sublime text 3 complete vim support - linux

I installed Vintageous in sublime text 3 so i can use some of vim commands and interactions. But I am using it for a long time, and there is a lot of features missing, like the 'ctrl+x' and 'ctrl+a" to decrease and increase a number, the 'ctrl+r' to redo, the 'ctrl+v' to select vertical blocks, 'ctrl+c' to quit insertion mode ... etc.
I really like sublime text 3, but in the other hand, i'm really missing this commands, it's all of theses commands which makes vim so powerful.
So how can I get a complete vim mode in sublime text 3. It would be just perfect if i can do that (because I really miss vim complete features).
PS : I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 with Linux version > 4.

Vintageous has the setting vintageous_use_ctrl_keys, which should solve most of your issues.In contrast to other packages Vintageous uses the User preferences. Hence you can just add the entry "vintageous_use_ctrl_keys": false to "Preferences >> Settings - User". However for this settings there is an entry in the control palette. Press ctrl+shift+p and write Vintageous: Toggle Vim Ctrl Keys. You can see the other settings here and just change them in the user preferences.
If you are still missing some keys I would recommend to look at the default keymap and search for other packages, which provide this behavior and change the keybinding as you want them.

Now there is a new player, ActualVim plugin.
Everything you like about using Sublime Text 3, and everything you
like about typing in vim.
Actual uses an embedded Neovim instance to accurately manipulate each
Sublime Text buffer as though you were editing the text directly in
vim, without breaking any Sublime Text features (aside from multiple
selection for now).
It’s way better than Vintage mode or Vintageous. You can use your own .vimrc, plugins, real vim motions and commands.

To get vim shortcuts in Sublime Text
Install neovim (the actual program which is unrelated to sublime text - it's necessary for this approach to work). Example brew install neovim.
In sublime, press command + shift + p, type "install package" and click on the top result.
Now search for 'ActualVim', and click on it, it should install.
Close and reopen sublime.
Vim shortcuts now work!


CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY registers don't work on my Linux

If I want to copy/paste something to/from a register I have no problem.
For example if I'm in Visual Mode and I press "ay the selected region get correctly copied to register a (and if I press "ayy in Normal Mode, the line under the cursor get correctly copied into a).
During the sequence I can see the characters I pressed in the bottom bar.
If I try to hit one of the sequences "*yy, "*dd, "+yy or "+dd, when I press the double quotes they appear in the bottom bar, but when after this I press * or + the sequence in the bottom bar disappear and if I complete the sequence, it doesn't copy anything to the CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY selections.
System: ArchLinux
Window manager: suckless DWM
Terminal: bash on suckless ST
You're missing +clipboard support in your Vim.
On ArchLinux, you can get a Vim with +clipboard support by installing the gvim package.
See Vim Installation on the ArchLinux wiki, more specifically this note:
The vim package is built without Xorg support; specifically the +clipboard feature is missing, so Vim will not be able to operate with the primary and clipboard selection buffers. The gvim package provides also the CLI version of Vim with the +clipboard feature.
The gvim package will include a new gvim command for a GUI version of Vim, but it will also include a regular console vim command, only that one will have support for +clipboard when running inside a terminal attached to an X11 display.

Vim binding in browsers

I have been googling for a way to use vim bindings inside normal text fields in chrome. I've tried vmium and cVim but I can't figure out whether they have the functionality I'm looking for.
An example is this exact text area in which I'm typing my question. I'd like to be able to press Esc and go to vim command mode in here, and start deleting a line pressing dd.
Would that be possible? Or those plugins are just for navigation shortcuts?
Here's the answer!
Those plugins are for navigation only. If you want a Vi-like
experience in Chrome's textareas, try Wasavi. – #romainl
The cVim plugin allows for keyboard shortcuts to manipulate text inside text boxes. However, the shortcuts are not the same as vim and there are not as many. After installing the extension type ":help" to see the list of shortcuts.

Is there a Vim "training wheels" plugin for displaying available shortcuts similar to nano

I'm a long time user of GUI IDEs like PhpStorm but I see the value in learning a CLI editor like Vim for when tapping into remote servers. I'm learning commands on a need-to-know basis, but I'd like to see common possible keystrokes similar to how the Nano editor does it at the bottom. Is there a Vim plugin to display shortcuts at the bottom of the screen (or something similar)?
In absence of a plugin that does exactly what you want, you can still do:
:h index

Is there a way to switch between tabs in vim using `⌘ + ⌥` - `left or right` like Google Chrome or Sublime Text?

I realize this may be a small thing, but I enjoy being able to quickly switch between current tabs this way. I'm basically looking for how to put this in my .vimrc file. I've edited key bindings plenty for Sublime Text but not for Vim.
I'm using iTerm as the GUI.
Thanks for any davice!
You can't do that in CLI Vim because:
it doesn't understand multiple modifier keys
it doesn't understand the ⌘ key anyway (only MacVim does and only in its GUI incarnation)
But you can create custom shortcuts in iTerm itself that send raw characters to the terminal.
Anyway, the default gt and gT are far better, buit-in and guaranteed to work everywhere. What is the most important weapon in your arsenal? Vim or Chrome? Get used to Vim's way or you'll never rip any benefit.

how to configure vim commands to windows style?

My job involves working on Windows, *ix and with variety of IDE's like Eclipse, Visual Studio. Sometimes I really don't want to open Eclipse for little editing so I would prefer simple text editor like Vim, but the keys for the commands are horrible to me, I would like to setup Vim command keys to simple and modern style.
Can someone guide me how to configure Vim commands to simple keys like Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V for copy paste (through clipboard) or Shift+→, Shift+← for selecting text.
See this question: How do I configure VIM for using Ctrl-C Ctrl-V as copy paste to and from system buffer in ubuntu?
and the over all help on how to do key mapping here: How to make a keymap
It's not the answer you're looking for, but I'm with hammar. For example the Mac version of vim has the standard Mac-style copy/paste shortcut keys "baked in" yet I use the default vim keybindings now, since, like yourself, I hop about Linux/Windows/Mac, and having the same vim keyboard shortcuts.
Conversely, you'll find managing your personalized, if unorthodox, key bindings more onerous than simply "going vim."
I presume you've "worked" the vimtutor?
