Smoothing pixel-by-pixel drawing in Processing - graphics

I picked up Processing today, and wrote a program to generate a double slit interference pattern. After tweaking with the values a little, it works, but the pattern generated is fuzzier than what is possible in some other programs. Here's a screenshot:
As you can see, the fringes are not as smooth at the edges as I believe is possible. I expect them to look like this or this.
This is my code:
// All quantities in mm
float slit_separation = 0.005;
float screen_dist = 50;
float wavelength = 5e-4f;
PVector slit1, slit2;
float scale = 1e+1f;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 1);
slit_separation *= scale;
screen_dist *= scale;
wavelength *= scale;
slit1 = new PVector(-slit_separation / 2, 0, -screen_dist);
slit2 = new PVector(slit_separation / 2, 0, -screen_dist);
void draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
for (float x = -width / 2; x < width / 2; x++) {
for (float y = -height / 2; y < height / 2; y++) {
PVector pos = new PVector(x, y, 0);
float path_diff = abs(PVector.sub(slit1, pos).mag() - PVector.sub(slit2, pos).mag());
float parameter = map(path_diff % wavelength, 0, wavelength, 0, 2 * PI);
stroke(100, 100, pow(cos(parameter), 2));
point(x, y);
My code is mathematically correct, so I am wondering if there's something wrong I am doing in transforming the physical values to pixels on screen.

I'm not totally sure what you're asking- what exactly do you expect it to look like? Would it be possible to narrow this down to a single line that's misbehaving instead of the nested for loop?
But just taking a guess at what you're talking about: keep in mind that Processing enables anti-aliasing by default. To disable it, you have to call the noSmooth() function. You can call it in your setup() function:
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
//rest of your code
It's pretty obvious if you compare them side-by-side:
If that's not what you're talking about, please post an MCVE of just one or two lines instead of a nested for loop. It would also be helpful to include a mockup of what you'd expect versus what you're getting. Good luck!


Using 2D metaballs to draw an outline with a constant thickness

I'm apply the concept of metaballs to a game I'm making in order to show that the player has selected a few ships, like so
However, my goal is to keep a constant thickness of this outline, and that's not what I'm getting with the current code.
I'm using a GLSL shader to do this, and I pass to the fragmentation shader a uniform array of positions for the ships (u_metaballs).
Vertex shader:
#version 120
void main() {
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
Fragmentation shader:
#version 120
uniform vec2 u_metaballs[128];
void main() {
float intensity = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 128 && u_metaballs[i].x != 0; i++){
float r = length(u_metaballs[i] - gl_FragCoord.xy);
intensity += 1 / r;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
if(intensity > .2 && intensity < .21)
gl_FragColor = vec4(.5, 1, .7, .2);
I've tried playing around with the intensity ranges, and even changing 1 / r to 10000 / (r ^ 4) which (although it makes no sense) helps a bit, though it does not fix the problem.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
after some more taught it is doable even in single pass ... you just compute the distance to nearest metaball and if less or equal to the boundary thickness render fragment otherwise discard it ... Here example (assuming single quad <-1,+1> is rendered covering whole screen):
// Vertex
varying vec2 pos; // fragment position in world space
void main()
// Fragment
#version 120
varying vec2 pos;
const float r=0.3; // metabal radius
const float w=0.02; // border line thickness
uniform vec2 u_metaballs[5]=
vec2( 0.00,+0.05),
vec2(-1000.1,-1000.1), // end of metaballs
void main()
int i;
float d;
// d = min distance to any metaball
for (d=r+r+w+w,i=0;u_metaballs[i].x>-1000.0;i++)
// if outside range ignore fragment
if ((d<r)||(d>r+w)) discard;
// otherwise render it

Loss of data during the Inverse-FFT of an Image

I am using the following code to convert a Bitmap to Complex and vice versa.
