How to call require for more files in one line? - requirejs

I have a protractor test and I made helper js files for each functionality (E.g. login, createObject, logout).
These separate js files are called from Test.js (the spec file).
I want to make the require for all 3 methods in config.js, but in just one call, all my tests contain a lot of helpers/methods files.
I've tried this:
in config.js,
onPrepare: function () {
'use strict';
global.Methods = require ('./method1.js' , './method2.js' , './method3.js');
but it doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible or if there is a better way to do it?
Thank you in advance.

Since the require function only takes one file as an parameter you can put all your methods into one file called actions. This way you only have to make one require call to gain access to all your methods.
global.Methods = require('./actions.js');
or even better
global.Methods = new (require('./actions.js'));
Or simply require one file at a time
global.Methods1 = require ('./method1.js');
global.Methods2 = require ('./method2.js');
global.Methods3 = require ('./method3.js');


module.exports = app More than One Require

I'm creating a lambda function on AWS and I'm looking to require more than one file for "app". Apologies, I'm not great with Node yet.
In a routes.js file I have the following...
module.exports = app => {
Normally there is only 1 require() between the {}. But I require both files as I've separated out the code into two different files for clarity. When I comment out the second require all is good and the runtime can find the functions in event.routes.js. But with the second require in there. It does not. Do I need to somehow name them? They do have similarly named functions. But they are contained within their "Event" and "EventTemplate" object in those different files.
Here's the event.routes.js file...
module.exports = app => {
const controller = require("../controllers/event.controller.js");
// Create a new event"/event", controller.create);
My eventtemplate.routes.js has similarly named functions. So I'm guessing this is the issue. My attempt to make things cleaner has broken things. Wondering if there is a better way to separate out things?
** UPDATE **
As requested, here is eventTemplate.routes.js...
module.exports = app => {
const controller = require("../controllers/eventtemplate.controller.js");
// Create a new EventTemplate"/event/template", controller.create);
I solved the issue. It was just that I had a misnamed function in my controller file that was being referenced from my route file. I had truncated the source listing for brevity but I would've had to post the controller code as well to see the error.
However thanks for the comments. It did steer me in the right direction to know that what I was doing was fine and correct and was just a typo. Thank you!

How to use `index.js` in a Node.js when creating an Express service?

Hi I am structuring my Node.js project based on this, like so:
product name
index.js: (contains requires for the product and the main export)
productName.js: contains application logic
Now I have two questions
What should logically go in index.js? At the moment I have this (would this be a good way to do things and what else might I include in index.js?):
// index.js
var myServer = require('./myServer.js'); // "product name" = "myServer"
module.exports = {
run: myServer.listen
Does it matter what I call the object key in module.exports (currently "run")? Why does the server always run when I execute index.js with $ node index.js how does it automatically know to run myServer.listen?
P.S.: I am aware of web structure auto-generation tools, I just wish to understand the logical reason for this suggested structure (the idea of not having any logic in index.js)
As you mentioned this is a Express service, if it is only handling backend of some application or more specifically this is only backend application, I would suggest you change name of your index.js to server.js(Thus explicitly stating that it'll process all service requests).
But if not then even index.js is fine.
Now for
What you've put is absolutely fine, apart from this you could require all modules, routes(or controllers whatever you name them) in a way that it serves as entry point to your application. Try not to put any logic in here.
Actually the server runs because it executes the script in the file called index.js, the script says myServer.listen, now if you had written console.log("Hello World") and used $ node index.js it would've printed Hello World instead.
Node just expects and executes script that is there in index.js, in your case it is to start the server.
About the logic that why not put anything else in index.js, for me the reasoning I consider good enough is it provides abstraction as it is the entry point I don't want index.js to worry about things like what to do with this data and all. I believe it should provide a base to setup server. Thus following single responsibility to some extent. Also I won't have to touch it ever in projects lifetime unless some major change occurs e.g. I decide to shift from express to something else.
Why have a key called run
You seem to have answered it yourself(in comments), you are giving or more proper description would be you're attaching an object to module.exports as it is a object similar to JSON it was supposed to have a key(which could be anything not necessarily run it could've been hii). Now if you don't want to pass a key and export only one thing that is server.listen then you could write same as module.exports = myServer.listen; instead of
module.exports = {
hii: myServer.listen
Note that you could export more modules using the way you did. For more details about module.exports refer this or better google about it as this link might expire anytime and does not seem an ideal thing to put on SO.

how can VS code support Go to definition

I have two JavaScript files: config.js, app.js. In app.js I want to use function defined in config.js so I could use require().
module.exports = {
somefunc: somefunc
var config = require('./config')
But I don't want to input the './' every time so I add a myRequire.js file.
global.myRequire = function (p){
return require('./' + p)
In that case I could use myRequire('config') next time instead of myRequire('./config'), which might looks more concise.
var config = myRequire('config')
But I met a problem, that I cannot use F12(Go to Definition) in VS Code to find the somefunc function. So could someone tell me what should I do to make it work in this case?
You are introducing a lot more problem than what you are trying to achieve. What if you are requiring a file from different file path '../../here', './over/there'.
If you really want to require something without a path. You can create your own npm module so you can require it globally without paths OR you create a folder with index.js in it and you require all the things you need.

