$addToSet Based on Object key exists - node.js

I have array 'pets': [{'fido': ['abc']} that is a embeded document. When I add a pet to the array, how can I check to see if that pet already exists? For instance, if I added fido again... how can I check if only fido exists and not add it? I was hoping I could use $addToSet but I only want to check part of the set(the pets name).
User.prototype.updatePetArray = function(userId, petName) {
userId = { _id: ObjectId(userId) };
return this.collection.findOneAndUpdate(userId,
{ $addToSet: { pets: { [petName]: [] } } },
{ returnOriginal: false,
maxTimeMS: QUERY_TIME });
Result of adding fido twice:
{u'lastErrorObject': {u'updatedExisting': True, u'n': 1}, u'ok': 1, u'value': {u'username': u'bob123', u'_id': u'56d5fc8381c9c28b3056f794', u'location': u'AT', u'pets': [{u'fido': []}]}}
{u'lastErrorObject': {u'updatedExisting': True, u'n': 1}, u'ok': 1, u'value': {u'username': u'bob123', u'_id': u'56d5fc8381c9c28b3056f794', u'location': u'AT', u'pets': [{u'fido': [u'abc']}, {u'fido': []}]}}

If there is always going to be "variable" content within each member of the "pets" array ( i.e petName as the key ) then $addToSet is not for you. At least not not at the array level where you are looking to apply it.
Instead you basically need an $exists test on the "key" of the document being contained in the array, then either $addToSet to the "contained" array of that matched key with the positional $ operator, or where the "key" was not matched then $push directly to the "pets" array, with the new inner content directly as the sole array member.
So if you can live with not returning the modified document, then "Bulk" operations are for you. In modern drivers with bulkWrite():
User.prototype.updatePetArray = function(userId, petName, content) {
var filter1 = { "_id": ObjectId(userId) },
filter2 = { "_id": ObjectId(userId) },
update1 = { "$addToSet": {} },
update2 = { "$push": { "pets": {} } };
filter1["pets." + petName] = { "$exists": true };
filter2["pets." + petName] = { "$exists": false };
var setter1 = {};
setter1["pets.$." + petName] = content;
update1["$addToSet"] = setter1;
var setter2 = {};
setter2[petName] = [content];
update2["$push"]["pets"] = setter2;
// Return the promise that yields the BulkWriteResult of both calls
return this.collection.bulkWrite([
{ "updateOne": {
"filter": filter1,
"update": update1
{ "updateOne": {
"filter": filter2,
"update": update2
If you must return the modified document, then you are going to need to resolve each call and return the one that actually matched something:
User.prototype.updatePetArray = function(userId, petName, content) {
var filter1 = { "_id": ObjectId(userId) },
filter2 = { "_id": ObjectId(userId) },
update1 = { "$addToSet": {} },
update2 = { "$push": { "pets": {} } };
filter1["pets." + petName] = { "$exists": true };
filter2["pets." + petName] = { "$exists": false };
var setter1 = {};
setter1["pets.$." + petName] = content;
update1["$addToSet"] = setter1;
var setter2 = {};
setter2[petName] = [content];
update2["$push"]["pets"] = setter2;
// Return the promise that returns the result that matched and modified
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
var operations = [
this.collection.findOneAndUpdate(filter1,update1,{ "returnOriginal": false}),
this.collection.findOneAndUpdate(filter2,update2,{ "returnOriginal": false})
// Promise.all runs both, and discard the null document
Promise.all(operations).then(function(result) {
resolve(result.filter(function(el) { return el.value != null } )[0].value);
In either case this requires "two" update attempts where only "one" will actually succeed and modify the document, since only one of the $exists tests is going to be true.
So as an example of that first case, the "query" and "update" are resolving after interpolation as:
"_id": ObjectId("56d7b759e955e2812c6c8c1b"),