Even though those were directly copied from Accord.NET framework, while testing these static methods, I have discovered that, repeated use of these static methods cause 'data-loss'. As a result, the end output/result becomes distorted.
public partial class ImageDataConverter
#region private static Complex[,] FromBitmapData(BitmapData bmpData)
private static Complex[,] ToComplex(BitmapData bmpData)
Complex[,] comp = null;
if (bmpData.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
int width = bmpData.Width;
int height = bmpData.Height;
int offset = bmpData.Stride - (width * 1);//1 === 1 byte per pixel.
if ((!Tools.IsPowerOf2(width)) || (!Tools.IsPowerOf2(height)))
throw new Exception("Imager width and height should be n of 2.");
comp = new Complex[width, height];
byte* src = (byte*)bmpData.Scan0.ToPointer();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, src++)
comp[y, x] = new Complex((float)*src / 255,
comp[y, x].Imaginary);
src += offset;
throw new Exception("EightBppIndexedImageRequired");
return comp;
public static Complex[,] ToComplex(Bitmap bmp)
Complex[,] comp = null;
if (bmp.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits( new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),
comp = ToComplex(bmpData);
throw new Exception("EightBppIndexedImageRequired");
return comp;
public static Bitmap ToBitmap(Complex[,] image, bool fourierTransformed)
int width = image.GetLength(0);
int height = image.GetLength(1);
Bitmap bmp = Imager.CreateGrayscaleImage(width, height);
BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(
new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
int offset = bmpData.Stride - width;
double scale = (fourierTransformed) ? Math.Sqrt(width * height) : 1;
byte* address = (byte*)bmpData.Scan0.ToPointer();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, address++)
double min = System.Math.Min(255, image[y, x].Magnitude * scale * 255);
*address = (byte)System.Math.Max(0, min);
address += offset;
return bmp;
(The DotNetFiddle link of the complete source code)
As you can see, FFT is working correctly, but, I-FFT isn't.
That is because bitmap to complex and vice versa isn't working as expected.
What could be done to correct the ToComplex() and ToBitmap() functions so that they don't loss data?
I do not code in C# so handle this answer with extreme prejudice!
Just from a quick look I spotted few problems:
Is converting BMP into 2D complex matrix. When you are converting you are leaving imaginary part unchanged, but at the start of the same function you have:
Complex[,] complex2D = null;
complex2D = new Complex[width, height];
So the imaginary parts are either undefined or zero depends on your complex class constructor. This means you are missing half of the data needed for reconstruction !!! You should restore the original complex matrix from 2 images one for real and second for imaginary part of the result.
You are saving magnitude which is I think sqrt( Re*Re + Im*Im ) so it is power spectrum not the original complex values and so you can not reconstruct back... You should store Re,Im in 2 separate images.
8bit per pixel
That is not much and can cause significant round off errors after FFT/IFFT so reconstruction can be really distorted.
[Edit1] Remedy
There are more options to repair this for example:
use floating complex matrix for computations and bitmap only for visualization.
This is the safest way because you avoid additional conversion round offs. This approach has the best precision. But you need to rewrite your DIP/CV algorithms to support complex domain matrices instead of bitmaps which require not small amount of work.
