Repacking voxel data for efficient storage - kdtree

I've got 3D voxel data, and I want to re-package it for memory efficiency and fast access. The data is generated in a regular octree, one integer value per cell. Unfortunately the data is not sparse, but the cells with the same value should be connected.
Example for one slice:
My current idea is to use a kD-Tree, preferably left-balanced, but I'm not sure if there is an efficient algorithm to generate this.
I've got some ideas, but I was hoping that this is one of those problems that already has established algorithms, or at least a name I could google for.

How about OctoMap? As I understand, it's like an Octree, but merges adjacent occupied areas into regions to save memory. But I don't know much about it.
You could also try my PH-Tree. It works like a octree, but is quite memory efficient because every node only stores bits that are different from the parent node. You could actually store your integer value as a 4th dimension. Contrary to intuition, a 4D tree may require less space than a 3D tree and it may be faster (explanation is in the PDF that can be found in the link above). If your integer is the 4th dimension, than any sub-tree in the tree will only have entries with 'similar' integers, may be that is sufficient for your case? Also, any node contains only close neighbours, but close neighbours are not necessarily in the same (or adjacent) nodes.

One further link: . Why did I only find this after asking the question? It's like asking for something in the supermarket only to find out that you're standing next to it.
I ended up doing something simpler, because I needed a solution: I convert the voxel volume into a stack of 2D planes, and each plane stores at which point the value changes to the next higher plane. That way the voxel data is only compacted vertically, but it seems to be "good enough" for now. I'll crunch the numbers (space requirement vs. performance) for other data structures if I have some free time.


Find the most similar text in a list of strings

First of all, I want to acknowledge that this is perhaps a very sophisticated problem; however, I have not been able to find a definitive answer for it online so I'm looking for suggestions.
Suppose I want to collect a list containing over hundred thousand strings, values of these strings are sentences that a user has typed. The values are added to the list as soon as a user types a new message. For example:
["Hello world!", "Good morning, my name is John", "Good morning, everyone"]
But I also want to have a timeout for each string so if they are not repeated within 5 min, they should be removed, so I change it to following format:
[{message:"Hello world!", timeout: NodeJS.Timeout, count: 1}, {message:"Good morning, my name is John", timeout: NodeJS.Timeout, count: 1}, {message:"Good morning, everyone", timeout: NodeJS.Timeout, count: 1}]
Now suppose a user types the following message:
Good morning, everyBODY
I want to compare this string to all the messages in list and if one is 70% or more similar, update the count of that message, otherwise insert it as a new message. For this message for example, the application should update the count for Good morning, everyone to be equal to 2.
Since users can type a lot of messages in a short amount of time, the algorithm must also support fast insertion, searching, and deleting after the timeout.
What is the best way to implement this? or are there any libraries to help me with this?
NOTE: The strings do not need to be in an array, any data structure would work.
The main purpose of this algorithm is to detect similar messages when the count reaches a predefined value. For example warning: Over 5 users typed messages similar to "Hello everybody" within 5 minutes
I have looked at B-Trees, Nearest Neighbor, etc but I can't figure out what would be the best solution.
I plan on using Levenshtein distance for string similarity, however the main problem is how to apply that to a list of strings in most time efficient way, without having to check every single string every time a new message is added.
Levenshtein distance
Unlike the other answer I think Levenshtein distance is perfectly capable of dealing with spelling mistakes. Indeed, Levenshtein and LevXenshtein only have Levenshtein distance 1, and thus can be concluded to likely be the same message.
However, if you want to use this distance, you will have to compute the distance between the new message and every message stored, every time a new message comes in. There is likely no way around this.
