Node.js send message to GCM server - node.js

I'm trying to send a message to GCM server to forward to another phone. The request keeps saying 400. I've checked the code close to a hundred times, but I'll put it up just in case. I also have changed the registration token parameter to registration_id and various others, along with changing the data to arrays etc. Just to be clear that the API key and Registration ID work, I can get a push notification from this Web site:
Here's the code:
var gcm = require('node-gcm');
var gcmSender = new gcm.Sender('A......1234568AAA'); //my api key
var GCMmessage = new gcm.Message();
GCMmessage.addData("message", message);
GCMmessage.addData("from", from);
GCMmessage.addNotification('title', 'Alert!!!');
GCMmessage.addNotification('body', 'Abnormal data access');
GCMmessage.addNotification('icon', 'ic_launcher');
var regtoken = response.GCM.RegID; //data returned from another function
//Gives the RegID for a specific user
gcmSender.send(GCMmessage, {"to" : regtoken}, function(err, gcmResponse) {
} else {
console.log("message sent");

Ok it seems that it is best to send your gcm message directly using an npm module like 'request' or something similar. When I sent a message using that I received a very detailed error message telling me that 'from' is a reserved word. I'm not sure if that was the whole issue, but having a detailed error message made the code modification pretty easy.


Indicating a WhatsApp message is received, via the Twilio API, in NodeJS?

We are creating a service that will receive WhatsApp messages via the Twilio service. This works, but our issue is that we can't work out how to tell the sender that our server has 'read' the message. The messages always appear as being 'delivered' and never 'read', even after responding to the message. We have looked in the documentation, but can't seem to see how to do this.
Our server is written in NodeJS and is using Express for HTTP side.
Below is an equivalent of the code we are using (not a running example):
import { twiml } from 'twilio';
const { MessagingResponse } = twiml;
async receiveMessage(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
const message = req.body;
// Send back an empty response, we will process asynchronously
const immediateResponse = new MessagingResponse();
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// TODO indicate message as read
// Do what ever logic is needed for given message
const replyMessage = await processMessage(message);
const messageToTwilio = {
body: replyMessage,
from: message.To,
to: message.From
const twilioResponse = await this.client.messages.create(messageToTwilio);
// Record value of twilioResponse in DB
Can anyone suggest what in the API I should be using for this?
I contacted Twilio on this issue and it turns out this is not currently possible. While they consider this a useful functionality, it is not currently a priority for implementation.
Note, It is possible to get the delivery status of outgoing messages, via the status webhook, but it is not possible to indicate to the remote party that the incoming message was 'read'.

store unique usersId across conversations with Dialogflow (userStorage ERROR Can't set headers after sent to user)

