SSH fingerprint change after ubuntu update (Azure only) - azure

After upgrading my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine hosted on Azure (previous update was two weeks ago on Feb. 22nd), it now warns me about changed server SSH key when I try to connect to it.
I am ruling out the Ubuntu update triggering this change because this happened with my (only) Azure machine, but not the rest of about a dozen Linux servers that run either locally or on AWS with nearly identical configuration that were updated at the same time. I have also checked the host key algorithm as reported by ssh -v and it is unchanged (ECDSA-SHA2-NISTP256).
Is there anything specific about the way Azure handles SSH connections, or something particular about the Ubuntu image provided by Azure that could have led to the change in the server key?
P.S. I am downloading the VHD to check the machine locally, but this will take at least 24 hours with my connection. I was just wondering, maybe somebody has run into the same issue before.

It turns out that the keys were regenerated by cloud-init. As far as I can tell it was due to this bug:
I would like to be able to provide a less painful solution than downloading the VHD and checking the server fingerprint, but unfortunately the Azure portal still displays the fingerprint for the original key that was created when the instance was first provisioned.


How to enable cloud init on first boot when deploying VMs on OpenStack using .raw

So I am converting custom built .iso to .raw. Deployed a VM on OpenStack using this .raw but I am unable to ssh into this machine.
I used GUI console and was able to login to this OpenStack VM using username and password. Once I am logged in, I restarted the cloud-init service and that resolved the ssh issue. I can ssh into the machine just fine.
Now the question is how do I make sure that enabling and restarting the cloud-init service are as part of first boot when deploying VMs on OpenStack.
I know I can pass the script when using UI to deploy VMs on OpenStack website but the requirement is this should be as part of the image itself. That means, I should just deploy a vm using .raw and the enabling and starting of cloud-init service should be part of the .raw image itself.
I am new to Linux or IT in general. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Welcome to SO.
Maybe the keypoint is that cloud-init system which is an open-source package from Ubuntu that is available on various Linux distributions was installed or configured wrong. You should be sure that the cloud-init system which running in .iso image was working before convert to .raw format.
how do I make sure that enabling and restarting...
If you want to find it out, you could create instance with --user-data parameter.

I failed making a VM from image. I got this error

I made a VM for making a Image in Azure.
After I made the linux vm(Redhat), I stop the vm and made image.
But I failed making the vm from image.
Both cases have the same problems
-1st case:I didn't install anything.
-2nd case:I install something and made ssh key(rsa)
If i execute this command 'sudo waagent -deprovision+user', there is no error.
BUT my ssh key disappear so my VMs from image cannot connect each other, which means that I cannot generate a cluster by using Ambari.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
this is error I got when I failed making a VM from image.
--------error---- Provisioning failed. OS Provisioning for VM 'master0' did not finish in the
allotted time. However, the VM guest agent was detected running. This
suggests the guest OS has not been properly prepared to be used as a
VM image (with CreateOption=FromImage). To resolve this issue, either
use the VHD as is with CreateOption=Attach or prepare it properly for
use as an image: * Instructions for Windows:
* Instructions for Linux:
Before you create a image, you should execute sudo waagent -deprovision+user. If you don't do it, you will get this error.
According to your scenario, you could configure Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=n (/etc/waagent.conf). According this official document
deprovision: Attempt to clean the system and make it suitable for
re-provisioning. This operation deleted the following:
All SSH host keys (if Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair is 'y' in
the configuration file)
If it does not work for you, I suggest you could add publickey to your VMs by using Azure Portal.