"pets.fido": { "$exists": true }
{ "$addToSet": { "pets.$.fido": "ccc" } }
And the second update as:
"_id": ObjectId("56d7b759e955e2812c6c8c1b"),
"pets.fido": { "$exists": false }
{ "$push": { "pets": { "fido": ["ccc"] } } }
Given varibles of:
userId = "56d7b759e955e2812c6c8c1b",
petName = "fido",
content = "ccc";
Personally I would not be naming keys like this, but rather change the structure to:
"_id": ObjectId("56d7b759e955e2812c6c8c1b"),
"pets": [{ "name": "fido", "data": ["abc"] }]
That makes the update statements easier, and without the need for variable interpolation into the key names. For example:
"_id": ObjectId(userId),
"pets.name": petName
{ "$addToSet": { "pets.$.data": content } }
"_id": ObjectId(userId),
"pets.name": { "$ne": petName }
{ "$push": { "pets": { "name": petName, "data": [content] } } }
Which feels a whole lot cleaner and can actually use an "index" for matching, which of course $exists simply cannot.
There is of course more overhead if using .findOneAndUpdate(), since this is afterall "two" actual calls to the server for which you need to await a response as opposed to the Bulk method which is just "one".
But if you need the returned document ( option is the default in the driver anyway ) then either do that or similarly await the Promise resolve from the .bulkWrite() and then fetch the document via .findOne() after completion. Albeit that doing it via .findOne() after the modification would not truly be "atomic" and could possibly return the document "after" another similar modification was made, and not only in the state of that particular change.
N.B Also assuming that apart from the keys of the subdocuments in "pets" as a "set" that your other intention for the array contained was adding to that "set" as well via the additional content supplied to the function. If you just wanted to overwrite a value, then just apply $set instead of $addToSet and similarly wrap as an array.
But it sounds reasonable that the former was what you were asking.
BTW. Please clean up by horrible setup code in this example for the query and update objects in your actual code :)
As a self contained listing to demonstrate:
var async = require('async'),
mongodb = require('mongodb'),
MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost/test',function(err,db) {
var coll = db.collection('pettest');
var petName = "fido",
content = "bbb";
var filter1 = { "_id": 1 },
filter2 = { "_id": 1 },
update1 = { "$addToSet": {} },
update2 = { "$push": { "pets": {} } };
filter1["pets." + petName] = { "$exists": true };
filter2["pets." + petName] = { "$exists": false };
var setter1 = {};
setter1["pets.$." + petName] = content;
update1["$addToSet"] = setter1;
var setter2 = {};
setter2[petName] = [content];
update2["$push"]["pets"] = setter2;
function CleanInsert(callback) {
// Clean data
function(callback) {
// Insert sample
function(callback) {
coll.insert({ "_id": 1, "pets": [{ "fido": ["abc"] }] },callback);
// Modify Bulk
function(callback) {
{ "updateOne": {
"filter": filter1,
"update": update1
{ "updateOne": {
"filter": filter2,
"update": update2
]).then(function(res) {
coll.findOne({ "_id": 1 }).then(function(res) {
// Modify Promise all
function(callback) {
var operations = [
coll.findOneAndUpdate(filter1,update1,{ "returnOriginal": false }),
coll.findOneAndUpdate(filter2,update2,{ "returnOriginal": false })
Promise.all(operations).then(function(res) {
res.filter(function(el) { return el.value != null })[0].value
function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
And the output:
"$addToSet": {
"pets.$.fido": "bbb"
"$push": {
"pets": {
"fido": [
"ok": 1,
"writeErrors": [],
"writeConcernErrors": [],
"insertedIds": [],
"nInserted": 0,
"nUpserted": 0,
"nMatched": 1,
"nModified": 1,
"nRemoved": 0,
"upserted": []
"_id": 1,
"pets": [
"fido": [
Feel free to change to different values to see how different "sets" are applied.

