How to implement user "auto-approval" with Forgerock OpenAM and OAuth2 - openam

I want to use OpenAM as IAM platform.
On the other hand I want to protect and provide fine-grained access to a layer of REST services using OAuth2 with OpenAM playing the role of OAuth2 Server / Provider.
This is working for me already, however in this case I would like the screen for the user to confirm access not to appear. The reason being is that in this case I'm not really using OAuth2 for delegation. At the end of the day I want my REST services layer to be protected. The user should not even realize that we are using OAuth2 for this purpose.
Is there an "auto-approval" feature (similar to the existing in Spring OAuth2 framework) to explicitly avoid the approval screen being shown to the user and approve automatically instead?
I had a look at the OpenAM documentation but I could not find anything..
Any help will be appreciated.

The recent release of OpenAM 13.5 has a new built-in option to "Allow clients to skip consent":!/docs/openam/13.5/admin-guide#allowing-clients-to-skip-consent
Possibly too late for the asker, but may help others.

You could pre-fill the 'consent saving' attributes with the value
ClientID + blank + scope2 + blank + scope2 + blank + scopeN
This will make the 'consent page' not show up. I guess this is what you mean by 'approval screen'.


Suggestion required on how to implement a better permission system

I have a user permission system in place where i have a set of permissions within the database, for example
And i have another table (junction table) where i put dependent permissions such as
if i want to create a Booking, i need to fetch Package details and so POST:CreateBooking requires the user to also have GET:AllPackages permission.
There's a template system in place as well, where the users can group multiple permissions together and once that template is assigned to any employee, that employee will get THAT set of permissions and it's dependent permissions.
What my nodejs system does is that when user logs in, it fetches all permissions from DB and puts it in a redis set from where on each request, the permission is checked against user id.
Is there any tool from where i can do exactly this but in an intuitive and better way?
I tried keycloak but i don't know how to cover my needs mentioned above.
Thank you
if I'm understanding correctly and trying to generify your scenario, you have a classical situation where:
You have groups which can have multiple permissions assigned;
groups can be created dinamically;
each permission correspond to a specific functionality.
So, implementing the OIDC (Open Id Connect) protocol might fit you needs. As you suggested youself you might be interested in a OpenID provider (do not reinvent the wheel) keycloak is good, you can give a look also to Vault Hashicorp.
So assuming that your backend have an already existing framework to handle security and permissions (eg. Spring Security) you can produce JWT token with the OpenId provider and check throught PreAuthorize claims (permissions) inside the token.
At the end your security layer it's just an annotation you need to insert before your method controller or before you class controller.
Behind the scenes, instead, this is what will happen:
Your user connect to your app;
User insert username and password -> the Open Id provider gives you a JWT
Your Front End app everytime it make a REST req will send also the JWT
The back end controller method called it's under authorization
Given the public keys of the OpenId provider, the validity of the token it's enstablished
If the specific permission claim it's found inside the token, the request can be elaborated else a 403 Forbidden it's returned.
OIDC - as the conceptual model/backdrop to any tool of choice, is certainly a popular/good choice, but as long as you're willing to deal with an element of complexity - the understanding required to implement an OIDC arrangement (- think of it as a possible investment - effort up front with hopefully the rewards tricking-in over time); e.g. OIDC is an ideal choice for supporting SSO (Single Sign On), especially when it comes to supporting/allowing for authentication/login via providers such as Facebook, LinkedIn & Google, etc (- as well as more Corporate OPs (OIDC Providers) including AAD/Azure AD).
Try to first step-back, and consider the possible bigger/future picture, before selecting a tool based upon only your starting/current requirements.

Bixby: Login facility

I want login system in my capsule so that i can provide user more recommendation based on their profile of interest. So far, neither I am able to find any document related to login facility nor any example. It would be appreciated if will get any document or example.
Bixby supports logging in through OAuth 2.0, and this is the best way to guide your users through a login flow.
You will need to provide your own service to handle this OAuth flow, as Bixby Developer Center does not offer any web hosting services.
Also is there a possibility that user can user can use app as a guest
user if no login credentials?
When you define your endpoints, you can define Actions that require OAuth and other Actions that do not require OAuth and the latter ones will define the "guest user" flow that is capable within your capsule prior to logging in.
If you don't need all the features of OAuth, and only need to store a few things between sessions with the same user, you may use the $vivContext.bixbyUserId value as an anonymous, but unique identifier for a user, and store their preferences using that id as a key, in a 3rd party database that you maintain.
I've done this with the "My Brain" capsule, to store quick memories/notes for users, without any requirement that they login or establish an account. I've created a tutorial version of the My Brain capsule that outlines the steps you need to use AWS for this purpose. Please feel free to clone or fork it and customize it for your needs.