rewrite your conversions to support real and imaginary part images
Your conversion is really bad as it does not store/restore Real and Imaginary parts as it should and also it does not account for negative values (at least I do not see it instead they are cut down to zero which is WRONG). I would rewrite the conversion to this:
// conversion scales
float Re_ofset=256.0,Re_scale=512.0/255.0;
float Im_ofset=256.0,Im_scale=512.0/255.0;
private static Complex[,] ToComplex(BitmapData bmpRe,BitmapData bmpIm)
byte* srcRe = (byte*)bmpRe.Scan0.ToPointer();
byte* srcIm = (byte*)bmpIm.Scan0.ToPointer();
complex c = new Complex(0.0,0.0);
// for each line
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
// for each pixel
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, src++)
complex2D[y, x] = c;
c.Real = (float)*(srcRe*Re_scale)-Re_ofset;
c.Imaginary = (float)*(srcIm*Im_scale)-Im_ofset;
src += offset;
public static Bitmap ToBitmapRe(Complex[,] complex2D)
float Re = (complex2D[y, x].Real+Re_ofset)/Re_scale;
Re = min(Re,255.0);
Re = max(Re, 0.0);
*address = (byte)Re;
public static Bitmap ToBitmapIm(Complex[,] complex2D)
float Im = (complex2D[y, x].Imaginary+Im_ofset)/Im_scale;
Re = min(Im,255.0);
Re = max(Im, 0.0);
*address = (byte)Im;
Re_ofset = min(complex2D[,].Real);
Im_ofset = min(complex2D[,].Imaginary);
Re_scale = (max(complex2D[,].Real )-min(complex2D[,].Real ))/255.0;
Im_scale = (max(complex2D[,].Imaginary)-min(complex2D[,].Imaginary))/255.0;
or cover bigger interval then the complex matrix values.
You can also encode both Real and Imaginary parts to single image for example first half of image could be Real and next the Imaginary part. In that case you do not need to change the function headers nor names at all .. but you would need to handle the images as 2 joined squares each with different meaning ...
You can also use RGB images where R = Real, B = Imaginary or any other encoding that suites you.
[Edit2] some examples to make my points more clear
example of approach #1
The image is in form of floating point 2D complex matrix and the images are created only for visualization. There is little rounding error this way. The values are not normalized so the range is <0.0,255.0> per pixel/cell at first but after transforms and scaling it could change greatly.
As you can see I added scaling so all pixels are multiplied by 315 to actually see anything because the FFT output values are small except of few cells. But only for visualization the complex matrix is unchanged.
example of approach #2
Well as I mentioned before you do not handle negative values, normalize values to range <0,1> and back by scaling and rounding off and using only 8 bits per pixel to store the sub results. I tried to simulate that with my code and here is what I got (using complex domain instead of wrongly used power spectrum like you did). Here C++ source only as an template example as you do not have the functions and classes behind it:
transform t;
cplx_2D c;
c.mul(255.0);,bmp1); c.ld(bmp0,bmp1); i2iii(bmp0); i2iii(bmp1); c.mul(1.0/255.0);
t. DFFT(c,c);
c.mul(255.0);,bmp1); c.ld(bmp0,bmp1); i2iii(bmp0); i2iii(bmp1); c.mul(1.0/255.0);
c.mul(255.0);,bmp1); c.ld(bmp0,bmp1); i2iii(bmp0); i2iii(bmp1); c.mul(1.0/255.0);
And here the sub results:
As you can see after the DFFT and wrap the image is really dark and most of the values are rounded off. So the result after unwrap and IDFFT is really pure.
Here some explanations to code:,bmpim) is the same as your ToBitmap
c.ld(bmpre,bmpim) is the same as your ToComplex
c.mul(scale) multiplies complex matrix c by scale
rgb2i converts RGB to grayscale intensity <0,255>
i2iii converts grayscale intensity ro grayscale RGB image
I'm not really good in this puzzles but double check this dividing.
comp[y, x] = new Complex((float)*src / 255, comp[y, x].Imaginary);
You can loose precision as it is described here
Complex class definition in Remarks section.
May be this happens in your case.
Hope this helps.

Processing fft crash

Weird thing. I keep getting processing or java to crash with this code which is based on a sample code from the processing website.
On pc it doesn't work at all, on one mac it works for 5 seconds until it crushes and on another mac it just crust and gives me this:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: RtApiCore::probeDeviceOpen: the device (2) does not support the requested channel count.
Could not run the sketch (Target VM failed to initialize).
Do you think it's a problem with the library or with the code?
If it's a problem with the library, could you recommend the best sound library to do something like this?
