I have been trying to find a solution to this but am unable to. I have two files with a large amount of data in. One of the columns is ID with a six digit number in each row.
Is there a way that I can click on a cell (contains data: 123456) in the ID Column from File1.xls so that it then opens and highlights the same value (data: 123456) in File2.xls by way of searching file 2? Maybe even vice versa.
Very sorry for not having any attempted code/formula as an example of trying it's just that I have no idea where to start. I can quite easily link it to file 2 but I don't see this method as being efficient, especially due to the number of rows contained within the sheets.
Many thanks to anyone that may be able to help.
I've got a fairly large spreadsheet with survey data that I'm trying to summarize. The first tab of the spreadsheet has all the survey data and I'm trying to summarize on the second tab.
Column A in my second tab will have all the unique store numbers listed. I'd like Column B of the second tab to list the number of times a customer answered "Very Satisfied" in columns R through Z on the first tab for a particular store. The store number is also listed on the first tab in column DY.
I've never tried nesting combining COUNTIF and VLOOKUP before or maybe that's not even the best way to do this. My feeble attempt looks like this
And, of course, this returns "#VALUE!". I know I need "Very Satisfied" in there somewhere but I can't wrap my head around the nesting. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
NOTE: I am using full columns here but it would work better if one would limit the references to just the rows that have data.
=SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!DY:DY=A2)*(Sheet1!R:Z="Very Satisfied"))
I have looked up other links in stack but none of them have my errors or solution.
I have 9 sheets. With last sheets being a main source file.
I have to feed a score from sheet9 to every other sheet from 1-8
But I am getting this "#Value" this error
When I expand the column or cells, it shows "0",
I tried every solution from other links but sometimes it shows values.
I have attached the links here of my excel file in google drive.
Can anyone help me figure out the correct way.
Sheet 1 is the main source file and `Group A to Group H " is where I should feed the score as per GW .
I only need solution or need ot know what am i doing wrong, dont post the whole result, or solution.
Thank you
The first parameter of Vlookup must be a single cell or value. You are feeding it a range.
Google sheets is pushing the syntax right into your face with explanations for every parameter. All you need to do is follow the instructions.
I have two spreadsheets. I'm trying to use VLOOKUP, but it simply is not being nice. The cell that's suppose to be updated does not.
-Spreadsheet A has indices that need to be paired with Spreadsheet B indices.
-Then I need to get the corresponding value to that indices. Those values are one cell to the right of the indices in Spreadsheet B.
-The value in Spreadsheet B then needs to be placed in its appropriate cell back in Spreadsheet A.
If someone could help that would be great and ... fabulous. If you need more details or clarification let me know. I have a feeling it might be my using of Table Name across spreadsheets as the culprit for it not working properly.
Try using and Index Match combo function
Index('Column/array with return value',MATCH('Value to match','Array to find the value',0-For an exact match),'column number of the Column/Array to look in')
I am not a fan of VLOOKUP as I almost always find errors with it. There are plenty of indexMatch examples too on here and Google.
I have several excel files with a single column with thousands of rows with a time in each cell. I'm using them further in another program, but there are some errors in them. In some of the files there are two or more times matching each other, which corrupts my further progress.
I need to see if any cell matches any other cell in the entire spreadsheet. I need to delete any duplicates.
Does anyone need how to do that? I found ways to check column by column, but that's not what i want.
Thanks for all your help!
I think you should write some code to get all data from all of yours worksheet together and then clean your data. You can write a VBA script or use Power Query. Please give me some more detail so i will able to elaborate or give you the final solution.
i have about 300,000 records in this spreadsheet. and there are a couple hundred columns!!
one of the columns is the social security number and i need to replace it with some random identifier. i cant really do a vlookup because that is too taxing so i think i am going to write a macro
can anyone please suggest to me how do i do this?
please note that the social security numbers appear multiplle times. so i need them to map correctly to the new unique identifier
Create a hash based on the current SSN.
An example is here using SHA1 hash. Plenty of other options exist, including creating your own.
Why not simply enter a Random number in the column in question, like =RAND(), double-click the bottom corner of the cell to copy the formula to the bottom of your sheet, then copy/paste special value the column on itself to get rid of the formula?