How to split text file like this in python? - python-3.x

N-Heptane 100.20
Hexane 86.17
Hydrochloric Acid 36.47
Hydrogen, H2 2.016
Hydrogen Chloride 36.461
Hydrogen Sulfide 34.076
Hydroxyl, OH 17.01
Krypton 83.80
Methane, CH4 16.044
Methyl Alcohol 32.04
Methyl Butane 72.15
Methyl Chloride 50.488
Natural Gas 19.00
Neon, Ne 20.179
Nitric Oxide, NO 30.006
Nitrogen, N2 28.0134
Nitrous Oxide, NO2 44.012
N-Octane 114.22
Oxygen, O2 31.9988
Ozone 47.998
N-Pentane 72.15
Iso-Pentane 72.15
Propane, C3H8 44.097
Propylene 42.08
the text content like this, i'd like to split the string in Molecular Formula and Molecular weight
{"Hydrogen, H2":2.016, "Hydrogen Chloride":36.461, etc........}

You simply iterate over each row and use rsplit to retrieve last white-space separated value as your dictionary value. Rest of line goes to it as a key.
d = {}
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
key, value = line.rsplit(None, 1)
d[key] = float(value)


Why does my PySpark regular expression not give more than the first row?

Taking inspiration from this answer: I have been able to split my .txt file into columns in a Spark DataFrame. However, it only gives me the first game - even though the sample .txt file contains many more.
My code:
basefile = spark.sparkContext.wholeTextFiles("example copy 2.txt").toDF().\
selectExpr("""split(replace(regexp_replace(_2, '\\\\n', ','), ""),",") as new""").\
withColumn("Event", col("new")[0]).\
withColumn("White", col("new")[2]).\
withColumn("Black", col("new")[3]).\
withColumn("Result", col("new")[4]).\
withColumn("UTCDate", col("new")[5]).\
withColumn("UTCTime", col("new")[6]).\
withColumn("WhiteElo", col("new")[7]).\
withColumn("BlackElo", col("new")[8]).\
withColumn("WhiteRatingDiff", col("new")[9]).\
withColumn("BlackRatingDiff", col("new")[10]).\
withColumn("ECO", col("new")[11]).\
withColumn("Opening", col("new")[12]).\
withColumn("TimeControl", col("new")[13]).\
withColumn("Termination", col("new")[14]).\
| Event| White| Black| Result| UTCDate| UTCTime| WhiteElo| BlackElo| WhiteRatingDiff| BlackRatingDiff| ECO| Opening| TimeControl| Termination|
|[Event "Rated Cla...|[White "BFG9k"]|[Black "mamalak"]|[Result "1-0"]|[UTCDate "2012.12...|[UTCTime "23:01:03"]|[WhiteElo "1639"]|[BlackElo "1403"]|[WhiteRatingDiff ...|[BlackRatingDiff ...|[ECO "C00"]|[Opening "French ...|[TimeControl "600...|[Termination "Nor...|
Input file:
[Event "Rated Classical game"]
[Site ""]
[White "BFG9k"]
[Black "mamalak"]
[Result "1-0"]
[UTCDate "2012.12.31"]
[UTCTime "23:01:03"]
[WhiteElo "1639"]
[BlackElo "1403"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "+5"]
[BlackRatingDiff "-8"]
[ECO "C00"]
[Opening "French Defense: Normal Variation"]
[TimeControl "600+8"]
[Termination "Normal"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 b6 3. a3 Bb7 4. Nc3 Nh6 5. Bxh6 gxh6 6. Be2 Qg5 7. Bg4 h5 8. Nf3 Qg6 9. Nh4 Qg5 10. Bxh5 Qxh4 11. Qf3 Kd8 12. Qxf7 Nc6 13. Qe8# 1-0
[Event "Rated Classical game"]
Each game starts with [Event so I feel like it should be doable as the file has repeating structure, alas I can't get it to work.
Extra points:
I don't actually need the move list so if it's easier they can be deleted.
I only want the content of what is inside the " " for each new line once it has been converted to a Spark DataFrame.
Many thanks.
wholeTextFiles reads each file into a single record. If you read only one file, the result will a RDD with only one row, containing the whole text file. The regexp logic in the question returns only one result per row and this will be the first entry in the file.
Probably the best solution would be to split the file at the os level into one file per game (for example here) so that Spark can read the multiple games in parallel. But if a single file is not too big, splitting the games can also be done within PySpark:
Read the file(s):
basefile = spark.sparkContext.wholeTextFiles(<....>).toDF()
Create a list of columns and convert this list into a list of column expressions using regexp_extract:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
cols = ['Event', 'White', 'Black', 'Result', 'UTCDate', 'UTCTime', 'WhiteElo', 'BlackElo', 'WhiteRatingDiff', 'BlackRatingDiff', 'ECO', 'Opening', 'TimeControl', 'Termination']
cols = [F.regexp_extract('game', rf'{col} \"(.*)\"',1).alias(col) for col in cols]
Extract the data:
split the whole file into an array of games
explode this array into single records
delete the line breaks within each record so that the regular expression works
use the column expressions defined above to extract the data
basefile.selectExpr("split(_2,'\\\\[Event ') as game") \
.selectExpr("explode(game) as game") \
.withColumn("game", F.expr("concat('Event ', replace(game, '\\\\n', ''))")) \
.select(cols) \
Output (for an input file containing three copies of the game):
|Event |White|Black |Result|UTCDate |UTCTime |WhiteElo|BlackElo|WhiteRatingDiff|BlackRatingDiff|ECO|Opening |TimeControl|Termination|
|Rated Classical game |BFG9k|mamalak|1-0 |2012.12.31|23:01:03|1639 |1403 |+5 |-8 |C00|French Defense: Normal Variation|600+8 |Normal |
|Rated Classical game2|BFG9k|mamalak|1-0 |2012.12.31|23:01:03|1639 |1403 |+5 |-8 |C00|French Defense: Normal Variation|600+8 |Normal |
|Rated Classical game3|BFG9k|mamalak|1-0 |2012.12.31|23:01:03|1639 |1403 |+5 |-8 |C00|French Defense: Normal Variation|600+8 |Normal |

