Can i see who created a notification in tfs 2015? - search

I am using tfs 2015 and want to find the creator of a specific notification. is this possible?

At the end of the email notification you can find the creator's name. The notification's bottom looks like below:
- All dates and times are shown in UTC+01:00:00 Romance Standard Time
- You are receiving this notification because of a subscription created by John, Doe with Id 304 Provided by Microsoft Visual Studio®
Team Foundation Server


LWAPlugin64BitInstaller32 is not installed

I have a Probem with joining a meeting with other Company that is adjusted by Skype-For-Business.
They send us a Meeting Link and our Email is added to this meeting ,so We are invited to this meeting, but when we click on Meeting Link it say's that we have to install "LWAPlugin64BitInstaller32" to make a connection with our Browser.I've installed it but Browser can't understand it. When I open the meeting from Skype For Business Application there is no one in the meeting and we always have to make a Telephone call to join to the meeting.
here is a link that maybe will help me:
but i don't know how to Allow outgoing connections to a destination.
we use Office 365 2016 in our Company. We can make a metting in our Company without any problem and all of the TCP/UDP needed Ports for Skype are open.
Can anyone help me?
I've asked another company and found out that they use Lync 2013 on their server and skype-for-bussiness-2017 for their clients.
but we always use the last update of office 365. what should we do to make a meeting with skype for bussiness without any probem?

Mapping Appointment Entity for Data Migration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

I need to migrate data from CRM 2011 to CRM 2015 for different entities. I am using scribe insight for this purpose. I am stuck with the the migration of different entities belonging to Activities like Appointment, Letter, Fax, etc.
If its a normal lookup field i would have used something like
DBLOOKUP(S25,"CRM 2015","Lookup Entity name","Matching field","Primary key")
There is a field type named 'Party List' which is lookup to multiple entities. How do I map this? So that I can easily migrate data from 2011 to 2015?
I think you're saying you want to migrate Activity records from CRM2011 to CRM2015. I've done something very similar from CRM4 to 2011, using Scribe Insight.
PartyList is a composite field, built from ActivityParty records. You don't write to it directly.
An ActivityParty record links an Activity (eg, email, task) to a Party (eg, account, contact, user, lead).
The sequence of events is:
Migrate Party records (contacts, accounts etc).
For each Activity in CRM 2011
Create an Activity in CRM 2015
For each ActivityParty belonging to the Activity in CRM2011
Create an ActivityParty in CRM2015
Set the status of the CRM2015 Activity to that of the CRM2011 Activity.
Some points to note:
ActivityParty records are somewhat special in CRM. They don't support all messages. Specifically, the can't be updated - only created or deleted.
You can only set the status of the Activity after you've added all the activity parties. CRM will generate an error if you try to add an activityparty to a completed activity.
Hope this helps
Based on your DBLookup code you use Scribe for migration. I'm not an expert in Scribe so I would suggest to use search engine to find relevant information. Try to use this search.

How do I get a detailed backlog report from TFS2012 Scrum 2.0?

My team is using the Scrum 2.0 template in TFS 2012. We've entered detailed user stories as items in the product backlog. How do I get them output in a format suitable for sharing with business stakeholders?
There is a "Backlog Overview" report, but it has only the list of item titles with hours remaining. I need a report that includes all of the detail that we added to each product backlog item, including Description, Acceptance Criteria, State, Priority, AssignedTo, etc...
Surely this exists already? Or did the TFS team completely overlook any need to communicate detail to external stakeholders and auditors?
The Visual Studio ALM Rangers released a tool called the Team Foundation Server Word Add-ina couple weeks back to
import work items from a Team Foundation Server Team Project and generate professional-looking Word document from TFS Work items.
It's fairly early days for this particular tool, but check out the readme in the downloads section.
Team For Word is another very similar tool made by a 3rd party, i believe it was originally made for TFS2008 but has been updated to work with 2010 and probably works with 2012 if you install the team explorer for 2010

Sharepoint Calendar: Block a Day Off

Does anyone know of a way to prevent access to, or highlight, a specific day in a Sharepoint calendar? The intent is to show which day(s) are not available for a given task.
I have already fashioned a Workflow that would email a user, but it needs to be visual as well - people need to see at a glance what days are avaiable.
Any have any ideas? I'm running on SBS 2008 with WSS 3.0 .. I also have Sharepoint Designer 2007 installed, if it can be leveraged.
Personally, I would do this by creating a new event receiver to run on the calendar. This event receiver should run on new / updates, and should configure item level permissions for any event on that specific day. If you break the item's permission inheritance, and remove read access to all items on that day, no one would be able to see the task.
Obviously, always be very careful when working with item level permissions.

Were you ever able to create a BOT using Office communicator 2007 R2

I read your post regarding creating a ChatBot using Office Communicator 2007 - I would like to know whether you ever got this answered, since I would like to create a Bot too - thanks. I have found the references for doing OC automation - but this is not what I like to do as it uses my current profile and cannot hold it's own conversations. So, I have another profile that I'd like to use to hold seperate conversations with other members from the company (on my machine)
UCMA (Unified Communications Managed API) is the recommended API for building bots - you'll want version 1.0 if you're developing against OCS 2007, version 2.0 for OCS 2007 R2, and version 3.0 for Lync Server 2010
A google for UCMA Bot Sample or something similar should get you started
