Apache Camel - Browse Exchanges of a SEDA queue - multithreading

I'm working on a small app which uses Apache Camel with JMX active.
Very simply put, I have a route using SEDA component - just 1 consumer - which in a nutshell creates its own thread and queues incoming Exchanges if the route is busy.
Basically I'd like to monitor/browse/visualize the Exchanges that are waiting in the SEDA queue. I've tried Hawtio and JConsole with JMX but it only provides the number of total and current inflight exchanges on that given route. It doesn't mention the number of Exchanges waiting to be processed.
I've also tried the Browse component which keeps track of all exchanges being passed to the browse endpoint, however it keeps all the exchanges, as opposed as just the "queued" ones.
I'm wondering if there is something out-of-the-box in Camel which allows me to do this or if I overlooked something in Hawtio or JConsole.
Thanks in advance.

You can see on the SedaEndpoint mbean how many messages are in the queue. You can find those in the endpoints tree in hawtio, or also in plain JMX as well.
#ManagedAttribute(description = "Current queue size")
public int getCurrentQueueSize() {
return queue.size();


Logic App - retrieve a batch of messages from a sessions-enabled Service Bus Queue

So I'd like to perform the following - each N seconds get X messages from a sessions-enabled queue (peek-lock) and then send them together(in a single request) up to the next processing point. Here are options I've come up so far -
"Get messages from a queue" action
Seems like it requires me to hardcode a session id beforehand(?), which is not that handy.
"Batch receiver" logic app
It's still in preview
Custom trigger
Seems like it will work, but requires extra coding.
Any suggestions on how to effectively achieve it via Logic Apps with stuff available today?
You don't need Sessions specifically to retrieve a specific number of messages in a batch....just read 10 message then do whatever processing you need.
If you need to also retrieve the messages in order, then yes, use a Session enabled Queue where all callers use the same SessionId.
Keep in mind, the SessinId is an arbitrary Application value so you can use the same value as the Queue name if you want. I don't see this as any kind of hurdle and it's just how it works.
You can use a Recurrence Trigger at whatever interval you need.
Sessions are primarily for grouping messages. The SessionID can be any specific arbitrary value, HighPriority/LowPriority or a value determined at runtime, such as a guid, if you're doing Correlation among specific related messages. Now that I think about it, the FIFO side affect seems more to support correlation scenarios.
One way to address this is to set the maximum concurrency on the logic app.
Go to the settings of the service bus receiving action:
Then choose to enable concurrency for 10:

NodeJS with Redis message queue - How to set multiple consumers (threads)

I have a nodejs project that is exposing a simple rest api for an external web application. This webhook must cope with a large number of requests per second as well as return 200 OK very quickly to the caller. In order for that to happen I investigate a redis simple queue to be enqueued with each request's to be handled asynchronously later on (via a consumer thread).
The redis simple queue seems like an easy way to achieve this task (https://github.com/smrchy/rsmq)
1) Is rsmq.receiveMessage() { ....... } a blocking method? if this handler is slow - will it impact my server's performance?
2) If the answer to question 1 is true - Is it recommended to extract the consumption of the messages to an external micro service? (a dedicated consumer)? what are the best practices to create multi threaded consumers on such environment?
You can use pubsub feature provided by redis https://redis.io/topics/pubsub
You can publish to various channels without any knowledge of subscribers . Subscribers can subscribe to the channels they wish.
1) No, it won't block the event loop, however you will only start processing a second message once you call the "next" method, i.e., you will process one message at a time. To overcome this, you can start multiple workers in parallel. Take a look here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45984677/7201847
2) That's an architectural decision that depends on the load you have to support and the hardware capacity you have. I would recommend at least two Node.js processes, one for adding the messages to the queue and another one to actually processing them, with the option to start additional worker processes if needed, depending on the results of your performance tests.

Tomcat - one thread per request - or other alternatives?

