How to match multiple strings in awk command - string

I want to match print the lines of log file whose 10th field starts with below digits
.I succeeded to print the 10th field only.How to print whole line.
In short I want to compare 10th field with multiple strings at same time
tail -f *log|awk -F" " '/Gateway request received for service type Ussd/ {print $10}'|egrep '254720|254721|254722|254723|254724|254725|254726|254727|254728|254729|254710|254712|254713|254714|254715|254716|254717|254718|254719|254700|254701|254702'.*

tail -f *log|awk '/Gateway (and rest)/ && $10~/254720|2542...and rest/'
should do.
-F" " is not necessary
grep could (should) be saved
If the $10 matches number exactly, you can use $10>lower-bound && $10<upper-bound instead of $10~/regex/

perhaps condensing numbers into regex ranges will help
$ ... | awk '/Gate... etc./ && $10~/25471[02-9]|25472[0-9]|25470[01]/'
or grouping further
$ ... | awk '/Gate... etc./ && $10~/2547(1[02-9]|2[0-9]|0[01])/'


extract sequences from multifasta file by ID in file using awk

I would like to extract sequences from the multifasta file that match the IDs given by separate list of IDs.
FASTA file seq.fasta:
IDs file id.txt:
I want to get the fasta file with only those sequences matching the IDs in the id.txt file:
I really like the awk approach I found in answers here and here, but the code given there is still not working perfectly for the example I gave. Here is why:
awk -v seq="7P58X:01332:11636" -v RS='>' '$1 == seq {print RS $0}' seq.fasta
this code works well for the multiline sequences but IDs have to be inserted separately to the code.
awk 'NR==FNR{n[">"$0];next} f{print f ORS $0;f=""} $0 in n{f=$0}' id.txt seq.fasta
this code can take the IDs from the id.txt file but returns only the first line of the multiline sequences.
I guess that the good thing would be to modify the RS variable in the code (2) but all of my attempts failed so far. Can, please, anybody help me with that?
$ awk -F'>' 'NR==FNR{ids[$0]; next} NF>1{f=($2 in ids)} f' id.txt seq.fasta
Following awk may help you on same.
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0];next} /^>/{val=$0;sub(/^>/,"",val);flag=val in a?1:0} flag' ids.txt fasta_file
I'm facing a similar problem. The size of my multi-fasta file is ~ 25G.
I use sed instead of awk, though my solution is an ugly hack.
First, I extracted the line number of the title of each sequence to a data file.
grep -n ">" multi-fasta.fa > multi-fasta.idx
What I got is something like this:
Then, I extracted the wanted sequence by its title, eg. DM_0000000004, using the scripts below.
idx0_idx1=`grep -n $seqnm multi-fasta.idx`
idx0=`echo $idx0_idx1 | cut -d ":" -f 1`
idx0plus1=`expr $idx0 + 1`
idx1=`echo $idx0_idx1 | cut -d ":" -f 2`
idx2=`head -n $idx0plus1 multi-fasta.idx | tail -1 | cut -d ":" -f 1`
idx2minus1=`expr $idx2 - 1`
sed ''"$idx1"','"$idx2minus1"'!d' multi-fasta.fa > ${seqnm}.fasta
For example, I want to extract the sequence of DM_0000016115. The idx0_idx1 variable gives me:
7507 (idx0) is the line number of line 42520:>DM_0000016115 in multi-fasta.idx.
42520 (idx1) is the line number of line >DM_0000016115 in multi-fasta.fa.
idx2 is the line number of the sequence title right beneath the wanted one (>DM_0000016115).
At last, using sed, we can extract the lines between idx1 and idx2 minus 1, which are the title and the sequence, in which case you can use grep -A.
The advantage of this ugly-hack is that it does not require a specific number of lines for each sequence in the multi-fasta file.
What bothers me is this process is slow. For my 25G multi-fasta file, such extraction takes tens of seconds. However, it's much faster than using samtools faidx .

How to extract specific value using grep and awk?

I am facing a problem to extract a specific value in a .txt file using grep and awk.
I show below an excerpt from the .txt file:
bravais-lattice index = 2
lattice parameter (alat) = 10.0000 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 250.0000 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 2
number of atomic types = 1
number of electrons = 28.00
number of Kohn-Sham states= 18
kinetic-energy cutoff = 60.0000 Ry
charge density cutoff = 300.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 1.0E-09
mixing beta = 0.7000"
I also defined some variable: ELEMENT and lat.
I want to extract the "unit-cell volume" value which is equal to 250.00.
I tried the following to extract the value using grep and awk:
volume=`grep "unit-cell volume" ./latt.10/$ELEMENT.scf.latt_$lat.out | awk '{printf "%15.12f\n",$5}'`
However, when i run the bash file I always get 00.000000 as a result instead of the correct value of 250.00.
Can anyone help, please?
Thanks in advance.
awk '{printf "%15.12f\n",$5}'
You're asking awk to print out the fifth field of the line ($5).
unit-cell volume = 250.0000 (a.u.)^3
1 2 3 4 5
The fifth field is (a.u.)^3, which you are then asking awk to interpret as a number via the %f format code. It's not a number, though (or actually, doesn't start with a number), and when awk is asked to treat a non-numeric string as a number, it uses 0 instead. Thus it prints 0.
Solution: use $4 instead.
By the way, you can skip invoking grep by using awk itself to select the line, e.g.
awk /^ unit-cell/ {...}
The /^ unit-cell/ is a regular expression that matches "unit-cell" (with a leading space) at the beginning of the line. Adjust as necessary if you have other lines that start with unit-cell which you don't want to select.
You never need grep when you're using awk since awk can do anything useful that grep can do. It sounds like this is all you need:
$ awk -F'=' '/unit-cell volume/{printf "%.2f\n",$2}' file
The above works because when FS is = that means $2 is <spaces>250.000 (a.u.)^3 and when awk is asked to convert a string to a number it strips off leading spaces and anything after the numeric part so that leaves 250.000 to be converted to a number by %.2f.
In the script you posted $5 was failing because the 5th space-separated field in:
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
<unit-cell> <volume> <=> <250.0000> <(a.u.)^3>
is (a.u.)^3 - you could have just added print $5 to see that.
Since you are processing key-value pairs where the key can have variable amount on space in it, you need to tune that field number ($4, $5 etc.) separately for each record you want to process unless you set the field separator (FS) appropriately to FS=" *= *". Then the key will always be in $1 and value in $2.
Then use split to split the value and unit parts from each other.
Also, you can loose that grep by defining in awk a pattern (or condition, /unit-cell volume/) for that printaction:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=" *= *"} /unit-cell volume/{split($2,a," +");print a[1]}' file
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=" *= *" } # set appropriate field separator
/unit-cell volume/ { # pattern or condition
split($2,a," +") # split value part to value and possible unit parts
print a[1] # output value part
}' file

