Vim: delete all but the current line - vim

I know this is a bit of vim-golfing, but I am interested in other opinions / ideas. Sometimes I have to edit a file and to delete all but the current line. My go to solution involves ex mode :t0|2,$d
These are as many as 8 keystrokes! (I am aware that this command can be mapped easily to some convenient combination on the keyboard.) Other suggestions, ideas?

first of all your approach is not 8 keystrokes, if we don't count the save (ZZ), they are 9 keystrokes. Because you have to press Enter.
There is one way, with 6 keystrokes:
Apart from golfing, I feel my approach is more straightforward than yours. Perhaps because I like normal mode in vim. :-)
For practice, if you need do it many times, you may want to have a mapping.

Another solution:


VIM: motion without jk and HardMode installed

I am enjoying hardmode and have definitely seen improvement. However the one item I am dealing with is selecting, moving, copying only two lines at the time. Current line +1 or -1.
Before hardmode the way I would select three lines of code in visual mode would be with the motion:
Since HardMode disables the "j" key what would be a good substitute to such move?
About HardMode:
Hard Mode is a plugin which disables the arrow keys, the hjkl keys,
the page up/down keys, and a handful of other keys which allow one to
rely on character-wise navigation. The philosophy behind Hard Mode is
that you'll never master Vim's advanced motion and search
functionality if you can fall back on the anti-pattern of fumbling
around your code with the arrow keys.
For me, HardMode is all about changing your mindset about how you move in vim. Really getting comfortable with text objects, searching etc.
In this case, you can just use 3V (3 <S-v>) to select 3 lines.
I'd urge you to learn some ex commands while you work in HardMode. Like use
:8,15d " To delete lines from line no. 8 through 15
:8,15co . "To copy range of lines 8 through 15 to current cursor position.
You can also use
:.+3 " To move down
:.-3 " To move up 3 lines
but then you'll be totally missing the point. Just use HardMode for what it's meant to be. Which is learn a few things in a constrained situation.
I think I see the point of hardmode now, and you got an answer for how to select multiple lines in visual mode. That answer is correct, but maybe you don't need to select at all? You mentioned copying, or moving, a few lines. For that, try using counts with your yank/delete commands. Example, to copy 5 lines:
To delete 3 lines:

Toward Vim moves from conventional moves (<left> <right> <up> <down> <backspace>)

