Show Tree Haskell [duplicate] - haskell

This question already has answers here:
Haskell display Tree without Data.Tree or deriving(show)
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Consider the following data type
data Tree a b = Branch b (Tree a b) (Tree a b) | Leaf a
I'm trying to define an instance of Show (without importing any modules or using deriving) that would display the tree like so
Main*> let a = Branch "x" (Branch "y" (Leaf 4) (Leaf 7)) (Leaf 9)
Main*> a
So far, this is what I've come up with
findDepth (Leaf a) = 0
findDepth (Branch a (b) (c)) = 1 + (max (findDepth b) (findDepth c))
data Tree a b = Branch b (Tree a b) (Tree a b) | Leaf a
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Tree a b) where
show (Leaf x) = show x
show (Branch a (b) (c)) =
show a ++ "\n" ++ s2 ++ show b ++ "\n" ++ s2 ++ show c ++ "\n" ++ s1
d = findDepth (Branch a (b) (c))
s1 = addSpace (d-1)
s2 = addSpace d
addSpace n = replicate n '\t'
Unfortunately, this indents the nodes with the lowest depth the most and the highest depth nodes the least. I know that the findDepth function should actually be giving leaf the greatest value and branch the lowest value, but can't figure out a way to write the function recursively for both arguments. Any suggestions?

Actually, there is no need for additional findDepth function - you could easily traverse through the tree and increase the depth each time you shows the children:
import Text.Printf
data Tree a b = Branch b (Tree a b) (Tree a b) | Leaf a
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Tree a b) where
show = showAtLevel 0
showAtLevel l (Leaf x) = addSpace l ++ show x
showAtLevel l (Branch x (lt) (rt)) = printf "%s%s\n%s\n%s" (addSpace l) (show x) (showAtLevel (l + 1) lt) (showAtLevel (l + 1) rt)
addSpace = flip replicate '\t'
Test cases:
*Main> let a = Branch "x" (Branch "y" (Leaf 4) (Leaf 7)) (Leaf 9)
*Main> a
*Main> Branch "x" (Branch "y" (Leaf 4) (Branch "z" (Leaf 42) (Leaf 314))) (Leaf 9)

Here's a hint without he whole solution: Write a single function showWithDepth :: Int -> Tree -> String that passes down the "accrued depth" so far. Then you can write show = showWithDepth 0.
Note that in general you shouldn't write show instances like this, as its "semi-standard" that show instances should work essentially like the derived ones and generate something resembling valid Haskell code. (And additionally, in the presence of a Read instance, we want read . show === id.


Sumation of tree

So for this problem I tried to take the sum of all leaves in a tree. But it's shooting an error every time. I am providing a snippet of the code I wrote.
Sample case
t1 =NODE 1 (NODE 2 (NODE 3 (LEAF 4) (LEAF 5)) (LEAF 6)) (NODE 7 (LEAF 8) (LEAF 9))
Answer should be 32.
data Tree a = LEAF a | NODE a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
tre (LEAF a) = a
tre (NODE a (Tree b) (Tree c)) = [Tree b, Tree c]
sum [] accum = []
sum list#(x:xs) accum = if tre x == Int
then sumTree xs (accum + x)
else sumTree x accum
sumTree :: Num p => Tree p -> p
sumTree p accum= let
list = tre p
in sum list accum
The Haskell snipet provided is not the idiomatic Haskell way of solving the problem.
You don't need the tre function => use Pattern matching on constructors of your type
You don't have to use tre x == Int let out the magic of type inference
I've provided the following snippet of the code, load it into ghci and use :i Tree and :i sumTree to understand the types
module Main where
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show)
sumTree (Leaf a) = a
sumTree (Node a l r) = a + sumTree l + sumTree r
main = do
let tree = Node 5 (Node 21 (Leaf 14) (Leaf 13)) (Leaf 29)
putStrLn $ show tree
putStrLn $ show $ sumTree tree

Instance show tree in haskell

I'd like to instance show function for my binary tree, constructed this way: data Tree a = Nil | Leaf a | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a).
I'd like to achieve a representation like "tree" unix command. For instance:
The showing function would be:
> 27
>> 14
>>> 10
>>> 19
>> 35
>>> 31
>>> 42
I want to tabulate each "subtree" with a recursive function but i don't kwow how this is my actual code:
instance (Show a)=>Show (Tree a) where
show Nil = ""
show (Leaf e) = show e
show (Branch e ls rs) = show e ++ "\n\t" ++ show ls ++ "\n\t" ++ show rs
So the question is: how can i implement a recursive tabulation function, because each time i use new line and tabulate just once instead of subtree depth
You can define a helper function, let's call it showWithDepth like this:
showWithDepth :: (Show a) => Tree a -> Int -> String
showWithDepth Nil _ = ""
showWithDepth (Leaf e) depth = (replicate depth '\t') ++ show e ++ "\n"
showWithDepth (Branch e ls rs) depth = (replicate depth '\t') ++ show e ++ "\n" ++ showWithDepth ls (depth+1) ++ showWithDepth rs (depth+1)
And now we can simply define Your instance like this:
instance (Show a)=>Show (Tree a) where
show x = showWithDepth x 0

