Puppet clients applying empty classes (with default parameters) - couchdb

The problem:
Servers running puppet agent in my environment are receiving empty [classes] (without parameters), instead of the expected parameters stored in their Hiera document. This causes puppet modules to run with null parameters which in turn causes them to successfully run with default values instead of the actual expected values (which is obviously unwanted and destructive behavior).
What causes the problem to trigger?
Our Hiera are based on CouchDB document database (as I will further expand on later). When the CouchDB service is down the puppet agents (upon asking the puppet-masters for a new catalog) receive empty [classes] (without parameters), instead of the expected parameters stored in their Hiera document.
My environment architecture:
4 Puppet master servers under NetworkLoadBalancer (Cisco Ace)
1 puppet ca server
2 Hiera servers (couchDB 1.6.0)behind NetworkLoadBalancer (Cisco Ace)
all the servers OS are RedHat 6.3
Puppet version 3.7.4
Puppet masters communicate with hiera servers with Http_Backend v1.0.1
Using puppetDB with postgress sql to save servers inventory
How are we able to simulate the problem?
By stopping the CouchDB service on the Hiera server - hiera01 (just one of the two) we are able to trigger the problem.
puppet-masters logs show "connection refused ..." error for the sessions that were already open to the hiera01 server for more than 20 minutes
sessions not being closed when the couchdb services is stopped.
new requests are routed to hiera02.
client servers that their session to get catalog from master through hiera01 - got default params for their classes !!!
Puppet master`s main configuration file
logdir = /var/log/puppet
rundir = /var/run/puppet
ssldir = %vardir/ssl {group = service, mode = 640}
ca = false
certname = master_server_01.domain
dns_alt_names = puppet-master-ace.domain, puppet-master-ace
use_srv_records = true
pluginsource = puppet:///plugins
pluginfactsource = puppet:///pluginfacts
reports = log, foreman
enviromentpath = $confdir/enviroments
basemodulepath = $confdir/modules
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
storeconfigs = true
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
always_cache_features = true
Hiera.yaml (master server)
- http
- yaml
- "%{fqdn}"
- "%{enviroment}"
- common
:host: hieraserverace.domain
:use_auth: true
:auth_user: admin
:auth_pass: Passowrd
:api_user: apiUser
:api_pass: apipassword
:merge_behavior: deeper
:port: 5984
:output: json
:failure: graceful
- "/%{environment}/%{fqdn}"
- "/%{environment}/%{osfamily}"
- "/%{environment}/%{enviroment}"
- "/%{environment}/common"
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
environment is productions and updating versions is almost
hieradata directory is empty (not using the yaml backend)
Thank you !
PS: Since we are running a classified environment disconnected from the internet uploading log files is a very complicated process.


Pushing metrics to prometheus server via prometheus remote write from netdata

I have netdata installed in one of my computers and I want to export data to my prometheus server (both Ubuntu).
But I can't use prometheus' pull system, I need the metrics to be pushed from netdata to prometheus.
Netdata has prometheus remote write implemented in its exporting engine and I am able to configure it to send metrics to my server PC just fine.
But I can't see the metrics in prometheus at all, although I know the metrics are being sent to the server PC as I can see them by listening on the port I'm pushing to, via netcat.
So I think that my prometheus config is wrong.
This is my netdata exporting config:
enabled = yes
destination =
remote write URL path = /write
#username = admin
#password = admin
data source = average
prefix = netdata
# hostname = my_hostname
# update every = 10
# buffer on failures = 10
# timeout ms = 20000
# send names instead of ids = yes
# send charts matching = *
send hosts matching = *
And this is my prometheus config:
scrape_interval: 15s
evaluation_interval: 15s
- job_name: "prometheus"
- targets: ["localhost:9090"]
- url: http://localhost/api/v1/write
remote_timeout: 30s
If I open the page localhost:9090/api/v1/write I expected to be able to see the metrics pushed from netdata, but instead I get a blank page that says "Method Not Allowed".
I execute prometheus with the flags --web.enable-admin-api --web.enable-remote-write-receiver.
Any clue on what I'm doing wrong?
Try execute prometheus with the flags --enable-feature=remote-write-receiver.
May be you have old version prometheus and this flag will be work.

