"Cannot GET /" error using Roots - CoffeeScript - node.js

I am using Roots to develop an app, as I run roots watch command, then it compiles successfully and opens the localhost:1111 page, but with the error below:
Cannot GET /
This is how my app.coffee file looks like, though I looked for a fix for this in SOF and none of them seemed to work for this case.
axis = require 'axis'
rupture = require 'rupture'
autoprefixer = require 'autoprefixer-stylus'
js_pipeline = require 'js-pipeline'
css_pipeline = require 'css-pipeline'
module.exports =
ignores: ['readme.md', '**/layout.*', '**/_*', '.gitignore', 'ship.*conf']
extensions: [
js_pipeline(files: 'assets/js/*.coffee'),
css_pipeline(files: 'assets/css/*.styl')
use: [axis(), rupture(), autoprefixer()]
sourcemap: true
sourcemap: true
pretty: true
Is it a different solution since this is CoffeeScript instead of JS?

So it turns out to be the fact that I needed to cd project-name after I have done roots new project-name, and then only roots watch would work.
Such a rookie mistake, but a good lesson.


Unexpected node type error SequenceExpression with jest

I was adding a snapshot test to a piece of React code, and I incurred in this error:
Unexpected node type: SequenceExpression (This is an error on an internal node. Probably an internal error. Location has been estimated.)
The code transpiles and works just fine, and the AST explorer doesn't warn me about anything.
Before this new test, no other test gave me any sort of similar error, and we have quite a few of them in our codebase.
I tried to reinstall jest, reinstall babel-jest, remove and reinstall all modules (using yarn --pure-lock), upgraded both jest and babel-jest to the latest version (20.0.1 for both), rinsed and repeated.
Nothing worked.
This occurs only when I try to collect the coverage (with --coverage), while the minimal snippet it occurs with is:
import { tint } from 'polished'
import styled from 'styled-components'
export default styled.label`
background: ${({ x, y }) => (x ? tint(0.3, y.a) : y.b)};
Here's what i've found:
This is an issue with jest code coverage being able to understand styled components and polished. I am using babel-plugin-polished with the following in my babelrc:
"plugins": [ "polished" ]
But still if you call export on a value, and do not also use that value in an object or exported object, it will fail.
export const charcoalBlue = rgb(104, 131, 145);
Doesn't fail:
export const charcoalBlue = rgb(104, 131, 145);
const colors = { charcoalBlue }
So my solution has been to ignore my style files, or simply ensure I'm using the values I create and not just exporting them.
One way to ignore the style files, place this in your package.json:
"jest": {
"collectCoverageFrom": [
And name your style files {ComponentName}.styles.js
Hope this helps!
I came across the same issue!
I fixed it by working around it:
import styled, {css} from 'styled-components';
${({x,y}) => x
? css`background: tint(0.3, y.a);`
: css`background: ${y.b};`

How to skip a define getting included at the end of the bundle, When combining non-amd script files using requirejs optimizer r.js?

I'm trying to optimize my javascript project with r.js optimizer from requirejs. I use both amd and non-amd modules in my project. There will be two environments, one with requirejs environment and the other with no requirejs environment.The files at the non-requirejs environment should not have on require or define calls. While combining amd-modules into bundles using r.js it is fine to have a define call with bundle name at the end of the file. But for the non-requirejs environment after the files have been optimized, they are also getting a define insertion at the end of the file with the module name.
Let's take I have four files A and B which are AMD-modules and C and D are non-AMD modules.
my build.js is like this
appDir: "../",
baseUrl: "./",
dir : "../../../output",
paths: {
A : '../somepath/to/A',
B : '../somepath/to/B'
modules : [
name : 'bundle1',
create : true,
include : ['A', 'B']
name : 'bundle2',
create : true,
include : ['C', 'D']
// removeCombined : true,
cjsTranslate: false,
optimizeCss : "none",
skipModuleInsertion: true,
optimize: "uglify",
fileExclusionRegExp: /^(((r|app.build)\.js)|(v0))$/,
keepBuildDir: false,
bundlesConfigOutFile: "bundles.js",
onModuleBundleComplete : function(data) {
This is the bundles amd-file looks like.
define('A', function(){
//some stuff of A
define('B', function(){
//some stuff of B
The bundled non-amd file looks like
//some stuff of C
//some stuff of D
How to resolve this situation. I have gone through the optimization docs and example.build.js. still couldn't figure out the way. Am I missing something ? Is there a way to exclude that define call at the end of the non-amd-modules. If yes, How ?
I see you have used skipModuleInsertion option which based on the documentation should have helped you. I am not sure why it didn't.
Another option you can use is after the build is complete before writing to file, you can remove that particular define call using onBuildWrite

What exactly am I supposed to do with "module.exports = 'html_template_content'" on webpack