Thank you :)
import processing.sound.*;
FFT fft;
AudioIn in;
int bands = 512;
float[] spectrum = new float[bands];
void setup() {
size(900, 600);
// Create an Input stream which is routed into the Amplitude analyzer
fft = new FFT(this, bands);
in = new AudioIn(this, 0);
// start the Audio Input
// patch the AudioIn
void draw() {
int midPointW = width/2;
int midPointH = height/2;
float angle = 1;
//float radius = 200;
for(int i = 0; i < bands; i++){
// create the actions for placing points on a circle
float radius = spectrum[i]*height*10;
//float radius = 10;
float endX = midPointW+sin(angle) * radius*10;
float endY = midPointH+cos(angle) * radius*10;
float startX = midPointW+sin(angle) * radius*5;
float startY = midPointH+cos(angle) * radius*5;
// The result of the FFT is normalized
// draw the line for frequency band i scaling it up by 5 to get more amplitude.
line( startX, startY, endX, endY);
angle = angle + angle;
println(endX, "" ,endY);
// if(angle > 360){
// angle = 0;
// }
If you print the values you use like angle and start x,y you'll notice that:
start/end x,y values become NaN(not a number - invalid)
angle quickly goes to Infinity (but not beyond)
One of the main issues is this line:
angle = angle + angle;
You're exponentially increasing this value which you probably don't want.
Additionally, bare in mind trigonometric functions such as sin() and cos() use radians not degrees, so values tend to be small. You can constrain the values to 360 degrees or TWO_PI radians using the modulo operator(%) or the constrain() function:
angle = (angle + 0.01) % TWO_PI;
You were very close though as your angle > 360 check shows it. Not sure why you've left that commented out.
Here's your code with the tweak and comments
import processing.sound.*;
FFT fft;
AudioIn in;
int bands = 512;
float[] spectrum = new float[bands];
void setup() {
size(900, 600);
// Create an Input stream which is routed into the Amplitude analyzer
fft = new FFT(this, bands);
in = new AudioIn(this, 0);
// start the Audio Input
// patch the AudioIn
void draw() {
int midPointW = width/2;
int midPointH = height/2;
float angle = 1;
//float radius = 200;
for (int i = 0; i < bands; i++) {
// create the actions for placing points on a circle
float radius = spectrum[i] * height * 10;
//float radius = 10;
float endX = midPointW + (sin(angle) * radius * 10);
float endY = midPointH + (cos(angle) * radius * 10);
float startX = midPointW + (sin(angle) * radius * 5);
float startY = midPointH + (cos(angle) * radius * 5);
// The result of the FFT is normalized
// draw the line for frequency band i scaling it up by 5 to get more amplitude.
line( startX, startY, endX, endY);
//angle = angle + angle;
angle = (angle + 0.01) % TWO_PI;//linearly increase the angle and constrain it to a 360 degrees (2 * PI)
void exit() {
in.stop();//try to cleanly stop the audio input
The sketch ran for more than 5 minutes but when closing the sketch I still encountered JVM crashes on OSX.
I haven't used this sound library much and haven't looked into it's internals, but it might be a bug.
If this still is causing problems, for pragmatic reasons I'd recommend installing a different Processing library for FFT sound analysis via Contribution Manager.
Here are a couple of libraries:
Minim - provides some nice linear and logarithmic averaging functions that can help in visualisations
Beads - feature rich but more Java like syntax. There's also a free book on it: Sonifying Processing
Both libraries provide FFT examples.

How can I handle drawing a circle, having that circle break, and begin drawing elsewhere?

Working in Processing, I am trying to build my first generative patch. What I want to have happen is start drawing a circle somewhere on screen (a point following the path of a circle), but after a random amount of time, the circle breaks, the line goes in a random direction for a random amount of time, and begins drawing a new circle elsewhere.
Right now I have the circle being drawn, and I have a toggle mechanism that turns on and off after a random period of time. I can't figure out how to get it "break" from that original circle, let alone get it to start a new circle elsewhere. Would anybody have some advice on how to accomplish this? I think it might have an interesting visual effect.