My understanding is that in Tomcat, each request will take up one Java/(and thus OS) thread.
Imagine I have an app with lots of long-running requests (eg a poker game with multiple players,) that involves in-game chat, and AJAX long-polling etc.
Is there a way to change the tomcat configuration/architecture for my webapp so that I'm not using a thread for each request but 'intercept' the request and response so they can be processed as part of a queue?
I think you're right about tomcat likes to handle each request in its own thread. This could be problematic for several concurrent threads. I have the following suggestions:
Configure maxThreads and acceptCount attributes of the Connector elements in server.xml. In this way you limit the number of threads that can get spawned to a threshold. Once that limit is reached, requests get queued. The acceptCount attribute is to set this queue size. Simplest to implement but not a good long term solution
Configure multiple Connector elements in server.xml and make them share a threadpool by adding an Executor element in server.xml. You probably want to point tomcat to your own implementation of Executor interface.
If you want finer grain control no how requests are serviced, consider implementing your own connector. The 'protocol' attribute of the Connector element in server.xml should point to your new connector. I have done this to add a custom SSL connector and this works great.
Would you reduce this problem to a general requirement to make tomcat more scalable in terms of the number of requests/connections? The generic solution to that would be configuring a loadbalancer to handle multiple instances of tomcat.

Distributed pub/sub with single consumer per message type

I have no clue if it's better to ask this here, or over on Programmers.SE, so if I have this wrong, please migrate.
First, a bit about what I'm trying to implement. I have a node.js application that takes messages from one source (a socket.io client), and then does processing on the message, which might result in zero or more messages back out, either to the sender, or other clients within that group.
For the processing, I would like to essentially just shove the message into a queue, then it works its way through various message processors that might kick off their own items, and eventually, the bit running socket.io is informed "Hey, send this message back"
As a concrete example, say a user signs into the service, that sign in message is then placed in the queue, where the authorization processor gets it, does it's thing, then places a message back in the queue saying the client's been authorized. This goes back to the socket.io socket that is connected to the client, along with other clients that might be interested. It can also go to other subsystems that might want to do more processing on authorization (looking up user info, sending more info to the client based on their data, etc).
If I wanted strong coupling, this would be easy, but I tried that before, and it just goes to a mess of spaghetti code that's very fragile, and I would like to avoid that. Another wrench in the setup is this should be cluster-able, which is where the real problem comes in. There might be more than one, say, authorization processor running. But the authorization message should be processed only once.
So, in short, I'm looking for a pattern/technique that will allow me to, essentially, have multiple "groups" of subscribers for a message, and the message will be processed only once per group.
I thought about maybe having each instance of a processor generate a unique name that would be used as a list in Reids. This name would then be registered with some sort of dispatch handler, and placed into a set for that group of subscribers. Then when a message arrives, the dispatch pulls a random member out of that set, and places it into that list. While it seems like this would work, it seems somewhat over-complicated and fragile.
The core problem is I've never designed a system like this, so I'm not even sure the proper terms to use or look up. If anyone can point me in the right direction for this, I would be most appreciative.
I think what your describing is similar to https://www.getbridge.com/ service. I it but ended up writing my own based on zeromq, it allows you to register services, req -> <- rec and channels which are pub / sub workers.
As for the design, I used a client -> broker -> services & channels which are all plug and play using auto discovery, you have the services register their schema with the brokers who open a tcp connection so that brokers on other servers can communicate with that broker groups services. Then internal services and clients connect via unix sockets or ipc channels which ever is preferred.
I ended up wrapping around the redis publish/subscribe functions a bit to do this. Each type of message processor gets a "group name", and there can be multiple instances of the processor within that group (so multiple instances of the program can run for clustering).
When publishing a message, I generate an incremental ID, then store the message in a string key with that ID, then publish the message ID.
On the receiving end, the first thing the subscriber does is attempt to add the message ID it just got from the publisher into a set of received messages for that group with sadd. If sadd returns 0, the message has already been grabbed by another instance, and it just returns. If it returns 1, the full message is pulled out of the string key and sent to the listener.
Of course, this relies on redis being single threaded, which I imagine will continue to be the case.
What you might be looking for is an AMQP protocol implementation,where you can have queue get custom exchanges,and implement a pub-sub model.
RabbitMQ - a popular amqp protocol implementation with lots of libraries
it also has node.js library

