Advanced Find giving wrong(?) result - dynamics-crm-2011

I am using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
I have to get all the activities which are of type Appointment, Campaign Activity, E-mail, Opportunity Close, Phone Call, Recurring Appointment or Task. There are some more filters added as per my need. I am using Advanced Find for this one. Till this, my advanced find looks like:
It is returning me results, which are valid.
Now, I want to add another clause to this and shortlist the results which I am getting till now. The clause is: Don't show me the activities (most of which are E-mails) in which sender or recipient contains 'Test'.
For this I have designed following:
As per me, this should give correct results, but this is returning me no records.

The way I read your requirement:
Don't show me the activities (most of which are E-mails) in which
sender or recipient contains 'Test'.
It can be rewritten as: Show me all activities where:
Sender contains data
Sender does not contain test
To Recipient contains data
To Recipient does not contain test
That can be done in the following way (where you go down to the Sender Activity Party, back up to Activity and then down to the To Recipient Activity Party):
This approach requires that the returned Activities have both types of Activity Party (which is probably only true for most Emails), which might not be what you intended.
To keep it simpler, you might be able to do with simply avoiding any Activity Party containing test:
Note that also this approach (as well as your approach) only shows Activities that actually have an Activity Party.

just wondering if your activity party conditions should be grouped under "OR".. otherwise, it's "AND" altogether, so you are currently looking for the activities where your activity party is both a sender and a recipient.. In other words, maybe this would work?

You need to go deeper:
(pardon the ASCII art, don't have a screenshot at hand now: this is how the advanced find window should look)
Look for: Activities
Activity Type Equals E-Mail;...
(put all the other conditions here)
Activity Parties (Activity)
Participation Type Equals Sender;To Recipient
Full Name Does Not Contain test
In this PoC I'm assuming all parties are System Users. You cannot mix different kinds of activity parties (such as, an e-mail sent to a contact).


Detect an Invalid User Attribute Field entry in OIM and send email notification based on the user type

I am required to create a Java Script but unable to figure on how to proceed as I don't have that much of coding idea in OIM, can someone assist(below I have mentioned the scenario)
In OIM User Attribute Page, there is a User Field: 'Job Code' now we have experienced that there are some issues we are facing.
From the trusted source we are getting the correct data but as soon as it reaches OIM for few users we are getting random incorrect value. Value should be numbers (123456) which is present in the Database too and valid but for few we are receiving values like E?401#q something like this.
We are required to place a check to find users who are having these invalid Job Code entry.
Once detected, we need to trigger a email to the concerned team based on the User Type (Employee or Contractor) for employee it should trigger an email to a respective team and for Contractor we have to trigger to a different team to take action.
So, I believe we have to place two conditions here, can someone assist.
If you believe it only happens during trusted source reconciliation, then you can create Post-Process Handler on User Create/Modify operation to check the value which was posted into the DB as a result of recon event.
From this handler you can do all the things you need to do: mailing, fixing, etc.
For notification purposes I'd recommend to use built-in NotificationService, though it might be bit daunting, if you have little experience in OIM development. As an alternative you can do java mailing.
If you are not sure about the moment, when this "spoiling" happens, you can create a scheduled task, to be executed periodically, which will check JobCode values, to report invalid ones.

Microsoft Flow/Power Automate - Selecting current item from a Sharepoint list

I'm conducting a lucky draw to encourage colleagues to post on Yammer, and I want to do the following:
Colleague posts message on Yammer
Pull a Lucky Draw Participation code from SharePoint List
Send colleague an automated message with this Lucky Draw Participation code.
There are only 100 codes, and for obvious reasons, are single-use and cannot be easily reverse-engineered. So I have crafted them in advance by hand.
My question now is... what are the functions I can use can to set up a Flow, that plucks a code from a Sharepoint list (never re-uses it as well), and that this flow would cease after 100 times (i.e. all codes used up)
(Following is the screenshot where I was stuck at...)
Currently stuck here in MS Flow
One example:
First, add a flag to your SharePoint list that indicates the code (row) has been used, e.g., Yes/No field named "Used."
Use Get Items action that uses the ODATA filter query "Used ne 1" without quotes. That will only pull codes that have not been marked as used.
Set Top Count to 1. Only the next unused item will be retrieved.
Use Update Item action to mark that code as Used.
Use the output of the Get Items action however you see fit.
Note: You can also add a condition to send you a message that all codes have been used if the length of the output for the Get Items action is 0.

