How to match line & error in Sublime Text 3? - sublimetext3

How can I match this error in the build with regex to locate line and file with result_line_regex & result_file_regex?
project4.dpr(9) Hint: H2164 Variable 'I' is declared but never used in 'Project3'
I have tried this but it won't work.
"result_file_regex": "^.*\\(.*)/.?(.*)$",
"result_line_regex": "^([^\\]*)\.(\w+)$",

As already mentioned in the comments, file_regex is the setting that gets passed to result_line_regex (have a look at the run() method signature of class ExecCommand in Packages/Default/
A good regex in your case would be ^([\w-]+\.\w+)\((\d+)\). The first group captures something like my-file.ext and the second one the digit(s) in parentheses.
In order to set that expression in a string in the json file you need to escape each backslash with another backslash (\ is the escape character in strings), so it becomes:
"file_regex": "^([\\w-]+\\.\\w+)\\((\\d+)\\)"
Notice that the matched file has to be in the path of the file that is active when triggering the build system. If you want it to be relative to a certain path no matter where you trigger the build, you can also pass a working directory like:
"working_dir": "/path/to/my/source"
This will be set as result_base_dir in the output view.


removing the trailing extension from a string in Python3

I have the python script below to iterate over all files ending with 'mkv', and print the same string without the 'mkv' at the end.
But, instead it prints the original filename including the 'mkv', why??
files=os.system('find /media/radamand/230_GB -name *mkv')
for file in str(files):
Your os.system call executes your find command, sends its output to your interpreter standard output stream (which is why you're seeing your matching files including the "mkv" at the end, as this output is not the result of your print function in your later code), and then simply returns the exit code.
So your files variable actually gets an assignment of the integer 0.
Your for loop then casts files from an int into a string ('0') and thus your for loop now actually means: "loop through each character of the string files" (there is only one however), which, in this case, due to your slicing of [:-3] on a string of only one character, evaluates as an empty string which gets passed to your print function.
So, os.system isn't designed for what you are trying to achieve.
If you potentially have other folders in the parent folder you are searching, that may also have the filenames you are looking for, then I would recommend using the glob module.
import glob
files = glob.glob("/media/radamand/230_GB/*mkv") # Returns a list of strings for matched files
for file in files:
You can add and set the keyword arguments recursive and/or include_hidden to True if required.
If, however, you are only looking for the files in the current folder, you can use fnmatch:
import fnmatch
import os
for file in os.listdir("/media/radamand/230_GB"):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, "*mkv"):

How to call a powershell script with arguments in Nodejs [duplicate]

In GNU/Linux I would do:
$PROGPATH/program args...
but in Powershell if I try this:
$PROGPATH\program args...
I get:
At script.ps1:2 char:...
+ $PROGPATH\program args ...
+ ~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token '\program' in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
So how do I do this simple thing I know how to do in bash, in Powershell?
js2010's helpful answer shows the correct solution:
Because your command name/path contains a variable reference ($PROGPATH/...), you must invoke it with &.
The same applies if a grouping expression, (...) is used, or a subexpression, $(...) is involved.
Additionally, the same applies if a command name/path is quoted ('...' or "...")[1], as is required if the path contains spaces, for instance.
To put it differently: Direct invocation is only supported if the command name/path is a verbatim, unquoted string[1]; in all other cases, & must be used.
As for why:
&, the call operator is necessary to force interpretation of a statement as a command, i.e. to have it parsed in argument mode (see below), so as to result in command execution rather than expression evaluation.
PowerShell has two fundamental parsing modes:
argument mode, which works like a traditional shell, where the first token is a command name/path, such as a cmdlet or an external program, with subsequent tokens representing the arguments, which only require quoting if they contain shell metacharacters (chars. with special meaning to PowerShell, such as spaces to separate tokens).
expression mode, which works like expressions in programming languages.
PowerShell decides based on a statement's first token what parsing mode to apply:
If, among other things, the first token starts with a variable reference or is a quoted string, PowerShell parses in expression mode.
In expression mode, \ starts a new token, and unrecognized token \program results in the syntax error you saw.
(If you had used /, it would have been interpreted as the division operator, and program wouldn't be a valid divisor operand.)
[1] Note that if your executable path is a literal string (doesn't contain variable references of expressions) you may alternatively `-escape individual characters (spaces) in lieu of enclosing entire string in '...' or "...", in which case & is then not necessary; e.g.:
C:\Program` Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
With a literal string you can even employ partial single- or double-quoting as long as the first token is unquoted; e.g.:
C:\"Program Files"\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Use the call operator "&".
Related: Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell
$progpath = 'c:\windows\system32'
& $progpath\notepad somefile.txt
Something with a space:
& 'C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore'
Other options, adding to the path:
$env:path += ';C:\Program Files\internet explorer'
And backquoting the spaces:
C:\Program` Files\internet` explorer\iexplore

