Phisycal ressources for spark cluster - apache-spark

I trying to learn spark to implement one of our algorithms to increase the execution time. I downloaded a pre-compiled version on my local machine to run it in a local mode and I enjoyed creating some toy apps.
Next step is to use the cluster mode ( standalone one at this level).
I found a lot of amazing tutorials talking about how to configure the cluster and the difference between local and cluster modes and this is really clear ( I will be back here if I had troubles with that ).
My question for now is:
What physical infrastructure to use for spark cluster?
No downvotes please, I will explain: For now, we have 2 dedicated server with 32Go of RAM and 8 CPUS each one.
Now I am asking:
What is the best way to fully exploit this resources with spark?
Which is better:
Use a virtualization ( ESXI / Proxmox ) in order to create virtual machines which will be my cluster nodes?
just use the two servers and create a 2-noded cluster?


In which scenario should one prefer to create Spark cluster on EC2 machines instead of using Elastic Map Reduce?

Between processing realtime data using Spark cluster on EC2 machines and using Elastic map reduce, some of the differences are:
In Elastic Map Reduce, one would not have to manage the infrastructure and cluster as compared to Spark cluster on EC2 machines where one has to create the cluster and manage it.
In case of Spark cluster on EC2, one has more control over the cluster as compared to Elastic Map Reduce which is a PAAS component.
I went through the below related link:
Hadoop on EC2 vs Elastic Map Reduce
I understand that going with Elastic Map reduce would give the advantage of not having to manage the infrastructure and cluster. What I want to know is that when should one prefer the other option, that is to create Spark cluster on EC2 machines instead of using Elastic Map Reduce? Thanks.
You and the answer you shared have have summed pretty much the advantages and disadvantages for both. But i would like to mention few things
Someone mentioned in comment on the answer you share (and there is infact impression in people) that EMR adds some cost on top of ec2 nodes (which is underlying master/compute nodes of spark) and provides just the cluster, which isnt the case.
But what elastic map reduce is focused on is elastic and scalability part , meaning to provide scalability for your jobs, where scalability is not just number of node in cluster but different parameters like
Dynamically resizing the cluster with running jobs
Reduces and optimizes spin time , provides efficient resubmitting steps and option like automatic termination on step completion
Configuration, management and updation time. Just as an small you have things like release version that automatically handles spark/hadoop/other-application versions providing you way to easy update the version which you have to do manually with ec2.
the ecosystem availability. EMR ecosystem is growing,it doesnt reflect when you start but for example when your requirements grow, for example when you start to integrate other systems stream processing with flink for example) then it is more easier to just select at time of launching flink, pig , hive and moany more etc if you need to use other things in future.
There are already implementing libraries with AWS SDK like boto3 in python that help you to submit steps, poll for completion etc, which are very helpful when you need to scale. Also, you have integration of emr with orchestration frameworks like airflow where can can sense the state, resubmit, one command spin the cluster within the pipeline.
Expanding on previous point, EMR notebook for example provide you the quick and interactive way to submit spark jobs from Jupiter notebook and see the result, progress of jobs immediately which can boost your productivity.
This point is most important from my experience, Sometimes, scaling up the jobs with more nodes save you more money then long running jobs with low number of nodes. Because the adding node cost sometime cost you low than the normalized hours you will be spending with ec2 or small emr cluster. Just to share my experience, we had a job that used to run for 3 days, we satrted to run it with bigger EMR cluster that reduced it to 6-8 hours and it still was in the same cost and was infact a bit less.

While creating Azure HDInsight cluster for Starburst Presto, can I create Spark Cluster?

While creating infrastructure for big data, I wanted to use Azure HDInsight with Presto installation. Azure HDInsight comes with different flavors like hadoop, spark etc. In documentations it is recommended to use hadoop cluster but I want to use the spark one.
Is it possible to use spark cluster with Starburst's Presto distribution?
It looks like you want to use both Presto and Spark at the same time.
If you run them on a single cluster, you would need to configure them appropriately to make sure the JVMs for different processes can co-exist. This is possible, but hard to do in practice (you need to know how JVM allocates memory beyond -Xmx setting), so it's definitely not recommended.
While I can imagine that in some on-premises installations where provisioning new hardware is hard you could want to colocate services on one cluster. In the cloud, it's much more convenient to provision two separate clusters, each appropriately sized for your particular needs and workload. For example, you could have one cluster with Presto for interactive analytics, dashboarding and ad-hoc queries. And another one with Spark for your machine learning or ETL workloads.
Please refer to the Starburst Presto on Azure documentation for detailed configuration instructions.

