Is there a way to detect the compiler version from within a Rust program? - rust

In C++, you could use something like __clang_version__. Is there something similar for Rust? I searched on the internet, but found nothing.

Not directly.
There is the rustc_version crate which tells you the version of rustc accessible on the command-line; this is designed to be used in a build script. There's also rustc_version_runtime which does something similar, but exposes the information as a runtime call (i.e. it detects the compiler version at compile time, but exposes it at runtime).
Standard disclaimer: be very careful writing anything that depends on compiler version. You should ideally only test for minimum versions for which features are supported using semver (which both of the above libraries support directly).


How to extract nightly features used in a crate?

I want to extract all nightly features used by a crate for some research purposes.
Just to be clear, "nightly features" means codes like #![feature(...)]", but not crate provided optional features.
I tried using regex, and it works, but not accurate enough. cfg defined features may not be detected: #![cfg_attr(target_os = "macos", feature(...))].
So I turn to rustc compiler, I wish to modify some source code and print out what features crate uses. Now I'm still trying to find out how rustc deals with nightly features.
I hope someone can give me some tips and help about the process of rustc dealing with nightly features. I'm almost lost in codes.
Access to enabled features is done via rustc_session::Session::features. You can add code after they are set in rustc_interface, or look at how they're computed.
If you are at a later stage, you probably have access to the Session of the compiled crate. For example, TyCtxt has a sess() method (but also a features() method for direct access using the query system), and InferCtxt has a tcx member to access the TyCtxt.

Is there any way to compile AssemblyScript without node.js nor npm? Preferrably a standalone compiler that I could call from another program?

I have been searching some way to compile AssemblyScript without node.js. I have not found it and it is a tragedy because I really could use it to dynamically generate some special web assembly from other programs, for example, from a PHP program, in environments where node is not supported (like many shared hostings). I have the intuition that the compiler does not actually require node at all, that it must be written in some other language, but I have not found any way to install the compiler at all.
Do you have any idea of how to use it without node?
There is a way to do what you want, but it does not get rid of node completely.
The AssemblyScript about the asc compiler lists two ways of building the compiler: the usual compilation to JavaScript, and a bootstrapping process, where you compile asc to WebAssembly by compiling it to JavaScript and then using that compiler to compile it to WebAssembly.
The caveat is that, at least initially, you still node to obtain the compiler from sources.
A second caveat is that the frontend for asc is JavaScript only, for now. You can use the WebAssembly binary only as a library, which may be actually what you want, given your use-case.

Is it documented that Cargo can download and bundle multiple versions of the same crate?

By forking and playing with some code, I noticed that Cargo can download and bundle multiple versions of the same crate in the same project (native-tls 0.1.5 and 0.2.1, for example). I have wasted so much time by looking at the documentation of the wrong version.
I have looked for some information about this behaviour but I was not able to find anything. Is this documented somewhere?
Is there an easy way to determine/detect the version used by the code you're working on (current edited file)? Or can we tell Cargo to show some warnings/prevent the build if two versions the same crate are required?
It was a conscious decision when designing Rust to allow multiple versions of the same crate.
You have probably heard of Dependency Hell before, which occurs when 2 (or more) dependencies A and B have a common dependency C but each require a version which is incompatible with the other.
Rust was designed to ensure that this would not be an issue.
In general, cargo will attempt to find a common version which satisfies all requirements. As long as crate authors use SemVer correctly, and the requirements give enough leeway, a single version of the dependency can be computed and used successfully.
Sometimes, however, multiple versions of the same dependency are necessary, such as in your case since 0.1.x and 0.2.x are considered two different major versions. In this case, Rust has two features to allow the two versions to be used within the same binary:
a unique hash per version is appended to each symbol.
the type system considers the same type Foo from two versions of C to be different types.
There is a limitation, of course. If a function of A returns an instance of C::Foo and you attempt to pass it to a function of B, the compiler will refuse it (it considers the two types to be different). This is an intractable problem1.
Anytime the dependency on C is internal, or the use of C is isolated, it otherwise works automatically. As your experience shows, it is so seamless that the user may not even realize it is happening.
1 See the dtolnay trick that crate authors can use to allow some types to be interchangeable.
Cargo can indeed link multiple versions of some crate, but only one of those versions can be a direct dependency. The others are indirect references.
The direct reference is always the version referenced by Cargo.toml and on top-level of Cargo.lock (while the indirect references are in the dependencies subsections).
I am not sure how much it is documented, unfortunately.