Unfortunately there is no real useful pre-processing you can do for this.
Other possibilities
If you can find a way to map every message to a fixed-size vector, you can use essentially any nearest neighbor search technique. I suggest doing so.
This leaves us with two problems to solve. Generating the fixed-length vector, and doing the search.
Fixed-size vector representation
There are multiple ways of doing this, all with their own set of drawbacks. I'll specifically mention two, but it will depend on your architecture and data which method is best for you.
First, you could go the machine-learning way. You could map every word to a pre-trained vector with fastText, average the words in the message, and use that as your vector. The drawbacks of this method are that it will ignore word order, and it will work less well if the words used tend to be very informal. If your messages have their own culture to them (such as for example Twitch chat) you would have to retrain these vectors instead of using pre-trained ones.
Alternatively, you could use the structure of the text directly, and make an occurrence vector of bigrams. That is, jot down how often every 2-character combination occurs in a message. This is fairly robust, but has the drawback that the vectors will become relatively large.
Regardless, these are just two options, and it's impossible to tell what method is ideal for you. Unless of course someone has a brilliant idea.
Nearest neighbor search
Given that we have fixed length vectors, we can now do nearest neighbor search. As you've probably found, there are once again many different methods for this, all with their own drawbacks. Exhausting, I know.
I'll choose to discuss three categories.
Approximate search: This method may seem a little silly, but it could be what you want. Specifically, Locality-sensitive hashing is essentially just making some hashing function where "similar" vectors are likely to end up in the same bucket. You could then do anything you want, such as Levenshtein, with all of the other members of the bucket, because there should not be too many of them. The advantage of such an approximate algorithm is that it can be fast, and with some smart hashing you don't even need fixed-length vectors. A downside, of course, is that it is not guaranteed to work.
Exact search: We can also choose to instead solve the problem of Fixed-radius near neighbors. That is, find the points within some distance of the target point. You could do this by mapping vectors to integers (if they aren't already) and simply checking every lattice point within the distance you want to search. The primary drawback here is that the search time grows very fast not with the number of points, but with the number of dimensions of the vector. This method would necessitate small vectors.
Fancy datastructures: This seems to me most likely to be the right solution. Unfortunately you have a lot of letter-trees. You mention B-trees, but there's also R-trees, R+-Trees, R*-Trees, X-Trees, and that's just the direct descendants of the R-tree. With the risk of missing the trees for the forest, I'd suggest taking a look at the k-d tree. It can do nearest neighbor search in logarithmic time, as well as insertion and deletion.
You want to covert all of the words to their Soundex value.
Then you need a database for the soundex values that ranks the importance of the word in the sentence, e.g. the should probably get 0. The more information the word carries the higher its value.
Then sort the words in the sentence into a list of integers.
Use the list of integers as the key to find similar sentences.
Since the key is a list of integers a Rose tree should work as data structure.
While some may suggest measuring using something like Levenshtein distance that presupposes that the sentences have no spelling mistakes or such. You need something that is flexible enough to deal with human error.
I would suggest you to use Algolia. Which has their own ranking algorithm rates each matching record on several criteria (such as the number of typos or the geo-distance), to which they individually assign a integer value score.
I would totally take a loook on it, since they have Search-as-you-type and different Ranking algorithm criterias.
I think Search Engine like SOLR or Elastic Search are best fit for your problem.
You have to create single collection in which you can store data as you have mention in the question after that you just have to add data to solr and search it in the solr search with your time limit.

