Can we specifiy order of columns to search in solr? - search

Can we specify order of columns to be searched in solr?
For example my search string is : "Test"
Then my result should contain all rows matching column1 and then all rows matching column 2... Similar to union query in SQL.
I tried with custom search handler which will fire multiple requests to solr and then append to get final result.
But is there any other way to get this type of search using SOLR?
I am using solr-5.4.1.

You could use eDismax and match on both fields (I assume you mean columns by that). Then, use boosting to prioritize the matches in the first field to rank higher.
As an easy example, you would search against field1^10 field2, where ^10 is the boost factor. If that works but is not perfect, you can look into the documentation for other methods to apply boost.


Solr default search field for multiple fields which has different analyzers

I have a document which has title, stockCode, category fields.
I have different field types (and analysis chains) for each. For instance title has EdgeNGram 2 to 20, category has EdgeNGram 3 to 10 with different range and stockCode just has lowercase filter.
So that, I don't want to search from documents with keyword "sample" with building the query like title:sample OR stockCode:sample OR category:sample.
I'd like to search with just "q=sample".
I copied my fields to text but It does not work. Because all fields analyzed as same. But I don't want to index stockCode as EdgeNGram or any other filters. I'd like to index my fields as I configured and I'd like to search a keyword over them base on my indexes.
I've been researching about that for three days, and Solr has a little bit poor documentation.
You can use the edismax handler, as this will allow you to give a list of fields to query and supply the query by itself. You can also give separate weights to each field for scoring them differently.
defType=edismax&q=sample&qf=title^10 stockCode category
.. will search for sample in each of the three fields, giving a 10x boost to any hits in the title field.
You can find the documentation about the edismax query parser under Searching in the reference guide.

Azure search - how to implement multiple facet search?

For example, if we have category facet and it returns withe 5 different categories, on clicking of the first category, the other categories will not be available in the response. I want to implement multiple facet search.
Appreciate your response.
For more info, i am referring the same scenario as below:
The facet in the response is limited to the selected and this feature is not supported. I'd suggest to vote for it here
A workaround is to send multiple queries to get facets and filtered results separately.
For example,
1. keep all facets in the UI (or make another query to get all facets) after the first search query; 2. make another search query after another facet is selected provided that the application tracks what facets the user has selected.
if you want to filter results with multiple facets , you can modify your filter as below :
$filter =, 'USA,Canada,Mexico,Brasil,Chile,Argentina', ',')
The first parameter to the function is the string field reference (or a range variable over a string collection field in the case where is used inside an any or all expression). The second parameter is a string containing the list of values, separated by spaces and/or commas. If you need to use separators other than spaces and commas because your values include those characters, you can specify an optional third parameter to
This third parameter is a string where each character of the string, or subset of this string is treated as a separator when parsing the list of values in the second parameter.
For more information about OData expression syntax for filters and order-by clauses in Azure Search, please refer to this tutorial.
I've recently run into this limitation and my workaround was to run a separate query for each facet as suggested by #rudin above.
Let's say for example that your application has facets for Colour, Brand and Size. Your primary search query includes all three filters but doesn't return any facets. You then run an additional query ignoring any selected Colours, which will give you all available colour values for the chosen brands and sizes, and you do the same for the brand and size facets.
For the additional queries it's important to set the 'Size' property to 0 so no search results are returned - just the relevant facet.
By doing this and running these queries asynchronously the performance overhead is minimal in my case with 6 facets.

Add variation to the Search Results based on a solr field

I have a solr field which has a set of values. Is it possible in solr to return results that are varied based on that field.
Eg: My field contains "ValueA","ValueB" and "ValueC". So if rows is set to 3 then instead of returning all results from "ValueA" it should give me one from each field value (Considering they have the same scores)
You might want to use the Result Grouping / Field Collapsing
or the CollapsingQParserPlugin.
The CollapsingQParserPlugin is newer (since Solr 4.6), faster and more appropriate for your problem, I guess, as it does not effect the structure of the results.
Just add this to your solrconfig.xml:
<queryParser name="collapse" class=""/>
You can then collapse your result by adding the following parameter to your query:
fq={!collapse field=my_field}
or in Solrj:
solrQuery.addFilterQuery("{!collapse field=my_field}");
Collapsing means: For each value in my_field it only retains the document with the highest score in the result set.

How does Lucene order data in composite queries?

I need to know how Lucene orders the records in a result set if I use composite queries.
It looks like it sorts it using "score" value for exact queries and it sorts it lexicographically for range queries. But what if have the query which looks like
q = type:TAG OR type:POST AND date:[111 to 999]
You mix together logical search and scoring. When you pass query like date:[111 to 999], Lucene searches for all documents with the date in specified range. But you give it no advice on how to sort them - is date 111 more preferable for you than 555? or is 701 better than 398? Lucene have no idea about it, so the score is the same for all found documents. Just to make some order, Lucene sorts results lexicographically, but that's mostly detail of implementation, not some key idea.
On other hand, if you pass some other parameters with a query - be it keywords or tags - Lucene can apply its similarity algorithm and assign different scores to different docs in results. You may find more on Lucene's scoring here.
So, to give you short answer: Lucene sorts results by score, and only if the score for 2 documents is the same, it uses other types sorting options like lexicographical order.

How to retrieve search results from two fields in lucene index, giving one query?

Suppose I search for a query in Field A, and I want to retrive the corresponding fields B and C from my index, how should I go about it? I am using Lucene 3.6.0.
The results of your query will be returned as a set of documents, not fields. Once you've got a document, you can load whichever field contents you're interested in.
One thing that's probably worth watching out for is to ensure that your fields have been "stored".
Good luck,