I am not trying to play golf with my editor. I am just trying to improve my editing skills with vim.
Let's consider this piece of assembly that I would like to convert to C. In order to do it methodically, I want to make small changes iteratively line after line.
dm(__abcd_bar_id + axis) = f4;
f1 = dm(_abcd_foo_id + axis);
f5 = f4 - f1;
The job with this example is:
Simplify the first line with abcd_bar_id[axis] = f4
Simplify the second line with f1 = abcd_foo_id[axis]
Replace f1 in the third line with the second line
Remove the second line
These steps are not negotiable. I know I can easily get rid of all my dm(__variable + index) with a regex like the one below but this is off topic.
So, to achieve these changes I traditionally do this:
Shift+End Shift+◀ Ctrl+c
▼End◀◀BackspaceBackspace Ctrl+v
And the result should be this:
abcd_bar_id[axis] = f4;
f5 = f4 - abcd_foo_id[axis];
What saves me is I am quite fast hitting the same key multiple times. However I am sure I can be more productive if I use vi features
Well, this seems to me much more complicated for my brain because a pre-processing bain-time is needed before each keystrokes.
For instance if I want to move to f1 I need to parse with my eyes if there is no other 1 on the way to f1.
I really feel I need years of training to be 'fluent' with vim.
So the questions are:
How a vim guru will treat this example?
Does a vim guru exist?
I definitely don't consider myself vim guru, although I use it on the daily basis. Answering your second question first, probably there's somebody who can be treated as a guru, there are simply so many options and possibilities in vim, that everybody can have their own way of doing things. Moreover, because you can tailor vim to your needs, it's easy to simplify regular tasks, and those configurations may differ a lot. Also people who are considered gurus by me (like, for instance, Derek Wyatt) claim that have still much to learn about vim, so it can definitely take years to become one.
But don't be discouraged, it takes only some practise to start thinking vim-way, and your editing tasks will become much easier :)
Back to your example. First of all, I'd edit the first line with slightly less keystrokes:
The difference isn't huge in terms of number of keystrokes, but it illustrates different approach. It allows, in my opinion, much less pre-processing, which is the problem you highlighted. I divided those keystrokes into sections to show you my thought process:
delete till a
find ) and replace it with ]
back one word and delete Till (backwards) d
insert [
I don't have to think much, when I apply those changes. You might think that this is counter-intuitive, that I jumped to ) character first, but it was much easier for me to spot closing bracket than count words or
hit h or l multiple times. Of course you might know the keystrokes but when you edit something you don't always remember all of them. This comes with practise and forcing yourself to use some of them (like t/T)
to put them firmly under your fingers. Also, print a cheat-sheet trying to make use of every key, until you'll learn it by heart. It won't take long ;)
As William already suggested in the comment, I'd also think about macro here. It's a powerful and easy-to-use tool, which can really automate your changes.
I already know how to edit first line. In your example, I know that in the second step I'll be doing the same thing, but in slightly different location, so instead of editing first line, I instantly record a macro, but I have to make it universal
for easier application. So I think about putting my cursor in proper location first, before making any changes. My macro would look like this:
0fd dta f)r] bdTd i[
Notice, that I added 3 keystrokes at the beginning (not counting qq, which starts recording macro to q register). That might look redundant in the first line, but it ensures proper location of the cursor before making any changes.
That way I can easily apply this macro in the second line with #q
Now, you have to replace this f1 in the third line. You're still in the second line with your cursor, so you just yank with:
and then paste it to the third line:
Using macros mith look like a redundant thing when you edit just 3 lines, but when you get used to making changes in a vim way, you'll really feel you're taking advantage of it's power.
When it comes to remembering recorded macros it's not that hard, you have to have the proper attitude. First of all, you record your macros to registers, so typing :registers will show you also your macros. Secondly, you can edit them,
by pasting specific register, altering it and then saving to the same register. And then you can play it with #[register_letter]. And finally, don't get attached to specific macros. Save one or two, use them to make multiple changes at
once and forget about them. And then record another one under the same letter. For example, if you realize that you have to make some repetitive change across the file, use qq, because it's fast and intuitive. After making changes you rarely
need to play the same macro over again, because whole buffer is already in the right state. But if you know, that you'll need it, record next macro under another letter. If you'll get comfortable making changes intuitively vim way, so that
they can easily be repeted, you'll find that's much easier to record another macro than trying to remember under which letter you recorded previous one.
I hope that this answer will convince you, that you don't need years of training to get fluent, but of course it won't happen overnight ;)

Display last pressed set of valid keys on Vim's statusline [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Vim "show my last command" command?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I often find that I press the wrong set of keys but I can't figure out what I went wrong with.
In other words, a fat finger. However I don't know if it's a fat finger or not just from the output, a lot of the time yes I could figure it out, but instead I prefer Vim to tell me where I went wrong.
What I would like is to have something in my statusline that outputs the last set of valid key presses.
No showcmd does not work for my needs, that only outputs what I'm currently typing, tells me what Vim knows from me currently.
What I need is to know what Vim knew from me the last time I pressed keys.
So for examples, what I pressed on the left and what I want this addition in the statusline to tell me on the right.
j j
jjjjj j
5j 5j
4jj j
Isome text I
Aoh yeah A
. (Whatever the dot key just repeated)
Etc. You get the idea. :)
What would be a simple way to achieve this? It's probably some obscure variable that Vim keeps track of and I'm just not aware of it.
Any help is appreciated. :)
No, there's no built-in way to tell you if what you just typed is wrong and only a subset of what you type is recorded with some persistence (Ex commands, searches but not normal mode commands or inserts).
Recording everything you type is "easy" or rather "doable" with a key logger. Making sense of the content of the log (supposing we are able to decide where a command starts and where it ends) is another matter entirely. jjjj, 4j, /foo<CR>, 56G, or even using the mouse are all perfectly valid ways to move the cursor to foo and AFAIK, no one has ever written a program able to tell you which one of the method above is the most "valid".
So, in the meantime, you are left with your brain and how good it is at focusing on a given task and at manipulating abstract concepts: pay attention to what you do, identify bottlenecks and look for possible improvements.
From Seven habits of effective text editing:
While you are editing, keep an eye out for actions you repeat and/or spend quite a bit of time on.
Find out if there is an editor command that will do this action quicker. Read the documentation, ask a friend, or look at how others do this.
Train using the command. Do this until your fingers type it without thinking.