Please try this one with string template, here is one example running under mongo shell
> var name = 'fido';
> var t = `pets.${name}`; \\ string temple, could parse name variable
> db.pets.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56d7b5019ed174b9eae2b9c5"), "pets" : [ { "fido" : [ "abc" ]} ] }
With the following update command, it will not update it if the same pet name exists.
> db.pets.update({[t]: {$exists: false}}, {$addToSet: {pets: {[name]: []}}})
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 0, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 0 })
If the pets document is
> db.pets.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56d7b7149ed174b9eae2b9c6"), "pets" : [ { "fi" : [ "abc" ] } ] }
After update with
> db.pets.update({[t]: {$exists: false}}, {$addToSet: {pets: {[name]: []}}})
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
The result shows add the pet name if it does Not exist.
> db.pets.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56d7b7149ed174b9eae2b9c6"), "pets" : [ { "fi" : [ "abc" ] }, { "fido" : [ ] } ] }


Querying nested object using $find by applying conditions in Mongodb

This is my json object
"account_id" : "1",
"sections" : [
"name" : "sec1",
"label" : {
"label1" : "text1",
"label2" : "text2"
"name" : "sec2",
"label" : {
"label3" : "text3",
"label4" : "text4",
"label5" : "text5"
So in this json I wanted to query the label object where sector= sec1. I have used the below code but it didn't work.
var getData = (db, query) => {
return db
.find(query, { account_id: { sections: { label: 1 } } })
var dataList = (db, event) => {
let dataQuery = {
account_id: id,
'sections.name': event.params.section
return getData(db, dataQuery);
module.exports.getData = (event, cb) => {
return using(connectDatabase(), db => {
return dataList (db, event);
}).then(data => cb(null, responseObj(data, 200)), err =>
cb(responseObj(err, 500)));
Could someone kindly help me? Thanks inadvance.
Try something like this. use $project, we can selectively remove or retain field and we can reassign existing field values and derive entirely new values. after projecting the labels and name do a $match to extract the document by name. One thing to notice is that by using $project,it will automatically assign the document's _id.
var dataList = (db, event) => {
return db
$match: { account_id: your_id }
$unwind: '$sections'
You have to use aggregate method with $unwind syntax to find item in array of object.
var dataList = (db, event) => {
return db
$match: {
account_id: id,
{ $unwind: "$comments" },
$match: {
'name': event.params.section
"account_id": "1",
"sections": {
"name": "sec2",
"label": {
"label3": "text3",
"label4": "text4",
"label5": "text5"

Find when the keys are unkown in mongodb

How can I getthe data that has email as abc#gmail.com in mongoDB?I don't know the Key Name and I want to iterate through all the data.
I have data like this:
But the object key is not known at the time of searching. I want to iterate through all the data and get matched data that has specific email.
If I know the key name like test1,test2 etc then I can use find({test1:{...}}) but Here I don't know the key value.
So, how can I do that?
You can use below aggregation using $objectToArray in mongodb 3.4 and above
{ "$addFields": {
"field": { "$objectToArray": "$$ROOT" }
{ "$match": { "field.v.email": "abc#gmail.com" }},
{ "$project": { "field": 0 }}
I am assuming you get the objects in array type.
I made a method named findObject. This method will take the object array and the desired email.
Finally, return the first object, that matched with the email.
const data = [{
"email": "abc#gmail.com",
"phoneNo": "123456897",
"email": "abc#gmail.com",
"phoneNo": "123456897",
"email": "pqr#gmail.com",
"phoneNo": "123456897",
"endpointId": "test3"
const findObject = (data, email) => {
for (let index=0; index<data.length; index++) {
const currentData = data[index];
for (let property in currentData) {
if (property != '_id' && currentData[property].email == email) {
return currentData;
return null;
let desiredObject;
const desiredEmail = 'abc#gmail.com';
desiredObject = findObject(data, desiredEmail);
And the output will be
{ _id: '5c0a1589a5a41b2ae707317b',
{ email: 'abc#gmail.com',
phoneNo: '123456897',
endpointId: 'test1' } }
I think you can't do query on totally unknown field! if you could change your schema see here for more info, also you could write script to migrate to a new DB with new schema:
// new doc instance
"obj": {
"name": "test1"
"obj": {
"name": "test2"
"obj": {
"name": "test3"
otherwise, check this may works correctly. if all of them is not effective so make a query to get all of your data as an Array and use filter method on it:
Model.find({}, (err, docs) => {
const result = docs.filter((doc) => {
for (key in doc) {
if (doc[key].email === 'abc#gmail.com')
return doc;

