Retrieve tagged photos from Instagrams API without forcing user to login? - instagram-api

I want to retrieve a list of recent photos with a given tag to display on a website in a very simple gallery.
For that, the doc says I need an access token. However, it seems that the only way to authenticate against Instagram is through OAuth; which involves sending the user to instagram and allowing my application access to their basic data. However, I don't want my users to do anything; I'd like my application to authenticate against Instagram for me and then retrieve the data I want.
Sounds simple, but all online documentation seems to end up in "Redirect your user to...". And I find no sensible ways to do this programatically; it's all about sending users away, letting them authenticate, and then receiving the access token afterwards. I could of course scrape the HTML, parse the forms (for example, the unique-per-session csrfmiddlewaretoken field which needs to be posted along with login requests etc) and let my server side application pretend to be my own user and login/authorize the app, but that doesn't seem like the way to go.
I could also just authenticate manually in the browser, pick up the auth token and paste into my application; but as the doc says: "do not assume your access_token is valid forever." - so I'd like this to be fully automated.
If I try to create a WebClient and POST to{clientId}&redirect_uri={redirectUri}&response_type=code&scope=basic it just returns a 403 Forbidden which is of no use. (For what it's worth, I'm using C# and have found instasharp, but this problem is not tied to any given platform...)
Am I completely overlooking something, or am I right that server side authentication against Instagram has become really complicated? Most other social media platform API's I've touched lets me get some form of authentication token just by posting a combination of the application id and secret.


Looking for way to have a user authenticate against PayPal without losing passport authentication

We are using Passport to authenticate users on our website. We would like to give our users the ability to link their PayPal account so that if there clients are on the page and they want to make a payment we can direct it to the users PayPal account.
We could have the users just enter their PayPal emails and we could bill to that account but we would like for the user to authenticate to PayPal grant us the rights to get their email and then store that email to allow for future billing.
I can get the user to authenticate against PayPal but in that process I lose the Passport session and so when they are redirected to the website I don't know who they are.
I know that Passport has strategies for PayPal but I am not wanting to authenticate with PayPal to our website.
Does anyone know a way I can authenticate against PayPal while keeping my Passport session?
We are using node.js
I did figure out how I can move forward. I had first tried using the generate button way and that seemed a dead end for what I was trying to do. Then I shifted to the build button and it seemed to have the same problem. Finally I noticed in the documentation that the example had an additional query parameters called state. So it seems you can pass this parameter and it will be returned in the request query parameters. It seems that it has to be called state. I didn't see anywhere in the documentation that they talk about this but maybe I was just not looking in the right spot.
I will still need to build my session but at least I can know who to build it for.

Protecting POST route without password possible?

Noob here working on first backend project.
What I’m trying to do...
Collect member data via my form (name, email)
User clicks paypal button to pay for membership
When payment approved by paypal, send post request with form data to my members endpoint to add new member
I now realize if I use postman to post to my members endpoint it works. So a malicious user could post data to my members endpoint regardless of paypals payment approval.
My understanding so far is that if my server allows CORS and I don’t password verify the user, anyone can post to that endpoint.
Is it possible to allow post requests only after payment approval without the use of a password?
I’m thinking of online stores that let you checkout without a password. How do they post the collected form data to their db without jeopardizing their post route?
Hope this wasn’t too vague. Pointers would be greatly appreciated!
I’m using node/express, but since it’s a general question I assume it doesn’t really matter..
These answers helped but still didn’t get me there.
Protecting post routes NodeJS
Can I only accept traffic from certain requesting domains with Expressjs?
So post / get request in general are functions of the browser and or server, I can create a simple html form and post to any URL I want to.. Now the question is, will it accept it or not.
When communicating between servers and web-services unless open to the public will use token based authentication to validate the request. So in terms of paypal, the typical flow would be.
(note, very oversimplification below and is just a sample of one such pattern)
User clicks paypal button from your site ( this will contain some type of paypal ID of sorts )
User is directed to paypal and after completing the transaction paypal redirects users back to your server with a token
your server reads the token ( sends API call to paypal with token to verify its valid, if success then process the post )
You can't prevent a user from posting data to a URL, however you can tell the server what to do if they do. So protecting your route from unauthorized post can be handled by sessions, tokens etc. For example, if you have a route on your server, lets call it user profile. This route first executes a check for the session, if its there keep processing, if its not, redirect the user.. Its really no different for callbacks / token auth.
Essentially, you will need to handle what the server does in your code because anyone can post to the endpoint.
To your other question about how companies handle guest checkouts, this can be done a few ways but one way is to create your own token, this token would be an encrypted string that may contain a cart ID, time etc.
When a user clicks 'checkout' the token is generated and passed to the server via a get or post request. From there your server decodes the token and if everything is correct processes the order otherwise it kicks it back.
Again, you see a lot of token based stuff here going on and that because there is an X factor in all of this.. the user.. We know who the server is but the user can be from anywhere and the user isn't a server so we need some way to maintain state between servers, hence tokens, encryption, JWT etc