Operating on a file with overly long name

When I set up the ProtonMail Bridge CLI, it generated a hierarchy in my .password-store where the top level is called protonmail-credentials. This contains a subfolder where the name is a gibberish string enclosed in single quotes with--according to wc -c--153 characters. The name of the item under this is itself a 93-character string.
I would like to be able to operate on this item with pass, but wildcards apparently don't work for paths in pass, and dealing with such absurdly long strings which differ from setup to setup by typing everything out is not at all viable.
I am able to isolate the subfolder name with ls -1 .password-store/protonmail-credentials, which gives me the string beginning 'cHJv and continuing onward. I thought I could assign this to an environment variable with export $LONGDIRNAME=$(ls -1 .password-store/protonmail-credentials), but bash throws a 'not a valid identifier' error and thinks I'm trying to set the variable to a string beginning `=cHJv. I do not know why it is adding a backtick and equals sign to the string before attempting to set the variable.
Renaming either of these breaks ProtonMail Bridge's functionality, so mv is not an option either. What should I do with these strings to make the usable in pass?

Using tab as delimiter in tFileInputDelimited component in Talend Open Studio

I have written an ETL in Talend Open Studio that loads a CSV/TSV file in a database. To do so, I want to provide the delimiter in tFileInputDelimited component using dynamic context load from a text file. I have specified it in the context file as fieldDelimiter="\t" and in the tFileInputDelimited component as shown in the screenshot. But, it doesn't work as a delimiter. I have also tried using fieldDelimiter="\\t" or fieldDelimiter="\u0009" (unicode character for tab).
What should I provide in the context file so that the delimiter is a tab character and not "\t" string as is happening in this case?
I notice a difference in the context variable names. In the screen shot you have mentioned (String)context.get("fileDelimiter"). But in the text you are saying "I have specified it in the context file as fieldDelimiter="\t" ".
just keeping the context as follows in the .properties file should work
Also use context.fieldDelimiter instead of (String)context.get("fileDelimiter").
In your context file, just put fileDelimiter = \t
(Without quotes)
And then access the variable in field delimiter. Talend will automatically handle it as string.
Hope this works.
There is no function (String)context.get("key") that I know of. If you have set the separator as a String element in the Context, just access it directly. Now there will be an empty String set as the field separator I suppose.
So if your field is called fileDelimiter simply put context.fileDelimiter into the Field Separator.
As pointed out by others, you should use context.ParamName syntax, the benefit of this method is syntax checking at compile time which eliminates the risk of typos in your variable names.
This parameter must be declared in your job (contexts tab) in order for Talend to recognize it. You can either create it as a built-in or import it if it's in the repository.

Make substitution reference on strong containing equals sign

I'm trying to use a Make substitution reference to alter a string. The problem being that the string happens to contain an equals = symbol.
For example:
INPUT = -switch1 -switch2=potato -switch3
OUTPUT = $(INPUT:-switch2=%=-switch2=turnip)
#echo TEST : $(OUTPUT)
so in the form $(var:a=b), INPUT is var, -switch2=% is a and -switch2=turnip is b.
Obviously that doesn't work because = is a special character in this context, but I've no idea how to make it realize that this is part of string a.
I've tried quoting, backslashes, alternative escape characters and putting -switch2=% in a variable and using that instead. All to no avail.
I know I can use patsubst, but that'd be adding the first non-POSIX extension to the file and i'd prefer to not be that guy.
Any suggestions appreciated!
You'll have to use a full patsubst function. Substitution references are just a shortcut for patsubst:
OUTPUT = $(patsubst -switch2=%,-switch2=turnip,$(INPUT))