Conditionally updating items in mongoose query

I have the following code and I'm trying to do two things. First I want to have my query have one condition where it finds the 'originator' value in a doc, but the second par of that is not to update if is also finds 'owner_id' is the same as originator.
The second part of what I'm trying to do is only set/update a field is it is being passed in. Can I use a ternary statement, something like below???
'originator': profile.owner_id,
'owner_id': !profile.owner_id
$set: {
(phoneNumber) ? ('shared.phones.$.phone_number': phoneNumber):null,
(emailAddress) ? ('shared.emails.$.email_address': emailAddress):null
'multi': true
function(err) {
err === null ? console.log('No errors phone updated for contacts.shared') : console.log('Error: ', err);
You mean something like this:
var updateBlock = {};
if (phoneNumber)
updateBlock['shared.phones.$.phone_number'] = phoneNumber;
if (emailAddress)
updateBlock['shared.email.$.email_address'] = emailAddress;
"originator": profile.owner_id
"owner_id": { "$ne": profile.owner_id }
{ "$set": updateBlock },
function(err, numAffected) {
// work with callback
That addresses your two "main" misconceptions here in that the "inequality" in the query condition requires the $ne operator and not the ! JavaScript expression. MongoDB does not use JavaScript expressions here for the query conditions.
The second "main" misconception is the construction of the "update block" with conditional keys. This is by contrast a "JavaScript Object" which you construct separately in order to specify only the keys you wish to effect.
However there is STILL A PROBLEM in that you want to use the positional $ operator. Presuming you actually have "arrays" in the document like this:
"originator": "Bill",
"owner_id": "Ted",
"shared": {
"phones": [ "5555 5555", "4444 4444" ],
"email": [ "bill#stalyns.org", "bill#example.com" ]
Then your "two-fold" new issue is that:
You must specify a query condition that matches the array element "in the query block" in order to obtain the "matched position" at which to update.
You can only return ONE matched array index via use of the positional $ operator and NOT TWO as would be inherent to updating such a document.
For those reasons ( and others ) it is strongly discouraged to have "multiple arrays" within a single document. The far better approach is to use a "singular" array, and use properties to denote what "type" of entry the list item actually contains:
"originator": "Bill",
"owner_id": "Ted",
"shared": [
{ "type": "phone", "value": "5555 5555" },
{ "type": "phone", "value": "4444 4444" },
{ "type": "email", "value": "bill#stalyns.org" },
{ "type": "email", "value": "bill#example.com" }
In this way you can actually address the "matched" element in which to update:
// phoneNumberMatch = "4444 4444";
// phoneNumber = "7777 7777";
// emailAddress = null; // don't want this one
// emailAddressMatch = null; // or this one
// profile = { owner_id: "Bill" };
var query = {
"originator": profile.owner_id,
"owner_id": { "$ne": profile.owner_id },
"shared": {
"$elemMatch": {
"type": (phoneNumber) ? "phone" : "email",
"value": (phoneNumber) ? phoneNumberMatch : emailAddressMatch
var updateBlock = {
"$set": {
"shared.$.value": (phoneNumber) ? phoneNumber : emailAddress
Contacts.updateMany(query, updateBlock, function(err, numAffected) {
// work with callback
In such a case and with a "binary" choice then you "can" use ternary conditions in construction since you are not reliant on "naming keys" within the construction.
If you want "either, or indeed both" supplied values in combination then you need a bit more advanced statement:
// phoneNumberMatch = "5555 5555";
// phoneNumber = "7777 7777";
// emailAddress = "bill#nomail.com";
// emailAddressMatch = "bill#example.com";
// profile = { owner_id: "Bill" };
var query = {
"originator": profile.owner_id,
"owner_id": { "$ne": profile.owner_id },
"$or": []
var updateBlock = { "$set": {} };
var arrayFilters = [];
if (phoneNumber) {
// Add $or condition for document match
"shared.type": "phone",
"shared.value": phoneNumberMatch
// Add update statement with named identifier
updateBlock.$set['shared.$[phone].value'] = phoneNumber;
// Add filter condition for named identifier
"phone.type": "phone",
"phone.value": phoneNumberMatch
if (emailAddress) {
// Add $or condition for document match
"shared.type": "email",
"shared.value": emailAddressMatch
// Add update statement with named identifier
updateBlock.$set['shared.$[email].value'] = emailAddress;
// Add filter condition for named identifier
"email.type": "email",
"email.value": emailAddressMatch
Contacts.updateMany(query, updateBlock, arrayFilters, function(err, numAffected) {
// work with callback
Noting of course here that the positional filtered $[<identifier>] syntax from MongoDB 3.6 and upwards is required in order to effect multiple array elements within a single update statement.
Much the same applies to the "original" structure I first described using "multiple" arrays in the documents instead of named properties on a "singular" array as the above examples deal with:
var query = {
"originator": "Bill",
"owner_id": { "$ne": "Bill" },
"$or": []
var updateBlock = { "$set": {} };
var arrayFilters = [];
if (phoneNumber) {
"shared.phones": phoneNumberMatch
updateBlock.$set['shared.phones.$[phone]'] = phoneNumber;
"phone": phoneNumberMatch
if (emailAddress) {
"shared.email": emailAddressMatch
updateBlock.$set['shared.email.$[email]'] = emailAddress;
"email": emailAddressMatch
Contacts.updateMany(query, updateBlock, arrayFilters, function(err, numAffected) {
// work with callback
Of course if you don't even have arrays at all ( the question posted lacks any example document ) then positional matches are not even needed in any form, but you do however still "conditionally" construct JavaScript object "keys" via construction code blocks. You cannot "conditionally" specify a "key" in JSON-like notation.
Here is a simple example with switch condition in some variation like this:
const transfоrmFunc = function(val) {
// do whatever you want with the value here
return val;
return null;
AnyModel.updateMany({ fieldId: { $in: ["MATCH1", "MATCH2"] } }, [
$set: {
field2: {
$switch: {
branches: [
case: { $eq: ["$fieldId", "MATCH1"] },
then: transfоrmFunc("$field3")
case: { $eq: ["$fieldId", "MATCH2"] },
then: transfоrmFunc("$field4.subfield")
That way you work with both record data and outside data and update conditionally. You can modify query conditions as pleased. Plus it's really fast.