Haskell No instance arising from a use of 'print'

I want to write a function toTree that converts a list of values to a binary tree:
data Tree a = Leaf | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
tree = Branch 6 (Branch 3 Leaf Leaf) (Branch 9 Leaf Leaf)
split :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
split lst = splitAt (((length lst) + 1) `div` 2) lst
toTree :: [a] -> Tree a
toTree (x: xs) = Branch x (toTree xm) (toTree xl) where (xm, xl) = split xs
toTree [] = Leaf
I cannot figure why I get this error on toTree [1,2,3]
No instance for (Show (Tree a0)) arising from a use of `print'
In the first argument of `print', namely `it'
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
I know this is a simple error to fix but I cannot seem to find what is causing it. How can I resolve this issue?
just add
data Tree a = Leaf | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Show
the error just says that Haskell does not know how to show a value of type Tree a0 (print is using show from the Show type-class)
And the easiest way is to auto-derive it
Or you have to implement it yourself using something like this:
instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
show Leaf = "leaf"
show (Branch v l r) = "(left: " ++ show l ++ ") " ++ show v ++ " (right: " ++ show r ++ ")"
where I just made something up to give you something like this:
λ> toTree [1,2,3]
(left: (left: leaf) 2 (right: leaf)) 1 (right: (left: leaf) 3 (right: leaf))

Haskell - Pretty Print Binary Tree - cannot fully get it to display in layers. Most code completed

Thanks to Karolis Juodelė, here is my elegant solution to this problem! Thank you Karolis Juodelė :
prettyTree :: Show a=>BinTree a -> String
prettyTree Empty = ""
prettyTree (Node l x r) = prettyTree2((Node l x r),2)
prettyTree2 :: Show a=> (BinTree a, Int)-> String
prettyTree2 (Empty,_) = ""
prettyTree2 ((Node l x r),z) = prettyTree2(r,z+2) ++ replicate z ' ' ++ (show x) ++ ['\n'] ++ prettyTree2(l,z+2)
So I am trying to print a binary tree like so:
putStr (prettyTree (Node (Node Empty 3 (Node Empty 7 Empty)) 8 (Node (Node Empty 8 Empty) 4 (Node Empty 3 Empty))))
What I have is the following which only prints them in two different lines:
data BinTree a = Empty | Node (BinTree a) a (BinTree a) deriving (Eq)
prettyTree :: Show a => BinTree a -> String
prettyTree Empty = ""
prettyTree (Node l x r) = prettyTree l ++ middle ++ prettyTree r
maxHeight = max (treeHeight l) (treeHeight r) + 1
middle = printSpace (maxHeight, maxHeight) ++ show x ++ "\n"
treeHeight :: BinTree a -> Integer
treeHeight Empty = 0
treeHeight (Node l x r) = 1 + max (treeHeight l) (treeHeight r)
printSpace :: (Integer,Integer) -> String
printSpace (0, _) = []
printSpace (_, 0) = []
printSpace (x, y) = " " ++ printSpace ((x `mod` y), y)
What I am trying to acomplish is that based on the total height of the tree, I will modulate the current height at the node, hence the root will be 0, then level 1 will be 1 and so fort.
I understand that I am actually passing the height twice for each level and I am not passing the total height of the tree. What can I do to actually get the total height of the tree for every level of the recursion?
Simply add another parameter to prettyTree. Something like padding :: Int. Then add replicate padding ' ' spaces to middle and pass padding + 2 to prettyTree of left and right subtrees.
Note, what you actually want is to define prettyTree t = paddedPrettyTree t 2 so as not to change the type of prettyTree.

Haskell Tree to List - preorder traversal

Given the following tree structure in Haskell:
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Int Tree Tree deriving Show
How can I get Haskell to return a list of the data in pre-order?
e.g. given a tree:
Node 1 (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)
return something like:
preorder = [1,2,3]
You could aim to a more general solution and make your data type an instance of Foldable.
There is a very similar example at hackage, but that implements a post-order visit.
If you want to support pre-order visits you will have to write something like this:
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
instance F.Foldable Tree where
foldr f z (Leaf x) = f x z
foldr f z (Node k l r) = f k (F.foldr f (F.foldr f z r) l)
With this, you'll be able to use every function that works on Foldable types, like elem, foldr, foldr, sum, minimum, maximum and such (see here for reference).
In particular, the list you are searching for can be obtain with toList. Here are some examples of what you could write by having that instance declaration:
*Main> let t = Node 1 (Node 2 (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4)) (Leaf 5)
*Main> F.toList t
*Main> F.foldl (\a x -> a ++ [x]) [] t
*Main> F.foldr (\x a -> a ++ [x]) [] t
*Main> F.sum t
*Main> F.elem 3 t
*Main> F.elem 12 t
Use pattern matching
preorder (Leaf n) = [n]
preorder (Node n a b) = n:(preorder a) ++ (preorder b)
Ok, sorry about the late reply, but I got this working as follows:
preorder(Leaf n) = [n]
preorder(Node n treeL treeR) = [n] ++ preorder treeL ++ preorder treeR'code'
This however does not work for me still
preorder (Leaf n) = [n]
preorder (Node n a b) = n:(preorder a) ++ (preorder b)
