How to search (using find command) for directories and copy all the files and directory itself to another directory in linux? - linux

How to search (using find command) for directories and copy all the files and directory itself to another directory in linux?
Here is what I have so far:
find -type d -name "*.ABC" -exec {} /Desktop/NewFile \;
I get this as output:
Please Help, Thanks!

Your error here above has nothing to do with file read permission. You're trying to execute the directories you find! Avoid running commands as root or sudo unless: (1) you really need it and (2) you really know what you're doing. Quite often people asking for root or sudo privileges are exactly the ones should not have it.
That said... there are several ways to copy a directory tree under *nix. This is just one possible approach:
$ find <start> -type d -name \*.ABC -exec cp -av {} <target> \;
<start> is a directory name. It's used to tell find where to start its search (for example /usr/local or $HOME)
<target> is another directory name to define the final destination of your copied directories
In case you want to search for multiple paths...
$ find <start> -type d \( -name \*.ABC -o -name \*.DEF \) -exec cp -av {} <target> \;

This should work:
find ./source_dir -name \*.png -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t path/to/destination
For more info, you can look up here.


Linux move files from dir to dir by name mask

I am trying to move all files with names starts with SML from directory to another.
Tried with
find /var/.../Images/ -name SML\* mv /var/.../Images/Small but doesnt work
try find /var/.../Images/ -name SML\* -exec mv {} /var/.../Images/Small/ \;
I guess you want something like this:
mkdir -p "$dir/Small"
find "$dir" -name "SML*" -not -wholename "$dir/Small/*" -exec mv {} "$dir/Small/" \;
Since the directory you move the files to is a subdirectory of the one you seach in, you need to exclude the files already moved there. So I added -not -wholename "$dir/Small/*"
To execute a command for each found file, you need -exec .... The alternative would be to pipe your find results to a while read loop.
When using -exec, the found name can be referenced by {}.
See man find for a lot more information.

Stuck trying to copy files to a new directory under specific guidelines

I'm trying to copy all files from a folder that start with a capital letter into another folder.
So far i've used the find command to actually find the files
find /examplefolder -type f -name "[[:upper:]]*"
and i'm able to find them no problem
I tried to just replace the find command with cp and that does not work then i tried to pipe into the cp command and I failed yet again
Use the -exec option for find
find /examplefolder -type f -name "[[:upper:]]*" -exec cp {} /my/new/shiny/folder/ \;
I was able to do it by piping in to cp with xargs and the -I argument
find /examplefolder -type f -name "[[:upper:]]*" | xargs -I % cp % /copied_directory

How to find files recursively by file type and copy them to a directory?

I would like to find all the pdf files in a folder. It contains pdf files inside and more directories that contain more as well. The folder is located on a remote server I have ssh access to. I am using the mac terminal but I believe the server I am connecting to is Centos.
I need to find all the pdfs and copy them all to one directory on the remote server. I've tried about 10 variations with no luck. Both mine and the remote systems do not seem to recognise -exec as a command though exec is fine so thats a problem.
Im not sure what the problem is here but the command does not fail it just sits there and stalls forever so I do not have any useful errors to post.
cp $(find -name "*.pdf" -type f; exec ./pdfsfolder {} \; | sed 1q)
find: ./tcs/u25: Permission denied
find: ./tcs/u68: Permission denied
-bash: /var/www/html/tcs_dev/sites/default/files/pdfsfolder: is a directory
-bash: exec: /var/www/html/tcs_dev/sites/default/files/pdfsfolder: cannot execute: Success
cp: target `./runaways_parents_guide_2013_final.pdf' is not a directory
This is the last one I tried, I think I can ignore the permission denied errors for now but im not sure about the rest.
Try this:
find . -name "*.pdf" -type f -exec cp {} ./pdfsfolder \;
Paul Dardeau answer is perfect, the only thing is, what if all the files inside those folders are not PDF files and you want to grab it all no matter the extension. Well just change it to
find . -name "*.*" -type f -exec cp {} ./pdfsfolder \;
Just to sum up!
Something like this should work.
ssh user#ip.addr 'find -type f -name "*.pdf" -exec cp {} ./pdfsfolder \;'

How to copy only symbolic links through rsync

How do I copy symbolic links only (and not the file it points to) or other files using rsync?
I tried
rsync -uvrl input_dir output_dir
but I need to exclusively copy the symbolic links only ?
any trick using include exclude options?
Per this question+answer, you can script this as a pipe. Pipes are an integral part of shell programming and shell scripting.
find /path/to/files -type l -print | \
rsync -av --files-from=- /path/to/files user#targethost:/path
What's going on here?
The find command starts at /path/to/files and steps recursively through everything "under" that point. The options to find are conditions that limit what gets output by the -print option. In this case, only things of -type l (symbolic link, according to man find) will be printed to find's "standard output".
These files become the "standard input" of the rsync command's --file-from option.
Give it a shot. I haven't actually tested this, but it seems to me that it should work.
You can generate a list of files excluding links with find input_dir -not -type l, rsync has an option --exclude-from=exlude_file.txt
you can do it in two steps :
find input_dir -not -type l > /tmp/rsync-exclude.txt
rsync -uvrl --exclude-from=/tmp/rsync-exclude.txt input_dir output_dir
one line bash :
rsync -urvl --exclude-from=<(find input_dir -not -type l | sed 's/^..//') input_dir output_dir
You can do it more easily like:
find /path/to/dir/ -type l -exec rsync -avP {} ssh_server:/path/to/server/ \;
If you want to copy symbolic links of the current directory only without making it recursive. You can do:
find /path/to/dir/ -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rsync -avP {} ssh_server:/path/to/server/ \;
I prefer this:
find ./ -type l -print > /tmp/list_of_links.txt
rsync -av --files-from=/tmp/list_of_links.txt /path/to/files user#targethost:/path
The reason is simple. In the previous suggested version, I had to enter my password with every file. This way I can send all symlinks at once, with just one password entered.

Create file in Linux and replace content

I have a project in Linux. I want to create a file named index.html in all folders.
So I have used the following command:
find . -type d -exec touch {}/index.html \;
It's working! Now I'm trying to copy the existing file from a given location and it to be automatically replaced into all the folders of my project.
This should actually work exactly in the same way:
find . -type d -exec cp $sourcedir/index.html {}/index.html \;
If I understand your question correctly, what you want is to copy a given file in all the directories.
You can use a similar find command :
find . -type d -exec cp -f /tmp/index.html {} \;
where /tmp/index.html is path to the original file (replace it with your own path).
Also, you don't need to create the files if your final objective is to replace them with the original file.
tar -cvzf index.tar.gz `find . -type f -iname 'index.html'` && scp index.tar.gz USER#SERVER:/your/projec/root/on/SERVER && ssh USER#SERVER "tar -xvzf index.tar.gz"
Or if you're in the proper directory localhost, and rsync is available:
rsync -r --exclude='**' --include='**/index.html' . USER#SERVER:/your/projec/root/on/SERVER