How can I better optimize a search in possible Fantasyland constructions in Pineapple poker?

So, a bit of explanation to preface the question. In variants of Open Face Chinese poker, you are dealt one and one card, which are to be placed into three different rows, and the goal is to make each row increasingly better, and of course getting the best hands possible. A difference from normal poker is that the top row only contains three cards, so three of a kind is the best possible hand you can get there. In a variant of this called Pineapple, which is what I'm working on a bot for, you are dealt three and three cards after the initial 5, and you discard one of those three cards each round.
Now, there's a special rule called Fantasyland, which means that if you get a pair of queens or better in the top row, and still manage to get successively better hands in the middle and top row, your next round becomes a Fantasyland round. This is a round where are dealt 15 cards at the same time, and are free to construct the best three rows possible (rows of 3, 5, and 5 cards, and discarding 2 of them). Each row yields a certain number of points (royalties, as they're called) depending on which hand is constructed, and each successive row needs better and better hands to yield the same amount of points.
Trying to optimize solutions for this seemed like a natural starting point, and one of the most interesting parts as well, so I started working on it. My first attempt, which is also where I'm stuck, was to use Simulated Annealing to do local search optimization. The energy/evaluation function is the amount of points, and at first I tried a move/neighbor function of simply swapping two cards at random, having first places them as they were drawn. This worked decently, managing to get a mean of around 6 points per hand, which isn't bad, but I often noticed that I could spot better solutions by swapping more than one pair of cards at the same time. Thus, I changed the move/neighbor function to swapping several pairs of cards at once, and also tried swapping a random amount of pairs between 1 and 3 through 5, which managed to yield slightly better results, but still I often spot better solutions by simply taking a look.
If anyone is reading this and understands the problem, any idea on how to better optimize this search? Should I use a different move/neighbor function, different Annealing parameters, or perhaps a different local search method, or even some kind of non-local search? All ideas are welcome and deeply appreciated.
You haven't indicated a performance requirement, so I'll assume that this should work quickly enough to be usable in a game with human players. It can't take an hour to find the solution, but you don't need it in a millisecond, either.
I'm wondering of simulated annealing is the right method. This might be an opportunity for brute force.
One can make a very fast algorithm for evaluating poker hands. Consider an encoding of the cards where 13 bits encode the card value and 4 bits encode the suit. OR together the cards in the hand and you can quickly identify pairs, triples, straights, and flushes.
At first glance, there would seem to be 15! (13,076,743,680,000) possible positions for all the cards which are dealt, but there are other symmetries and restrictions that reduce the meaningful combinations and limit the space that must be explored.
One important constraint is that the bottom row must have a higher score than the middle row and that the middle row must have a higher score than the top row.
There are 3003 sets of bottom cards, COMBINATIONS(15 cards, 5 at a time) = (15!)/(5!(15-5)!) = 3003. For each set of possible bottom cards, there are COMBINATIONS(10 cards, 5 at a time) = (10!)/(5!(10-5!)) = 252 sets of middle cards. The top row has COMBINATIONS(5 cards, 3 at a time) = (5!)/(3!*(5-3)!) = 10. With no further optimization, a brute force approach would require evaluating 3003*252*10 = 7567560 positions. I suspect that this can be evaluated within an acceptable response time.
A further optimization uses the constraint that each row must be worth less than the row below. If the middle row is worth more than the bottom row, the top row can be ignored by pruning the tree at that point, which removes a factor of 10 for those cases.
Also, since the bottom row must be work more than the middle and top rows, there may be some minimum score the bottom row must achieve before it is worth trying middle rows. Rejecting a bottom row prunes 2520 cases from the tree.
I understand that there is a way to use simulated annealing for estimating solutions for discrete problems. My use of simulated annealing has been limited to continuous problems with edge constraints. I don't have a good intuition for how to apply SA to discrete problems. Many discrete problems lend themselves to an exhaustive search, provided the search space can be trimmed by exploiting symmetries and constraints in the particular problem.
I'd love to know the solution you choose and your results.

Fixing an incorrectly taken 3D head scan

The problem I am facing is following.
I have a number of 3D head scans, some of them are taken correctly (like attached example) but in many it is easy to see that the scanned person had his head not exactly aligned with the machine's front and thus one side of the texture (and depth map) seems to be "wider" (the exact reason is that one side was taken more from behind, it can be easily seen if you look at the ears).
Fortunately when I go from the cylindrical coordinates to carthesian ones and render the face with XNA, the face is symmetrical.
Now the thing is that I would like the texture and depth maps of all my heads by as nice and symmetrical as the correct one (because later i want to align them and perform PCA).
The idea I have at the moment is that I could interpolate the surfaces between all of the vertices and from those interpolations take new vertices that are equally distanced from each other.
This solutions seems a lot of work and maybe its an overkill.
Maybe there is some other way (like geting that interpolation data from DirectX/XNA that has to calculate it at some point anyway).
I will be most thankful for helpful answers.
The correct example:
Incorrect example:
It's probably possible to salvage (some of) the bad scans to some degree using some coordinate transformations, but you would have to guess the "incorrectness" of the alignment and it's probably impossible to do automatically.
But, unless the original subject is dead (or otherwise unavailable); it's probably a lot easier to redo the scans.
Making another scan is very likely to be quicker, and you won't loose quality as transforming the bad scans probably will. The nose on the incorrect sample seems to be shadowing the side of the nose, and no fancy algorithm can ever fix the missing data.