What is the exact difference between Spark Local and Standalone mode? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Difference between spark standalone and local mode?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
Can someone mention the difference regarding these factors
Number of nodes / Machines
Advantages of each mode
When they should be used
Examples if possible
Also if I am running spark locally on single Laptop then is that Local mode or Standalone?
There is a huge difference between standalone and local.
Local - means that it runs on your pc locally i.e. not distributed.
Standalone - means that spark will handle resource management.
Standalone, for this I will give you some background so you can better understand what it means.
Spark is a distributed application which consume resources i.e. memory cpu and more...
lets assume that you run 2 spark applications at the same time, this can cause an error when allocating resources. for example it may happen that the first job consumes all the memory and the second job would fail because he doesn't have memory.
To resolve this issue you need to use some resource manager that will guarantee that your job can run without any problem with resources.
Standalone, means that spark will handle the management of the resources on the cluster. there are also other resource management tools like Yarn or Mesos.
Overall you have 3 options for managing resources on the cluster:
Mesos, Yarn , Standalone.
I would also mention that on a real Hadoop cluster, spark is not the only application that is running on your cluster, which means it is not the only consumer of resources. you can also run HBase,TEZ, IMPALA. Yarn would help you to allocate resources to all of those applications.

clustering in node.js using mesos

I'm working on a project with Node.js that involves a server. Now due to large number of jobs, I need to perform clustering to divide the jobs between different servers (different physical machines). Note that my jobs has nothing to do do with internet, so I cannot use stateless connection (or redis to keep state) and a load balancer in front of the servers to distribute the connection.
I already read about the "cluster" module, but, from what i understood, it seems to scale only on multiprocessors on the same machine.
My question: is there any suitable distributed module available in Node.js for my work? What about Apache mesos? I have heard that mesos can abstract multiple physical machines into a single server? is it correct? If yes, it is possible to use the node.js cluster module on top of the mesos, since now we have only one virtual server?
My question: is there any suitable distributed module available in Node.js for my work?
Don't know.
I have heard that mesos can abstract multiple physical machines into a single server? is it correct?
Yes. Almost. It allows you to pool resources (CPU, RAM, DISK) across multiple machines, gives you ability to allocate resources for your applications, run and manage the said applications. So you can ask Mesos to run X instances of node.js and specify how much resource does each instance needs.
If yes, it is possible to use the node.js cluster module on top of the mesos, since now we have only one virtual server?
Admittedly, I don't know anything about node.js or clustering in node.js. Going by, it just forks off a bunch of child workers and then round robins the connection between them. You have 2 options off the top of my head:
Run node.js on Mesos using an existing framework such as Marathon. This will be fastest way to get something going on Mesos.
Create a Mesos framework for node.js, which essentially does what cluster node.js is doing, but across the machines.
In both these solutions, you have the option of letting Mesos create as many instances of node.js as you need, or, use Mesos to run cluster node.js on each machine and let it manage all the workers on that machine.
I didn't google, but there might already be a node.js mesos framework out there!

can HBase , MapReduce and HDFS can work on a single machine having Hadoop installed and running on it?

I am working on a search engine design, which is to be run on cloud.
We have just started, and have not much idea about Hdoop.
Can anyone tell if HBase , MapReduce and HDFS can work on a single machine having Hdoop installed and running on it ?
Yes you can. You can even create a Virtual Machine and run it on there on a single "computer" (which is what I have :) ).
The key is to simply install Hadoop in "Pseudo Distributed Mode" which is even described in the Hadoop Quickstart.
If you use the Cloudera distribution they have even created the configs needed for that in an RPM. Look here for more info in that.
Yes. In my development environment, I run
NameNode (HDFS)
SecondaryNameNode (HDFS)
DataNode (HDFS)
JobTracker (MapReduce)
TaskTracker (MapReduce)
Master (HBase)
RegionServer (HBase)
QuorumPeer (ZooKeeper - needed for HBase)
In addition, I run my applications, and map and reduce tasks launched by the task tracker.
Running so many processes on the same machine results in a lot of contention for CPU cores, memory, and disk I/O, so it's definitely not great for high performance, but there is no limitation other than the amount of resources available.
same here, I am running hadoop/hbase/hive on a single computer.
If you really really want to see distributed computing on a single computer, grab lots of RAM, some hard disk space and go like this -
make one or two virtual machines (use virtual box)
install hadoop on each of them, make ur real instalation (not any virtual one) as the master, rest slave
configure hadoop for real distributed environment
now when hadoop starts, you should actually have a cluster of multiple computers (one real, rest virtual)
this could just be an experiment, because unless you have a decent multi-cpu or multi-core system, such a configuration will actually consume more on maintaining itself than giving you any performance.
gud luck.
