Haskell get types of Data Constructor - haskell

I was wondering if given a constructor, such as:
data UserType = User
{ username :: String
, password :: String
} -- deriving whatever necessary
What the easiest way is for me to get something on the lines of [("username", String), ("password", String)], short of just manually writing it. Now for this specific example it is fine to just write it but for a complex database model with lots of different fields it would be pretty annoying.
So far I have looked through Typeable and Data but so far the closest thing I have found is:
user = User "admin" "pass"
constrFields (toConstr user)
But that doesn't tell me the types, it just returns ["username", "password"] and it also requires that I create an instance of User.

I just knocked out a function using Data.Typeable that lets you turn a constructor into a list of the TypeReps of its arguments. In conjunction with the constrFields you found you can zip them together to get your desired result:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Foo where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable.Internal(funTc)
getConsArguments c = go (typeOf c)
where go x = let (con, rest) = splitTyConApp x
in if con == funTc
then case rest of (c:cs:[]) -> c : go cs
_ -> error "arrows always take two arguments"
else []
given data Foo = Foo {a :: String, b :: Int} deriving Typeable, we get
*> getConsArguments Foo
As one would hope.
On how to get the field names without using a populated data type value itself, here is a solution:
constrFields . head . dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Foo)


Safe Record field query

Is there a clean way to avoid the following boilerplate:
Given a Record data type definition....
data Value = A{ name::String } | B{ name::String } | C{}
write a function that safely returns name
getName :: Value -> Maybe String
getName A{ name=x } = Just x
getName B{ name=x } = Just x
getName C{} = Nothing
I know you can do this with Template Haskell, I am looking for a cleaner soln than that, perhaps a GHC extension or something else I've overlooked.
lens's Template Haskell helpers do the right thing when they encounter partial record fields.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
data T = A { _name :: String }
| B { _name :: String }
| C
makeLenses ''T
This'll generate a Traversal' called name that selects the String inside the A and B constructors and does nothing in the C case.
ghci> :i name
name :: Traversal' T String -- Defined at test.hs:11:1
So we can use the ^? operator (which is a flipped synonym for preview) from Control.Lens.Fold to pull out Maybe the name.
getName :: T -> Maybe String
getName = (^? name)
You can also make Prism's for the constructors of your datatype, and choose the first one of those which matches using <|>. This version is useful when the fields of your constructors have different names, but you do have to remember to update your extractor function when you add constructors.
makePrisms ''T
getName' :: T -> Maybe String
getName' t = t^?_A <|> t^?_B
lens is pretty useful!
Why don't you use a GADT? I do not know if you are interested in using only records. But, I fell that GADTs provide a clean solution to your problem, since you can restrict what constructors are valid by refining types.
module Teste where
data Value a where
A :: String -> Value String
B :: String -> Value String
C :: Value ()
name :: Value String -> String
name (A s) = s
name (B s) = s
Notice that both A and B produce Value String values while C produces Value (). When you define function
name :: Value String -> String
it specifically says that you can only pass a value that has a string in it. So, you can only pattern match on A or B values. This is useful to avoid the need of Maybe in code.

What's a better way of managing large Haskell records?

