Unable to run spark-shell from bin - linux

I'm new to spark, I downloaded precompiled spark.
When I try to run spark-shell from bin folder on command line, it returns
:cd /users/denver/spark-1.6/bin
command not found
But if I run it like
:cd /users/denver/spark-1.6
it launches spark ..
can you please let me know why it is throwing error in the 1st case

The reason why you can not run the spark-shell command in first case is because of environment variable
The terminal searches for executables in $PATH. This is a Unix environment variable that lists directories containing system binaries (such as ls, echo, or gcc). If you call an executable that's not in a $PATH directory (such as spark-shell), you need to indicate its absolute path in the file system.
In the terminal . is a synonym for the current working directory, thus ./bin/spark-shell can work properly. You could equally well call ./some/path/bin/spark-shell.
Hope it helps.

In linux:
Add to your ~/.bashrc
export SPARK_HOME=/home/das/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6
Source ~/.bashrc.
Relaunch terminal
then spark-shell works from anywhere
If it doesn't work add to ~/.profile

This happened to me too. Using ./bin/spark-shell after changing to the spark directory should solve the issue.


PATH variable not function for hadoop

I installed hadoop in the following path,
contains the executable file "hadoop"
Now, I set my $PATH variable in .bashrc, and I did a echo $PATH, I get
i did some formatting here. When I run bin/hadoop, i get "No such file or directory", but when I run hadoop, i get the expected result.
Not sure what I did wrong here
Thats because hadoop as you declared in your PATH variable is not on the bin directory but here :
so to run bin/hadoop you'll have to be in /home/myname/hadoop-2.7.2 directory.
the hadoop command is working for you thanks to your declaration in the PATH variable
If you want to make the command available for all users consider moving the folder to /opt for example.
and if using debian or a debian based distro take a look at this command
Im confused as what you want to achieve though. Since when you run hadoop you get to the expected result.

Installing Apache Spark on linux

I am installing Apache Spark on linux. I already have Java, Scala and Spark downloaded and they are all in the Downloads folder inside the Home folder with the path /home/alex/Downloads/X where X=scala, java, spark, literally that's what the folders are called.
I got scala to work but when I try to run spark by typing ./bin/spark-shell it says:
/home/alex/Downloads/spark/bin/saprk-class: line 100: /usr/bin/java/bin/java: Not a directory
I have already included the file path by editing the bashrc with sudo gedit ~/.bashrc:
export JAVA_HOME=/home/alex/Downloads/java
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
# scala
export SCALA_HOME=/home/alex/Downloads/scala
# spark
export SPARK_HOME=/home/alex/Downloads/spark
When I try to type sbt/sbt package in the spark folder it say no such file or directory is found also. What should I do from here?
It seems you have a few issues, namely your JAVA_HOME is not pointed to a directory with java, when you are running sbt in spark you should run ./sbt/sbt (or in new versions ./build/sbt). While you can download Java & Scala by hand, you may find that your system packages are sufficient (make sure to get jdk 7 or later).
Furthermore, after using system packages as Holden points out, in Linux you may use the command whereis to make sure of the right paths.
Finally, the following link may prove useful:
Hope this helps.
Note: It looks like there may be a configuration issue, misspelling, of the directory name
/home/alex/Downloads/spark/bin/saprk-class: line 100: /usr/bin/java/bin/java: Not a directory
That could be a configuration issue only, but it's worth a look if it is called /spark-class elsewhere to see if it's causing related issues.

Ubuntu: hadoop command not found

I am trying to check my installation of hadoop. I did create the environment variables and when I call printenv, I do see my HADOOP_HOME and PATH variables printed and correct (home/hadoop and HADOOP_HOME/bin respectively).
If I go to home/hadoop in the terminal and call ls, I see the hadoop file there. If I try to run it by calling hadoop, it still tells me command not found.
First day on Linux, so there may be a stupid answer to this problem.
Your current working directory is probably not part of your path.
That is default on linux systems.
If you are in the same directory, where your hadoop file is, run that command with an relative path, like: ./hadoop
/home/hadoop is a home directory created by linux similar to Document and settings in windows.
Open your terminal and type:
ls -l /home/hadoop
Post your result for this command: ls -l /home/hadoop
Go to /home/hadoop and open .bashrc in text editor.
Add these lines at the end:
export HADOOP_HOME=/path/to/your/hadoop/installation/folder
Save and exit. Now type, this in your teminal:
echo $PATH
If these commands shows correct directories, try hadoop command. It should work.
Post your result for these command: echo $PATH and echo $HADOOP_HOME
Go to Hadoop-x.x.x/bin folder
check for hadoop folder there
run ./hadoop version
You must run “hadoop version” command.
If the hadoop setup is fine, then you should see the following result:
Hadoop 2.4.1
Subversion https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common -r 1529768
Compiled by hortonmu on 2013-10-07T06:28Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum 79e53ce7994d1628b240f09af91e1af4
For installation related guide you can refer here:
Hadoop Environment Setup
Link to my quora answer https://qr.ae/TWngHN
Hope this helps.
Enter which hadoop in your terminal. If you see a path as an output, hadoop is set in PATH of your system. If you get something similar to this,
usr/bin/which: no hadoop in (/usr/local/hadoop.... you might not have setup everything properly. Modify the /etc/bash.bashrc with
export HADOOP_HOME = /path/to/hadoop/folder and add it to PATH using export PATH=$PATH:HADOOP_HOME/bin
You may be editing the wrong ~/.bashrc file.
Open terminal and run sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and edit these command
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop
Note: You must not use sudo gedit ~/.bashrc.sh these both work differently on newer OS

Why does spark-submit and spark-shell fail with "Failed to find Spark assembly JAR. You need to build Spark before running this program."?