Pass string/record on pipe delimiter basis

Please advice as I have list of records but I need to find out if my record has 5 pipe delimiter and first name matches then print it.
For example:
But I want only 1st value to pass if loop.
if ($string contains "abc" && 5 pipe delimiter )
print $string;
It looks like awk rides to the rescue once more:
awk -F '|' 'NF == 6 && $1 == "abc" { print }'
There are 6 fields if there are 5 delimiters. You could omit the { print } since that's the default action. If you need to pass the value abc to the script (it can vary), use:
awk -F '|' -v string=abc 'NF == 6 && $1 == string { print }'
Don't try using match as a variable name.
My answer is predicated on the question, which says:
if my record has 5 pipe delimiter and first name matches then print it
meaning 'if the record has 6 fields separated by pipe delimiters (so there are 5 pipes) and the first field matches the given name, then print the whole record'. If the question means something slightly different, then the answer has to be modified accordingly.
This is Unix; there are other ways to do the same task, including:
grep '^abc|[^|]*|[^|]*|[^|]*|[^|]*|[^|]*$'
sed -n -e '/^abc\(|[^|]*\)\{5\}$/p'
and you could use Perl or Python or … pick your favourite scripting language. However, the awk solutions are a lot simpler to read than the grep or sed solutions.

Extracting strings from output in Linux console

I have been trying to extract specific strings from the output in Linux
For example:
ps -eo pid,args | grep PRD_ | egrep | more
gives the following output
(Full-size image:
I am aware awk, sed, tr can be used to extract details like PID but I am not sure how to write a query to get exactly the pid of the row where the fourth column has a specific string like 'PROCESS_ALL_BETS'
Or how do I extract every character after _NAME=?
Awk to the rescue.
ps -eo pid,args | awk '/PRD_/ && /startscen\.sh/ && $4 ~ /PROCESS_ALLBETS/'
(In the image, you have PROCESS_ALLBETS, so I guess that's what you actually want, even though your text says PROCESS_ALL_BETS.)
This selects for printing every line which matches all the following conditions:
/PRD_/ -- there is a "PRD_" somewhere in the line. Maybe you would tighten this to something like $6 ~ /^-NAME=PRD_/ to only match on the beginning of the sixth field.
/stratscen\.sh/ -- there is a match for this regex somewhere on the line. Again, for improved precision, you might want to change this to $3 ~ /startscen\.sh/ or even $3 == "" if you only want exact matches.
$4 ~ /PROCESS_ALLBETS/ -- the fourth field matches this regular expression.
The above will simply print all matching lines. To print just the first field and the eight field with the prefix -SESSION_NAME= removed, add something like
{ n=$8; sub(/^-SESSION_NAME=/,"",n); print $1, n }
just before the closing single quote.

Getting n-th line of text output

I have a script that generates two lines as output each time. I'm really just interested in the second line. Moreover I'm only interested in the text that appears between a pair of #'s on the second line. Additionally, between the hashes, another delimiter is used: ^A. It would be great if I can also break apart each part of text that is ^A-delimited (Note that ^A is SOH special character and can be typed by using Ctrl-A)
output | sed -n '1p' #prints the 1st line of output
output | sed -n '1,3p' #prints the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line of output
your.program | tail +2 | cut -d# -f2
should get you 2/3 of the way.
Improving Grumdrig's answer:
your.program | head -n 2| tail -1 | cut -d# -f2
I'd probably use awk for that.
your_script | awk -F# 'NR == 2 && NF == 3 {
num_tokens=split($2, tokens, "^A")
for (i = 1; i <= num_tokens; ++i) {
print tokens[i]
This says
1. Set the field separator to #
2. On lines that are the 2nd line, and also have 3 fields (text#text#text)
3. Split the middle (2nd) field using "^A" as the delimiter into the array named tokens
4. Print each token
Obviously this makes a lot of assumptions. You might need to tweak it if, for example, # or ^A can appear legitimately in the data, without being separators. But something like that should get you started. You might need to use nawk or gawk or something, I'm not entirely sure if plain awk can handle splitting on a control character.
read line
IFS=$'\001' read result -a <<< "$result"
$result is now an array that contains the elements you're interested in. Just pipe the output of the script to this one.
here's a possible awk solution
awk -F"#" 'NR==2{
split($i,a,"\001") # split on SOH
for(o in a ) print o # print the splitted hash
}' file