Replacing fields names with letters, I have cases like this:
data Foo = Foo { a :: Maybe ...
, b :: [...]
, c :: Maybe ...
, ... for a lot more fields ...
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Writer Foo where
write x = maybeWrite a ++
listWrite b ++
maybeWrite c ++
... for a lot more fields ...
parser = permute (Foo
<$?> (Nothing, Just `liftM` aParser)
<|?> ([], bParser)
<|?> (Nothing, Just `liftM` cParser)
... for a lot more fields ...
-- this is particularly hideous
foldl1 merge [foo1, foo2, ...]
merge (Foo a b c ...seriously a lot more...)
(Foo a' b' c' ...) =
Foo (max a a') (b ++ b') (max c c') ...
What techniques would allow me to better manage this growth?
In a perfect world a, b, and c would all be the same type so I could keep them in a list, but they can be many different types. I'm particularly interested in any way to fold the records without needing the massive patterns.
I'm using this large record to hold the different types resulting from permutation parsing the vCard format.
I've implemented both the generics and the foldl approaches suggested below. They both work, and they both reduce three large field lists to one.
Datatype-generic programming techniques can be used to transform all the fields of a record in some "uniform" sort of way.
Perhaps all the fields in the record implement some typeclass that we want to use (the typical example is Show). Or perhaps we have another record of "similar" shape that contains functions, and we want to apply each function to the corresponding field of the original record.
For these kinds of uses, the generics-sop library is a good option. It expands the default Generics functionality of GHC with extra type-level machinery that provides analogues of functions like sequence or ap, but which work over all the fields of a record.
Using generics-sop, I tried to create a slightly less verbose version of your merge funtion. Some preliminary imports:
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP
A helper function that lifts a binary operation to a form useable by the functions of generics-sop:
fn_2' :: (a -> a -> a) -> (I -.-> (I -.-> I)) a -- I is simply an Identity functor
fn_2' = fn_2 . liftA2
A general merge function that takes a vector of operators and works on any single-constructor record that derives Generic:
merge :: (Generic a, Code a ~ '[ xs ]) => NP (I -.-> (I -.-> I)) xs -> a -> a -> a
merge funcs reg1 reg2 =
case (from reg1, from reg2) of
(SOP (Z np1), SOP (Z np2)) ->
let npResult = funcs `hap` np1 `hap` np2
in to (SOP (Z npResult))
Code is a type family that returns a type-level list of lists describing the structure of a datatype. The outer list is for constructors, the inner lists contain the types of the fields for each constructor.
The Code a ~ '[ xs ] part of the constraint says "the datatype can only have one constructor" by requiring the outer list to have exactly one element.
The (SOP (Z _) pattern matches extract the (heterogeneus) vector of field values from the record's generic representation. SOP stands for "sum-of-products".
A concrete example:
data Person = Person
name :: String
, age :: Int
} deriving (Show,GHC.Generic)
instance Generic Person -- this Generic is from generics-sop
mergePerson :: Person -> Person -> Person
mergePerson = merge (fn_2' (++) :* fn_2' (+) :* Nil)
The Nil and :* constructors are used to build the vector of operators (the type is called NP, from n-ary product). If the vector doesn't match the number of fields in the record, the program won't compile.
Update. Given that the types in your record are highly uniform, an alternative way of creating the vector of operations is to define instances of an auxiliary typeclass for each field type, and then use the hcpure function:
class Mergeable a where
mergeFunc :: a -> a -> a
instance Mergeable String where
mergeFunc = (++)
instance Mergeable Int where
mergeFunc = (+)
mergePerson :: Person -> Person -> Person
mergePerson = merge (hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy Mergeable) (fn_2' mergeFunc))
The hcliftA2 function (that combines hcpure, fn_2 and hap) could be used to simplify things further.
Some suggestions:
(1) You can use the RecordWildCards extension to automatically
unpack a record into variables. Doesn't help if you need to unpack
two records of the same type, but it's a useful to keep in mind.
Oliver Charles has a nice blog post on it: (link)
(2) It appears your example application is performing a fold over the records.
Have a look at Gabriel Gonzalez's foldl package. There is also a blog post: (link)
Here is a example of how you might use it with a record like:
data Foo = Foo { _a :: Int, _b :: String }
The following code computes the maximum of the _a fields and the
concatenation of the _b_ fields.
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import Data.Profunctor
data Foo = Foo { _a :: Int, _b :: String }
deriving (Show)
fold_a :: L.Fold Foo Int
fold_a = lmap _a (L.Fold max 0 id)
fold_b :: L.Fold Foo String
fold_b = lmap _b (L.Fold (++) "" id)
fold_foos :: L.Fold Foo Foo
fold_foos = Foo <$> fold_a <*> fold_b
theFoos = [ Foo 1 "a", Foo 3 "b", Foo 2 "c" ]
test = L.fold fold_foos theFoos
Note the use of the Profunctor function lmap to extract out
the fields we want to fold over. The expression:
L.Fold max 0 id
is a fold over a list of Ints (or any Num instance), and therefore:
lmap _a (L.Fold max 0 id)
is the same fold but over a list of Foo records where we use _a
to produce the Ints.

How can I read the metadata of a type at runtime?