I am trying to make a Google Home app and I am using webhooks with express.js running on a local server as fulfilment. I would like to use the "request.body.originalDetectIntentRequest.payload.user.userStorage" parameter from the request to identify a user when the webhook sends a post request to my server. The userId given with this request is equal to a log-filename that I store locally for each user where I keep track of different things per user.
I got the idea of handling things like this from an earlier post here on stack overflow. In the answer given by Prisoner, he talks about the importance of the response that you have to send back. So far so good, I tried to implement this in my code by sending a response once the new userId is made but I keep getting the same error :
(node:21236) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
at ServerResponse.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:518:11)
So it probably has to do with the fact that I have a line agent.handleRequest(intentMap); at the end of my code which will handle the request and send a response back to the user itself.
How do I solve this? I already tried to find a solution for this problem but the after trying different things, there is only one thing I can think of which would be to expand the response before sending it with the variable even though I have tried response.write but that was giving me the same error.
My code:'/', express.json(), (request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
console.log('Dialogflow Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
console.log('Dialogflow Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
let userStorage = request.body.originalDetectIntentRequest.payload.user.userStorage || JSON.stringify({});
let userId;
console.log("userStorage", userStorage);
userStorage = JSON.parse(userStorage);
console.log("userStorage_after_parsing", userStorage);
if (userStorage.hasOwnProperty('userId')) {
userId = userStorage.userId;
console.log('user was already defined:' + userId);
} else {
let uuid = require('uuid/v4');
checkNewUser = true;
userId = uuid();
userStorage.userId = userId
'payload': {
'google': {
'userStorage': JSON.stringify(userStorage)
//rest of the code
After prisoner's answer, I decided to include the code of the handleWelcome intent where I would like to paste the code into to extend the response with the the userStorage variable:
function handleWelcome(agent) {
//code to add userStorage to the response?
if (checkIfUserVerified() === true) {
//updateLog('User just said hi.');
let userObj = readJsonSync(userId + '.json');
userObj.logs.push('User just started talking to this chatbot ' + getCurrentDateTime());
fs.writeFileSync(userId + '.json', JSON.stringify(userObj));
else {
close('Please make sure you are a verified user before using this version of SMART4MD. To do so, read the SMART4MD Voice assistant manual.');
Note the comment in the answer you cite where it says
// Make sure you include the userStorage as part of the response
"part of" the response - not the response itself. In your code, you're sending back the JSON to sent the user storage before your Intent Handler is called. Once something is sent, the connection is closed, so nothing further can be sent - including the reply you want. Which is why you get the error.
You don't show any of your Intent Handler functions, so it is difficult to give you an exact answer, but the general solution would be to set the userid in userStorage as part of a function that each handler calls.

Why the request is being save in express?

I have a problem.
I am developing an API with Node and the express framework to send transactional email using Mandril.
I download the powerdrill library to call the Mandrill API.
Everything is working fine, the emails are being sent ok, except for the problem that the request in the post is saving.
For example, if I call the API once I will send one email, and if I send a second one I will send 2 emails (the first one that I sent and the new one), and if I call the API once again I will send 3 email (the first 2 and the new one).
As you can see I sent 1 email using the request welcome. In the second one I called other request called submittedApplication but when I call the API using POSTMAN 2 emails were sent 1.-the new one and 2.- the first one again.
Does anyone know why the request is saving?
var express = require('express'),
router = express.Router(),
config = require('config'),
Message = require('powerdrill').Message;
var message = new Message();
res.send('test ok Mandrillllll');
.send(function(err, resp) {
.send(function(err, resp) {
module.exports = router;
The console is showing me this warning:
Powerdrill: Attempting to add the same email twice. Using data from first instance
You can find this warning here
I think the problem is message variable is saving all information and sending all together every time. Try to initialize it at the beginning of every method:'/welcomeGorn',function(req,res){
var message = new Message();

Sending node.js response and processing in client

I have a server in node.js which handles registration from users.
When someone attempts to register I first check if the introduced email already exists in my database, and if not I send a response back saying that that email has already been used.
The problem is that when I send a response with response.write() when the browser receives the response it replaces all the webpage by the response text, and what I want is to use that response to display a message next to the form in the registration page.
I also want to get the response with a Dart event listener so that the client knows that the email is in use and can display the message. My code for making the HTTP request with Dart is the following:
signupSubmit.onClick.listen((e) {
var req = new HttpRequest();
req.onReadyStateChange.listen((e) {
if (req.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE) {
print('Data submitted!');
});'POST', signupForm.action);
serializeForm(FormElement form) {
var data = {};
form.querySelectorAll('input,select').forEach((Element el) {
if (el is InputElement)
data[] = el.value;
return data;
So how can I send a response that I can process in the client?
And how can I get the server response with Dart?
The signupSubmit click seems to submit its <form>. You can block the default form submission with :
signupForm.onSubmit.listen((e) => e.preventDefault());