Visit all nodes in a graph with least repeat visits

I have a tile based map where several tiles are walls and others are walkable. the walkable tiles make up a graph I would like to use in path planning. My question is are their any good algorithms for finding a path which visits every node in the graph, minimising repeat visits?
For example:
map example
If the bottom yellow tile is the starting point, the best path to visit all tiles with least repeats is:
path example
There are two repeat visits in this path. A worse path would be to take a left at the first junction, then backtrack over three already visited tiles.
I don't care about the end node but the start node is important.
I added pictures to my question but cannot see them when viewing it. here they are:
Additionally, in the graphs I need this for there will never be a situation where min repeats = 0. That is, to step on every tile in the map the player must cross his own path at least once.
Your wording is bad -- it allows a reduction to an NP-complete problem. If you could minimize repeat visits, then could you push them to 0 and then you would have a Hamiltonian Cycle. Which is solvable, but hard.
This sounds like it could be mapped onto the traveling salesman problem ... and so likely ends up being NP complete and no efficient deterministic algorithm is known.
Finding a path is fairly straight forward -- find a (or the minimum) spanning subtree and then do a depth/breadth-first traversal. Finding the optimal route is the really difficult bit.
You could use one of the dynamic optimization techniques to try and converge on a fairly good solution.
Unless there is some attribute of the minimum spanning subtree that could be used to generate the best path ... but I don't remember enough graph theory for that.

What is the best approach to compute efficiently the first intersection between a viewing ray and a set of objects?

For instance:
An approach to compute efficiently the first intersection between a viewing ray and a set of three objects: one sphere, one cone and one cylinder (other 3D primitives).
What you're looking for is a spatial partitioning scheme. There are a lot of options for dealing with this, and lots of research spent in this area as well. A good read would be Christer Ericsson's Real-Time Collision Detection.
One easy approach covered in that book would be to define a grid, assign all objects to all cells it intersects, and walk along the grid cells intersecting the line, front to back, intersecting with each object associated with that grid cell. Keep in mind that an object might be associated with more grid-cells, so the intersection point computed might actually not be in the current cell, but actually later on.
The next question would be how you define that grid. Unfortunately, there's no one good answer, and you need to consider what approach might fit your scenario best.
Other partitioning schemes of interest are different tree structures, such as kd-, Oct- and BSP-trees. You could even consider using trees combined with a grid.
As pointed out, if your set is actually these three objects, you're definately better of just intersecting each one, and just pick the earliest one. If you're looking for ray-sphere, ray-cylinder, etc, intersection tests, these are not really hard and a quick google should supply all the math you might possibly need. :)
"computationally efficient" depends on how large the set is.
For a trivial set of three, just test each of them in turn, it's really not worth trying to optimise.
For larger sets, look at data structures which divide space (e.g. KD-Trees). Whole chapters (and indeed whole books) are dedicated to this problem. My favourite reference book is An Introduction to Ray Tracing (ed. Andrew. S. Glassner)
Alternatively, if I've misread your question and you're actually asking for algorithms for ray-object intersections for specific types of object, see the same book!
Well, it depends on what you're really trying to do. If you'd like to produce a solution that is correct for almost every pixel in a simple scene, an extremely quick method is to pre-calculate "what's in front" for each pixel by pre-rendering all of the objects with a unique identifying color into a background item buffer using scan conversion (aka the z-buffer). This is sometimes referred to as an item buffer.
Using that pre-computation, you then know what will be visible for almost all rays that you'll be shooting into the scene. As a result, your ray-environment intersection problem is greatly simplified: each ray hits one specific object.
When I was doing this many years ago, I was producing real-time raytraced images of admittedly simple scenes. I haven't revisited that code in quite a while but I suspect that with modern compilers and graphics hardware, performance would be orders of magnitude better than I was seeing then.
PS: I first read about the item buffer idea when I was doing my literature search in the early 90s. I originally found it mentioned in (I believe) an ACM paper from the late 70s. Sadly, I don't have the source reference available but, in short, it's a very old idea and one that works really well on scan conversion hardware.
I assume you have a ray d = (dx,dy,dz), starting at o = (ox,oy,oz) and you are finding the parameter t such that the point of intersection p = o+d*t. (Like this page, which describes ray-plane intersection using P2-P1 for d, P1 for o and u for t)
The first question I would ask is "Do these objects intersect"?
If not then you can cheat a little and check for ray collisions in order. Since you have three objects that may or may not move per frame it pays to pre-calculate their distance from the camera (e.g. from their centre points). Test against each object in turn, by distance from the camera, from smallest to largest. Although the empty space is the most expensive part of the render now, this is more effective than just testing against all three and taking a minimum value. If your image is high res then this is especially efficient since you amortise the cost across the number of pixels.
Otherwise, test against all three and take a minimum value...
In other situations you may want to make a hybrid of the two methods. If you can test two of the objects in order then do so (e.g. a sphere and a cube moving down a cylindrical tunnel), but test the third and take a minimum value to find the final object.