What is the simplest way to complete a function on every row of a large table?

so I want to do a fisher exact test (one sided) on every row of a 3000+ row table with a format matching the below example
I would ideally like to make another column of the table equivalent to
for the first row of data, and so on and so forth for each row of the table.
I know how to do a fisher test in R for simple 2x2 tables, but I wouldn't know how I would apply the fisher.test() function to each row of a large table. I also can't use an excel formula because the numbers get so big with the factorials that they reach excel's digit limit and result in a #NUM error. What's the best way to simply complete this? Thanks in advance!
Beginning with a tab-delimited text file on desktop (table.txt) with the same format as shown in the stem question
multiFisher = function(file="Desktop/table.txt", saveit=TRUE,
outfile="Desktop/table.csv", progress=T,
verbose=FALSE, digits=3, ... )
Data = read.table(file, skip=1, header=F,
col.names=c("Gene", "MD", "WTD", "MC", "WTC"), ...)
Data$Fisher.p = NA
Data$phi = NA
Data$OR1 = format(0.123, nsmall=3)
Data$OR2 = NA
for(i in 1:length(Data$Gene)){
Matrix = matrix(c(Data$WTC[i],Data$MC[i],Data$WTD[i],Data$MD[i]), nrow=2)
Fisher = fisher.test(Matrix, alternative = 'greater')
Data$Fisher.p[i] = signif(Fisher$p.value, digits=digits)
Data$phi[i] = phi(Matrix, digits=digits)
OR1 = (Data$WTC[i]*Data$MD[i])/(Data$MC[i]*Data$WTD[i])
OR2 = 1 / OR1
Data$OR1[i] = format(signif(OR1, digits=digits), nsmall=3)
Data$OR2[i] = signif(OR2, digits=digits)
if(progress) {cat(".")}
if(progress){cat("\n"); cat("\n")}
if(saveit){write.csv(Data, outfile)}

