Pandas: how to test that top-n-dataframe really results from original dataframe - python-3.x

I have a DataFrame, foo:
0 50 46 18 65 55
1 48 56 98 71 96
2 99 48 36 79 70
3 15 24 25 67 34
4 77 67 98 22 78
and another Dataframe, bar, which contains the greatest 2 values of each row of foo. All other values have been replaced with zeros, to create sparsity:
0 0 0 0 65 55
1 0 0 98 0 96
2 99 0 0 79 0
3 0 0 0 67 34
4 0 0 98 0 78
How can I test that every row in bar really contains the desired values?
One more thing: The solution should work with large DateFrames i.e. 20000 X 20000.

Obviously you can do that with looping and efficient sorting, but maybe a better way would be:
n = foo.shape[0]
#bar dataframe has original data except zeros for two values:
diff = foo - bar
test1 = ((diff==0).sum(axis=1) == 2) == n
#bar dataframe has 3 zeros on each line
test2 = ((bar==0).sum(axis=1) == 3) == n
#these 2 numbers that bar has are the max
bar2=bar.replace({, inplace=True}
#the max of remaining values is smaller than the min of bar:
row_ok = (diff.max(axis=1) < bar.min(axis=1))
test3 = (ok.sum() == n)
I think this covers all cases, but haven't tested it all...


Check each value in a dataframe and if that is less means then change the value which is given

cateory Percentage
AB 99
CD 65
EF 12
GH 25
IJ 90
KL 100
If CD's percentage is less than 70 then change that as 71 else existing value is fine
If EF's percentage is less than 20 then change that as 21 else existing value is fine
If GH's percentage is less than 30 then change that as 45 else existing value is fine
For AB existing value is fine
cateory Percentage
AB 99
CD 65
EF 21
GH 45
IJ 90
KL 100
Create list of tuples for replacement by compare both columns and if match replace by new value - last value of tuple:
L = [('CD', 70, 71), ('EF', 20, 21), ('GH', 30, 45)]
for cat, less, new in L:
m = df['cateory'].eq(cat) & df['Percentage'].lt(less)
df.loc[m, 'Percentage'] = new
print (df)
cateory Percentage
0 AB 99
1 CD 71
2 EF 21
3 GH 45
4 IJ 90
5 KL 100

Remove index from dataframe using Python

I am trying to create a Pandas Dataframe from a string using the following code -
import pandas as pd
data = input_string
df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(';') for x in data.split('\n')])
I am getting the following result -
0 1 2
0 A B C
1 0 34 88
2 2 45 200
3 3 47 65
4 4 32 140
5 None None
But I need something like the following -
0 34 88
2 45 200
3 47 65
4 32 140
I added "index = False" while creating the dataframe like -
df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(';') for x in data.split('\n')],index = False)
But, it gives me an error -
TypeError: Index(...) must be called with a collection of some kind, False
was passed
How is this achievable?
Use read_csv with StringIO and index_col parameetr for set first column to index:
df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(input_string),sep=';', index_col=0)
print (df)
0 34 88
2 45 200
3 47 65
4 32 140
Your solution should be changed with split by default parameter (arbitrary whitespace), pass to DataFrame all values of lists without first with columns parameter and if need first column to index add DataFrame.set_axis:
L = [x.split(';') for x in input_string.split()]
df = pd.DataFrame(L[1:], columns=L[0]).set_index('A')
print (df)
0 34 88
2 45 200
3 47 65
4 32 140
For general solution use first value of first list in set_index:
L = [x.split(';') for x in input_string.split()]
df = pd.DataFrame(L[1:], columns=L[0]).set_index(L[0][0])
You can set column name instead index name to A value:
df = df.rename_axis(, axis=1).rename_axis(None)
print (df)
0 34 88
2 45 200
3 47 65
4 32 140
import pandas as pd
data = input_string
df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(';') for x in data.split()])
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df = df.iloc[1:].rename_axis(None, axis=1)
df.set_index('A',inplace = True)
0 34 88
2 45 200
3 47 65
4 32 140

