Custom operation implementation for RBM/DBN with tensorflow? - theano

Since Google released out tensorflow, it becomes kind of trend in the current deep learning selections.
I'd like to do some experiments about RBM/DBN (Restricted Boltzmann Machine/Deep Belief Network), I've made some attempt by myself and kind of implement it well through the combination of available APIs from tensorflow. See code and previous answer.
So, if doesn't bother the code running performance, here's the gift for RBM/DBN implementation with tensorflow.
But, the running performance must be considered for the future. Because of the special progress of CD (Contrastive Divergence) algorithm, I think it just works against the framework (data flow graph) used by tensorflow. That's why my code seems weired.
So, the custom operation should be implemented for acceleration. I've followed the current documentation about adding custom ops.
.Input("visible: float32")
.Input("weights: float32")
.Input("h_bias: float32")
.Input("v_bias: float32")
.Output("hidden: float32")
Naive Rbm for seperate training use. DO NOT mix up with other operations
In my design, NaiveRbm should is an operation that takes visible,weights,h_bias,v_bias as input, but output by only first 3 Variables ( simply sigmoid(X*W+hb) ), its gradient should return at least gradients for last 3 Variables.
Imagine example psuedo code like this:
X = tf.placeholder()
W1, hb1, vb1 = tf.Variable()
W2, hb2, vb2 = tf.Variable()
rbm1 = NaiveRbm(X,W1,hb1,vb1)
train_op = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(0.01, 0.5).minimize(rbm1)
rbm2 = NaiveRbm(tf.stop_gradient(rbm1), W2, hb2, vb2)
train_op2 = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(0.01, 0.5).minimize(rbm2)
with tf.Session() as sess:
for batch in batches:, feed_dict={X: batch})
for batch in batches:, feed_dict={X: batch})
But the tensorflow library is too complex for me. And after too much time seeking for how to implement these existing operations (sigmoid, matmul, ma_add, relu, random_uniform) in custom operation, no solution is found by myself.
So, I'd like to ask if someone could help me achieve the remain works.
PS: before getting some ideas, I'd like to dive into Theano since it implements RBM/DBN already. Just in my opinion, Caffe is kind of not suitable for RBM/DBN because of its framework.
Update: After scratch through the tutorials from Theano, I found the key reason for Theano implemented the RBM/DBN while the tensorflow haven't is the scan technology. So, there might wait tensorflow to implement scan technology to prepare for RBM/DBN implementation.


Keras Batch Normalization "is broken": model fails to predict. Is it _really_ broken? Is there a fix? Or specific documentation about?