Rotor r;
float timer = 0;
boolean freeze = false;
void setup() {
r = new Rotor(random(width),random(height),random(40,100));
void draw() {
float t = frameCount / 100.0;
timer = timer + frameRate/1000;
if(timer > timeLimit()){
timer = 0;
if(freeze == true){
freeze = false;
freeze = true;
float timeLimit(){
float timeLimit = random(200);
return timeLimit;
Rotor Class:
class Rotor {
color c;
int thickness;
float xPoint;
float yPoint;
float radius;
float angle = 0;
float centerX;
float centerY;
Rotor(float cX, float cY, float rad) {
c = color(0);
thickness = 1;
centerX = cX;
centerY = cY;
radius = rad;
void drawRotor(float t) {
angle = angle + frameRate/1000;
xPoint = centerX + cos(angle) * radius;
yPoint = centerY + sin(angle) * radius;
ellipse(xPoint, yPoint,thickness,thickness);
First to answer your question about "breaking" circle: you need to create new rotor instance or just change its properties like center and radius. If I got your idea right you just need one instance of rotor so just change this values:
r.centerX = newX;
r.centerY = newY
r.radius = random(40,100) //as you have in setup
But how you can calculate new position? It could be random but you want to create path so you need to calculate it. And here comes the tricky part. So how to make connecting line and start new circle?
First you will need two mode. First will draw circle second will draw line. Simplest way to achieve that is by updating rotor draw method [You can pass mode variable as parameter of drawRotor function or as global variable]:
if(mode == 1){
angle += frameRate/1000;
radius += 2;
As you can see I just differ between increasing angle to draw circle and increasing radius to draw line (not in random direction but in way from center). Then we will need to calculate new position of circle's center. To do this we simple calculate how it would continue according to angle and substitute new radiusso whole part will looks like this:
if(mode != 1){
float newR = random(40,100);
float newX = r.centerX + cos(r.angle) * (r.radius - newR);
float newY = r.centerY + sin(r.angle) * (r.radius - newR);
r.newPos(newX, newY);
r.radius = newR; //we cant change it earlier because we need also old value
This will happen inside your "time handler" function only when you change mode back to drawing circle. Mode can be simple changed within handler
mode *= -1; //but need to be init to 1 inside setup()
If you want to have path always visible just delete background() function but if you want some cool effect add this at the begging of draw()
noStroke(); //No stroke needed and you turn it on again in drawRotor()
fill( 255,255,255, 10 ); //This will set transparency to 10%
rect(0,0,width,height); //You put layer after each "point" you draw
noFill(); //This will restore fill settings as you have before
Here I paste whole code just for demonstration and you should modify it according your own purpose. Better to code own version.
The call to background()usually comes as first thing in draw. That's because the draw only renders at the end of each loop (frame). So calling bg at the beginning will clear all stuff drawn in last frame. If you need to persist the draws trough frames can either remove the call to background() or draw your stuff every frame. Or yet draw stuff in a PGraphics and display it.
The other thing is each time the 'Rotor' stops you should give it new random coordinates.
If you go for removing the background() call this will do the trick:
Rotor r;
float timer = 0;
boolean freeze = false;
void setup() {
r = new Rotor(random(width),random(height),random(40,100));
void draw() {
float t = frameCount / 100.0;
timer = timer + frameRate/1000;
if(timer > timeLimit()){
timer = 0;
//***** here new coordinates!!
r = new Rotor(random(width),random(height),random(40,100));
if(freeze == true){
freeze = false;
freeze = true;
//***** no background()
// background(255);
float timeLimit(){
float timeLimit = random(200);
return timeLimit;
class Rotor {
color c;
int thickness;
float xPoint;
float yPoint;
float radius;
float angle = 0;
float centerX;
float centerY;
Rotor(float cX, float cY, float rad) {
c = color(0);
thickness = 1;
centerX = cX;
centerY = cY;
radius = rad;
void drawRotor(float t) {
angle = angle + frameRate/1000;
xPoint = centerX + cos(angle) * radius;
yPoint = centerY + sin(angle) * radius;
ellipse(xPoint, yPoint,thickness,thickness);
now, if you need to clear the screen, You can make a List (ArrayList?) and add a new Rotor to it when the previous is done. But you need to manage the Rotor to be able to display it self without animating as well. So new created Rotor would animate, and old ones would just display its arc without animating. Or make a PGraphis with no call to bg and display it in main canvas that can have a bg call...