K8S - using Prometheus to monitor another prometheus instance in secure way

I've installed Prometheus operator 0.34 (which works as expected) on cluster A (main prom)
Now I want to use the federation option,I mean collect metrics from other Prometheus which is located on other K8S cluster B
have in cluster A MAIN prometheus operator v0.34 config
I've in cluster B SLAVE prometheus 2.13.1 config
Both installed successfully via helm, I can access to localhost via port-forwarding and see the scraping results on each cluster.
I did the following steps
Use on the operator (main cluster A) additionalScrapeconfig
I've added the following to the values.yaml file and update it via helm.
- job_name: 'federate'
honor_labels: true
metrics_path: /federate
- '{job="prometheus"}'
- '{__name__=~"job:.*"}'
- targets:
- # The External-IP and port from the target prometheus on Cluster B
I took the target like following:
on prometheus inside cluster B (from which I want to collect the data) I use:
kubectl get svc -n monitoring
And get the following entries:
Took the EXTERNAL-IP and put it inside the additionalScrapeConfigs config entry.
Now I switch to cluster A and run kubectl port-forward svc/mon-prometheus-operator-prometheus 9090:9090 -n monitoring
Open the browser with localhost:9090 see the graph's and click on Status and there Click on Targets
And see the new target with job federate
Now my main question/gaps. (security & verification)
To be able to see that target state on green (see the pic) I configure the prometheus server in cluster B instead of using type:NodePort to use type:LoadBalacer which expose the metrics outside, this can be good for testing but I need to secure it, how it can be done ?
How to make the e2e works in secure way...
Inside cluster A (main cluster) we use certificate for out services with istio like following which works
mode: SIMPLE
privateKey: /etc/istio/oss-tls/tls.key
serverCertificate: /etc/istio/oss-tls/tls.crt
I see that inside the doc there is an option to config
- job_name: 'federate'
honor_labels: true
metrics_path: /federate
- '{job="prometheus"}'
- '{__name__=~"job:.*"}'
- targets:
- # The External-IP and port from the target
# tls_config:
# ca_file: /opt/certificate-authority-data.pem
# cert_file: /opt/client-certificate-data.pem
# key_file: /sfp4/client-key-data.pem
# insecure_skip_verify: true
But not sure which certificate I need to use inside the prometheus operator config , the certificate of the main prometheus A or the slave B?
You should consider using Additional Scrape Configuration
AdditionalScrapeConfigs allows specifying a key of a Secret
containing additional Prometheus scrape configurations. Scrape
configurations specified are appended to the configurations generated
by the Prometheus Operator.
I am affraid this is not officially supported. However, you can update your prometheus.yml section within the Helm chart. If you want to learn more about it, check out this blog
I see two options here:
Connections to Prometheus and its exporters are not encrypted and
authenticated by default. This is one way of fixing that with TLS
certificates and
Or specify Secrets which you can add to your scrape configuration.
Please let me know if that helped.
A couple of options spring to mind:
Put the two clusters in the same network space and put a firewall in-front of them
VPN tunnel between the clusters.
Use istio multicluster routing (but this could get complicated): https://istio.io/docs/setup/install/multicluster

Puppet ENC choose environment based on a fact?

I have an ENC setup which determines which environment a node will be placed during check-in.
Currently I'm keeping track of node types using the host name in an external database.
When a node checks in for the first time I'd like to determine the environment it should be in based on a fact. For example say I want to use the OS fact to determine if a new node should be sent a windows or linux configuration file.
It seems I only have access to the nodes host name, which I could potentially send to PuppetDB to retrieve the facts, but this wouldn't be the case on the initial check-in of a new node being registered with the Puppet Server.
Does anyone have a practical solution for this?
I found that if I directly access PuppetDB from my ENC, even on the very first check in I could access all the facts for my node.
Here is an example ENC using a python library for PuppetDb use:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from pypuppetdb import connect
db = connect(host='puppetdb', port=8080, ssl_verify=False, ssl_key=None, ssl_cert=None, timeout=20)
certname = sys.argv[1]
node = db.node(certname)
print 'environment: ' + node.fact('os').value
print 'environment: default'

collectd data not showing in influxdb container

I'm trying to in place a global resource monitoring of a small cluster. The chosen stack:
- collectd on the node for data gathering
- influxdb as backend using the official docker container
- grafana as frontend again using the official container
The container are launched on a central server. Grafana is able to connect to influxdb source and I updated collectd agent (network plugin in collectd.conf) and influxdb (influxdb.conf with collectd plugin) to enable them to talk to each others.
But no data is showing up... No much log to check, but for sure the influxdb data file are empty and nothing comes up when querying.
Anyone experienced such context? Any idea where to dig?
collectd conf extract:
# /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
<Plugin network>
Server "<public_IP_of_the_docker_host>" "25826"
influxdb conf:
enabled = true
address = "public_IP_of_the_docker_host"
port = 25826
database = "collectd"
typesdb = "/usr/share/collectd/types.db"

Execute Puppet Code depending upon service status

How can we write a puppet manifest code that identifies whether a service(httpd) is running or not on puppet clients/agents. And if not, it should start that service and send out an email ?
class apache {
package { mysql-server: ensure => installed }
if hasstatus == "false" {
service { "mysql":
ensure => running,
require => Package["mysql-server"],
node default {
include apache
I know this is not a correct code. But I want to check hasstatus first and if the service status is false then I want to start service and send out an email.
Sanket Dangi
I have configured tagmail.conf in puppet master and have also enabled puppet reports but not able to receive mails to my gmail account. I can see puppet agent reports on puppet master but not receiving mails. Do I need to configure mail server for this ?
My Tagmail Conf :
all: xxxxxxx#gmail.com
Puppet isn't an imperative shell script where you need to check the value of X before performing action Y that gets you to state Z. Instead, you specify that you want state Z and Puppet checks the current state and handles the transition.
What this means is that you don't need to check the status of a service before deciding whether to start it or not and instead you declare that the mysql service should be running and Puppet ensures this is the case.
Simply have this in your manifest alongside the package line:
service { "mysql":
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Package["mysql-server"],
The require line ensures the package is installed before evaluating or starting the service.
To send out notifications you can use the tagmail reporting feature in Puppet. First set up a tagmail file (reference docs) like this at /etc/puppet/tagmail.conf on the master:
mysql, apache: wwwadmins#example.com
And in the master's puppet.conf, set:
reports = tagmail
Ensure clients have report enabled in puppet.conf:
report = true
This should then trigger e-mails relating to any resources with the "mysql" or "apache" tags (class names, module names etc).
