Installing puppet on CentOS 7 - linux

At the moment I have a little issue with installing/downloading puppet on CentOS 7.
The command that have been used is:
'sudo rpm -ivh'
Then I'm getting the following error:
curl: (6) could not resolve host:; unkown error
error: skipping transfer failed'
The link (above) is working whenever I try to download it outside of Linux / VirtualBox, but not inside.
Also ping some random website doesn't work but I have read that's a commmon issue at VirtualBox.
It even can't ping my own router, and it's giving me this error:
'connect: Network is unreachable'
At the moment I have put the network options to NAT.
I'm running CentOS inside VirtualBox.
Anyone know the issue of this error ?
Thanks in advance.

Tagging your post with VirtualBox might help.
But anyway, the most common cause of this is VirtualBox DNS problems, I usually just change the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to and that fixes it. You can also just reload the VM.

The solution to this problem is by simply reïnstalling. Installed some packages and turning the internet connection switch on before the installation (doh)


Bitrix24 Virtualbox installation

has anyone else had a similar problem? I'm trying to install Bitrix24 virtual machine downloaded from official website on Virtualbox, but as I do, I run into this error "Please delete legacy parameter mbstring.func_overload.", however, accessing php.ini file from CentOS it shows that the parameter is commented to be disabled. The same error pops up if you make it a value of 0. Anyone has a solution?
Nevermind, found the solution myself. If anyone faces the same problem just do the following steps:
Create a new Virtualbox machine with the Bitrix Virtual environment;
Create a server;
Update it to 7.4.4, which is the current latest stable version and already has the mbstring.func_overload removed;
You can start the installation, you should not run into the same problem again.
I have the same issue and just update the version of Bitrix to 7.4.4, problem will be solved.
For people who is not aware how to update
How to update
Login using SSH
Configure localhost settings
that's all

Tuleap Installation Error

I have installed Tuleap following the documentation on CentOS release 6.10 (Final).
(2.6.32-754.3.5.e16.x86_64 )
On a VM through VMware.
I gave the domain name
I am unable to reach it through the browser. Timed out.
I am able to ping.
Ports 80, 443, 22 are open.
I am able to SSH into the server, but its logging into root.
What am I doing wrong?
Nvm. Got it working. I had not installed the expected dependencies in it. Like php.

"No useful address for host" VNC-Error

I installed TigerVNC on 2 of my CentOS Linux-Workstations with the following command:
sudo yum install tigervnc -y
After rebooting both workstations, I did only execute the following command on one of the workstation:
sudo vncviewer
Now I inserted the ip-address of the other workstation and tried to connect to it.
No useful address for host
Does anybody have an idea to resolve that problem?
Thank you guys so much!
PS: I guarantee that the two workstations can communicate with each other (tested with ICMP --> Ping)
So thank you guys for the detailed explanation....
The solution to this problem is to specify the display with ":1".

Putty: Network Error: Software caused connection abort

I have RHEL 6.8 Machine installed in a VM. I moved one file from /lib64/ to /lib64/backup/. Since then I am not able to connect to that machine through Putty or WinSCP. Both the tools give the same error. Software caused connection abort.
As I haven't created this VM, I don't have permission to restart it. But will restarting the machine, solve the issue ? What can be the solution for this situation, except re-installing the OS ? is the standard C library and by moving it you borked your system quite well.
The error you get means that SSH connection cannot be established.
All you can do now is access the machine via the console and restore the file in its original position.
The time-saving workaround is to reinstall the OS.
Note :- Reinstalling the OS will solve the issue, but you'll lose all the installed software and the data. That's why it is a workaround and not the solution.

Cannot display xclock program on xserver client - Mobaxterm

I am using Mobaxterm(free version) on a windows 7 desktop to connect to a SUSE 11 Enterprise server on AWS. I am trying to display the xclock program on my xtrem client but I get an error saying 'Error: Can't open display:'. I have used the following syntax to set the display on the server:
export DISPLAY=<IP_addr>:0.0
SUSE 11 does not come with xclock by default so I had to download it and install it.
The hosts file on my PC has the localhost entry commented out, I am not sure if that would make a difference. Any ideas on how to debug this? Thanks.
Earlier I was just looking at xclock program's error msg. But when I scanned Mobaxterms client terminal's output, I found the following msg:
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
After some google hunting, found that one of the reasons this happens is when xauth package is not installed on the remote server. So, I checked and found that to be the case. This is the command I ran:
zypper in -name xorg*
This command tells you if the package is installed and if any dependencies exist. The package comes bundled with the xclock program. So zypper uninstalled the other xclock I had installed from another source and replaced it with the right version.
Link to package info:
I also modified a file called /etc/ssh/sshd_config as root. The following lines need to be uncommented:
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes
And X11UseLocalhost was changed to 'no'. I also changed my security group on AWS to let inbound traffic on port 6000. I am not sure if that matters.
After this mobaxterm automatically set my display parameter to localhost and I was able to run xclock on the remote server and see it on my local PC desktop.