I was trying to run spark-submit and I get
"Failed to find Spark assembly JAR.
You need to build Spark before running this program."
When I try to run spark-shell I get the same error.
What I have to do in this situation.
On Windows, I found that if it is installed in a directory that has a space in the path (C:\Program Files\Spark) the installation will fail. Move it to the root or another directory with no spaces.
Your Spark package doesn't include compiled Spark code. That's why you got the error message from these scripts spark-submit and spark-shell.
You have to download one of pre-built version in "Choose a package type" section from the Spark download page.
Try running mvn -DskipTests clean package first to build Spark.
If your spark binaries are in a folder where the name of the folder has spaces (for example, "Program Files (x86)"), it didn't work. I changed it to "Program_Files", then the spark_shell command works in cmd.
In my case, I install spark by pip3 install pyspark on macOS system, and the error caused by incorrect SPARK_HOME variable. It works when I run command like below:
PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3 SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyspark python3 wordcount.py a.txt
Go to SPARK_HOME. Note that your SPARK_HOME variable should not include /bin at the end. Mention it when you're when you're adding it to path like this: export PATH=$SPARK_HOME/bin:$PATH
Run export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1g" to allot more memory to maven.
Run ./build/mvn -DskipTests clean package and be patient. It took my system 1 hour and 17 minutes to finish this.
Run ./dev/make-distribution.sh --name custom-spark --pip. This is just for python/pyspark. You can add more flags for Hive, Kubernetes, etc.
Running pyspark or spark-shell will now start pyspark and spark respectively.
If you have downloaded binary and getting this exception
Then please check your Spark_home path may contain spaces like "apache spark"/bin
Just remove spaces will works.
Just to add to #jurban1997 answer.
If you are running windows then make sure that SPARK_HOME and SCALA_HOME environment variables are setup right. SPARK_HOME should be pointing to {SPARK_HOME}\bin\spark-shell.cmd
For Windows machine with the pre-build version as of today (21.01.2022):
In order to verify all the edge cases you may have and avoid tedious guesswork about what exactly is not configred properly:
Find spark-class2.cmd and open it in with a text editor
Inspect the arguments of commands staring with call or if exists by typing the arguments in Command Prompt like this:
Open Command Prompt. (For PowerShell you need to print the var another way)
Copy-paste %SPARK_HOME%\bin\ as is and press enter.
If you see something like bin\bin in the path displayed now then you have appended /bin in your environment variable %SPARK_HOME%.
Now you have to add the path to the spark/bin to your PATH variable or it will not find spark-submit command
Try out and correct every path variable that the script in this file uses and and you should be good to go.
After that enter spark-submit ... you may now encounter the missing hadoop winutils.exe for which problem you can go get the tool and paste it where the spark-submit.cmd is located
Spark Installation:
For Window machine:
Download spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz from this site https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html
Unzip and Paste your spark folder in C:\ drive and set environment variable.
If you don’t have Hadoop,
you need to create Hadoop folder and also create Bin folder in it and then copy and paste winutils.exe file in it.
download winutils file from [https://codeload.github.com/gvreddy1210/64bit/zip/master][1]
and paste winutils.exe file in Hadoop\bin folder and set environment variable for c:\hadoop\bin;
create temp\hive folder in C:\ drive and give the full permission to this folder like:
C:\Windows\system32>C:\hadoop\bin\winutils.exe chmod 777 /tmp/hive
open command prompt first run C:\hadoop\bin> winutils.exe and then navigate to C:\spark\bin>
run spark-shell

run jedit single command from terminal linux

I'm trying to run jedit from the terminal on fedora. its installed to the path /usr/local/share....
How do I get it to run "jedit" from the terminal rather than switching to the directory and typing java -jar jedit.jar to execute the program.
I created a sh file in that same direectory with "java -jar jedit.jar" and added that directory to ~/.bashrc. I'm aware that I need to type "sh file.sh" to run that file but I know there is a gap in my knowledge somewhere.
i want to use jedit as a commit editor for git and be able to change core.editor='jedit -w' in git config
someone please help
I assume you used the Java installer?
If this is the case, the installer should also have placed a jedit launch script in /usr/local/bin which should be in your PATH by default, so calling jedit from a terminal should instantly work after installation.
If it does not work, then please check whether the file jedit is available in /usr/local/bin and whether /usr/local/bin is in your PATH environment variable.