How do i authenticate my api (node app) when being accessed by my UI?

I've looked at various approaches to this but I'm yet to find one that is perfect for my set up.
I have a UI that calls the api to present data to a user - the UI doesn't require someone to login and i don't want to authenticate every user. What i'm trying to do is simply protect the api because with the url to the api, anyone will be able to access the data.
In my mind, i can create a password/ apikey of some sort and store that as an environment variable that is sent from the UI to the API whenever a request is made. On the API, that apikey/password is validated before allowing access to the api.
Does this sound wise? Would you suggest something else? Have i missed anything. All thoughts are welcome.
The solution sounds good to me. You can do something like this:
back-end: create a new REST endpoint (something like /api/get-token) in your Node.JS application which generates a token (or ID), saves it locally (maybe into a DBMS) and returns it as response. Then, in every endpoint you need to protect, you extract the token from the request and, before sending any "private" data, you check if the supplied token is valid, or not.
front-end: as soon as your application is loaded, you send a request to the newly created REST endpoint and store the given token locally (localStorage should be fine). Then, every time the UI needs to access "private" data, you simply supply the claim within the request.
The implementation should be pretty straight forward.

Connect Google calendar api and

So here is what i am trying to do :
I built a bot with for my business that is hosted on my webpage and my Facebook page right now. Bot works well.
I want to push it to the next step by allowing my customers to make querys on my calendar, ask to book a specific time, see if available, if not offer other time similar, then make a booking.
I have been reading this thread and the great answer attached to it but i think my case is a bit different.
I was wondering if the bot could always have a token so every guests won't have to Auth to query the calendar ?
Obviously i am new to this, i have been reading the guide of google calendar api and but i don't really see how to do that yet. I guess there is a way to store a token somewhere and then just trigger the query with some specific intents but not to sure how.
I have also done the node.js quickstart guide of the G-calendar api, and it works fine if that helps.
Thanks for your help !
You will probably want to use a Service Account that is permitted to the calendar in question. Service Accounts are similar to regular accounts, but they are expected to do server-to-server communication only, so the method to create an auth token is a little different to keep it secure.
See for more information about using Service Accounts.
In general, you'll be using a shared secret to create and sign a JSON Web Token (JWT) you send to Google's servers. You'll get back an access token which you'll then use to call the Calendar API. The access token expires in about an hour, at which point you'll need to repeat the process.
There are libraries available to do much of this for you. For example, if you're using the node.js library, then it will take care of this for you (although you need to modify the key file - see the documentation for details).

Is there any way to get user news through the official Instagram API?

I want to build Instagram client for Ubuntu. I already figured out how to get data like user feed through access token through Instagram API. But I can't figure out how to get user news (e.g. someone liked your photo, mentioned you in comment etc.), I guess user need to be logged on to watch his news (via
So, the question: is there any way to get user feed through API, or through access token? I don't want to request user password in my application, all I got is access token.
This endpoint (v1/news/inbox/) is not supported by official Instagram API. By the way; you can't access the data.
