see two ways to do that.
Print the pid, returned by the $daemon->Init(), from the parent and pick it up in the shell. This is defeated by redirects in the question, but I don't know why they are needed. The parent and child exit right as all is set up, while the daemon is detached from everything.
Shell script can start the Perl script with the desired log-file name as an argument, letting it write the daemon pid to that file by the above process. The file is still output by Perl, but what matters about it is decided by the shell script.
I'd like to include a statement from my comment below. I consider these superior to two other things that come to mind: picking the filename from a config-style file kept by the shell is more complicated, while parsing the process table may be unreliable.
I've seen this before and had to resort to using STDERR to send back the childs PID to the calling shell script. I've always assumed it was due to the mentioned unreliability of exit codes - but details were not clear in the documentation. Please try something like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Proc::Daemon;
if( my $pid = Proc::Daemon::Init() ) {
print STDERR $pid;
my $continue = 1;
$SIG{TERM} = sub { $continue = 0 };
while ($continue) {
With a calling script like this:
start() {
PID=$($DAEMON 2>&1 >/dev/null)
echo $PID > ./
When the bash script is ran, it will capture the STDERR output (containing the correct PID), and store it in the file. Any STDOUT the Perl script produces would be sent to /dev/null - though this is unlikely as the 1st level Perl script does (in this case) exit fairly early on.
Thank you to the suggestions from zdim and Hakon. They are certainly workable, and got me on the right track, but ultimately I went a different route. Rather than relying on $!, I used ps and awk to get the PID, as follows:
start() {
$DAEMON > /dev/null 2>&1
PID=`ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep "$DAEMON" | awk '{print $2}'`
echo $PID > /var/run/
This works and satisfies my OCD! Note the double quotes around "$DAEMON" in grep "$DAEMON".

Run a script if not already running - getting [0: not found

I'm trying to run a script if not already running using another script.
test $ ls
This is what my script looks right now
test $ cat
PROCESSES_RUNNING=$(ps -ef | grep "" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l)
if [$PROCESSES_RUNNING = "0"]; then
I've tried other variants within the if block, like [$PROCESSES_RUNNING -eq 0], but all of them output the same error message
test $ ./
./ line 5: [0: command not found
test $ sh
0 5: [0: not found
What am I doing wrong and how can I resolve it? I've googled around, but couldnt find much help.
In bash you need to protect the brackets with spaces. Brackets are just a shorthand for the test command. And in bash commands must be separated by spaces. See this link for more detail. So you need to write if [ condition ] instead of if [condition].
You need a space around the brackets:
The reason why is that [ is actually the name of command and in shell all commands must be separated from other words by spaces.
A more solid way would be to use a pid file. Then, if the pid file exist you know it is a running process.
The idea is to write the processID to a file (for example in /tmp) at the start of the program, and remove it when it ends. Another program can simply check if the pid file exist.
At the start of your python file add something like
#/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
pid = str(os.getpid())
pidfile = "/tmp/"
if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
print "%s already exists, exiting" % pidfile
file(pidfile, 'w').write(pid)
# Do some actual work here
This way you don't even need the extra bash start script.
If you want to check using bash anyway, simply look for the pid:
cat /tmp/ 2>/dev/null && echo "" || echo "Not running"
Note that the pid file needs to be removed manually if your script didn't end correctly.
ps. Have a look at Monit if you want to automatically check if the PID exists. It can restart the program if needed.

How to make an expect script to input commands into GDB?

I want to write an Expect script that will simply input commands into GDB regardless of its output. Then I want to take certain parts of the output of GDB and extract information from it using shell commands such as grep and sed. Then I want to use this information to input more commands into GDB.
For example, I would initiate a back trace by sending the command "bt" to GDB from the expect script. Then I would grep for a word such as "pardrivr" and get the line number associated with it. Then I would input "f lineNumberOfPardrivr" into GDB. This process would be repeated until the correct information is eventually extracted.
Is this possible. If so what is the best way to go about doing this?
My $0.02: I'd use a coprocess or named pipe under ksh/bash/zsh. Much easier. See:
Also, consider tee'ing the output of gdb into a named pipe that you cat in another xterm. Makes it much easier to debug what your script is reading if you can see a copy of the gdb output.
Edited to add:
Still can't post comments. *sigh*
gdb in batch mode, or via a simple shell redirect, won't let us define commands on the fly based upon current gdb output. A coprocess or named pipe approach is much the same technique, but it lets us create new input dynamically at will based upon gdb's output processed through grep/sed/awk/perl/whatever. Python or Perl might be even easier to use with their facilities for regular expressions and subprocesses. E.g. (perl) open("|gdb ...")
Edited again to add:
A named pipe is a FIFO (first in first out) that exists much like a file in the filesystem. It's not really a file of course. It's just something that can be used like a file. Anything that you write to it can be read back out, within the limits of the OS buffering. (Otherwise writes will block.)
FIFO's are available under Unix, Linux, & Macs, but not windows. You create them with mkfifo. Any process can write to it. Any process can read from it. From that link I posted up above:
mkfifo in out
cmd <in >out &
exec 3> in 4< out
echo data >&3
read var <&4
From my own playing around to demo this...
#in BASH
mkfifo IN OUT
#or mkfifo IN OUT ERR
gdb < IN > OUT 2>&1 &
#or gdb < IN > OUT 2> ERR &
#or gdb < IN > OUT &
exec 3> IN
exec 4< OUT
echo "help bt" >&3
while read -t 0.001 var <&4 ; do echo $var; done
echo "help stack" >&3
while read -t 0.001 var <&4 ; do echo $var; done
#don't forget to kill the gdb process when you are done...
echo "quit" >&3
while read -t 0.001 var <&4 ; do echo $var; done
I want to write an Expect script that will simply input commands into GDB regardless of its output.
For non interactive control you don't need expect as gdb has a -batch mode and is able to read (-x) commands from a file.
Moreover, as gdbreads input from stdin and produces output to stdout standard redirection might do the trick.
For example, I wrote a simple C program:
sh$ cat hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char msg[] = "Hello world";
printf("%s\n", msg);
return 0;
sh$ gcc -ggdb hello.c -o hello
I'm able to "script" the gdb session like that:
sh$ gdb -q hello | awk '$2=="$1" { print "Var was #" $NF }'
br 6
print &msg
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file system-supplied DSO at 0x7ffff7ffa000
Var was #0x7fffffffe230

