Capture Nodejs Server Events generated by Request and Response Objects - node.js

I am working on logs of the application just to give you information there are two kind of strategies used inside the application.
POST Process
PRE Process
In the first strategy if application has to make some call to third-party applications, it will first send the response to client and after execute that call, so
as my application is using express as framework, I can catch those responses in middle-wares but not in this specific case application is not sending back
any response as application has already responded to the client.
The second strategy is simple process and at the end send back response this call will be caught by express middle-ware without any issue, so that is the
model that i am using until now now what I want to do is to catch requests received, and sent by application by standing outside the application, as i
got the idea and understand the structure this is kind of a proxy server which will catch requests not just received by the application but sent by as well, and i know we can catch requests coming in but I am working on the data at runtime
so i don't want those logs i want logs that are coming into the logger application at runtime.
Now coming to the question according to my requirements is there a way to catch requests received, and sent by NodeJS server?

can you try morgan node module for that
Create a new morgan logger middleware function using the given format and options. The format argument may be a string of a predefined name (see below for the names), a string of a format string, or a function that will produce a log entry.


How to know a POST request was received

I have a structure where an application sends a POST request, the API handles the parameters and enters them into the database then another application that is supposed to run a function when the POST request was handled. The only issue I'm having is how can I make the 2nd application know when the request was handled other than running a GET request on a time interval?
Another explanation:
Client A: POSTs data
API: Handles data
Client B: GETs and displays data to user
How can I tell Client B when to do the GET request?
This is all in node.js and using express
What you need is to push data to clients when something happens server-side. This can be achieved by either server side events (which do exactly this), or websockets which create a bidirectional communication channel between server and client. Which one to choose? Check out this stack overflow post.

Axios and Express: Send a request to Express and get responses in multiple steps

I'm working on a React/Node program. Somewhere in the program, I want to send a request to back-end using Axios, then while the back-end function is processing the request, I want to get step by step responses to update the front-end by showing some notifications.
I could do this by sending multiple requests and waiting for each response. But the problem is that the first process in each step is identically the same in all steps and it will create some performance issues.
My question is:
Is there any way to send a single request to API, then on the back-end side, return the response in multiple steps while it's processing? Meanwhile on the front-end, get the updates from back-end and update the notifications on it?
Thank you very much
Sorry bro, I'm afraid that you can't do this with using HTTP alone since the connection is ended with a single response for a single request. You need to do this with multiple HTTP call with Axios.
Otherwise, you could use WebSocket.
Their are cool Module with planty examples and documentations.
check this out,

Why can't I use res.json() twice in one post request?

I've got an chatbot app where I want to send one message e.g. res.json("Hello") from express, then another message later e.g. res.json("How are you doing"), but want to process some code between the two.
My code seems to have some problems with this, because when I delete the first res.json() then the second one works fine and doesn't cause any problems.
Looking in my heroku logs, I get lots of gobbledy gook response from the server, with an IncomingMessage = {}, containing readableState and Server objects when I include both of these res.json() functions.
Any help would be much appreciated.
HTTP is request/response. Client sends a request, server sends ONE response. Your first res.json() is your ONE response. You can't send another response to that same request. If it's just a matter of collecting all the data before sending the one response, you can rethink your code to collect all the data before sending the one response.
But, what you appear to be looking for is "server push" where the server can send data to the client continually whenever it wants to. The usual solution for that is a webSocket connection (or which is built on top of webSocket and adds more features).
In the webSocket/ architecture, the client makes a connection the server and the connection is kept open indefinitely. Then either side of the connection can send messages to the other end. This is most useful when the server wants to "push" data to the client at any time. In this case, the client establishes the connection, then the server can send data to the client over that connection at any time. The client registers a listener for incoming messages and will be notified anytime the server sends it some data.
Both webSocket and are fully supported in modern browsers and in node.js. I would personally recommend using because some of the features it adds (a messaging layer, auto-reconnect, etc...) are very useful.
To use a continuously connected socket like this, you will have to make sure your hosting infrastructure is properly configured to allow it.
res.json() always sends the response to the client immediately (calling it again will cause an error). If you need to gradually build up a response then you can progressively decorate a plain old javascript object; for example, appending items to an array. When you are done call res.json() with the constructed response.
But you should post your code so we can see what's happening.

Continuously send a response to client

Is there a way, I could continuously send a response to the client before finally calling end on the response object?
There is a huge file and I want to read,parse and then send the analysis back to the client. Is it possible that I keep sending a response as soon as I read a line?
response.send also calls end, so I cannot use it.
You want to use res.write, which sends response body content without terminating the response:
This sends a chunk of the response body. This method may be called multiple times to provide successive parts of the body.
Note that write is not included in the Express documentation because it is not an Express-specific function, but is inherited from Node's core http.ServerResponse, which Express's response object extends from:
The res object is an enhanced version of Node's own response object and supports all built-in fields and methods.
However, working with streaming data is always little tricky (see the comment below warning about unexpected timeouts), so it may be easier to restructure your application to send streaming data via a WebSocket, or for compatibility with browsers that don't support WebSockets.
What kind of server side application are you working with? You could use Node.js with Socket.IO to do something like this. Here's some useful links.
First Node.js application
Node.js readline API

Node.js - what exactly happens upon a new client request

I want to understand more exactly what happens when a server receives a client request on a Node.js server. With a more traditional server, a new thread is created to handle the new client session.
But in Node.js and other event-loop style servers, what exactly happens? What part of the codebase first gets executed? With node, I am almost certain something in the http module handles the new request first.
I want to know a little more about the details of how this works in a sort of compare and contrast style between the two types of handling of client connections.
In a nutshell:
Node uses libuv to manage incoming connections and data events
Events are placed in a queue to be handled on the next tick of the event loop
When bytes start arriving, they are fed in to the native-code http parser
The parser calls a callback in JS-land with the header contents
The rest of the JS HTTP code dispatches the request to user code, which may be Express