Custom Users when using Jenkins Google Login Plugin

I am attempting to our company's Jenkins from the Jenkins user database + matrix based security to using Google Login Plugin and Role based strategy plugin to give us better control of our user accounts.
With this new set up I am wondering how I could go about creating a designated user which is used by scripts which trigger Jenkins jobs remotely. I would like to do this without having to add a user to our company's GSuite account as this costs a few $ per month. Before the switch to Google Login I could just create a user manually in the Jenkins user database and take the API token from there but since switching to Google Login there is no option to add a user (which makes sense given than the users are managed by Google now). At the moment it seems like I have to choose from:
Use the old approach and forget about authenticating through google. This is not a great result as we want to minimize the number of user accounts we have to set up for new people joining the company to overhead of onboarding.
Use Google Login Plugin and create a new dedicated "Jenkins" user in GSuite for these scripting / requirements. This costs money.
Use an existing users API Token to avoid the cost of a new Google User in our GSuite account. This seems like bad practice which I'll regret at some point.
Is there a workaround which doesn't require a designated GSuite user or repurposing an existing Google users credentials just for this purpose?
I did a similar research a while ago and it seems like there is no way to do so right now.
However, I'm using SAML plugin with GSuite instead of Google Login Plugin, but from Jenkins security perspective I assume they work in the same way.
When you're using such plugin, Jenkins creates a securityRealm in its config. In my case it is:
<securityRealm class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.saml.SamlSecurityRealm" plugin="saml#1.0.7">
Therefore, to have SAML and Jenkins security matrix work simultaneously, you have to have several security realms.
Here is a ticket, which describes this issue, but it's still open
I was also looking at how to trigger builds remotely when using the Google Login Plugin.
I ended up using the "Build Token Root Plugin" which solved this problem, without any need to create a dedicated user for this.
This plugin offers an alternate URI pattern which is not subject to the usual overall or job read permissions. Just issue an Http GET or POST to buildByToken/build?job=NAME&token=SECRET. This URI is accessible to anonymous users regardless of security setup, so you only need the right token.

Windows Store 8.1 App Azure ADAL offline client authetication

I'm building a Windows 8.1 store app and need to incorporate authentication. This is an enterprise app used in house. We load the app onto a tablet and a team may check that tablet out for weeks at a time, go out to the field to collect data and then we put in on a shelf until another team needs to use it. Now different teams may work for difference clients so when we authenticate users not only do they get access to the app but we also check what groups they are in to determine what clients they can work on or what previous records they can search for.
I've followed various ADAL tutorials and am able to setup everything in Azure and in my app I am able to authenticate a user successfully and get their groups. This relies on ADAL handling the username/password. What happens when the app shuts down and the user in a place where there is no internet (or even a reliable cell connection)? Specifically how can I have the user type a username/password to re-authenticate and get the same groups they were in when they can't access Azure services?
It appears they isn't available as the guidance always points to that is a risky proposition to have the app handle username/passwords. I understand that stance and can appreciate the caution behind it. However, in all of the ADAL documentation that I find that says this, none of them tell me how to handle an offline authentication scenario.
I have found links such as ADAL v3: How to authenticate using UserPasswordCredential? that tell me how to bypass the ADAL login page. I may have to move to that route and handle all of the username/passwords securely within the app, but first I would like to reach out and see how others tackle this scenario. Is it really as simple as avoiding best practices and just handle the username/password within the app?
If anyone has some guidance, ADAL (or other oauth providers) documentation, or other articles/advice I can follow up on to help achieve offline authentication I would greatly appreciate it!
Additional Information:
My scenario that I'm trying to cover is what happens when I have 1 device, 1 app, and many different users? These users will be in different groups that will determine how data fields get populated (filter data in combo boxes) and what previously submitted forms they can query for. All users would need to login when online to cache their information (say on Day 0) before they can ever use the app. On Day 1 user 1 uses the app and doesn't log out. I would expect the app to have a timeout timer to log that user out after 2 hours of no activity. On Day 2, user 2 just grabs the device off the shelf and takes it out into the field. He has no internet and needs to log in to determine who they are and what group they are in. I would expect since he has logged in once and verified his credentials already that we can enable this sort of scenario.
What I'm looking for is guidance if ADAL as a library can handle this or is it truly up to me the app developer to handle this sort of scenario. As I see it currently I need to store all user credentials, but at the same time it seems like everyone advises against that. I feel like I'm in a situation where I need to create a custom login screen and store the user data, SECURELY of course, even though its not recommended. It seems like all articles on how to use ADAL are written from a consumer app standpoint (or a BYOD) and don't take into account how a mobile app would be written for the enterprise.
That depends on your app design, if the first time(app online) , user login and app store all groups ,user information .After that user doesn't need to use token to get related information again(send request to server to acquire groups/user info). If app is offline , user doesn't need to re-authenticate(app controls the user session) , just get group/user information from cache . When using resource owner flow , you still need to send authenticate request to Azure AD server which need internet.

Deployd: How to implement dpd-passport and securely authenticate

Let me start by saying I really like Deployd. I want to use it in production, but I want to incorporate OAuth and social logins, so I installed the dpd-passport module. It works great, except for two little (big) problems:
When a user signs in via an OAuth provider (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Github) a new user record is created...but if the same user clears their cookies or uses a different browser to log in, a new user record is created.
If I do something clever (read: hacky) and assign users with social logins an ID based on the socialAccount and socialAccountId (something unique but constant for each social account), someone could use the standard method of user creation to spoof a user by making a POST request to the /users endpoint if they knew that user's socialAccount and socialAccountId.
My question is: How can I A) prevent #1 from occurring, or B) disable the standard method of user creation without also preventing OAuth user creation?
Has anyone ever successfully used Deployd and dpd-passport in production? If so, I want to speak with you...
Thanks in advance!
First of all, I think you haven't added the custom fields per the docs.
I hadn't either, and observed the new user feature (because it couldn't lookup the response from the auth service to find the user from before). Adding these fields fixed it.
Also, there is a google group here:!forum/deployd-users
Hope that helps.