Use variable in mongodb object dot notation

I want to increment a property value of an object if it does exist inside an array.
Mongo record:
"_id" : ObjectId("5b7bdd9f0465e8345ba83aad"),
"userID" : "400",
"userName" : "Jon Snow",
"pageName" : "1",
"courseName" : "Maths",
"socketID" : [
"online" : true,
"userHistory" : {
"pagesVisited" : [
"page" : "1",
"timesVisited" : 1
"coursesVisited" : [
"date" : ISODate("2018-08-21T09:38:39.281Z")
Here on userHistory.pagesVisited on the page property if I get the value 1 again then I want to increment the timesVisited property like so:
"pagesVisited" : [
"page" : "1",
"timesVisited" : 2
Here's what I have tried with no luck:
let userDetails = {
userID: queryUser.userID,
userName: queryUser.username,
pageName: queryUser.pageName,
courseName: queryUser.courseName,
socketID: [socket.id],
online: true,
userHistory: {
pagesVisited: [
"page" : queryUser.pageName,
"timesVisited" : 1
coursesVisited: [queryUser.courseName]
date: new Date()
onlineUsersDB.findOne({'userID': userDetails.userID}).then(async (user) => {
if (user) {
let page = {"page": queryUser.pageName, "timesVisited": 1};
let course = queryUser.courseName;
let updatedUser = await onlineUsersDB.findOneAndUpdate(
{'userID': user.userID},
$set: {'online': true},
$push: { 'socketID': socket.id },
{ $addToSet: { 'userHistory.coursesVisited': course } },
{ returnOriginal: false }
let updatedUserPageRef = updatedUser.value.userHistory.pagesVisited;
if (updatedUserPageRef) {
let pageFound = await updatedUserPageRef.findIndex(item => item.page === page);
if (pageFound >= 0) {
let updatedUserPage = await onlineUsersDB.findOneAndUpdate(
{'userID': updatedUser.value.userID},
// Here I want to reference the variable pageFound
{$inc: { 'userHistory.pagesVisited.[pageFound].timesVisited': 1 }},
{ returnOriginal: false }
console.log(JSON.stringify(updatedUserPage,null, 2));
let users = await onlineUsersDB.find({'online': true}).toArray();
io.to(room).emit('online-users', users);
io.to(room).emit('user-back-online', updatedUser);
} else {
if (userDetails.userID !== '100') {
await onlineUsersDB.insert(userDetails);
let users = await onlineUsersDB.find({'online': true}).toArray();
io.to(room).emit('online-users', users);
}).catch((e) => console.log(e));
In the above code where my comment is I want to reference the variable pageFound in my object dot notation like so:
{$inc: { 'userHistory.pagesVisited.[pageFound].timesVisited': 1 }}
It works when I give it a hardcoded value like:
{$inc: { 'userHistory.pagesVisited.0.timesVisited': 1 }}
After experimenting a little bit I made it to work like this:
I broke out my query string into another variable using template literals.
let pageInc = `userHistory.pagesVisited.${pageFound}.timesVisited`;
And then referenced the variable in my query like so:
{$inc: { [pageInc]: 1 }}
And it works now.