Install Neo4j on Azure, cannot browse WebAdmin

I've just installed Neo4j 1.8.2 onto Azure by following this step-by-step process...
Unfortunately, when I browse to http://:7474/webadmin Fiddler says Error 10061 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
I've followed the instructions exactly and haven't received any errors.
Any help much appreciated.
So, I think I got to the bottom of this. I think it was due to the size of compute / VM I was creating. It looks like the problem is caused when running on Extra Small instances. I created a new installation using a Small instance and everything now works :).
Try setting the server to accept connections form all hosts, and maybe use a newer Neo4j, say 1.9.4
The way the VM Depot image is set up, it's pre-configured to allow all hosts to connect, and the Neo4j server will auto-start. The only thing you need to take care of, when constructing your VM, is to open an Input Endpoint, with any public port you want (preferably 7474 to stay true to Neo4j) and internal port 7474.
Note that the UI changed a bit since the how-to was published: You can specify the endpoint as the last step before creating your virtual machine. Other than that, the instructions should be the same. And... once the VM is up and running (it'll take about 5-10 minutes), you just visit and you should see the web admin. Note: this is not the same as your vm name. If you named your VM something like 'neo' then you do not want http://neo:7474 or You need to use your cloud service name (you had to create a name for the service when you deployed the VM.
I've deployed that image several times in demos, and just tried again right now to make sure nothing wonky happened. Worked perfectly.

Collectd server not writing down received client data

I have pretty strange problem with Collectd. I'm not new to Collectd, was using it for a long time on CentOS based boxes, but now we have Ubuntu TLS 12.04 boxes, and I have really strange issue.
So, using version 5.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS. Two boxes residing on Rackspace (maybe important, but I'm not sure). Network plugin configured using two local IPs, without any firewall in between and without any security (just to try to set simple client server scenario).
On both servers collectd writes in configured folders as it should write, but on server machine it doesn't write data received from client.
Troubleshooted with tcpdump, and I can clearly see UDP traffic and collectd data, including hostname and plugin names from my client machine, received on server, but they are not flushed to appropriate folder (configured by collectd) ever. Also running everything as root user, to avoid troubleshooting permissions.
Anyone has any idea or similar experience with this? Or maybe some idea what could I do for troubleshooting this beside trying to crawl internet (I think I clicked on every sensible link Google gave me in last two days) and checking network layer (which looks fine)?
And just small note: exactly the same happened with official 4.10.2 version from Ubuntu's repo. After trying to troubleshoot it for hours moved to upgrade to version five.
I'd suggest trying out the quite generic troubleshooting procedure based on the csv and logfile plugins, as described in this answer. As everything seems to be fine locally, follow this procedure on the server, activating only the network plugin (in addition to logfile, csv and possibly rrdtool).
So after no way of fixing this, I upgraded my Ubuntu to 12.04.2 LTS (3.2.0-24-virtual) and this just started working fine, without any intervention.

Windows Azure VM RDP issue

I followed this
I created a VM using the datacentre Image it created successfully and the status shows Its running. I am trying to RDP It says
Remote Desktop cant connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2) The remote computer is turned off
3) The remote computer is not available on the network
make sure the remote computer is turned on and conencted to the network and that remote access is enabled.
I did check the endpoints the public port is open and also 3389 private port is open too. I did try with different release one with latest patch and the other with the second latest OS patch but I am still not able to RDP.
Yeah I already figured out firewall in my organization is blocking it. I did update the answer but it did not show up I am trying again :)
Make sure your VM has reached the "Running" status. If it's still in one of its pre-running statuses (such as Provisioning), you won't be able to RDP.
Also: Be sure you don't try logging in with 'Administrator' (the default in the rdp login box). Choose localhost\yourusername.
I had a similar problem the other day. It was solved by going to the Azure Portal, selecting the VM Dashboard, then clicking "Connect" in the grey toolbar at the bottom. This will download an RDP file that contains the correct connection settings. You can then send that rdp file to others who you would like to give access to.
I just opened one of the files used to connect, and it looks like the only real difference is the port used.
full address:s:[vm name]
prompt for credentials:i:1
I am not sure if all Azure VM's use 62808, but the default RDP port is 3389 so just copying the DNS from the Dashboard into the RDP address will NOT work without adding the correct port.
One more thing folks should check when having trouble connecting is password length.
I thought I would be all secure by using a guid for a password. RDP worked fine from home (on older XP RDP client), but not from office. At first I thought it was a firewall issue. After verifying with the IT guys that I had full outbound access, I looked a little closer at the RDP error message.
It was saying my credentials were rejected. Finally, I created a second account on the VM and gave it RDP access. I was able to log in fine. The only difference between the two users was this time I didn't bother with a long password.
So I shortened the password on my main account and got in with no problem. I'm not sure what the limit is, but it seems to be less than 32.
