Accessing Spotify Data API - node.js

I am trying to access the Spotify Data API and I'm struggling to find any information on this. I have managed to access the standard Web API as described on the developer.spotify site and have been able to perform simple tasks such as getting track names, album names etc.
However, the Data API is what I'm interested in. This link describes to how to access it but I cannot find anything online referring to this.
I would really appreciate some help accessing this.
Many thanks in advance.
Edit: Do I need to already have access to the Spotify Analytics resource?

You need to apply for access. Spotify will probably give you API documentation when they grant you access.


OneDrive REST API and Sharepoint Online

I have the app that uses OneDrive API (MS graph) to access OneDrive free accounts and OneDrive for business.
The app works fine.
In docs of the API i can see same API can be used also to access Sharepoint Online sites data.
How to do this? When i auth a user who has Sharepoint Online account with MS graph, there is only his drive (ondrive) but there is no his site listed.
How to get access to his sharepoint site too using same API?
I have found how to work with sites using the Graph API.
To get list of sites there is the call
GET /v1.0/sites/
Then use the SITEID to get list of drives (in fact, top level folders)
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives
Then to get contents of a drive user
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives/DRIVEID/root/children
And all next calls are same as for onedrive drive
However, there is the problem i still can not solve. How to create new top level folder (new drive on a site). There is no API call for this
I believe what you are looking for is the sites API. It lets you interact with a SharePoint site if you know the path or the id of the site. You can find the documentation for the api here:
There is no easy way to discover sites as of now. You can however search for a site. You can read more about it here:
This endpoint to get the list of sites is not working, so the last answer is not valid anymore.
I haven't found a way to do this, the discovery of sites, without admin consent. If the admin consent flow is not a problem you can try this workaround, use the endpoint of groups to ask for the groups that the user is member of, and you can use the groups to get the document libraries of the user.
To get the groups:
With the group id, you can use this endpoint:
So if someone know how to do the discovery of sites for a user without admin consent, please share.
EDIT: I'm not sure why my answer was deleted, my answer basically has 2 things:
I gave notice that one answer here is not valid anymore.
I gave a possible other solution to the problem.

How to access Sharepoint site's document library via Microsoft Graph API?

I'm working on accessing document libraries for Sharepoint sites via Mircosoft Graph, but haven't had any luck so far.
Here is my setup:
I have two sites
When I make an api call to, the response doesn't contain id of document library for second site (
I have gone through documentation and haven't found anything on how to accomplish this. If anyone got any idea about this, please share.
I was able to figure out a solution for this. A sharepoint site is represented as a Group in Office 365. I found that out by doing some hit and trial.
So, after looking up their documentation for anything related to a Group, I got to this:
And, by using the List groups endpoint I was finally able to get a list of all the Sharepoint sites which the authenticated user can access.
This API call requires Group.Read.All scope while requesting access token and only Admin users can authorize this scope. So, this will need a separate interface for Admin to list groups, potentially store the group-user mapping on my app for the user to be able to make api call (/groups/{group-id}/drive/items/{item-id}) related to the drive.
The V1.0 API has a way to list your doc lib as follows
Hope this helps.
The beta API also exposes a Sharepoint endpoint.
You can also use the path if you already know your site structure:

How to add Instagram feed using HTML or Javascript

So I'm trying to add an actual Instagram feed to my wordpress site. I dont want to use a 3rd party site which doesnt drive traffic to the actual IG site. I've been on the IG developers site and to be honest kind of confusing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would recommend using a plugin to do the hard work, since there are many out there, and integrating the instagram yourself could be a challenge. A quick google search gave me this one:
If you don't want to use a plugin, you need to understand how the api works.
The instagram API requires OAuth authentication for most calls.
First, You will need to register an application on the site in order to obtain a client Id.
Once you have a client Id, you need to establish a flow for users who visit your site. There is no way around this for API calls requiring authentication.
First, the user needs to login and allow access from your account using the instagram api request url:
CLIENT-ID is the id you obtained earlier, and REDIRECT-URL should be your wordpress site.
Calling this url will allow you to obtain an access token for the user on your site, and you can then make authenticated calls to the API using that token.
One way around this is to make simple calls that don't require authentication, using tags that are specific to your photos. That is described in this SO question:
Instagram API and importing photos without server side authentication
I agree with Felipe. If you or your client need an Instagram plugin, the easiest way would be to buy it at some marketplace. What’s more important, it is much cheaper than wasting your own time on developing one. Of course, that applies to commercial development, not something that you do for fun.
Here’s a list of plugins that I’ve installed to my clients and was happy about:
https:// - lite version of the
premium plugin. The functionality is really limited, but it would be
enough to give you a simple display. - a simple commercial widget to display your Instagram
account on a webpage. -
an interesting cloud solution for websites on any CMS. It’s got a demo and a
free plan.

get Access token in foursquare

I want to get access token foursquare like this link `' and this is code
I don't understand what YOUR_CLIENT_ID,YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET and YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI are. Can you explain and show some examples ? Thank you very much for helping.
"Before you get started, you should create an app on Foursquare. This will give you a client ID and client secret which are needed for using the API. The documentation in this guide is meant to give a high-level conceptual overview of the Foursquare platform, help you grok its different parts and capabilities, and get started using the API’s most popular features."
Go to the link:
Click the option: "Create a new app". Enter the name of the app and a valid url from where your app can be downloaded. These two fields are mandatory. You can provide the details for other fields also. If you don't have a download link, you can create a folder in dropbox (google drive, onedrive) and provide that link. Create your app and you will get your private CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.

Automating the adding of a website profile via google APIs

I was poking around Google's analytics API docs to see if there is a method that allows the adding of website profiles. Either by using a email/password or session or one time token. Has anyone seen anything?
No, I don't think there is a way to programmatically add a profile. They do have a good API for reading the data in an existing profile.
