Bash (Mint): How to add a newline to a PS3 prompt? - linux

I'm trying this stupid code
PS3="Choose 1..10\n0 to exit";
But bash shows me literally \n, and not a new line.
I'm trying to use it in a bash script with select a 'builtin' choice prompt.

$ PS3="Choose 1..10"$'\n'"0 to exit: "
$ select choice in $(seq 10)
> do
> [[ $choice -eq 0 ]] && break
> #do stuff for choice 1 to 10
> done
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) 5
6) 6
7) 7
8) 8
9) 9
10) 10
Choose 1..10
0 to exit: 0
Just an additional $'\n' is required wrt bash context, which is inserted in between the PS3 environment variable. It's similar to the way we set it for IFS

You can also embed a newline in a string directly:
PS3="Choose 1..10
0 to exit: "


"Attempted assignment to a non-variable" in bash

I'm new to Bash and I've been having issues with creating a script. What this script does is take numbers and add them to a total. However, I can't get total to work.It constantly claims that total is a non-variable despite it being assigned earlier in the program.
error message (8 is an example number being entered)
./adder: line 16: 0 = 0 + 8: attempted assignment to non-variable (error token is "= 0 + 8")
while [[ $choice != 0 ]]; do
echo Please enter a number or 0 to quit
read choice
if [[ $choice != 0 ]];
$(($total = $total + $choice))
$(($count = $count + 1))
echo Total is $total
echo Total is derived from $count numbers
exit 0
Get rid of some of the dollar signs in front of the variable names. They're optional inside of an arithmetic context, which is what ((...)) is. On the left-hand side of an assignment they're not just optional, they're forbidden, because = needs the variable name on the left rather than its value.
Also $((...)) should be plain ((...)) without the leading dollar sign. The dollar sign will capture the result of the expression and try to run it as a command. It'll try to run a command named 0 or 5 or whatever the computed value is.
You can write:
((total = $total + $choice))
((count = $count + 1))
((total = total + choice))
((count = count + 1))
or even:
((total += choice))
((count += 1))

Double variable in bash

#! /bin/bash
source_id="1 2 3 4 5 "
target_id="one two three four five"
for $target_id in ${!source_id[*]}
echo " id " $target_id is " name is "${source_id[$targetid]}
I want print:
name is 1 id is one
name is 2 id is two
and so on…
bash v4+, solution with associative arrays:
If you have bash version greater than 4, this way might be better:
for source_id in ${!target_id[*]}
echo "name is ${target_id["${source_id}"]} id is "${source_id}""
Here read more about associative arrays in bash:
Associative arrays in bash
Solution with regular arrays:
source_id=(1 2 3 4 5)
target_id=("one" "two" "three" "four" "five")
for (( index = 0 ; index < "${array_len}" ; index++ ))
echo "name is ${target_id[${index}]} id is ${source_id[${index}]}"
You can read about bash arrays here : bash arrays
You can do what you intend in this easier way :
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five'
echo "$source_id" | sed '/^ *$/d' | while read id name
echo "id is $id and name is $name"
If for some reason you NEED to use arrays, this is the right syntax for it :
source_id=(1 2 3 4 5)
target_id=(one two three four five)
for (( i=0; i < "${#source_id[#]}" ; i++))
echo "id is ${source_id[$i]} and name is ${target_id[$i]} "

Shell for loop, stopping at declaration

I'm trying to write a for loop that goes from 1 to 10, then calculates ( 1 through 10 mod 5) + 2. After that I want to display it like this (1 to 10 mod 5) + 2 = answer. However i'm getting an error at the beginning of the loop which is a syntax error.
for (( i = 0; i <= 10; i++)); do
calculate=(i % 5) + 2
echo ("("i "% 5) + 2" calculate)
Try these changes:
calculate=$(( i % 5 + 2 ))
# $(( ... )) is the shell's way to do arithmetic
echo "($i % 5) + 2 = " $calculate
# $x is a way to refer to the value of variable x
# (also inside a double-quoted string)
The for loop header is actually OK.