I'd like to write a program that prints out some metadata of a Haskell type. Although I know this isn't valid code, the idea is something like:
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
metadata :: Type -> String
metadata t = ???
metadata Person -- returns "Person (name,age)"
The important restriction being I don't have an instance of Person, just the type.
I've started looking into Generics & Typeable/Data, but without an instance I'm not sure they'll do what I need. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Reflection in Haskell works using the Typeable class, which is defined in Data.Typeable and includes the typeOf* method to get a run-time representation of a value's type.
ghci> :m +Data.Typeable
ghci> :t typeOf 'a'
typeOf 'a' :: TypeRep
ghci> typeOf 'a' -- We could use any value of type Char and get the same result
Char -- the `Show` instance of `TypeRep` just returns the name of the type
If you want Typeable to work for your own types, you can have the compiler generate an instance for you with the DeriveDataTypeable extension.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving Typeable
You can also write your own instance, but really, no one has the time for that. Apparently you can't - see the comments
You can now use typeOf to grab a run-time representation of your type. We can query information about the type constructor (abbreviated to TyCon) and its type arguments:
-- (undefined :: Person) stands for "some value of type Person".
-- If you have a real Person you can use that too.
-- typeOf does not use the value, only the type
-- (which is known at compile-time; typeOf is dispatched using the normal instance selection rules)
ghci> typeOf (undefined :: Person)
ghci> tyConName $ typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (undefined :: Person)
ghci> tyConModule $ typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (undefined :: Person)
Data.Typeable also provides a type-safe cast operation which allows you to branch on a value's runtime type, somewhat like C#'s as operator.
f :: Typeable a => a -> String
f x = case (cast x :: Maybe Int) of
Just i -> "I can treat i as an int in this branch " ++ show (i * i)
Nothing -> case (cast x :: Maybe Bool) of
Just b -> "I can treat b as a bool in this branch " ++ if b then "yes" else "no"
Nothing -> "x was of some type other than Int or Bool"
ghci> f True
"I can treat b as a bool in this branch yes"
ghci> f (3 :: Int)
"I can treat i as an int in this branch 9"
Incidentally, a nicer way to write f is to use a GADT enumerating the set of types you expect your function to be called with. This allows us to lose the Maybe (f can never fail!), does a better job of documenting our assumptions, and gives compile-time feedback when we need to change the set of admissible argument types for f. (You can write a class to make Admissible implicit if you like.)
data Admissible a where
AdInt :: Admissible Int
AdBool :: Admissible Bool
f :: Admissible a -> a -> String
f AdInt i = "I can treat i as an int in this branch " ++ show (i * i)
f AdBool b = "I can treat b as a bool in this branch " ++ if b then "yes" else "no"
In reality I probably wouldn't do either of these - I'd just stick f in a class and define instances for Int and Bool.
If you want run-time information about the right-hand side of a type definition, you need to use the entertainingly-named Data.Data, which defines a subclass of Typeable called Data.** GHC can derive Data for you too, with the same extension:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Typeable, Data)
Now we can grab a run-time representation of the values of a type, not just the type itself:
ghci> dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
DataType {tycon = "Main.Person", datarep = AlgRep [Person]}
ghci> dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
[Person] -- Person only defines one constructor, called Person
ghci> constrFields $ head $ dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
Data.Data is the API for generic programming; if you ever hear people talking about "Scrap Your Boilerplate", this (along with Data.Generics, which builds on Data.Data) is what they mean. For example, you can write a function which converts record types to JSON using reflection on the type's fields.
toJSON :: Data a => a -> String
-- Implementation omitted because it is boring.
-- But you only have to write the boring code once,
-- and it'll be able to serialise any instance of `Data`.
-- It's a good exercise to try to write this function yourself!
* In recent versions of GHC, this API has changed somewhat. Consult the docs.
** Yes, the fully-qualified name of that class is Data.Data.Data.

How to avoid default return value when accessing a non-existent field with lenses?