A side note, be aware that relying in frameRate to times stuff makes it dependable on the system performance. You can do the same thing using millis()to avoid that. Not an issue so far, as this is very light yet, but may become an issue if the project grows further.

BlackBerry - image 3D transform

I know how to rotate image on any angle with drawTexturePath:
int displayWidth = Display.getWidth();
int displayHeight = Display.getHeight();
int[] x = new int[] { 0, displayWidth, displayWidth, 0 };
int[] x = new int[] { 0, 0, displayHeight, displayHeight };
int angle = Fixed32.toFP( 45 );
int dux = Fixed32.cosd(angle );
int dvx = -Fixed32.sind( angle );
int duy = Fixed32.sind( angle );
int dvy = Fixed32.cosd( angle );
graphics.drawTexturedPath( x, y, null, null, 0, 0, dvx, dux, dvy, duy, image);
but what I need is a 3d projection of simple image with 3d transformation (something like this)
Can you please advice me how to do this with drawTexturedPath (I'm almost sure it's possible)?
Are there any alternatives?
The method used by this function(2 walk vectors) is the same as the oldskool coding tricks used for the famous 'rotozoomer' effect. rotozoomer example video
This method is a very fast way to rotate, zoom, and skew an image. The rotation is done simply by rotating the walk vectors. The zooming is done simply by scaling the walk vectors. The skewing is done by rotating the walkvectors in respect to one another (e.g. they don't make a 90 degree angle anymore).
Nintendo had made hardware in their SNES to use the same effect on any of the sprites and or backgrounds. This made way for some very cool effects.
One big shortcoming of this technique is that one can not perspectively warp a texture. To do this, every new horizontal line, the walk vectors should be changed slightly. (hard to explain without a drawing).
On the snes they overcame this by altering every scanline the walkvectors (In those days one could set an interrupt when the monitor was drawing any scanline). This mode was later referred to as MODE 7 (since it behaved like a new virtual kind of graphics mode). The most famous games using this mode were Mario kart and F-zero
So to get this working on the blackberry, you'll have to draw your image "displayHeight" times (e.g. Every time one scanline of the image). This is the only way to achieve the desired effect. (This will undoubtedly cost you a performance hit since you are now calling the drawTexturedPath function a lot of times with new values, instead of just one time).
I guess with a bit of googling you can find some formulas (or even an implementation) how to calc the varying walkvectors. With a bit of paper (given your not too bad at math) you might deduce it yourself too. I've done it myself too when I was making games for the Gameboy Advance so I know it can be done.
Be sure to precalc everything! Speed is everything (especially on slow machines like phones)
EDIT: did some googling for you. Here's a detailed explanation how to create the mode7 effect. This will help you achieve the same with the Blackberry function. Mode 7 implementation
With the following code you can skew your image and get a perspective like effect:
int displayWidth = Display.getWidth();
int displayHeight = Display.getHeight();
int[] x = new int[] { 0, displayWidth, displayWidth, 0 };
int[] y = new int[] { 0, 0, displayHeight, displayHeight };
int dux = Fixed32.toFP(-1);
int dvx = Fixed32.toFP(1);
int duy = Fixed32.toFP(1);
int dvy = Fixed32.toFP(0);
graphics.drawTexturedPath( x, y, null, null, 0, 0, dvx, dux, dvy, duy, image);
This will skew your image in a 45º angle, if you want a certain angle you just need to use some trigonometry to determine the lengths of your vectors.
Thanks for answers and guidance, +1 to you all.