So I want to do a very simple task using webpack.
I have a few static HTML templates like e.g.
<div><span>template content</span></div>
and all I want to do is return the string inside the template
with should return a string like:
"<div><span>template content</span></div>"
but instead, it returns the following string
"modules.exports = <div><span>template content</span></div>"
I have tried several modules, like the raw-loader and html-loader.
and they both behave the same way.So I took a look at the source code, just to find out that its SUPPOSED to behave this way.
so what exactly am I expected to do with this, if I just want the raw
HTML? is it a bad practice just to remove the prepended
"module.exports =" string? from the bundle
edit: removing the 'modules.export =' part results in the bundle returning nothing :/
my config
module.exports =
{ test: /\.html$/, loader: "raw-loader" }
The solution is to require your file without specifying any additional loader, as this is already specified in the webpack config
const test = require('./test.html')
Explanation: With your current code, you are applying the raw loader twice to your file. When you specify a loader chain in your configuration:
{ test: /\.html$/, loader: "raw-loader" }
... you are already telling webpack to add this loader to the loader chain every time you require a file matching the test condition (here, every html file)
Therefore, when you write this
const test = require('raw!./test.html')
... it is actually equivalent to this
const test = require('raw!raw!./test.html')
I finally figured it out I think. You need to resolve the path name using require.resolve(./test.html) https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v7.x/docs/api/globals.html#globals_require
When you write require('./test.html') it means that you simply run the code returned by the loaders chain. The result is exported in this code as module.exports. To use this result you need to assign your require statement to variable:
var htmlString = require('raw!./test.html');
//htmlString === "<div><span>template content</span></div>"
Remember that any loader in Webpack returns JS code - not HTML, not CSS. You can use this code to get HTML, CSS and whatever.

browserify without sourcemaps

I'm using Browserify programmatically, through node, like so:
var options = {
debug: true,
cache: {},
packageCache: {},
fullPaths: true,
noParse: []
var b = browserify( 'index.js', options );
b.on('data', customFunction);
My customFunction doesn't modify the data anyhow, just reads it.
It runs a regex on the first line, to detect the file name of the code that comes on the following lines.
The thing is, when i set options.debug to false, to get rid of the sourcemaps, the customFunction behaves in a very different way (the regex doesn't get half the file names) and i can't seem to figure out the pattern for that difference. I assume that turning debug to false, does more than turning off the sourcemaps.
I just want to turn off the sourcemaps on browserify, with no other side-effects, is this possible?
You could try to extract the source maps with a separate tool like exorcist https://github.com/thlorenz/exorcist

How to make Backbone-Relational (0.8.5) work with RequireJS?

After another long research, sth comes out :-) It seems the problem is about the function "getObjectByName". It can not work well with requireJS(ADM). Currently, I have to setup a globel var to fix the problem. I am sure there must be have better solution.
Here is my temp soluton:
(1) setup a global var and setup the search model scope to the global ("APP")
var APP = {};
define(['backbone-relational'], function(){
(2) export your relation model to the global
APP.YourRelationalModel = YourRelationModel;
It works, not good though... I'm really looking forward to a better answer. Thanks.
test versions:
1.Backbone-Relational 0.8.5
2.Backbone 1.0.0 and Underscore 1.4.4
3.JQuery 1.8.3
4.RequireJS 2.1.5
Code is very simple: (or see https://github.com/bighammer/test_relational_amd.git)
paths : {
js : 'js',
jquery : 'js/jquery-1.8.3',
underscore : 'js/underscore',
backbone : 'js/backbone',
'backbone-relational' : 'js/backbone-relational'
shim : {
underscore : {
exports : '_'
backbone : {
deps : ['underscore', 'jquery'],
exports : 'Backbone'
'backbone-relational' : {
deps: ['backbone']
define(['backbone', 'backbone-relational'], function (Backbone) {
var Child = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend();
var Parent = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations : [
key : 'child',
type : Backbone.HasOne,
relatedModel : 'Child'
var test = new Parent();
save above code in main.js and included in index.html as follows:
It doesn't work. There is warning message:
Relation=child: missing model, key or relatedModel (function (){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); }, "child", undefined).
I read the source code of backbone-relational and know there is something wrong with the namespace. Relational-Backbone cannot find the relatedModel defined in "Parent" (i.e. cannot find releatedMode:"Child"). I failed to find the solution to fix this due to my limited knowledge of javascript :-)
Can anyone help me with this?
Before I asked my question, I studied the following solutions:
Backbone.RelationalModel using requireJs
Can't get Backbone-relational to work with AMD (RequireJS)
Loading Backbone.Relational using Use! plugin
None of them worked in this case.
You don't have to reference relatedModel by string, you can reference it directly, so instead of relatedModel: 'Child', just use: relatedModel: Child.
And since you are using requireJS, you can reference model from other file easily.
define(['backbone', 'models/child', 'backbone-relational'], function (Backbone, Child) {
var Parent = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations : [{
key : 'child',
type : Backbone.HasOne,
relatedModel : Child
var test = new Parent();
The above solution didn't apply to me. I am gradually moving code out of Rails Asset Pipeline (not RequireJS/AMD/CommonJS/anything) into Webpack, starting with dependencies. When I moved requiring backbone-relational into Webpack bundle preparation by my models and relation definitions were still in Rails Asset Pipeline, I started getting a lot of unexplained Relation=child: missing model, key or relatedModel (function (){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); }, "child", undefined).
In my case, the solution ended up being quite simple, despite taking a long time to discover on my part:
// In a Webpack module, later included into Rails Asset Pipeline
// temporarily to facilitate migration
require('expose?Backbone!backbone') // Exposing just for migration
backbone-relational by default uses its global scope to resolve string-based relatedModels but since it was required without a real global scope, the solution is simply to pass that in using addModelScope so it can search that scope for the specified models.