I love Lens library and I love how it works, but sometimes it introduces so many problems, that I regret I ever started using it. Lets look at this simple example:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data Data = A { _x :: String, _y :: String }
| B { _x :: String }
makeLenses ''Data
main = do
let b = B "x"
print $ view y b
it outputs:
And now imagine - we've got a datatype and we refactor it - by changing some names. Instead of getting error (in runtime, like with normal accessors) that this name does not longer apply to particular data constructor, lenses use mempty from Monoid to create default object, so we get strange results instead of error. Debugging something like this is almost impossible.
Is there any way to fix this behaviour? I know there are some special operators to get the behaviour I want, but all "normal" looking functions from lenses are just horrible. Should I just override them with my custom module or is there any nicer method?
As a sidenote: I want to be able to read and set the arguments using lens syntax, but just remove the behaviour of automatic result creating when field is missing.
It sounds like you just want to recover the exception behavior. I vaguely recall that this is how view once worked. If so, I expect a reasonable choice was made with the change.
Normally I end up working with (^?) in the cases you are talking about:
> b ^? y
If you want the exception behavior you can use ^?!
> b ^?! y
"*** Exception: (^?!): empty Fold
I prefer to use ^? to avoid partial functions and exceptions, similar to how it is commonly advised to stay away from head, last, !! and other partial functions.
Yes, I too have found it a bit odd that view works for Traversals by concatenating the targets. I think this is because of the instance Monoid m => Applicative (Const m). You can write your own view equivalent that doesn't have this behaviour by writing your own Const equivalent that doesn't have this instance.
Perhaps one workaround would be to provide a type signature for y, so know know exactly what it is. If you had this then your "pathological" use of view wouldn't compile.
data Data = A { _x :: String, _y' :: String }
| B { _x :: String }
makeLenses ''Data
y :: Lens' Data String
y = y'
You can do this by defining your own view1 operator. It doesn't exist in the lens package, but it's easy to define locally.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data Data = A { _x :: String, _y :: String }
| B { _x :: String }
makeLenses ''Data
newtype Get a b = Get { unGet :: a }
instance Functor (Get a) where
fmap _ (Get x) = Get x
view1 :: LensLike' (Get a) s a -> s -> a
view1 l = unGet . l Get
works :: Data -> String
works = view1 x
-- fails :: Data -> String
-- fails = view1 y
-- Bug.hs:23:15:
-- No instance for (Control.Applicative.Applicative (Get String))
-- arising from a use of ‘y’

Is there a polymorphic `toString` function that doesn't add quotes?

In most OO languages that I'm familiar with, the toString method of a String is actually just the identity function. But in Haskell show adds double quotes.
So if I write a function something like this
f :: Show a => [a] -> String
f = concat . map show
it works as expected for numbers
f [0,1,2,3] -- "0123"
but Strings end up with extra quotes
f ["one", "two", "three"] -- "\"one\"\"two\"\"three\""
when I really want "onetwothree".
If I wanted to write f polymorphically, is there a way to do it with only a Show constraint, and without overriding the Show instance for String (if that's even possible).
The best I can come up with is to create my own type class:
class (Show a) => ToString a where
toString = show
and add an instance for everything?
instance ToString String where toString = id
instance ToString Char where toString = pure
instance ToString Int
instance ToString Maybe
I think the root cause of your problem is that show isn't really renderToText. It's supposed to produce text that you could paste into Haskell code to get the same value, or convert back to the same value using read.
For that purpose, show "foo" = "foo" wouldn't work, because show "1" = "1" and show 1 = "1", which loses information.
The operation you want to be able to apply to "foo" to get "foo" and to 1 to get "1" is something other than show. show just isn't a Java-esque toString.
When I've needed this before, I have indeed made my own new type class and made a bunch of things instances of it, and then used that rather than Show. Most of the instances were implemented with show, but String wasn't the only one I wanted to customise so the separate type class wasn't completely wasted. In practice, I found there were only a handful of types that I actually needed the instance for, and it was pretty trivial to add them as I got compile errors.
The Pretty class and its corresponding type Doc have the needed behavior for Show. Your link shows a different use case, however; maybe you could edit the question?
You could do this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
class Show a => ToString a where
toString :: a -> String
instance Show a => ToString a where
toString = show
instance ToString String where
toString = id
Prelude> toString "hello"
Prelude> toString 3
Note that this is probably a terrible idea.
You could use newtype with OverloadedStrings:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
newtype LiteralString = LS ByteString
instance IsString LiteralString where fromString = LS . B.pack
instance Show LiteralString where show (LS x) = B.unpack x
instance Read LiteralString where readsPrec p s = map (\(!s, !r) -> (LS s,r)) $! readsPrec p s
hello :: LiteralString
hello = "hello world"
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . show $! hello
hello world
The double quotes in the normal case are actually useful when reading a shown string back in the context of larger expression as they clearly delimit shown string values from values of other shown types:
x :: (ByteString, Int)
x = read . show $! ("go", 10)
-- string value starts --^^-- ends
y :: (LiteralString, Int)
y = read . show $! ("go", 10)
-- string value starts --^ ^ consumes all characters; read fails