Vim Repeat dot (".") command buffer?

I really like the behavior of YankRing, which lets me access the last several things I've yanked or deleted or changed without thinking.
However a complementary feature like this is completely missing for the . repeat command, most often when I type something I really want to repeat, then accidentally overwriting that edit by pressing x to clean something up.
Often it's possible to get back some time still by visual-mode yanking what I just typed, but this is not ideal.
It should be really easy to remember the past few commands.
The question is how possible is it to extract from Vim the representation of the last command contained in whatever stores what . will do before it gets blown away?
If it is as I fear, the only way is to get a plugin to bind to every single command that could edit something, and instrument it in such a way as to store our own repeat-buffer. This is really not practical because I can already imagine how many other plugins that will break. But, I would still really really want this feature if it is possible in any way.
Unfortunately, there's no way to get and replay the command behind the . command. The only workaround is to be perpetually in macro recording mode, and use the macro register as a replacement for the . command.
This tactic is employed by the RepeatLast plugin, which might offer what you want.
Keyword completion and/or ctrl-a in insert mode should cover your needs.
A more yankring-like solution should be possible but, as you say, probably a little too intrusive. Did you look on by yourself before asking others to do it for you?

What is the most convincing command in Vim

I want to ditch my current editor. I feel I need something else. That do not expose my hands to the risk of RSI. I need to see why I should change editor. And it would be nice to believe, that I will be coding when I'm 80 years old.
All the big guys out there are using Vim. The only Emacs guy I know are RMS. Paul Graham is a Vi dude.
. (dot) - repeats the last editing action. Really handy when you need to perform a few similar edits.
:help usr_12.txt
That'll bring up a section in the help system that discusses "Clever Tricks". If those don't get you excited I don't know what will!
Recording macros
The asterisk.
Its effect: Immediately search for the next instance of the word under the cursor.
The best thing is the efficiency with which you can edit code (which is done a lot in programming). The commands such as
cw to change a word
dw to delete a word
ct, to change all text until the next comma
ci( to change the contents of the parentheses you're currently in
xp to correct spelling mistakes ("spleling" -> cursor on l -> xp -> "spelling")
o to insert a new line below and start editing
O to insert a new line above
Then there is the possibility to work with named registers very quickly. To move a block, just select it, press d, then move to it's new location and press p. Much faster than Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Use "ud to delete text and move it to register u (I use this one for the commenting template).
And also Vim has all the scripting support you need (either using it's native scripting language or using Python, Ruby, ...)
the numbers.
in command mode
type a number ( any number of digits )
type a command.
that command will be executed $number times
erases the next 99 lines.
The fast startup time.
The sharp distinction between editing and viewing. (you know when you edit)
The only way you ever find what you are looking for is with search "/" and that is good, since it much faster than your eyes.
But the best command(s) are:
/ - search string
ZZ - quit
. - repeat last insert (I think)
%! - insert unix command
Handling multi line regexps in search strings with "\_.". While checking over 4GB text files of various formats, it had saved my life several times.
Why are you looking to be convinced to start using a different editor? If you're happy with what you have now, stick. If not, perhaps ask about editors with features that you lack.
Even if you are using Visual Studio there is the wonderful vsvim.
I love the speed of Vim but I find it lacks the features of a modern IDE for C++ development. Eclipse CDT with the viPlugin is a good compromise.
You get the power and source overview provided by Eclipse CDT with the speed and flexibility of Vim for coding.
The lovely built in regular expression evaluator.
Maybe reading "Come home to vim" by Steve Losh article is a good start, or
a series of videos about interesting plugins. And be sure to see some articles on the site
You should map Caps Lock to Esc. It will make getting out of insert mode feel natural as opposed to the awkward move you must make to press the ESC key. Besides, who uses Caps Lock anyway?
Make your regular expressions mostly Perl compatible.
See very magic section here for more information.
To be truly inspired, you must see a vim guru in action. If you do not have a local guru, here is a video to inspire you.
If you don't already know vim, the speed at which code is navigated, sliced, and diced will be indistinguishable from magic. After a few months of studying vim, the same editing speed will seem commonplace.