Efficient way to perform iterative subtraction and division operations on pandas columns

I have a following dataframe-
A B C Result
0 232 120 9 91
1 243 546 1 12
2 12 120 5 53
I want to perform the operation of the following kind-
A B C Result A-B/A+B A-C/A+C B-C/B+C
0 232 120 9 91 0.318182 0.925311 0.860465
1 243 546 1 12 -0.384030 0.991803 0.996344
2 12 120 5 53 -0.818182 0.411765 0.920000
which I am doing using
which I believe is a very crude and ugly way to do.
How to do it in a more correct way?
You can do the following:
# take columns in a list except the last column
colnames = df.columns.tolist()[:-1]
# compute
for i, c in enumerate(colnames):
if i != len(colnames):
for k in range(i+1, len(colnames)):
df[c + '_' + colnames[k]] = (df[c] - df[colnames[k]]) / (df[c] + df[colnames[k]])
# check result
A B C Result A_B A_C B_C
0 232 120 9 91 0.318182 0.925311 0.860465
1 243 546 1 12 -0.384030 0.991803 0.996344
2 12 120 5 53 -0.818182 0.411765 0.920000
This is a perfect case to use DataFrame.eval:
cols = ['A-B/A+B','A-C/A+C','B-C/B+C']
x = pd.DataFrame([df.eval(col).values for col in cols], columns=cols)
A B C Result A-B/A+B A-C/A+C B-C/B+C
0 232 120 9 91 351.482759 786.753086 122.000000
1 243 546 1 12 240.961207 243.995885 16.583333
2 12 120 5 53 128.925000 546.998168 124.958333
The advantage of this method respect to the other solution, is that it does not depend on the order of the operation sings that appear as column names, but rather as mentioned in the documentation it is used to:
Evaluate a string describing operations on DataFrame columns.

A vectorized solution producing a new column in DataFrame that depends on conditions of existing columns and also the new column itself

My current dataframe data is as follows:
t i m
0 14 35 46
1 28 54 64
2 28 34 64
3 78 65 58
My goal is to apply a vectorized operations on a df with a conditions as follows (pseudo code):
New column of answer starts with value of 1.
For row in df.itertuples():
if (m > i) & (answer in row-1 is an odd number):
answer in row = answer in row-1 + m
elif (m > i):
answer in row = answer in row-1 - m
answer in row = answer in row-1
The desired output is as follows:
t i m answer
0 14 35 46 1
1 28 54 59 60
2 78 12 58 2
3 78 91 48 2
Any elegant solution would be appreciated.

Pandas multi-index subtract from value based on value in other column part 2

Based on a thorough and accurate response to this question, I am now faced with a new issue based on slightly different data.
Given this data frame:
df = pd.DataFrame({
('A', 'a'): [23,3,54,7,32,76],
('B', 'b'): [23,'n/a',54,7,32,76],
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 3 n/a 100
2 54 54 100
3 7 n/a 100
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
I'd like to subtract 4 from 'possible', per row, for any instance (column) where the value is 'n/a' for that row (and then change all 'n/a' values to 0).
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 3 n/a 96
2 54 54 100
3 7 n/a 96
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
Some conditions:
It may occur that a column is all floats (though they appear to be integers upon inspection). This was not factored into the original question.
It may also occur that a row contains two instances (columns) of 'n/a' values. This was addressed by the previous solution.
Here is the previous solution:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[:, idx['possible', 'possible']] -= (df.loc[:, idx[('A','B'),:]] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1) * 4
df.replace({'n/a':0}, inplace=True)
It works, except for where a column (A or B) contains all floats (seemingly integers). When that's the case, this error occurs:
TypeError: Could not compare ['n/a'] with block values
I think you can add casting to string by astype to condition:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[:, idx['possible', 'possible']] -=
(df.loc[:, idx[('A','B'),:]].astype(str) == 'n/a').sum(axis=1) * 4
df.replace({'n/a':0}, inplace=True)
print df
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 3 0 96
2 54 54 100
3 7 0 96
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