Set Incremental Values from Array of Items

How to update the multiple documents in MongoDB and set the value of the element in an increasing order?
I have got the document as follows
"_id" : ObjectId("5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920d")
"_id" : ObjectId("5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920f")
"_id" : ObjectId("5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920c")
How can I update the whole documents with a single query so that I can have a new element called "order" in every single field in an increasing order as below
"_id" : ObjectId("5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920d"),
"order": 1
"_id" : ObjectId("5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920f"),
"order": 2
"_id" : ObjectId("5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920c"),
"order": 3
Currently I am using the following way to solve the problem
for(let i = 0; i <= req.body.id.length;i++) {
const queryOpts = {
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id[i])
const updateOpts = {
$set: {
'order': i + 1
const dataRes = await req.db.collection('GalleryImage').updateOne(queryOpts, updateOpts);
if(i === req.body.id.length-1) {
return commonHelper.sendResponseMessage(res, dataRes, {
_id: req.body.id
}, moduleConfig.message.updateGalleryOrder);
If there any better way than this so that it would not be the expensive operation if there are large number of documents ?
Use bulkWrite() with Array.map() to construct the statement:
try {
let response = await req.db.collection('GalleryImage').bulkWrite(
req.body.id.map((_id,order) =>
({ updateOne: {
filter: { _id: ObjectId(_id) },
update: {
$set: { order: order+1 }
} catch(e) {
// deal with any errors
Array.map() has the "index" of the array element being processed within it's second function argument. So simply use that to get the order and set that on all statements.
Rather than writing/responding with the database n times, this only needs happen "once".
There is no other way to get a "sequence" other than introducing it yourself, but at least we can do it with "one" write this way instead of several. Note also to "trap your possible errors" when using async/await syntax.
Example listing
const { MongoClient, ObjectID: ObjectId } = require('mongodb');
const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const data = [
const log = data => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));
(async function() {
try {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(uri);
let db = client.db('test');
// Set up
await db.collection('gallery').removeMany({});
await db.collection('gallery').insertMany(
data.map(_id => ({ _id: ObjectId(_id) }))
// Update with indexes
let response = await db.collection('gallery').bulkWrite(
data.map((_id,idx) =>
updateOne: {
filter: { _id: ObjectId(_id) },
update: { $set: { order: idx+1 } }
log({ response });
let items = await db.collection('gallery').find().toArray();
log({ items });
} catch(e) {
} finally {
And the output
"response": {
"ok": 1,
"writeErrors": [],
"writeConcernErrors": [],
"insertedIds": [],
"nInserted": 0,
"nUpserted": 0,
"nMatched": 3,
"nModified": 3,
"nRemoved": 0,
"upserted": [],
"lastOp": {
"ts": "6563535160225038345",
"t": 18
"items": [
"_id": "5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920d",
"order": 1
"_id": "5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920f",
"order": 2
"_id": "5b162a31dfaf342dc44c920c",
"order": 3
Clearly shows nMatched: 3 and nModified: 3 just as is expected.
