Continue execution of parent Dialog in Dynamics CRM - dialog

I have a Dialog in which I've linked a child Dialog. I want to the execution of the Dialog to the parent dialog once my child dialog has completed executing.
How can I achieve this? My child dialog isn't throwing the execution back to the parent Dialog in Dynamics CRM.

That's not how they work out of the box. When you go to a child you transfer control to child and the parent ends.
You could look to rearrange your dialog;so the last step of the child, is to start the parent as a child dialog. The parent dialog would then need to somehow skip to the right page. Or it might be easier to break the parent dialog into multiple parts, which are chained together using start child.


MFC non-modal dialog front but not topmost

Recently I would like to bring a dialog in front of it's father window(always do, no matter its father window gets focus or not) but not topmost. In other words, I only want it cover its father window but not other applications' window.
I've tried:
// this covers other windows
SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, rectPos.left,, width, height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
// this doesn't work
SetWindowPos(&GetParentFrame()->wndTop, rectPos.left,, width, height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
Any ideas?
Xiangguan Zheng, in your original post you stated:
I only want it cover its father window but not other applications' window.
Later in your comment you mentioned:
I want do edit the father dialog by clicking the buttons on the child dialog.
These are two completely different requirements.
If you want a second dialog to be contained in the parent dialog area, you can achieve this by setting WS_CHILD style to the second dialog and calling Create. this will show the child dialog over the top of the parent and keep it within the parent area.
to fulfill the second requirement, you will have to pass the pointer to the parent dialog as the second parameter in Create call, or pass it when the child dialog is instantiated. Either way, you will have to save that pointer in the child dialog and use it to either call the public function exposed by the parent or use the pointer to send/post messaged to the parent.

Forms: Creating one item before another

What should be the best UX for a situation where one set of record cannot exist without another.
Take a scenario in an application where a child can be connected to zero or more parents.
If a user of our application finds himself filling a form to create a child but the parent for the child does not exist yet, what is the best approach to creating the parent and then attaching that parent to the child.
Should the child be created without the parent, but updates can be done to add parent to child, note that this also has its own issues as the page where the addition will occur might also need to create the parent.
Have a link on the child page that says "create parent", and route back the user back to the child page after creating the parent.
Have a button bring up a modal that has the parent form and allow the user to create the parent before returning.
I don't like any one of these three options and I am hoping there are better approach out there.
Sorry for any typos or ambiguity, in bit of a rush, also not sure if this is the right place to ask the question.
Since the records are depending on each other I would make sure the user submits these together but make it look like 2 different elements on the same page.
You could use a tab-menu to switch between the child and parent but both should be filled in before submitting. Some inspiration even though you don't need to fill in multiple tabs here. Just make sure it's easy for the user to see that he needs to fill in both tabs.
Another option could be to have the child form collapse when finished/closed like a drop-down menu with an expand arrow button incase you want to edit it again. And the same with a parent box below it. Something that looks a little like this.
They could both be closed at the loading of the page so the user sees both boxes.

How to get focus from child dialog and parent dialog

I Have one parent dialog and one child dialog, when I loaded child dialog in parent dialog the focus is not coming on parent dialog`s control, what I do to get focus on parent dialog control?
Without seeing your code, I would assume that this is a problem with dialog styles. In particular, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT.

Is it possible to Derive class from CWinThread Class in dialog based application

I am working with Dialog based application.
My Question is that, I want to show Waiting dialog, until some database operation carried out.
i Used Derived class from CWinThread, but problem is that, when this thread close, the background (Main application dialog) remains at deactivated means( it hide behind another window).
i am thinking that, this is happening because of WaitDialog used CWinThread class.
The problem is not unique to a dialog based application. Creating windows of any kind in more than one thread is difficult and not recommended. In your case it sounds like your wait dialog is modal, while its parent dialog is in another thread. That is even worse and can lead to deadlocks between threads.
The reliable solution is to put the wait dialog (and all other GUI) in the main thread, and the lengthy database processing in a secondary thread.
Another alternative would be to use a Modeless Dialogbox which can also optionally show the status and call the DestroyWindow function when the database operation is completed -- you may need to disable some operations of the main window while the Modeless Dialogbox is visible, though.
From the comments on my previous answer, it looks like that alternative is not viable in this situation.
Maybe a better way would be to create a normal modal "wait" dialog box, start the background thread in the dialog's InitDialog, periodically check the status of the thread using a timer and end the dialog when the thread completes?

How to save state of dialog so that it not closed?

I design mfc dialog based application in which first i design main parent window containing multiple child windows with tab control,it works fine.After i add one dialog before parent dialog and call parent dialog from it.So call to new dialog insert Back button on parent dialog,it works well,but second time parent dialog failed to open and application close.So how to save state of parent dialog second time initialization.I used methodlogy for above scenario given below:
I call new dialog in OnInitDialog() of parent dialog as DoMOdal() method.
Back button code given below:
void CParent::OnBnClickedBack()
NewDlg dlg=new NewDlg();