Node.js listen to session variable change and trigger server-sent event

I am writing a webapp, using express.js.
My webapp achieves the following
User posts 100 json objects
Each json object is processed via a service call
Once the service call is completed, a session variable is incremented
On incrementation of the session variable, a server side event must be sent to the client to update the progress bar
How do i achieve listening on a session variable change to trigger a server-sent event?
Listening to a variable change is not the only solution I seek?
I need to achieve sending a server-sent event once a JSON object is processed.
Any appropriate suggestion is welcome
Edit (based on Alberto Zaccagni's comment)
My code looks like this:
function processRecords(cmRecords,requestObject,responseObject)
for (var index = 0; index < cmRecords.length; index++)
post_options.body = cmRecords[index];,function(err,res,body)
requestObject.session.processedcount = requestObject.session.processedcount + 1;
requestObject.session.processedcount = 1;
appLog.error('Error Occured %j',err);
appLog.debug('CMResponse: %j',body);
var percentage = (requestObject.session.processedcount / requestObject.session.totalCount) * 100;
When the first record is updated and a server side event is triggered using the responseObject (express response object)
When the second record is updated and I try triggering a server side event using the same responseObject. I get an error saying cannot set header to a response that has already been sent
It's hard to know exactly what the situation is without seeing the routes/actions you have in your main application...
However, I believe the issue you are running into is that you are trying to send two sets of headers to the client (browser), which is not allowed. The reason this is not allowed is because the browser does not allow you to change the content type of a response after you have sent the initial it uses that as an indicator of how to process the response you are sending it. You can't change either of these (or any other headers) after you have sent them to a client once (one request -> one response -> one set of headers back to the client). This prevents your server from appearing schizophrenic (by switching from a "200 Ok" response to a "400 Bad Request," for example).
In this case, on the initial request, you are telling the client "Hey, this was a valid request and here is my response (via the status of 200 which is either set elsewhere or being assumed by ExpressJS), and please keep the communication channel open so I can send you updates (by setting your content type to text/event-stream)".
As far as how to "fix" this, there are many options. When I've done this, I've used the pub/sub feature of redis to act as the "pipe" that connects everything up. So, the flow has been like this:
Some client sends a request to /your-event-stream-url
In this request, you set up your Redis subscriber. Anything that comes in on this subscription can be handled however you want. In your case, you want to "send some data down the pipe to the client in a JSON object with at least a data attribute." After you have set up this client, you just return a response of "200 Ok" and set the content type to "text/event-stream." Redis will take care of the rest.
Then, another request is made to another URL endpoint which accomplishes the task of "posting a JSON object" by hitting /your-endpoint-that-processes-json. (Note: obviously this request may be made by the same user/browser...but the application doesn't know/care about that)
In this action, you do the processing of their JSON data, increment your counters, or do whatever...and return a 200 response. However, one of the things you'd do in this action is "publish" a message on the Redis channel your subscribers from step #1 are listening to so the clients get the updates. Technically, this action does not need to return anything to the client, assuming the user will have some type of feedback based on the 200-status code or on the server-sent event that is sent down the pipe...
A tangible example I can give you is this gist, which is part of this article. Note that the article is a couple years old at this point so some of the code may have to be tweaked a bit. Also note this is not guaranteed to be anything more than an example (ie: it has not been "load tested" or anything like that). However, it may help you get started.
I came up with a solution please let me know if this is the right way to do stuff ?
Will this solution work across sessions ?
Server side Code
var events = require('events');
var progressEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
exports.cleanseMatch = function(req, res)
console.log('cleanseMatch Inovked');
var progressTrigger = new events.EventEmitter;
var id = '';
var i = 1;
id = setInterval(function(){
req.session.percentage = (i/10)*100;
console.log('PCT is: ' + req.session.percentage);
if(i == 11) {
req.session.percentage = 100;
exports.progress = function(req,res)
console.log('progress Inovked');
// console.log('PCT is: ' + req.session.percentage);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream'});
console.log('progress event fired for : ' + percentage);
res.write("event: progress\n");
res.write("data: "+percentage+"\n\n");
Client Side Code
var source = new EventSource('progress');
source.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
var percentage = JSON.parse(;
//update progress bar in client
}, false);