Trace of executed programs called by a Bash script

A script is misbehaving. I need to know who calls that script, and who calls the calling script, and so on, only by modifying the misbehaving script.
This is similar to a stack-trace, but I am not interested in a call stack of function calls within a single bash script.
Instead, I need the chain of executed programs/scripts that is initiated by my script.
A simple script I wrote some days ago...
# FILE :
# LICENSE : GPL v2.0 (only)
# PURPOSE : print the recursive callers' list for a script
# (sort of a process backtrace)
# USAGE : [in a script] source
# - Linux, x86 32-bit, Bash 3.2.39(1)-release
# [1]:
# [2]:
# [3]:
#! /bin/bash
CP=$$ # PID of the script itself [1]
while true # safe because "all starts with init..."
CMDLINE=$(cat /proc/$CP/cmdline)
PP=$(grep PPid /proc/$CP/status | awk '{ print $2; }') # [2]
if [ "$CP" == "1" ]; then # we reach 'init' [PID 1] => backtrace end
echo "Backtrace of '$0'"
echo -en "$TRACE" | tac | grep -n ":" # using tac to "print in reverse" [3]
... and a simple test.
I hope you like it.
You can use Bash Debugger
Or, as mentioned in the previous comments, the caller bash built-in. See:
i=0; while caller $i ;do ((i++)) ;done
Or as a bash function:
local i=0
local line_no
local function_name
local file_name
while caller $i ;do ((i++)) ;done | while read line_no function_name file_name;do echo -e "\t$file_name:$line_no\t$function_name" ;done >&2
Another way to do it is to change PS4 and enable xtrace:
PS4='+$(date "+%F %T") ${FUNCNAME[0]}() $BASH_SOURCE:${BASH_LINENO[0]}+ '
set -o xtrace # Comment this line to disable tracing.
~$ help caller
caller: caller [EXPR]
Returns the context of the current subroutine call.
Without EXPR, returns "$line $filename". With EXPR,
returns "$line $subroutine $filename"; this extra information
can be used to provide a stack trace.
The value of EXPR indicates how many call frames to go back before the
current one; the top frame is frame 0.
Since you say you can edit the script itself, simply put a:
ps -ef >/tmp/bash_stack_trace.$$
in it, where the problem is occurring.
This will create a number of files in your tmp directory that show the entire process list at the time it happened.
You can then work out which process called which other process by examining this output. This can either be done manually, or automated with something like awk, since the output is regular - you just use those PID and PPID columns to work out the relationships between all the processes you're interested in.
You'll need to keep an eye on the files, since you'll get one per process so they may have to be managed. Since this is something that should only be done during debugging, most of the time that line will be commented out (preceded by #), so the files won't be created.
To clean them up, you can simply do:
rm /tmp/bash_stack_trace.*
The code below should work. Now I have a newer answer with a newer code version that allows a message inserted in the stacktrace.
IIRC I just couldn't find this answer to update it as well at the time. But now decided code is better kept in git so latest version of the above should be in this gist.
original code-corrected answer below:
There was another answer about this somewhere but here is a function to use for getting stack trace in the sense used for example in the java programming language. You call the function and it puts the stack trace into the variable $STACK. It show the code points that led to get_stack being called. This is mostly useful for complicated execution where single shell sources multiple script snippets and nesting.
function get_stack () {
# to avoid noise we start with 1 to skip get_stack caller
local i
local stack_size=${#FUNCNAME[#]}
for (( i=1; i<$stack_size ; i++ )); do
local func="${FUNCNAME[$i]}"
[ x$func = x ] && func=MAIN
local linen="${BASH_LINENO[(( i - 1 ))]}"
local src="${BASH_SOURCE[$i]}"
[ x"$src" = x ] && src=non_file_source
STACK+=$'\n'" "$func" "$src" "$linen
adding pstree -p -u `whoami` >>output in your script will probably get you the information you need.
The simplest script which returns a stack trace with all callers:
i=0; while caller $i ;do ((i++)) ;done
You could try something like
strace -f -e execve