How to design a service that processes messages arriving in a queue

I have a design question for a multi-threaded windows service that processes messages from multiple clients.
The rules are
Each message is to process something for an entity (with a unique id) and can be different i.e DoA, DoB, DoC etc. Entity id is in the payload of the message.
The processing may take some time (up to few seconds).
Messages must be processed in the order they arrive for each entity (with same id).
Messages can however be processed for another entity concurrently (i.e as long as they are not the same entity id)
The no of concurrent processing is configurable (generally 8)
Messages can not be lost. If there is an error in processing a message then that message and all other messages for the same entity must be stored for future processing manually.
The messages arrive in a transactional MSMQ queue.
How would you design the service. I have a working solution but would like to know how others would tackle this.
First thing you do is step back, and think about how critical is performance for this application. Do you really need to proccess messages concurrently? Is it mission critical? Or do you just think that you need it? Have you run a profiler on your service to find the real bottlenecks of the procces and optimized those?
The reason I ask, is be cause you mention you want 8 concurrent procceses - however, if you make this app single threaded, it will greatly reduce the complexity & developement & testing time... And since you only want 8, it almost seems not worth it...
Secondly, since you can only proccess concurrent messages on the same entity - how often will you really get concurrent requests from your client to procces the same entity? Is it worth adding so many layers of complexity for a use case that might not come up very often?
I would KISS. I'd use MSMQ via WCF, and keep my WCF service as a singleton. Now you have the power, ordered reliability of MSMQ and you are now meeting your actual requirements. Then I'd test it at high load with realistic data, and run a profiler to find bottlenecks if i found it was too slow. Only then would I go through all the extra trouble of building a much more complex app to manage concurrency for only specific use cases...
One design to consider is creating a central 'gate keeper' or 'service bus' service who receives all the messages from the clients, and then passes these messages down to the actual worker service(s). When he gets a request, he then finds if another one of his clients are already proccessing a message for the same entity - if so, he sends it to that same service he sent the other message to. This way you can proccess the same messages for a given entity concurrently and nothing more... And you have ease of seamless scalability... However, I would only do this if I absolutely had to and it was proved out via profiling and testing, and not because 'we think we needed it' (see YAGNI principal :))
My approach would be the following:
Create a threadpool with your configurable number of threads.
Keep map of entity ids and associate each id with a queue of messages.
When you receive a message place it in the queue of the corresponding entity id.
Each thread will only look at the entity id dedicated to it (e.g. make a class that is initialized as such Service(EntityID id)).
Let the thread only process messages from the queue of its dedicated entity id.
Once all the messages are processed for the given entity id remove the id from the map and exit the loop of the thread.
If there is room in the threadpool, then add a new thread to deal with the next available entity id.
You'll have to manage the messages that can't be processed at the time, including the situations where the message processing fails. Create a backlog of messages, etc.
If you have access to a concurrent map (a lock-free/wait-free map), then you can have multiple readers and writers to the map without the need of locking or waiting. If you can't get a concurrent map, then all the contingency will be on the map: whenever you add messages to a queue in the map or you add new entity id's you have to lock it. The best thing to do is wrap the map in a structure that offers methods for reading and writing with appropriate locking.
I don't think you will see any significant performance impact from locking, but if you do start seeing one I would suggest that you create your own lock-free hash map: http://www.azulsystems.com/events/javaone_2007/2007_LockFreeHash.pdf
Implementing this system will not be a rudimentary task, so take my comments as a general guideline... it's up to the engineer to implement the ideas that apply.
While my requirements were different from yours, I did have to deal with the concurrent processing from a message queue. My solution was to have a service which would look at each incoming message and hand it off to an agent process to consume. The service has a setting which controls how many agents it can have running.
I would look at having n thread each that read from a single thread-safe queue. I would then hash the EntityId to decide witch queue on put an incomming message on.
Sometimes, some threads will have nothing to do, but is this a problem if you have a few more threads then CPUs?
(Also you may wish to group entites by type into the queues so as to reduce the number of locking conflits in your database.)