nodejs include required packages in all route files using require() function

Hi I'm new to nodeJs and currently developing a Rest API using node.I'm planning to develop it with a good folder structure, so I can scale it up easily. There I'm using several route files according to the business logic.
ex :- authRoutes,profileRoutes,orderRoutes ......
Currently in every single route file I had to include following codes
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var passport = require('passport');
My problem is , Is it totally fine to use above code segments in all the route files( I'm concerning about the code optimisation/coding standards and execution speed ) or is there any better way to do this.
It's better if you can explain the functionality of require() function.
In my experience, this is very standard to do. I suggest reading this question and answer to learn more about the way it affects the speed of your programs.
TL;DR of require()
When your lines of code are ran that include a variable that exists because of a require(), for instance
var https = require('https');
https.get(url, function(response) {...});
The compiler reads it and goes into the https module folder, and looks for the .get function.
However, if you are trying to require() a certain JavaScript file, such as analysis.js, you must navigate to that file from the file you are currently in. For instance, if the file you want is on the same level as the file you are in, you can access it like this:
var analysis = require('./analysis.js');
//Let analysis have a function called analyzeWeather
These lines of code are a little different from above. In this require() statement, we are saying grab the .js file with this name, analysis. Once you require it, you can access any public function inside of that analysis.js file.
Added require() example for .js file.

What is the best way to separate your code in a Node.js application?

I'm working on a MEAN (Mongo Express.js Angular Node.js) CRUD application. I have it working but everything is in one .js file. The single source code file is quite large. I want to refactor the code so CRUD functionality is in different source code files. Reading through other posts, I've got a working model but am not sure it is the right way in Node using Mongo to get it done.
Here's the code so far:
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
var path = require('path');
var db;
var connect = 'mongodb://<<mddbconnect string>>;
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID;
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
// viewed at http://localhost:<<port referecnes in app.listen>>
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/index.html'));
MongoClient.connect(connect, (err, database) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
db = database
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on 3000' + Date() );
// Here's the require for the search function in another source code file.
var searchroute = require('./serverSearch')(app, db);
The rest of the CRUD application functions with, app.get. These are other functions I want to move into different source code files, like serverSearch.js.
The code I separated right now is the search functionality which is inside of the MongoClient.connection function. This function has to successfully execute to make sure the variable 'db' is valid before passing both variables 'app' and 'db' to the the search function built out in the source code file serverSearch.js.
I could now build out my other CRUD functions in separate files in put them in the same area as 'var searchroute = require('./serverSearch)(app,db);
Is this the best way to separate code in a MEAN application where the main app and db vars need to be instantiated then passed to functions in other source code files?
What you are basically describing is modular coding heading towards "services" perhaps even micro-services. There are a few factors to keep in mind for your system. (I have no doubt that there are many other approaches to this btw). Basically in most NodeJS systems I have worked on (not all) I try to apply the following architecture in development and then bring over as much as possible I to production.
Create a directory under the main one. I usually use some type of name that points to the term functions. In this directory I maintain function and /or class files divided into categories. Function wrappers for DB would be held in DB functions. This file would only contain functions for the DB. Security functions in another file. Helper functions in another. Time manipulation in another. I am sure you get the idea. These are all wrapped in module exports
Now in any file in my project where say I would need DB and helpers I will start it by:
let nhelpers = require("helpfuncs");
let ndb = require("dbfuncs");
Obviously names are different.
And btw I divide all the NPM packages in the same way under an environment directory.
Maintaining that kind of structure allows you to maintain sane order over the code, logical chaining in any decent IDE, and having relevant methods show up in your IDE without having to remember every function name and all the methods within.
It also allows you to write an orderly system of micro-services making sure each part dies exactly what you want and allows for sane debugging.
It took me awhile to settle on this method and refine it.
It paid off for me. Hope this helps.
Edit to clarify for the OP:
When it comes to the process.env variables I became a great fan of dotenv
This little package has saved me an incredible amount of headaches. Of course you will have to decide if you include it in production or not. I have seen arguments for both, but i think in a well set up AWS, Google, Azure environment (or in Docker of course) I am of the opinion it can safely be used.
A couple of caveats.
Do not leave your dotenv file in the root. Move it somewhere else in your directory structure. It is simple and I actually put it in the same directory as all my environment files and helper files.
Remember it is simply a text file. So an IDE will not pick up your specific env variables in chaining. (Unless someone knows of a trick which I would love to hear about)
If you put env variables like access info to your DB system or other sensitive stuff, HASH THEM FIRST, put the hash in your env and have a function in your code which specifically just does the hash to the string. Do not under any conditions leave sensitive information in your environment file without hashing it first.
The final Gatcha. These are not PHP magic globals which cannot be overwritten. If you lose track and overwrite one of those process.env variables in your code it will take the new value until you restart your node app and it reads from the dotenv file again. (But then again that is the rule with all environment variables not only user defined ones)
Any typos above excuse me. Done from my cell in the train.