MODE 7 was the way I choose to implement 3D transformation, but unfortunately I couldn't make drawTexturedPath to resize my scanlines... so I came down to simple drawImage.
Assuming you have a Bitmap inBmp (input texture), create new Bitmap outBmp (output texture).
Bitmap mInBmp = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("map.png");
int inHeight = mInBmp.getHeight();
int inWidth = mInBmp.getWidth();
int outHeight = 0;
int outWidth = 0;
int outDrawX = 0;
int outDrawY = 0;
Bitmap mOutBmp = null;
public Scr() {
mOutBmp = getMode7YTransform();
outWidth = mOutBmp.getWidth();
outHeight = mOutBmp.getHeight();
outDrawX = (Display.getWidth() - outWidth) / 2;
outDrawY = Display.getHeight() - outHeight;
Somewhere in code create a Graphics outBmpGraphics for outBmp.
Then do following in iteration from start y to (texture height)* y transform factor:
1.create a Bitmap lineBmp = new Bitmap(width, 1) for one line
2.create a Graphics lineBmpGraphics from lineBmp
3.paint i line from texture to lineBmpGraphics
4.encode lineBmp to EncodedImage img
5.scale img according to MODE 7
6.paint img to outBmpGraphics
Note: Richard Puckett's PNGEncoder BB port used in my code
private Bitmap getMode7YTransform() {
Bitmap outBmp = new Bitmap(inWidth, inHeight / 2);
Graphics outBmpGraphics = new Graphics(outBmp);
for (int i = 0; i < inHeight / 2; i++) {
Bitmap lineBmp = new Bitmap(inWidth, 1);
Graphics lineBmpGraphics = new Graphics(lineBmp);
lineBmpGraphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, inWidth, 1, mInBmp, 0, 2 * i);
PNGEncoder encoder = new PNGEncoder(lineBmp, true);
byte[] data = null;
try {
data = encoder.encode(true);
} catch (IOException e) {
EncodedImage img = PNGEncodedImage.createEncodedImage(data,
0, -1);
float xScaleFactor = ((float) (inHeight / 2 + i))
/ (float) inHeight;
img = scaleImage(img, xScaleFactor, 1);
int startX = (inWidth - img.getScaledWidth()) / 2;
int imgHeight = img.getScaledHeight();
int imgWidth = img.getScaledWidth();
outBmpGraphics.drawImage(startX, i, imgWidth, imgHeight, img,
0, 0, 0);
return outBmp;
Then just draw it in paint()
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
graphics.drawBitmap(outDrawX, outDrawY, outWidth, outHeight, mOutBmp,
0, 0);
To scale, I've do something similar to method described in Resizing a Bitmap using .scaleImage32 instead of .setScale
private EncodedImage scaleImage(EncodedImage image, float ratioX,
float ratioY) {
int currentWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(image.getWidth());
int currentHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(image.getHeight());
double w = (double) image.getWidth() * ratioX;
double h = (double) image.getHeight() * ratioY;
int width = (int) w;
int height = (int) h;
int requiredWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(width);
int requiredHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(height);
int scaleXFixed32 = Fixed32.div(currentWidthFixed32,
int scaleYFixed32 = Fixed32.div(currentHeightFixed32,
EncodedImage result = image.scaleImage32(scaleXFixed32, scaleYFixed32);
return result;
See also
J2ME Mode 7 Floor Renderer - something much more detailed & exciting if you writing a 3D game!
You want to do texture mapping, and that function won't cut it. Maybe you can kludge your way around it but the better option is to use a texture mapping algorithm.
This involves, for each row of pixels, determining the edges of the shape and where on the shape those screen pixels map to (the texture pixels). It's not so hard actually but may take a bit of work. And you'll be drawing the pic only once.
GameDev has a bunch of articles with sourcecode here:
Wikipedia also has a nice article:
Another site with 3d tutorials:
In your place I'd seek out a simple demo program that did something close to what you want and use their sources as base to develop my own - or even find a portable source library, I´m sure there must be a few.