Bash, print 0 in terminal each time a non recognised argument is input

I have a bash program which extracts marks from a file that looks like this:
Jack ex1=5 ex2=3 quiz1=9 quiz2=10 exam=50
I want the code to execute such that when I input into terminal:
./program -ex1 -ex2 -ex3
Jack does not have an ex3 in his data, so an output of 0 will be returned:
Jack 5 3 0
how do I code my program to output 0 for each unrecognized argument?
If I understand what you are trying to do, it isn't that difficult. What you need to do is read each line into a name and the remainder into marks. (input is read from stdin)
Then for each argument given on the command line, check if the first part matches the beginning of any grade in marks (the left size of the = sign). If it does, then save the grade (right side of the = sign) and set the found flag to 1.
After checking all marks against the first argument, if the found flag is 1, output the grade, otherwise output 0. Repeat for all command line arguments. (and then for all students in file) Let me know if you have questions:
declare -i found=0 # initialize variables
declare -i grade=0
while read -r name marks; do # read each line into name & marks
printf "%s" "$name" # print student name
for i in "$#"; do # for each command line argument
found=0 # reset found (flag) 0
for j in $marks; do # for each set of marks check for match
[ $i = -${j%=*} ] && { found=1; grade=${j#*=}; } # if match save grade
[ $found -eq 1 ] && printf " %d" $grade || printf " 0" # print grade or 0
printf "\n" # print newline
exit 0
$ bash -ex1 -ex2 -ex3 < dat/marks.txt
Jack 5 3 0

How to fork a function with params in bash?

I'm new to bash scripting and I faced an issue when I tried to improve my script. My script is spliting a text file and each part of this text file is processed in a function ... Everything is working fine but my problem occurs when I'm forking (with &) my function processing ! My args are not like expected (it's a line number and text with whitespaces and backspaces) and I suppose it's because of global variables ... I tried to fork, then sleep 1 second in the parent thread and then continue in order to put args into local variables for my function execution but it doesn't work either ... Can you give me a hint about how to do it ? What I want is to be able to pass args to my function and be allowed to modify it after the fork call in my parent thread ... is it possible ?
Thanks in advance :)
Here is my script :
#Function definition
function checkPart() {
local NUMBER="$1"
local TXT="$2"
echo "$TXT" | { while IFS= read -r line ; do
IFS=' ' read -ra ADDR <<< "$line"
#If the countdown is set to 0, launch the task ans set it to init value
if [ ${ADDR[0]} == '0' ]; then
#task launching
#to replace by $()l
echo `./${ADDR[1]}.sh ${ADDR[2]} &`
#countdown set to init value
sed -i "$NUMBER c ${ADDR[3]} ${ADDR[1]} ${ADDR[2]} ${ADDR[3]}" $FILE
sed -i "$NUMBER c $((ADDR-1)) ${ADDR[1]} ${ADDR[2]} ${ADDR[3]}" $FILE
done }
#Init processes number#
LINE_NUMBER=$(wc -l < $FILE)
if [ $(($LINE_NUMBER % $LINE_BY_THREAD)) -ne '0' ]; then
echo "Number of thread to be run : $NB_PROCESSES"
#Start the split sequence#
for (( i = 2; i <= $LINE_NUMBER; i += $LINE_BY_THREAD ))
PARAM=$(sed "$i,$(($i + $LINE_BY_THREAD - 1))!d" "$FILE")
(checkPart "$i" "$PARAM") &
sleep 1
My job is to create a scheduler for tasks described in this following file :
2 agr_m 42 5
5 agr_m_s 26 5
0 agr_m 42 5
3 agr_m_s 26 5
0 agr_m 42 5
5 agr_m_s 26 5
4 agr_m 42 5
5 agr_m_s 26 5
4 agr_m 42 5
4 agr_m_s 26 5
2 agr_m 42 5
4 agr_m_s 26 5
When I'm reading a number > 0 in the first column, I just decrement it and when it's a 0 I have to launch the task and set the first number to frequency, last column ...
My first code is the previous with sed for text replacement but is it possible to do better ?
