Access to the path 'mscordbi.dll' is denied - win-universal-app

when trying to deploy my uwp application (no difference for Simulator, local or x86, x64), I get the following error:
Error : DEP0500 : The folder "...\bin\x86\Debug\AppX" could not be deleted.
Access to the path 'mscordbi.dll' is denied
With the tool 'ProcessExplorer' I found that VS2015 itself is locking the file. After a manual delete, I can run a single deployment, but the second fails due to the locked file again. I already tried the following Things, without any effect:
- delete VS-Settings
- move projects to a new solution
Why is this file locked by Visual Studio?


Gradle Copy Task causes file permission issue

I have a JetBrains Plugin that I am developing. Recently, I moved from a Windows to a Ubuntu system. I am trying to set up everything correctly as before. Note: I am fairly new to Linux.
I am having an apparent file permission issue (as can be seen in the error section of this question) when I ran the following Gradle script. Note: Whenever I build the project, this Gradle script is automatically called. It also worked correctly on Windows.
If I comment out the copy{...} closure then everything works correctly. I just need to manually copy over the required file.
tasks.create(name: "copyJar_v${project['version']}") {
def mostCurrentJarFile = "ChroMATERIAL-${project['version']}.jar"
// comment this out and there are not errors, but I need to do this copy manually
copy {
into '/' // Copy into project's root folder
from 'build/libs', {
include mostCurrentJarFile
rename mostCurrentJarFile, 'ChroMATERIAL.jar'
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file
'/home/ciscorucinski/IdeaProjects/ChroMATERIAL/ChroMATERIAL/build.gradle' line: 100
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':ChroMATERIAL'.
> Could not copy file '/home/ciscorucinski/IdeaProjects/ChroMATERIAL/ChroMATERIAL/build/libs/ChroMATERIAL-2.5.1.jar' to '/ChroMATERIAL.jar'.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 0.139 secs
/ChroMATERIAL.jar (Permission denied)
오후 12:20:39: Task execution finished 'copyJar_v2.5.1'.
What I tried
I have been using the UI to modify the file permissions of the Plugin Project Folder within IdeaProjects.
I gave everyone Create and delete files permissions and I Change Permissions for Enclosing Files...
Everyone has Read and write access to files and Create and delete files access to folders.
Clicked Change
Run the Gradle script again ... same error message
It appears that Linux is not letting Gradle modify these files. I can comment out the code and do everything myself, but I need to allow Gradle to have higher control. Don't know how though.
I notice that when I go back to Change Permissions for Enclosing Files... the shown permissions are not what I selected! Others has Read-only access to files and Access files access to folders. I don't know if this is common Ubuntu behavior, a bug, or something else.
It would be nice to know how to give as restrictive as possible access while fixing this.
Well, it is true -- you cannot (and should not) copy files into the Root folder in a linux box. You could if you ran the script as sudo, but that is a bad idea.
Since you want to copy to the root of the project, you can use ${projectDir} or ${rootDir}.
Also, you should be able to do this without the hassle of a closure -- and it makes your script cleaner, IMHO -- by using the built in Copy task:
task copyClientLoc(type: Copy) {
from "build/libs/"
into "${rootDir}"
include "ChroMATERIAL-${project['version']}.jar"
fileMode = 0644

Gradle sync failing

Gradle sync failed:
Timeout waiting to lock file hash cache (C:\Users\HELLO\.gradle\caches\4.1\fileHashes). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 10116
Our PID: 7136
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: C:\Users\HELLO\.gradle\caches\4.1\fileHashes\fileHashes.lock
Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log) (1m 23s 517ms)
-> Gradle build is failing
-> Unable to delete filehash lock file. It throws file in use
To handle this problem go through the following points.
Invalidate catch and and restart studio
If not work yet than Restart your computer
Go to file directory Restart your computer C:\Users\AdminUser .gradle\caches\4.1\fileHashes\ and delete filehash.lock
Now Restart your Studio it would work fine
Go to .gradle directory and delete all files in caches
Sometimes it was notable to delete filehash.lock file and it will throw an error unable to delete file. So do the following steps
For Windows machine:
Open Task Manager(Ctrl-Alt-Delete and check Process)
-> If you run two instance of android studio, Close One (End Task)
-> Then close OpenJDK Platform Binary
-> Gradle sync now on AndroidStudio and it will work now
Delete everything under below path.
There is a fileHashes.lock that is holding a global lock which is preventing you from running your script.

Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : jrebel.jar

When configuring JRebel on my remote server (JBoss on linux) I have configured the JVM arg as
-javaagent:/home/user/jrebel.jar" -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true
The jrebel.jar is absolutely definitely in that location, yet the server fails to start with the error:
Error opening zip
file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/jrebel.jar Error occurred
during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument
So the arg is oviously being passed to the JVM correctly, but for the life of me I can't work out why it can't find the jar. I've been through every Zero Turnaround article I can find + looked at the solutions that have resolved it for other people, but no luck. Any ideas?
Turned out to be a permissions problem - the JBoss user didn't have the permissions to access the directory that I had placed jrebel.jar into.
Would have been nice to have a more meaningfull error - e.g. 'permissions denied'. Shows my lack of Linux knowledge though I guess.
After the jar was moved to a directory within the JBoss installation + the jar owner was changed to the JBoss user and Read/Write/Execute permissions added, all is well.
Yes , the permission is the reason that this error happens to me when I tried to open PHPSTORM and that error was :
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : ${JetbrainsIdesCrackPath}
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
so before running PHPSTORM I had to run the command : sudo -i to get the root permission to run the program.

Visual Studio 2012 - Cannot package my Azure App

I'm trying to generate the package for my Azure app, but I keep getting the following error:
Access to the path 'C:\Users..\AppData\Local\Temp\mpwgheuv.lqw\roles\MessageBoard_WebRole\approot\Default.aspx' is denied.
I don't think it's a problem with permissions. I opened the Temp folder and noticed during packaging, the above directory gets created and then removed instantly.
The error points me to this:

Can't get azure web role to run locally using the emulator

I have a web role that I'm trying to run locally using the emulator. I have it working on another computer, but I cannot get it working on a different one, and have gone as far as to reformat it and start from scratch.
When I launch the site from Visual Studio, Chrome shows the following message:
This webpage is not available
The connection to was interrupted.
There is also an error code listed at the bottom:
Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset.
One interesting thing from the build output are these lines:
Starting process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Windows Azure Tools\v1.8\Debugger\WindowsAzureDebugger.exe' with arguments '"C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /trace:error /config:"C:\Users\brian\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\159c7254-b7d0-4076-a4fd-820b00feca5f\temp\temp\RoleTemp\applicationHost.config" /site:"deployment18(27).AzureApp.MyApp.Web_IN_0_Web"'...
Process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Windows Azure Tools\v1.8\Debugger\WindowsAzureDebugger.exe' exited with exit code 0.
If I run C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /trace:error /config:"C:\Users\brian\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\159c7254-b7d0-4076-a4fd-820b00feca5f\temp\temp\RoleTemp\applicationHost.config" /site:"deployment18(27).AzureApp.MyApp.Web_IN_0_Web" from the command line, I get the following message:
The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to start IIS Express in background.
I have no idea what file it cannot find, but I've verified that the config file I'm passing does in fact exist. Anyone have a clue what's going on here??
While I can not tell you what could be the actual root cause of your problem I can suggest a few ways to troubleshoot it:
Try changing IIS Express to Full IIS and see if it changes the behavior. You can do it by going to your Windows Azure Application project properties and look at "Web" option.
Try running application without debugging it
Launch CSrun at command prompt with /launchDebugger parameter of the /run option to verify that debugger does run without any issue
Try using IE as default browser
Clean your dftemp folder completely for any residual configuration and then launch Azure Emulator separately to verify there are no issues
Procmon "" may help you find the file that is missing...
Hopefully someone stumbles upon this answer with similar symptoms. When removing in role caching the <dataCacheClients> section was removed from . Somehow there was a left over <dataCacheClients> section left in the web.config. Everything and compiled and deployed to the emulator successfully. However, the role would fail to start since applicationHost.config was missing.
The fix was simply remove the unnecessary <dataCacheClients> section from the web.config file.