How to handle complex, inter-connected flows in JSF?

What if my application has flows like A->B->C->A where A should be a newly scoped instance when coming from A, but should nicely go back using the right scope while using the back button?
I'd like to solve this in a standard way if possible. Custom CDI scopes are ok if needed. Third party libraries too if it can't be done in a standard way and the use case is generic enough. I'll also favor pure Java, type-safe solutions.
edit: for example, consider those views :
invoice list (all customers or search)
invoice details
customer list
customer details
There are 2 obvious flows : master -> details and back for invoices and customers.
You could also follow a link from an invoice in the list to its customer's details. This last page displays a list of invoices in a tab, by the way. After editing the customer, you should be able to go back to the invoice list.
I've one managed bean for both invoice list/details, and one for customer list/details, but I could consider splitting it if this helps solving.

Retrieving Recipient Status via REST API

There appears to be two ways I can gather status information about individual recipients on an envelope:
GET - v2/accounts/:accountId/envelopes/:envelopeId/recipients
GET - v2/accounts/:accountId/envelopes/:envelopeId/audit_events
Unfortunately, each of these suffers from a separate limitation that is making it difficult for me to use either.
This API call returns two DateTime values of interest: deliveredDateTime and signedDateTime. I am able to call and use this API successfully. However, it appears to me that deliveredDateTime is not specified until the user actually clicks the email link AND clicks the review documents button on the signer view. Since what I was actually interested in might be better described as sentDateTime, deliveredDateTime doesn't appear to work for my needs.
This API call returns a detailed list of all events that have transpired on the envelope, including individual receipient status updates. However, the data format is such that in order to tie the result data back to recipients, I have to do string matches on the recipient name. I'd prefer to do the match based on email or, better still, recipientID, but the audit log entries for "sent invitations" and "signed" don't contain these fields. Here is an example (click here to view larger):
Is there an API call other than these two that I can use? Is there a way to get additional data in the audit event API call?
Thank you in advance,
I don't believe there's a way to get additional data from the audit_events call since the DocuSign API documentation (which is up to date) indicates that call has no parameters (other than the envelopeId in the URL).
I think you're stuck with doing a string comparison on the userName value to identify/link your recipients, however I want to point out that once you do that you can then link to their unique recipientGuid through the first api call you've highlighted here.
For instance, the /audit_events API call seems to achieve what you want and has all the info you need, however it identifies the recipients through their userNames. If you then make a call on the same envelope and check the response from the /recipients URI, it contains the name, email, recipientId, and recipientGuid for each and every recipient in the envelope. Match the user names and you now have access to their IDs, etc.
So in the end I don't believe there's one API call to achieve this but you can solve by doing one string compare and combining the results from the API calls you've highlighted.

How to create a Activity Feed Rule for emails automatically being assigned to a case in CRM 2011

How do I create an activity feed rule that writes an auto post on the Record Wall of a case when an email is automatically assigned (made Regarding) to that case because of its tracking token?
Our users are having trouble realising that there is something new to look at in the case and this would go a long way to preventing them from missing an important event.
These solutions have already been considered
They don't want follow up tasks.
The email is already displayed in a grid on the case
They don't want more Queues to check.
They don't want more emails to deal with.
This user is recalcitrant to say the least...they only want a note to appear on the record wall of the case.
To accomplish this with little/no coding, you could:
1) create a task or other activity that would show up on the activity feed. This is easily accomplished via workflow.
2) display the email/other activities in a grid on the case.
3) also set up queues to handle this.
4) send an email to the owner of the case when an activity gets appended to it.
There are a lot of options to resolve the issue of notifying users that their case has additional info.
Your comments are accurate and well received. Can't you do something as simple as create a workflow that will create a post when an email is created and/or when set regarding field changes. Then you can check within the workflow that the set regarding is for a case or else cancel the workflow. Within the post record, set the type to auto and the regarding to the same regarding as the email. (I was unable to get the record wall part working in my local VM, so I assumed that any post record regarding the case should show up in the case, but I couldn't test that).