How can I use a preprocessor in Rust to detect the version number? [duplicate]

In C++, you could use something like __clang_version__. Is there something similar for Rust? I searched on the internet, but found nothing.
Not directly.
There is the rustc_version crate which tells you the version of rustc accessible on the command-line; this is designed to be used in a build script. There's also rustc_version_runtime which does something similar, but exposes the information as a runtime call (i.e. it detects the compiler version at compile time, but exposes it at runtime).
Standard disclaimer: be very careful writing anything that depends on compiler version. You should ideally only test for minimum versions for which features are supported using semver (which both of the above libraries support directly).

When writing code compiled by LLVM backend, does architecture matter?

My question is actually more general than the title:
At what point does the architecture matter when writing code that will eventually be compiled to LLVM intermediary code, and then from there to the machine language?
Let's say I'm writing Rust (which uses LLVM as a backend). Am I automatically capable of compiling my Rust code to every architecture that LLVM can target (assuming there's an OS on that machine that can run it)?
Or could it be that the Rust standard library hasn't been made "ARM compatible" yet, so I couldn't compile to ARM even if the LLVM targets it?
What if I don't use any of the standard library, my entire program is just a program that returns right away? Could it be the case that even without any libraries, Rust (or what have you) can't compile to ARM (or what have you) even if the LLVM targets it?
If all the above examples compile just fine, what do I have to do to get my code to break on one architecture not compile to a certain architecture?
Bonus question of the same variety:
Let's say the standard library makes use of OS system calls (which is surely does). Do you have to care about architecture when making system calls? Or does the OS (Linux, for example) abstract away architecture as well?
From my understanding you can compile to any target LLVM supports (there may still be a few caveats here with frontends using inline assembler or module level inline assembly), however, you are not guaranteed it will actually execute correctly. The frontend is responsible for doing the work to be portable across the platforms the author supports.
Note also that as a frontend developer you are responsible for providing the data layout and target triple.
see also:
Implementing Portable
Cross Compile with Clang
Your Questions:
Let's say I'm writing Rust (which uses LLVM as a backend). Am I
automatically capable of compiling my Rust code to every architecture
that LLVM can target (assuming there's an OS on that machine that can
run it)?
This is dependent on the authors of the Rust frontend.
Or could it be that the Rust standard library hasn't been made "ARM
compatible" yet, so I couldn't compile to ARM even if the LLVM targets
I'm pretty sure LLVM would be able to emit the instructions, but it may not be correct in terms of addressing.
I have not used the inline assembler facilities mentioned above myself, but I assume if it allows platform specific assembly then this would break platform agnostic compilation as well.
What if I don't use any of the standard library, my entire program is
just a program that returns right away? Could it be the case that even
without any libraries, Rust (or what have you) can't compile to ARM
(or what have you) even if the LLVM targets it?
This again depends on what the Rust frontend emits. There may be some boilerplate setup logic it emits even before it emits instructions for your logic.
I'm writing my own language in LLVM that does this in the case of a special function called "main". I am targeting the C ABI so it will wrap this main with a proper C style main and invoke it with a stricter set of parameters.
If all the above examples compile just fine, what do I have to do to
get my code to break on one architecture not compile to a certain
Consider C/C++ with Clang as mentioned in the llvm FAQ. Clang is a frontend, probably the most popular, for LLVM and the users writing C/C++ are responsible for #include-ing the appropriate platform specific functionality.
Some languages may be designed more platform independent and the frontend could then handle the work for you.
Let's say the standard library makes use of OS system calls (which is
surely does). Do you have to care about architecture when making
system calls? Or does the OS (Linux, for example) abstract away
architecture as well?
I'm assuming you are talking about the case where the frontend targets the C standard library in which case LLVM has standard C library intrinsics which could be used by the frontend. This is not the only way, however, as you can use the call instruction to invoke C functions directly if targeting the C ABI as in the Kaleidoscope example.
In the end the standard library can be a portability issue and must be addressed by the frontend developers.