I am making a classifier to recognize presence of defects in pictures, and in the path of improving my models, I tried Batch Normalization, mainly to exploit its ability to fasten convergence.
While it gives the expected speed benefits, I also observed some strange symptoms:
validation metrics are far from good. It smells of overfitting of course
predictions calculated at any point during training are completely wrong, particularly when images are picked from the training dataset; the corresponding metrics match with the (val_loss, val_acc) rather than with (loss, acc) printed during training
This failing to predict is the evidence that worries me the most. A model which does not predict the same as in training, is useless!
Googling around I found some posts that seem to be related, particularly this one (Keras BN layer is broken) which also claims the existence of a patch and of a pull request, that sadly "was rejected".
This is quite convincing, in that it explains a failure mechanism that matches my observations. As far as I understand, since BN calculates and keeps moving statistics (exponential averages and standard deviations) for doing its job, which require many iterations to stabilize and become significant, of course it will behave bad when it comes to make a prediction from scratch, when those statistics are not mature enough (in case I have misunderstood this concept, please tell me).
Actual Questions
But thinking more thoroughly, this doesn't really close the issue, and actually raises further doubts. I am still perplexed that:
This Keras BN being broken, is said to affect the use case of transfer learning, while mine is a classical case of a convolutional classifier, trained starting form standard glorot initialization. This should have been complained about by thousands of users, while instead there isn't much discussion about)
technically: if my understanding is correct, why aren't these statistics (since they are so fundamental for prediction) saved in the model, so that their latest update is available to make a prediction? It seems perfectly feasible to keep and use them at prediction time, as for any trainable parameter
managementwise: if Keras' BN were really broken, how could such a deadful bug remain unaddressed for more than one year? Isn't really out there anybody using BN and needing predictions out of their models? And not even anybody able to fix it?
more practically: on the contrary, if it is not a bug, but just a bad understanding on how to use it, were do I get a clear illustration of "how to correctly get a prediction in Keras for a model which uses BN?" (demo code would be appreciated)
Obviously I would really love that the right questions is the last, but I had to include the previous ones, given the evidence of someone claiming that Keras BN is broken.
Note to SE OP: before *closing the question as too broad*, please consider that, being not really clear what the issue is (Keras BN being broken, or the users being unable to use it properly), I had to offer more directions, among which whoever wishing to answer can choose.
I am using keras 2.2.4 from a python 3.6 virtual environment (under pyenv/virtualenv).
data are fed through a classic ImageDataGenerator() + flow_from_directory() / flow_from_dataframe() scheme (augmentation is turned off though: only rescale=1./255 is applied), but I also tried to make them static
actually in the end, for verifying the above behaviour, I generated only one dataset x,y=next(valid_generator) and used an unique batch scheme for both training and validation. While on the training side it converges (yes, the aim was exactly to let it overfit!), on the validation side both metrics are poor and predictions are completely wrong and erratic (almost random)
in this setup, if BN is turned off, val_loss and val_acc match exactly with loss and acc, and with those that I can obtain from predictions calulated after training has finished.
In the process of writing a minimal example of the issue, after battling to put in evidence the problem, I recognized that the problem is showing/not showing up in different machines. In particular, the problem is evident on a host running Keras 2.3.1, while another host with Keras 2.2.4 doesn't show it.
I'll post a minimal example here along with specific module versions asap.

Which classifier is good for a scheduling problem with sklearn?

