Simple way to get x-coordinate of already drawn SVG Path - svg

I have an already drawn SVG as shown below. It has a set of vertical paths.
Is there any simple way to get the x coordinates of each of them?


SVG Rect Rotation

I want to do apply a rotation to a rect element in svg, such that the two ends of the rect however are excluded from the rotation. The following image should depict what I mean by that:
the first rect will look like the third one after a normal rotation. What I want however is the second one where the two left right ends of the rect are not touch on their vertical axis. What is best way to achieve this effect?

Is it possible to get a nested svg element to not clip its contents?

I need to set a new coordinate system so I can get some gradient stuff to work. Using a svg element (with x and y attrs) inside another svg element instead of a 'g' (with transform) works but now I can't draw outside. Is there any way to make a nested svg element not clip its contents? Or another way to do this?
My gradient indicates sentiment and I am drawing a number of bars filled with the gradient. I need to use gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" to ensure they are coloured correctly and not according to their own bounds.
Overflow: visible works! tx. I can't see any noticeable perf impact.

SVG Path as s circle and modified to halve without its center changed

I want to use SVG path as a circle where I can modify the same circle without changing its center into an arc. Right now when I am trying to modify SVG path for getting an arc, the center of the path changes and shifts to another position. Is this possible doing with svg path?

SVG path - Add and subtract || lasso selection tool in canvas

I want to combine two SVG paths such that
1.Both paths will be there but, at the area of intersection, there will be no strokes.
2.Second path will be excluded and there will be a complete stroke
See image at
I want similar function also in HTML5 canvas.
The purpose of this scenario is to implement a lasso selection tool (freehand selection) similar to that of photoshop, with Ctrl and Alt options for adding and subtracting selection [ + some other functions ].
What have you tried? This sounds a little bit like a homework assignment.
The first one is easy to replicate. Just draw the two circles with the stroke, then draw them again in the same place without the stroke.
You can achieve the second shape (the "pacman") by drawing a purple circle on the right that is clipped by a circle that is in the same position as the left (black) circle.

Converting SVG Path from inkscape to Raphaƫljs

In inkscape the coordinate system is bottom/top corner (meaning, 0,0 is left bottom corner). This is the same case with Adobe Illustrator. But, when I try to use this path string in raphael it use top/bottom (meaning, 0,0 is top/left corner) approach. How to convert this path string according to browser's coordinates or raphael's coordinates?
I had this problem before and the easiest way that I found to solve it is to flip the image before getting the path string.
I have been experiencing a similar issue trying to make a map I created in Inkscape. All of my countries were off the charts, literally!
I just copied my svg file into Ready Set Raphael and it worked like a charm.