Parsing heterogenous data from a text file in Python

I am trying to parse raw data results from a text file into an organised tuple but having trouble getting it right.
My raw data from the textfile looks something like this:
Episode Cumulative Results
Date collected21/10/2019
Time collected10:00
Real time PCR for M. tuberculosis (Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra):
PCR result Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex NOT detected
Bacterial Culture:
Bottle: Type FAN Aerobic Plus
Result No growth after 5 days
Date collected23/02/2019
Time collected09:00
Gram Stain:
Neutrophils Occasional
Gram positive bacilli Moderate (2+)
Gram negative bacilli Numerous (3+)
Gram negative cocci Moderate (2+)
Date collected23/02/2019
Time collected09:00
Bacterial Culture:
A heavy growth of
1) Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp pneumoniae (KLEPP)
ensure that this organism does not spread in the ward/unit.
A heavy growth of
2) Enterococcus species (ENCSP)
Antibiotic/Culture KLEPP ENCSP
Trimethoprim-sulfam R
Ampicillin / Amoxic R S
Amoxicillin-clavula R
Ciprofloxacin R
Cefuroxime (Parente R
Cefuroxime (Oral) R
Cefotaxime / Ceftri R
Ceftazidime R
Cefepime R
Gentamicin S
Piperacillin/tazoba R
Ertapenem R
Imipenem S
Meropenem R
S - Sensitive ; I - Intermediate ; R - Resistant ; SDD - Sensitive Dose Dependant
Comment for organism KLEPP:
** Please note: this is a carbapenem-RESISTANT organism. Although some
carbapenems may appear susceptible in vitro, these agents should NOT be used as
MONOTHERAPY in the treatment of this patient. **
Please isolate this patient and practice strict contact precautions. Please
inform Infection Prevention and Control as contact screening might be
For further advice on the treatment of this isolate, please contact.
The currently available laboratory methods for performing colistin
susceptibility results are unreliable and may not predict clinical outcome.
Based on published data and clinical experience, colistin is a suitable
therapeutic alternative for carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter spp, as well as
carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae. If colistin is clinically indicated,
please carefully assess clinical response.
Date collected23/02/2019
Time collected09:00
Authorised by xxxx on 27/02/2019 at 10:35
MIC by E-test:
Organism Klebsiella pneumoniae (KLEPN)
Antibiotic Meropenem
MIC corrected 4 ug/mL
MIC interpretation Resistant
Antibiotic Imipenem
MIC corrected 1 ug/mL
MIC interpretation Sensitive
Antibiotic Ertapenem
MIC corrected 2 ug/mL
MIC interpretation Resistant
Date collected18/02/2019
Time collected03:15
Potassium 4.4 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.1
Date collected18/02/2019
Time collected03:15
Creatinine 32 L umol/L 49 - 90
eGFR (MDRD formula) >60 mL/min/1.73 m2
Creatinine 28 L umol/L 49 - 90
eGFR (MDRD formula) >60 mL/min/1.73 m2
Essentially the pattern is that ALL information starts with a unique EPISODE NUMBER and follows with a DATE and TIME and then the result of whatever test. This is the pattern throughout.
What I am trying to parse into my tuple is the date, time, name of the test and the result - whatever it might be. I have the following code:
with open(filename) as f:
data =
data = data.splitlines()
DS = namedtuple('DS', 'date time name value')
parsed = list()
idx_date = [i for i, r in enumerate(data) if r.strip().startswith('Date')]
for start, stop in zip(idx_date[:-1], idx_date[1:]):
chunk = data[start:stop]
date = time = name = value = None
for row in chunk:
if not row: continue
row = row.strip()
if row.startswith('Episode'): continue
if row.startswith('Date'):
_, date = row.split()
date = date.replace('collected', '')
elif row.startswith('Time'):
_, time = row.split()
time = time.replace('collected', '')
name, value, *_ = row.split()
print (name)
parsed.append(DS(date, time, name, value))
My error is that I am unable to find a way to parse the heterogeneity of the test RESULT in a way that I can use later, for example for the tuple DS ('DS', 'date time name value'):
DATE = 21/10/2019
TIME = 10:00
NAME = Real time PCR for M tuberculosis or Potassium
RESULT = Negative or 4.7
Any advice appreciated. I have hit a brick wall.