With sklearn, I am trying to model a pickup and dropoff vehicle routing problem. If you can recommend one of classifiers, it will be appreciated. For a simplicity, there is one vehicle and there are 5 customers. The training data has 20 features and 10 outputs.
Features include the x-y cords of 5 customers. Each customer has pickup and dropoff locations.
c1p_x, c1p_y,c2p_x, c2p_y,c3p_x, c3p_y,c4p_x, c4p_y,c5p_x, c5p_y,
c1d_x, c1d_y,c2d_x, c2d_y,c3d_x, c3d_y,c4d_x, c4d_y,c5d_x, c5d_y,
c1p_x, c1p_y: customer 1 pickup x-y cord.
c1d_x: c1d_y: customer 1 dropoff x-y cord.
For example,
Outputs include the optimal sequence of visit.For example, 5,10,2,7,1,6,4,9,3,8
Customer 5 (pkup) => 10 (drop) => 2 (pkup) => 7 (drop) ... => 8 (drop)
Note each pickup will be immediately followed by dropoff.
Here are codes I tried.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
train = pd.read_csv('ML_DARP_train.txt',header=None,sep=',')
print (train.head())
x = train[range(0,19)]
y = train[range(20,30)]
classifier = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(15,), random_state=1)
MLPClassifier(activation='relu', alpha=1e-05, batch_size='auto',
beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, early_stopping=False,
epsilon=1e-08, hidden_layer_sizes=(15,),
learning_rate='constant', learning_rate_init=0.001,
max_iter=200, momentum=0.9, n_iter_no_change=10,
nesterovs_momentum=True, power_t=0.5, random_state=1,
shuffle=True, solver='lbfgs', tol=0.0001,
validation_fraction=0.1, verbose=False, warm_start=False), y)
print(classifier.score(x, y))
test = pd.read_csv('ML_DARP_test.txt',header=None,sep=',')
test = test[range(0,19)]
print (classifier.predict(test))
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputClassifier
import pandas as pd
train = pd.read_csv('ML_DARP_train.txt',header=None,sep=',')
print (train.head())
x = train[range(0,19)]
y = train[range(20,30)]
print (y)
forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)
classifier = MultiOutputClassifier(forest, n_jobs=-1), y)
print(classifier.score(x, y))
test = pd.read_csv('ML_DARP_test.txt',header=None,sep=',')
test = test[range(0,19)]
print (classifier.predict(test))
Here are training data.
Sklearn is built for generic algorithms, TSP/VRP are too specific for it. Are you open to trying more specific libraries then Sklearn?
Recent advance in Reinforcement Learning seems to address TSP and VRP problems in a way that challenges the traditional Combinatorial Optimization approach.
To start with, you can look at this tutorial.
A recent paper shows a method for VRP. They also shared their code on Github.
A more recent paper claims to have a shorter training period.
Generally speaking, the architecture proposed in these papers looks on the VRP job as a whole and is better than a greedy approach by:
The training phase which goes back and forth to include future
The solution architecture includes (at least) two NN.
Encoder and Decoder. The Encoder goes thru the entire input BEFORE the Decoder starts producing the output
To summarize, if you want a quick and robust solution you can use existing open libraries such as Jsprit. If you have time for research, the resources for training a NN and can take the risk of failing, go after Reinforcement Learning.
Based on your comments, using ML purely to generate a starting point for a traditional MIP/constraint/heuristic solver is a better idea than using ML to solve the whole thing, but I believe it to still be a bad idea. In my opinion, you will find it very hard to get a useful initial solution using ML. In a few lines of code you could probably put together a heuristic to greedily grow routes for a search starting point; getting ML to do something of even roughly equivalent quality would be a lot more work, and maybe not even possible.
If you really wanted to try this (and I emphasize again that it's a bad idea), the choice of features is likely much more important than the choice of classifier. For example at the moment you're asking the classifier to learn both (a) pythagoras and then (b) what's a good route. It has to learn pythagoras because you're passing in the coords directly. ML works best when the features are engineered to make the learning task easier. Passing in a normalised distance matrix instead of the raw coords might be more succesful, because then the classifier doesn't have to learn pythagoras. However, then you have n^2 scaling in features, which would likely cause overfitting and the problems associated with that...
Alternative you could grow the route from empty using ML to decide the next stop to add each time. So ML classifier chooses the first stop, then you classify again to choose the second stop, then classify again to choose the third and so-on. This would be simpler too, though the ML will primarily just learn 'what the closest stop is to the last one'. I have known some companies to use this kind of 'ML chooses the next stop or job' approach when they're scheduling/dispatching jobs one at a time for food takeaway/on-demand deliveries - i.e. problems similar to Uber Eats delivering hot food from restaurants. This is a bit different from your case, as it's dynamic/realtime route optimisation problem, but still some companies are actually using ML in vehicle route optimisation for real. In my option it's still a bad approach though - e.g. we did a study in this video where we look at the effect of this kind of one-at-a-time scheduling/dispatching (which you can use ML for) vs proper route optimisation, and one-at-a-time scheduling/dispatching comes off significantly worse.

How does pytorch's parallel method and distributed method work?

I'm not an expert in distributed system and CUDA. But there is one really interesting feature that PyTorch support which is nn.DataParallel and nn.DistributedDataParallel. How are they actually implemented? How do they separate common embeddings and synchronize data?
Here is a basic example of DataParallel.
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd.variable import Variable
import numpy as np
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
embedding=nn.Embedding(1000, 10),
rnn=nn.Linear(10, 10),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.embedding(x)
x = self.rnn(x)
return x
model = nn.DataParallel(Model())
model.forward(Variable.from_numpy(np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6], dtype=np.int64)).cuda()).cpu()
PyTorch can split the input and send them to many GPUs and merge the results back.
How does it manage embeddings and synchronization for a parallel model or a distributed model?
I wandered around PyTorch's code but it's very hard to know how the fundamentals work.
That's a great question.
PyTorch DataParallel paradigm is actually quite simple and the implementation is open-sourced here . Note that his paradigm is not recommended today as it bottlenecks at the master GPU and not efficient in data transfer.
This container parallelizes the application of the given :attr:module by
splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch
dimension (other objects will be copied once per device). In the forward
pass, the module is replicated on each device, and each replica handles a
portion of the input. During the backwards pass, gradients from each replica
are summed into the original module.
As of DistributedDataParallel, thats more tricky. This is currently the more advanced approach and it is quite efficient (see here).
This container parallelizes the application of the given module by
splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch
dimension. The module is replicated on each machine and each device, and
each such replica handles a portion of the input. During the backwards
pass, gradients from each node are averaged.
There are several approaches towards how to average the gradients from each node. I would recommend this paper to get a real sense how things work. Generally speaking, there is a trade-off between transferring the data from one GPU to another, regarding bandwidth and speed, and we want that part to be really efficient. So one possible approach is to connect each pairs of GPUs with a really fast protocol in a circle, and to pass only part of gradients from one to another, s.t. in total, we transfer less data, more efficiently, and all the nodes get all the gradients (or their average at least). There will still be a master GPU in that situation, or at least a process, but now there is no bottleneck on any GPU, they all share the same amount of data (up to...).
Now this can be further optimized if we don't wait for all the batches to finish compute and start do a time-sharing thing where each node sends his portion when he's ready. Don't take me on the details, but it turns out that if we don't wait for everything to end, and do the averaging as soon as we can, it might also speed up the gradient averaging.
Please refer to literature for more information about that area as it is still developing (as of today).
PS 1: Usually these distributed training work better on machines that are set for that task, e.g. AWS deep learning instances that implement those protocols in HW.
PS 2: Disclaimer: I really don't know what protocol PyTorch devs chose to implement and what is chosen according to what. I work with distributed training and prefer to follow PyTorch best practices without trying to outsmart them. I recommend for you to do the same unless you are really into researching this area.
[1] Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models: A Taxonomic Perspective
Approach to ml parallelism with Pytorch
DataParallel & DistributedDataParallel
Model parallel
See Will switching GPU device affect the gradient in PyTorch back propagation?

