Unable to execute heat_cpu on ARM, unable to find the source code - linux

I want to test the cpu pm operation using this tool. I got the binaries which are running on X86:
But i did not find the source code of that. As i want to run on ARM64, can anybody help me to share the link. The below link is not working,
git://git.linaro.org/people/amitdanielk/thermal-test.git master
Error message:
access denied or repository not exported: /people/amitdanielk/thermal-test.git


How to build sllin from source?

When trying to build sllin I'm getting an error:
/usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.0-14-common/scripts/Makefile.build:45: /usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.0-14-common/scripts/basic/Makefile: No such file or directory
I don't understand why as I have the headers installed. The /usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.0-14-common/scripts/ directory exists.
The sllin readme sais
To successfully compile sllin, it is necessary to have source code of
Linux kernel actually running on the computer.
I don't really understand what this means.
Does anyone have an idea ?

Attach to docker remote debug linux module from vs2019 fails to load/install VSDBG on Linux target

I'm attempting to remote debug a linux module running on docker. Following this article works for a simple test project.
When I attempt to attach to the module that is setup via SSH with root login permissions enabled, I get this output from Visual Studio:
VSDBG is not installed on my linux target so whats failing is the download/setup of VSDBG. I found a related article on installing VSDBG manually that references the //.vs-debugger path but I'm not sure if this is what is needed
I noticed when I select the module to debug that the User Name show "nobody" instead of what I think is normal/expected which is "moduleUser". Is this related to the issue?
So I'm looking for help understanding why the download and install of VSDBG is failing. The SSH credentials are using root so I don't think permissions should be a problem. On the other hand, the failure is simple and possibly permission related:
Command 'mkdir -p '//.vs-debugger'' failed with code '1'. "
If there is a manual set of steps I can follow to install VSDBG so my visual studio attach-to-debug works, as shown above, that would be very helpful.

bazel rules_nodejs can't be deployed using rules_k8s: wrong platform

I'm building a nodejs app from OSX and trying to deploy it to kubernetes using rules_k8s.
It almost works, except that the node doesn't start because of this error:
/app/examples/hellohttp/nodejs/nodejs-hellohttp_image.binary: line 147: /app/examples/hellohttp/nodejs/nodejs-hellohttp_image.binary.runfiles/com_github_yourbase_yourbase/external/nodejs/bin/node: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
/app/examples/hellohttp/nodejs/nodejs-hellohttp_image.binary: line 147: /app/examples/hellohttp/nodejs/nodejs-hellohttp_image.binary.runfiles/com_github_yourbase_yourbase/external/nodejs/bin/node: Success
It looks like the node binary being deployed wasn't built for the right platform where k8s is running (linux with amd64, normal Google GKE nodes).
The command I'm using to make the deployment:
bazel run --cpu=k8 //examples/hellohttp/nodejs:nodejs-hellohttp_deploy.apply
I tried with other combinations of --platforms or --cpu but I couldn't get it to work.
The argument that felt like the closest was this:
$ bazel run --platforms=#bazel_tools//platforms:linux //examples/hellohttp/nodejs:nodejs-hellohttp_deploy.apply
ERROR: While resolving toolchains for target //examples/hellohttp/nodejs:nodejs-hellohttp_deploy.apply: Target constraint_value rule #bazel_tools//platforms:linux was found as the target platform, but does not provide PlatformInfo
ERROR: Analysis of target '//examples/hellohttp/nodejs:nodejs-hellohttp_deploy.apply' failed; build aborted: Target constraint_value rule #bazel_tools//platforms:linux was found as the target platform, but does not provide PlatformInfo
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.255s
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)
ERROR: Build failed. Not running target
This says there was a toolchain problem, and says something about missing PlatformInfo, but it doesn't say anything about how do I fix it. :-(
For what is worth, with Go I had similar problems, and they were solved by passing --experimental_platforms=#io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 to the bazel run command.
How do I make something similar work for nodejs?

difficulty installing ocamlfind under cygwin4

I have installed ocaml under cygwin64 (a Windows 10 computer). Ocaml, ocamlc seem to run fine, but I need packages. So I've tried opam, and it complained that ocamlfind was missing. I have tried to install ocamlfind it two ways - using opam and from the findlib repository on gitlab.camlcity.org - and in both cases, it failed on not finding dllunix.so . I noticde that the environment variable OCAMLLIB was C:\Ocaml (ie outside the cygwin directory tree), but that in /usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs there was such a file. Having modified OCAMLLIB to point there, I received the following error.
Cannot load required shared library dllunix. Reason: /usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs/dllunix.so: flexdll error: cannot relocate RELOC_REL32, target is too far: 0xfffffffc02c37112 0x2c37112.
I have a similar message on another library as well:
Error: Error on dynamically loaded library: /usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs/dllcamlstr.so: flexdll error: cannot relocate RELOC_REL32, target is too far: 0xfffffffc02b6a92a 0x2b6a92a
this is not a programming question, it is a support requirement and the right place is the cygwin mailing list. You can follow guidelines on:
you can try the following approach, execute
/usr/bin/rebase-trigger fullrebase
than close all the cygwin programs and services, and run setup-x86_64 again.
Further info on document
If number two fails, follow one. Really.

Qt-based Face Recognition Application

Im trying to compile a Qt project based on the example given here.
I managed to compile without errors, but during execution there are errors. I'm getting these errors in pop up windows:
-open /dev/dsp error
-init failed
-start capture failed
-get frame failed
Moreover, the output displays:
sh: line 0: .:setqt4env:file not found
Trying open file
Could not open File! Error code: 5
/home/QFaceRec/QTFaceRecForPC exited with code 0
SIGSEGV Error when debugging with Qt Creator.
I have googled, answers are due to the application tries to access memory illegally.
Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root, but the run time error remain unsolved.
Im trying to compile and run the code in fedora with qt creator without the GPIO and serial port setting.
Anyone got any ideas to my problem? or knows how to compile the qt code in the link above
Answers are due to the application tries to access memory illegally. Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root
Do not do that! The illegal memory access is not a matter of permissions, it's a matter of the software having bugs. By running it as root, there's a possibility that those bugs will wreck your system.
