Cassandra removing node : is it possible to stop decommission and lauch removenode? - cassandra

I have an issue with a cassandra node on a 10 nodes cluster.
I first launched a decommission on that node to remove it from the cluster.
The decommission is currently active but the load on this node is such that it takes an infinite time and I would like to go faster.
What I thought to do was to stop this node and launch a removenode from another one.
The DataStax documentation explains that we should use decommission or removenode depending on the up/down status of the node. But there is no information about removenode while targeted node has already leaving status.
So my question is: Is it possible to launch a removenode of a stopped node while this one has already a leaving status?

So my question is: Is it possible to launch a removenode of a stopped node while this one has already a leaving status?
I had to do this last week, so "yes" it is possible.
Just be careful, though. At the time, I was working on bringing up a new DC in a non-production environment, so I didn't care about losing the data that was on the node (or in the DC, for that matter).
What I thought to do was to stop this node and launch a removenode from another one.
You can do exactly that. Get the Host ID of the node you want to drop, and run:
$ nodetool removenode 2e143c2b-0571-4c5d-22d5-9a2668648710
And if that gets stuck, ctrlc out of it, and (on the same node) you can run:
$ nodetool removenode force

Decommissioning a node in Cassandra can only be stopped , if that node is restarted .
Its status will change from UL to UN .
This approach is tested and cassandra cluster worked well afterwards.
Following this safe approach , trigger nodetool remove for consistent data.


Cassandra node self-removal

I run Cassandra 3.1 in autoscaling group. Recently one of the machines failed and got replaced. I did not lose any data, but client applications were trying to connect to a node which was marked down.
I am looking for a way to gracefully remove a node from a cluster with a quick command which I would invoke via systemd right before it shuts down cassandra during the shutdown process.
nodetool decommission involves data streaming and takes long time.
nodetool removenode and nodetool assassinate can't remove the node they are running at.
Losing data is not my concern. My goal is fully automated node replacement.
Fixing client libaries is out of scope of this question

why does my cassandra cluster experience latency when restarting a single node?

I am running a 29 node cluster spread over 4 DC's in EC2, using C* 3.11.1 on Ubuntu, using RF3. Occasionally I have the need to restart nodes in the cluster, but every time I do, I see errors and application (nodejs) timeouts.
I restart a node like this:
nodetool disablebinary && nodetool disablethrift && nodetool disablegossip && nodetool drain
sudo service cassandra restart
When I do that, I very often get timeouts and errors like this in my nodejs app:
Error: Cannot achieve consistency level LOCAL_ONE
My queries are all pretty much the same, things like: select * from history where ts > {current_time} (along with the partition key in the where clause)
The errors and timeouts seem to go away on their own after a while, but it is frustrating because I can't track down what I am doing wrong!
I've tried waiting between steps of shutting down cassandra, and I've tried stopping, waiting, then starting the node. One thing I've noticed is that even after nodetool draining the node, there are open connections to other nodes in the cluster (ie looking at the output of netstat) until I stop cassandra. I don't see any errors or warnings in the logs.
One other thing I've noticed is that after restarting a node and seeing application latency, I also see that the node I just restarted sees many other nodes in the same DC as being down (ie status 'DN'). However, checking nodetool status on those other nodes shows all nodes as up/normal. To me this could kind of explain the problem - node comes back online, thinks it is healthy but many others are not, so it gets traffic from the client application. But then it gets requests for ranges that belong to a node it thinks is down, so it responds with an error. The latency issue seems to start roughly when the node goes down, but persists long (ie 15-20 mins) after it is back online and accepting connections. It seems to go away once the bounced node shows the other nodes in the same DC as up again.
I have not been able to reproduce this locally using ccm.
What can I do to prevent this? Is there something else I should be doing to gracefully restart the cluster? It could be something to do with the nodejs driver, but I can't find anything there to try.
I seem to have been able to resolve the issue by issuing nodetool disablegossip as the last step in shutting down. So using this instead of my initial approach at restarting seems to work (note that only the order of drain and disablegossip have switched):
nodetool disablebinary
nodetool disablethrift
nodetool drain
nodetool disablegossip
sudo service cassandra restart
While this seems to work, I have no explanation as to why. On the mailing list, someone helpfully pointed out that the drain should take care of everything that disablegossip does, so my hypothesis is that doing the disablegossip first causes the drain to then have problems which only appear after startup.

Which are reasons restart cassandra's cluster?

I just have one reason to restart cluster below :
All the nodes have the same hardware configuration
1. When i update file cassandra.yaml
Are there other reasons ?
The thing you are asking for is Rolling Restart a cassandra cluster. There are so many reason to restart a cassandra cluster. I'm just mentioning some below-
when you update any value in cassandra.yaml. (As you mentioned above)
When your nodetool got stucked somehow. such as- you gave command nodetool repair and cancelled the command but it got stucked behind, then you won't be able to give another nodetool repair command.
When you are adding a new node to cluster and you got stream_failed due to nproc limit. That time your running cluster nodes could be down to this issue and going to hold the status.
When you don't want to use sstableloader and you need to restore your data from snapshots. That time you need to provide your snapshots to the data_directory on each node and rolling restart.
When you are about to upgrade your cassandra_version.
For example when you upgrading Cassandra version.

Adding new node to Cassandra cluster

I have a 4 node cluster and will be adding an additional node in two days. We aren't using vnodes.
Just wondering the best way to rebalance the cluster after I'm done. Do I just bring the new node up and then start the nodetool move?
Or do I shut each node down, change the initial_token value for each one (using one of those generators to calculate the values for me) and then bring each node up?
I just want to know the simplest way to do this from command line. The new node already has Cassandra installed as it was initially a non-production server, I will delete the data off of the node and change the config files accordingly for the new cluster it will now be a part of, just unsure as to the other steps.
From this page Adding or replacing single-token nodes, the simplest mechanism is to start the new node with it's initial-token left empty in cassandra.yaml. This will make the cluster 'split the token range of the heaviest loaded node and position the new node there'. This won't give you a balanced cluster.
If you want a balanced cluster then you have to go through the nodetool move, node restart, nodetool cleanup procedure you mentioned.

nodetool removenode allows dead node to rejoin when it comes back online

I remove a dead node from my Cassandra cluster using nodetool removenode.
Running nodetool status after indicates that the deleted node no longer exists. However when the dead node comes online, nodetool status indicates that the removed node is UP.
Is there any command that prevents dead node from joining the cluster when it is back online?
Once you remove the node you should change cluster name in cassandra.yaml. This will prevent this node from rejoining.
The other methods, like changing seeds may or may not work, depending on how the node was expelled from the cluster. It may still have the cluster info in the cache and therefore will use that instead of the list of seed nodes.
But changing the cluster name will 100% prevent it from rejoining.