I want to customise the last layer of VGG 19 architecture for a classification. which will be more useful keras or pytorch?

I want to customise the last layer of VGG 19 architecture for a classification problem. which will be more useful keras or pytorch?
It heavily depends on what you want to do with it.
While Keras offers different backends, such as TensorFlow or Theano (which in turn can offer you a little more flexibility), and transfers better to production systems,
PyTorch is definitely also easy to implement. Additionally, it offers great scaling on (multi-)GPU systems, since it is trivial to outsource your computations in a PyTorch model. I do not know how easy that is in Keras (never done it, so I genuinely cannot judge).
If you just want to play around with one of the frameworks, it usually boils down to personal preference. I personally prefer PyTorch, due to its more "python-esque" approach to things, but I know many people that prefer Keras because of its clear and simple layout and documentation.
Providing a little more information, or your context, can also potentially increase the quality of the answers you receive.

Using PyTorch for scientific computation

I would like to use PyTorch as a scientific computation package. It has much to recommend it in that respect - its Tensors are basically GPU-accelerated numpy arrays, and its autograd mechanism is potentially useful for a lot of things besides neural networks.
However, the available tutorials and documentation seem strongly geared towards quickly getting people up and running using it for machine learning. Although there is lots of good information available on the Tensor and Variable classes (and I understand that material reasonably well), the nn and optim packages always seem to be introduced by example rather than by explaining the API, which makes it hard to figure out exactly what's going on.
My main question at this point is whether I can use the optim package without also using the nn package, and if so how to do so. Of course I can always implement my simulations as subclasses of nn.Module even though they are not neural networks, but I would like to understand what happens under the hood when I do this, and what benefits/drawbacks it would give for my particular application.
More broadly, I would appreciate pointers to any resource that gives more of a logical overview of the API (for nn and optim specifically), rather than just presenting examples.
This is a partial self-answer to the specific question about using optim without using nn. The answer is, yes, you can do that. In fact, from looking at the source code, the optim package doesn't know anything about nn and only cares about Variables and tensors.
The documentation gives the following incomplete example:
optimizer = optim.Adam([var1, var2], lr = 0.0001)
and then later:
for input, target in dataset:
output = model(input)
loss = loss_fn(output, target)
The function model isn't defined anywhere and looks like it might be something to do with nn, but in fact it can just be a Python function that computes output from input using var1 and var2 as parameters, as long as all the intermediate steps are done using Variables so that it can be differentiated. The call to optimizer.step() will update the values of var1 and var2 automatically.
In terms of the structure of PyTorch overall, it seems that optim and nn are independent of one another, with nn being basically just a convenient way to chain differentiable functions together, along with a library of such functions that are useful in machine learning. I would still appreciate pointers to a good technical overview of the whole package, though.