Reading large text file into a dataframe for data analysis in Python

I know similar questions have been asked before. But I still cannot figure out the best way to process data for my program
I have a large text file (50,000 to 5,000,000 lines of text). I need to process each line of this file and write it into a Dataframe so that I can do some data analysis on them.
The dataframe has 9 columns mostly floats and some strings and no. of rows ~ no. of lines in the input file
Currently, I am reading this file line-by line using "with open.." and then using regex to extract the required data and writing this as a row into the Data frame. As this is going through a For loop it takes forever to complete.
What is the best way to do this ? Any pointers or sample programs ? Should I even be using a dataframe ?
Here is my code.
def gcodetodf(self):
with open(self.inputfilepath, 'r') as ifile:
lflag = False
for item in ifile:
layermatch = self.layerpattern.match(item)
self.tlist = item.split(' ')
self.clist = re.split(r"(\w+)", item)
if layermatch and (str(self.tlist[2][:-1]) == 'end' or int(self.tlist[2][:-1]) == (self.endlayer + 1)):
if (layermatch and int(self.tlist[2][:-1]) == self.startlayer) or lflag is True:
lflag = True
# clist = re.split(r"(\w+)", item)
map_gcpat = {bool(self.gonepattern.match(item)): self.gc_g1xyef,
bool(self.gepattern.match(item)): self.gc_g1xye,
bool(self.gtrpattern.match(item)): self.gc_g1xyf,
bool(self.resetextpattern.match(item)): self.gc_g92e0,
bool(self.ftpattern.match(item)): self.gc_ftype,
bool(self.toolcompattern.match(item)): self.gc_toolcmt,
bool(self.layerpattern.match(item)): self.gc_laycmt,
bool(self.zpattern.match(item)): self.gc_g1z}
map_gcpat.get(True, self.contd)()
# print(self.newdataframe)
an example function that writes to the dataframe looks like this:
def gc_g1xye(self):
self.newdataframe = self.newdataframe.append(
{'Xc': float(self.tlist[1][1:]), 'Yc': float(self.tlist[2][1:]), 'Zc': self.gc_z,
'E': float(self.tlist[3][1:]),
'F': None, 'FT': self.ft_var, 'EW': self.tc_ew, 'LH': self.tc_lh, 'Layer': self.cmt_layer},
sample input file:
G1 X159.8 Y140.2 E16.84505
G1 X159.8 Y159.8 E17.56214
M204 S5000
M205 X30 Y30
G0 F2400 X159.6 Y159.8
G0 X159.33 Y159.33
G0 X159.01 Y159.01
M204 S500
M205 X20 Y20
G1 F1200 X140.99 Y159.01 E18.22142
G1 X140.99 Y140.99 E18.8807
G1 X159.01 Y140.99 E19.53999
G1 X159.01 Y159.01 E20.19927
M204 S5000
M205 X30 Y30
G0 F2400 X150.21 Y150.21
M204 S500
M205 X20 Y20
G1 F1200 X149.79 Y150.21 E20.21464
G1 X149.79 Y149.79 E20.23
G1 X150.21 Y149.79 E20.24537
G1 X150.21 Y150.21 E20.26073
M204 S5000
M205 X30 Y30
G0 F2400 X150.61 Y150.61
M204 S500
M205 X20 Y20
G1 F1200 X149.39 Y150.61 E20.30537
G1 X149.39 Y149.39 E20.35
G1 X150.61 Y149.39 E20.39464
Beware that DataFrame.append returns a copy of your old DataFrame with the new rows added: it does not work inplace. Constructing a DataFrame row by row, using append will then work in O(n^2) instead of O(n), which is rather bad if you have 5 million rows...
What you want to do instead is to append each row to a list first (a list of dicts is fine), and then create the DataFrame object from that once all the parsing is done. This will be much faster because appending to a list is done in constant time, so your total complexity should be O(n) instead.
def gc_g1xye(self):
{'Xc': float(self.tlist[1][1:]), 'Yc': float(self.tlist[2][1:]), 'Zc': self.gc_z,
'E': float(self.tlist[3][1:]),
'F': None, 'FT': self.ft_var, 'EW': self.tc_ew, 'LH': self.tc_lh, 'Layer': self.cmt_layer})
# Once the parsing is done:
self.newdataframe = pd.DataFrame(
Is this the best way of doing it? It looks like a good start to me. Should you be using a DataFrame? From what you say you want to do with the data once you've parsed it, a DataFrame sounds like a good option.
As a random unrelated tip, I recommend the tqdm package for showing a progress bar of your for-loop. It's super easy to use, and it helps you in judging whether it's worth waiting for that loop to finish!

Reading a specific txt file and re-arrange it to a given format

Below is an output of Chemichal analysis instrument. I need to rearrange the format and sort it in a way that percentage figure for each element goes below its name. My question is how to read this file word by word? how can I choose, for instance word number 12?
txt file format:
Header_1 Date Time Method_Name (Filter_Name) Calc_Mode Heat No. Quality Anal. Code Sample ID C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu Nb Ti V W Pb Sn As Bi Ca Sb Se B Zn N Fe Place Code Work Phase
Single 13.01.13 09:51:10 Fe-10 Test AutoResult 12A 00001.040 00000.437 00000.292 00000.023 00000.007 00001.505 00000.263 00000.081 00000.012 00000.014 00000.110 00000.155 00000.040 00000.098 00000.015 00000.014 00000.013 00000.012 00000.002 00000.001 00000.016 00000.014 00000.005 00000.001 00000.016 00095.813
To find word 12, read the line character by character until you have seen 11 instances of whatever is being used to separate words (which you have not specified); what follows, until the next such separator, will be the 12th word.
