Update Parse Server on Ubuntu - ubuntu-14.04

I have my own Parse server running on an Ubuntu droplet on Digital Ocean. I'm pretty new to running my own backend. How do I check what version of Parse Server I'm running and how do I update it to the latest version?

Open terminal (command line tool), then use "cd" command to navigate to your parse-server-example directory: cd ...../parse-server-example/
Pull latest source code from github with command: git pull
Install packages and dependencies: npm install
Run it: npm run index.js
If you want your server keep running you can install and use forever.
Good luck!

You can look into the package.json file of parse-server .
Or you can just use npm list to list all packages and their dependencies with version .


Contentful UI Extension Tutorial

I am trying to follow the UI Extensions Tutorial
At time code 02:36 I run the npm install && npm run login && npm run configure && npm run start command.
Afterwards I get the error: Cannot find module 'E:\Dev\Contentful\my-first-sidebar\node_modules\#contentful\contentful-extension-scripts\lib\index.js'.
I have globally re-installed the CLI and re-run the install/start command but still same error. I have also searched my hard drive for the contentful-extension-scripts\lib\ folder.
I see I have a contentful-extensions-scripts and contentful-extensions-scripts.cmd files and tried to run the cmd file but no use.
I am running on a Windows 10 box. Node version: 10.16.3​, Npm version: 6.9.0
I found the GitHub Repo for contentful-extensions-scripts, cloned it and copied over the folder but now I get the error: Cannot find module 'parcel-bundler' and I am out of my depth.
Add the following line to package.json to fix it:
"#contentful/contentful-extension-scripts": "^0.14.0".

Unable to install "testmybot" npm package

I am trying to use this sample to demonstrate the chatbot testing using node "testmybot" package. When I execute "npm install" command I am getting error. Please find the screenshot of the same attached below.
Steps that I have followed:
1. Downloaded the project from [https://github.com/codeforequity-at/testmybot-sample-calculator]
2. Extracted the project to "testmybot-sample-calculator-master" folder
3. Inside the folder executed "npm install" command
4. After installing some packages, looks like while installing botkit package it is throwing error
Please let me know if I have missed out any steps.
To run this sample, there is now a Dockerfile included in the Github repository. The following commands should retrieve the latest files from Github, build a docker container and running the sample test cases inside.
$ git pull
$ docker build -t testmybot-sample-calculator .
$ docker run testmybot-sample-calculator
Obviously, you have to install docker first.
I was able to reproduce it on a Windows workstation, user had no admin rights. Found solution here: you have to install the windows-build-tools package first, with a user having admin rights:
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
Afterwards, installation of the package in question was possible.

'npm EER! code 1' When installing dependencies using `npm install --production`

I am using flightplan to deploy my node.js application to my server. I run the command fly production in my CLI to deploy my app to the server. It does rsync fine, but when it comes to installing dependencies, I get the following error:
I made sure that I have sudo privileges on my server for this user and npm is definitely installed as it gives the version number when I run the command npm -von my server. I have tried to run npm install --production myself on the server as the deploy script does and I get the same error, meaning it is something to do with installing dependencies. Potentially, it could be because in my flightplan.js, when it runs the command git ls-files to get the files to copy across. it includes all the node_modules even though i've made sure that node_modules is in the .gitingore file.
Does anyone have experience with flightplan npm module/or know why my npm install isn't working on my server?
(I edited out my server IP address from the picture)
Thanks in advance!
I found that if I removed the node_modules folder by running command rm -rf node_modules/ then committed this to github, then re-ran npm install and then my call to fly production worked successfully.

how can I open web application requiring node.js

I must run micro-crawler https://github.com/WebMole/Micro-Crawler which is a crawler web application, that run with node.js.
I could not figure out how to open this app, I download node.js, and when I write install npm and install bower to the node.js command line nothing happened. Also I did not understand how to start web applicaion after installations
Please help me
Finally I solved the issue
First, I install node.js, then move node.js folder to wampserver directory,
and move the web sites files in the node.js directory
Second, I go to the path where node.js is from command line, then enter "install npm" command
The error appeared in this phase for solving I create a npm
folder in c:users/user_name_of_your_computer/app_data/roaming then I installed git and enter the directories of bin and cmd files of git to the system enviroments/path
Third I enter the commands "bower install" and "npm install -g grunt-cli" from the comand. from the path of where node.js is
and the micro-crawler works
Did you execute your .js file? You can do that with node.js cli thus:
path/to/your/file: node file.js
This is a good reference:
How to run a hello.js file in Node.js on windows?

Building syntaxhightlighter with nodejs in windows 7

I need to build Syntaxhighlighter from here: https://github.com/alexgorbatchev/SyntaxHighlighter
I have read these:
Getting started with NODE.JS in windows x86
Get started with Node.js in Windows
Installing node packages / dependencies using npm on Windows Server 2008
It seems that installing Nodejs from here http://nodejs.org/download/ should be enough.
Step 3 in the syntaxhighlighter Building instructions says:
3.Then ./node_modules/.bin/bower install to download dependencies
I have this path on my machine:
C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin
and I can see a bower.json in the syntaxhighlighter zip file.
I have googled how to download dependencies for windows, but I cant find anything.
There is a lot of info here:
How do I get started with Node.js
but I think this is not for windows env.
Can you assist?
Ok, seems to work now.
Installed Git-1.8.4-preview20130916.exe and restarted.
Step 8 ok now.
Step 9 gives "grunt not recognized".
npm install -g grunt-cli
from here: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt/issues/774
Now I have a pkg folder
Thank you sir
Install NodeJs for Windows per instructions
Install Git for Windows, select option to Add Git to your path.
Open a new command prompt in Windows. Ideally, open as an Administrator. Do not reuse existing command prompts. The path will only be set in a new command prompt properly.
Download the code for the highlighter or use git to clone
If you got the zip file, unzip it
From the command prompt, change the active directory to be the folder of the code you cloned or unzipped
Type npm install -g grunt-cli, then Enter after each of the following...
Type npm install -g bower
Type npm install
Type bower install
Type grunt build
You have to install git package in this way:
sudo apt-get install git
It's working fine!
